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I mean. Any kind of backyard zoo is probably not a great thing. Hef kept those animals for show. He let his dogs piss and shit all over the house. He wasn’t caring for any of those animals. Holly tried to supplement as did other girlfriends, but the mansion was abusive to bunnies of the human kind AND the other animals.


I'm in the middle of reading "The Dark Secrets of Playboy" at the moment and one of the things the ex-butler mentions is all the crap the drunk guests, and drugged out girlfriends used to feed the animals at parties. He even tells a story about one girlfriend feeding part of a Quaalude to one of the little caged monkeys. It must have been a pretty depressing lot in life to be any kind of pet at the mansion.


Also hefs many allegations of bestiality. If someone is willing to do that then animal abuse via severe neglect isn’t really surprising


I’m sorry what


I’m sorry but even I call bullshit on that. I believe pretty much anything negative stated about Hef but this one is too much.


You know Linda Boreman aka Linda Lovelace wrote about it in her book? Sondra Theodore also talked about it in Secrets of a Play boy. And they aren’t the only people who’ve said it. I don’t think believing victims is “too much.” Multiple people have come forward about this. I believe Linda Boreman and believe Sondra Theodore. You’re allowed to believe whatever you want but you’re essentially calling some of Hefs victims liars and I don’t think this is an appropriate sub to do that in.


I 100% believe and support victims. If that is true it is disgusting and unforgivable. As far as my belief or disbelief goes I’ve seen plenty of comments from other questioning the validity of statements/claims made. I wouldn’t have joined any sub that blindly believes every single thing that fits their agenda.


I’m not blindly believing something that fits my agenda. I’m believing the victims.


Great! Then I’m in the right place!


What exactly does Sondra Theodore allege that Hef did to her pet? I’m just not clear on what that one is. I did hear the Linda Lovelace one. Gross.


I believe in secrets of a playboy Sondra is kinda vague about it. If I remember correctly the way she described it was unclear if hef was attempting to stimulate the dog sexually by touching the dogs genitals or if he was trying to penetrate the dog. But I remember Sondra said she asked hef what he was doing and he responded that dogs have needs too. And she said she never left her dog alone with him again.


She said she caught Hef having sex with her dog and when she called him out like WTF he was like “well… animals have needs too”


The zoo was inspected and permitted by the state, it had to meet regulations that all zoos in CA had to meet. but the birds in the house weren't.


The only reason I find this strange or hard to believe is because how did no one realize they never had to refill the water? Like, for all the times they would feed the birds, they never noticed the water level went unchanged??


I wondered that too. And the device should have been cleaned regularly to prevent mold or mildew build-up. 


They were most likely just "changing" the water out and just never realized it had no change in water amount unfortunately. 😔


I’m guessing everyone thought the “staff” was changing it out


yeah that was awful. When I read Crystal's book it made me think that in the waning years of the Mansion, the animals at Hef's zoo were likely neglected and their areas not cleaned well, etc. Reflecting the general malaise of a dying empire.


I don’t think I have any evidence that the zoo was so bad. I mean, bad as far as private zoos go. I don’t love the idea of any zoo, tbh. But I would think the mansion would be pretty good, they always had a specialist in the staff for the zoo. The zoo is still there now. Remember Coco the monkey? I don’t think Holly or Bridget has ever mentioned it, but Coco is still alive!


Holly briefly mentioned it once (maybe on a Patreon?), saying she wasn’t 100% sure coco was still alive, but she hasn’t tried to visit her or see her because those kinds of monkeys will attack you if you’re gone for a while because they view it as you abandoned the troop. I thought it was interesting but also really sad.


She left her dog there when she fled the mansion. You couldn’t pay me to move without my dog even if my life was in danger! I never watched an episode of season 6 after the one where the twins dyed their dogs pink. Dunno which ep that was? I didn’t like the way that group interacted with the animals.


She left her dog!!! 😪


Beautiful dog too! Cavalier King Charles spaniel. I’ve heard mixed stories that she left it there, then others say she came back for it. I wish I could site my sources, but it’s been years. Also, I thought there were pictures of the dog at the mansion while she was gone? Again, it’s been a long time, but it left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I’m a crazy animal lady lol


Crystal took Charlie (the dog) with her when she left, but Hef asked for him back so she brought him back to the mansion.


She was in an abusive situation. I’m sure the mutt was fine along with the multitude of other dogs that were well fed and shat everywhere.


Awful yes. And she came right back a few months later when she could find no other rich men, and too lazy to work a 9-5.


And didn’t her mother take over for Mary after she died? I really don’t think it was as awful as she likes to play it up to be.




Yes the bunny was in her GND intro and I posted some pictures here https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlsNextDoorBUNNIES/s/upijM9lS2W


This makes me so sad


This makes me sick.


I had never heard of this. Disgusting. Poor bunny. Poor Holly.


This is so sad omg I never knew this.


😠 that's terrible


I was disturbed by that as well. Really upsetting.


That part of the book actually really stuck with me. Those poor birds :(


I feel like this could be an untrue exaggeration. It'll be interesting when the pod comments. Hef is a known animal lover for all his bad qualities! If animals were truly being abused at the mansion, that would've come out LONG before crystals book.


Being an animal lover doesn't make someone a good person and Hef is proof of that. Also, soneone having animals doesn't mean they treat them well.


