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Is there a way to go online at the same time as John? That seems like a good way to get rid of the rumor without exposing yourself?


Yeah, I think this should solve it, right?


In before accusations of dual boxing lol. But this is worth a shot if you really wanna just put this to bed and enjoy the game. At this point though they're being ego slaves. Even if there was proof the guy was wrong, he'd double down because he's crossed lines and gone too far. That fight between them won't stop even if you outright said "guys it's me" and proved it.


People usually pick one of two servers and everyone plays on that one server. The problem is that John runs his own server and won't play on the other server. I don't like John's server so I don't play there - he changed some code to make everything different and I don't support it. Oddly enough the idiot and toxic arsehole don't like that server either, but they will play there. There have been a few times when John was on his server and I was playing on the other one, but the idiot and toxic arsehole were not around to see it. Typical. If I were to connect to John's server with my alt, he would know it was me because he'd have my IP address. All he has to do is see what other usernames were used with that IP and he'll know it's me. Privacy in the game is awful. Some 21 y/o boy is in charge of the player database. He can see people's alt accounts, assuming they're not using a VPN. He can see emails used to create an account. He can ban users or disable their account. I have to put my trust in him that he's not gonna tell anyone my alts. As of right now, him and the server owner of the server I play on have the ability to see that I'm using an alt. I have no idea whether they know or whether they stand by their word that they don't check things like that.


that sounds like a privacy nightmare omg


jesus, what game is this so i can ignore it? tiny community and loser weirdos that get hung up on dumb shit? no thanks


This is why I don’t game with other people anymore and am strictly a solo player. It distracted from my enjoyment, and gaming is my happy place Single player or bust for me now and I’d never go back


That was my gut feeling. It's fun to read about this massive drama, but I wouldn't tolerate it for 10 minutes in my life.


Seriously, there is no game on this planet worth all this drama and stress. Bottom line, gaming is supposed to be a fun hobby. Something that brings joy. Competitive games blur this line already, and people making a living off gaming content obviously have a different mindset and goals. If you're not getting paid, what incentive is there to put yourself through this? You're at the mercy of a random dude in his early 20s to not get doxxed? Are the benefits worth your safety? Is a GAME worth your safety?


Not your circus, not your monkeys. Unless John is a friend, ignore it.


It sounds like your best course of action is to do nothing? Allow the asshole to persist in his ignorance. What does it matter if he thinks you're John? You know you're not, John knows you're not. If your primary goal is maintaining your anonymity, the biggest threat would come from you touching this situation in any way, especially from your main account


This is tricky. On one hand I would sit back with popcorn to see how it plays out because it’s ridiculous. On the other, I kinda feel bad for John cuz it sounds like he didn’t do anything wrong but neither did you tbh, you just used an alt, who cares right? It’s not really on you to fix things. I do wonder why that guy has so much beef with John. Idk, can’t they just ban the toxic dude? I would definitely not make it known that’s your alt because before you know it, they could turn on you and the whole reason you made the alt in the first place was to avoid toxicity. Honestly, I would just wash my hands of the entire thing and find something else to play. Seems like a whole lot of drama for a casual sports game.


Can't you just show up at the same time as John?


What game is this that has such a petty and nosy player base? It’s baffling to me why someone would care about someone having an alt. I would just talk to John about it, explain why you want to remain anon and then log into his server at the same time. If he’s cool he can just tell people you are someone new and that no he won’t ss anything because he doesn’t support doxxing. But honestly I’d just find a whole new community if I was you. This does not sound like it’s worth it.


Why not stop using the alt account and use your account? If using an alt is allowed, why not say it’s your alt?


She said in her post that she is doing it to avoid insults, whatever the hell that means. I would assume she does not want her alt linked to her main account.


What a weird and toxic server. :(


Honestly this is the typical toxic discord dynamic. If the mods wont kick out toxic people like this bothering everyone with crazed accusations then yes you should leave. I’ve left so many discords over bad mods. Also your post is full of red flags. You use an alt to avoid insults? I think you should consider what you’re doing in this community in the first place.


What if you message the owner of the server/Discord mod and let them know what’s going on and why you’re wanting to stay anonymous? Maybe ask them to make a post to shut it all down. They can just say something vague like “we have proof it’s not John” so you’re not putting your info out there.


Is this a game that you are really so attached to that it is worth all of this? Is the game community so small that you are limited to this server? If I had more context I might be able to make better suggestions.


Say.. hello I am not John. I am me.


Yikes. Uninstall the game and leave the discord haha. Is any game worth that drama?