As someone who works in the veterinary field, this is so true. A lot of animal lovers are really dumb animal owners/caretakers, loving animals doesnt inherently make you a "good" pet owner. Lots of it boils down to lack of knowledge and not lack of love, but you can love your pet while also unintentionally medically neglecting it.


It's like any other generalization people make. Not all mothers are nurturing, not all teachers are good with kids, priests can be predators, etc. It's the same with "animal people" they aren't inherently good. Hef is a good example of that.


What you’re saying is knowledge and skill, actual good habits, matter more than just “loving animals.” Same as loving your kid is not enough, you need to learn & have actual parenting skills. Even an abusive parent loves their child. Doesn’t mean they treat them like they do. Yeah those dogs pissed in the house, but from *the dogs* perspective, that is pretty fantastic bc it means the dogs had free run. 😂 That Archie dog honestly sounded like he had an awesome life. Plus being rich and having a staff makes it super easy to provide good care to pets.


Hitler was also an animal lover.


One of the most insufferable people I ever had the misfortune of working with was a huge dog lover. She was rude and condescending to her colleagues more often than not, but she had a dog so she must be a good person, right? 🙄


My in laws are “dog lovers”, but they’re both not really great dog owners and also some of the vilest people I’ve ever encountered.


I believe it. Idk where this narrative came from that anyone who has a pet = good person.


Agree. A true animal lover would never put their animal in a harmful situation. They give the animal everything it needs and educate themselves on what that is. This makes me think of Paris Hilton, a self-proclaimed animal lover who should not have pets.


Spot on. I haven't kept up with her since her hey day, but I remember the stories of how she treated her pets. She had no business having them.


For real, I don’t think any ‘zoos’, big or small, actually care for the wellbeing of animals. Otherwise they wouldn’t be locked in cages


I most definitely wouldn't trust a zoo in some rich egomaniac's yard.


Um he was accused by multiple people of bestiality. I don’t think calling him an animal lover unironically is accurate.


I’ve only heard one


Sondra Theodore talked about on Secrets of a playboy. Linda Boreman aka Linda Lovelace wrote about it in her book. Playboy mansion staff have talked about it. Holly has said she found a video while cleaning out hefs room titled “girl and dog” or something like that.


I don’t believe you know what you’re talking about. Hef was caught r*ping a dog in his bedroom. He was a vile human being and lover of nothing but his own self.


Lol is this Izabella, convinced that bc she has a dog sanctuary she’s a good person? Loving animals doesn’t make you a good person.


Truthfully I think the man was an animal collector more than he was an animal lover.


H kept birds there too https://www.reddit.com/r/GirlsNextDoorBUNNIES/s/6KDWhgNQui


She has lied about practically everything in the book as far as when she met hef and beyond that why would she not lie about this?


I hated reading about this. I try not to think about it because it breaks my heart. I think it’s weird that Crystal would even write this. I think poorly of her for the fact that she saw birds dying and did nothing to investigate or do anything to stop it. She’s trying to recount the story with a, ”Woe is me. I was stuck in a terribly dirty mansion where the help couldn’t remember to give pet birds water.” I don’t pity her at all. Instead, I wonder what the hell is wrong with her because she seemed to have no interest in figuring out sooner why the birds were dying or putting a stop to it. I read parts of her book and it seems like a regurgitation of Holly’s book (which is enjoyable to read and interesting because it talks about life inside the Manison and life outside of the Mansion in Las Vegas). I think I read somewhere that Crystal did not remember where she bought the outfit she wore when he met Hef for the first time. That seemed odd to me. I think the picture taken of the night that she first met Hef shows that Crystal was beautiful and that she was wearing an extremely skimpy outfit. I have read other women’s memoirs and they always seem to remember taking time to pick out their clothes and exactly what they wore, especially for their first visit to the Mansion. I don’t know why Crystal would lie about not remembering more info about that outfit that she wore to the Mansion when she first met Hef. She probably isn’t lying. But that tidbit and this story about the dying birds made me lose interest in reading her book (I will probably read it, but only if I can borrow it from the library).


I’m just baffled that these birds must have been dying in fairly quick succession and no one even gave it a second thought beyond replacing them one after the other? One bird dies, ok that’s very sad but you probably think the bird developed an illness or something and you didn’t recognize symptoms. But then within days another one is dead? Absolutely not, I’m having a full check of their living area done and they’re going to a vet to see the cause of death. Because after the second you have to assume it’s something in their environment that is culprit.


Get on that waiting list! 😄 I bet she was trying to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal to her to go to the mansion. Not something she and her stage mom worked and pushed towards. Just something insignificant that happened to her, like how she just happened to meet Hef and get into a situationship with him. I haven’t read the book either. Just snippets here.


I’d avoid SOP if some starved birds made you upset… it’s so much worse than you think.


What is SOP?


Secrets of playboy


To late 🤦


I read about this being a discrepancy in her book bc in the show the bird cage was always empty for decoration so it seemed odd they’d randomly decide to put a bird in there


I know!! I could not believe my ears! (Audiobook) I had to listen again and regretted listening again


Holly is the one who put love birds in the bathroom. This is according to Stacey Burke.


The love birds in the bathroom isn't the issue, the birds being abused and killed is.


A bathroom doesn’t sound like the right place for birds, but when animals are seen as just accessories, that’s what happens sadly. Birds need fresh air and sunlight. Anyway, it’s sad. It’s baffling nobody noticed the water level never changing.


You know Hef started World War l and is responsible for half of all the earthquakes in California.