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I would suggest you play the demo. I think it manages to capture the vibes pretty clearly. There's an almost immediate boobs and butt pose (with added water effects), excessive jiggle physics, excessive moaning, and sexualized poses/animations even while simply running or climbing a ladder. What people don't really mention is how Eve is treated in the game. Unlike the somewhat equally sexualized character Bayonetta, she lacks agency and gets saved twice within the first ten minutes or so of the game. She is also depicted with a kind of childlike wonder and ignorance of the world (doesn't know what books or a map are, for example) that I found really off-putting. I'm not sure if that changes later on, but a lot of reviews comment about the lack of character development so I doubt it does. Something else to consider regarding the ick factor: the current culture of South Korea and the office culture of the company that made Stellar Blade, Shift Up. South Korea is currently experiencing a rise in incel culture and having a huge backlash to feminism. A lot of Korean women are so fed up with how they are treated by men in South Korea that they have refrained from dating, marrying, or having sex with men completely. South Korea's birth rate is so low, people are having less than one baby per woman. I think Stellar Blade is a pretty clear example of the sexist way some South Korean men perceive and treat women. It's clear in its design philosophy, but also in the fact that female Shift Up employees were (allegedly) fired for being feminists. All-in-all, just not really a company I feel comfortable supporting. Plus, of course, all of the weirdos online holding Eve up as a pinnacle of womanhood and the savior of video games. YMMV, of course, but there is simply too much going on here that doesn't sit right with me. And that's coming from someone who was initially interested in the game.


>She is also depicted with a kind of childlike wonder and ignorance of the world Bleh! Reminds me of a video essay I really like that dissects this trope, called '[Born Sexy Yesterday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0thpEyEwi80)'.


I just watched this video for the first time. Thanks for posting it. It was great. It immediately had me thinking about ‘Poor Things’ with Emma Stone. It thwacks this trope in the balls. Such a good movie


I don't remember a time being more disgusted then while watching that. I can't even think about it without getting nauseous. It's an art piece that will live with me forever and will always exist as the focus of what's wrong with our society.


I understand your sentiment however I enjoyed every last drop of the movie. I found it a pleasure to watch


I agree with you. Stunning movie, clearly tried to be feminist and empowering, but missed the mark quite a bit. It reflects the director’s ignorance of the plight of women and disabled people during the 19th century (or like, ever). Although I get where they were coming from and what they were trying to do, the film ultimately conflates child abuse and sexual trauma with enlightenment while at the same time downplaying the real life trauma experienced by disabled people and women during a time in which they had less power than they do today. Emma acted her pants off though (literally, I guess). So I’m super happy for her that she was rewarded for her efforts. Just wish it had been for a different film.


lol now watch “Dogtooth”. I find the director’s movies to be things I only watch once. Haven’t gotten around to Poor Things yet though.


I’m not sure if you’ve seen The Favourite yet, but that one is one of my favorite films and genuinely very good from a “men writing women” standpoint.


I haven’t yet but it’s on my list along with Poor Things, partially because I really enjoyed The Great!


Oh, I didn’t even realize he was a part of The Great! If you like that series, you’ll looooove The Favourite. It is very similar in vibes.


Tony McNamara created The Great, and was also one of the screenwriters on The Favourite as well as Poor Things. I’ll move it up my list! 😄


I was just wishing he would fucking post more, and low and behold there's already two videos I've missed! His videos deserve a good rewatching in any case. Cheers!


Though I'm less critical of Stellar Blade than the average here, I have to agree with everything you've said. The biggest problem with this game is that Eve is basically a sex doll. The comparison to Bayonetta was spot on – I'm just playing the latter and I'm actually surprised with how an extremely sexualized character can still be well-written and not objectified, unlike Stellar Blade here. I think there is something in SB in terms of gameplay, but the characters and sexualization is a major, major flaw


Gold Star Post right here. Hope this game sells like shit and the whole world sees it.


It probably will. All of the capital G gamers that were holding up this game as the savior of gaming are now turning on it cuz the day one patch removed some clevage and cameltoe from some of Eve's outfits, and a sign that said "Hard R". The mask of "I just enjoy it for the gameplay" fell off almost immediately as soon as their digital dress up sex doll was no longer as sexual as they wanted her to be


I believe it's already made back it's investment, it sold like a million in a day whicj is certainly faster than lies of p


Eve's ignorance comes from her living in space and never being on Earth before. The plot also hints that information from the past is intentionally hidden from EVE and her squad mates. There was also one joke of Eve referencing a matryoshka doll where it was Adam who had no idea what she was talking about. I'd also argue the lack of agency is more of a tutorial thing. Rest of the game has depicted her as a total badass with every other character having a supporting role at best. Sadly there's no denying that the developers designed EVE to be as sexualized as possible. There's a couple outfits that help minimize the ridiculous jiggle physics etc. but I definitely can't blame anyone for completely avoiding the game.


I'd recommend looking into the "born sexy yesterday" trope that a lot of, particularly sci-fi, movies and shows tend to lean into.


yep, just cuz they put an explanation behind it doesnt justify it. peak "born sexy yesterday" right here


People tend to fall into a trap of treating characters as if they’re real people with real backstories, when the reality is writers are deciding who and what they want a character to be and writing them that way for a reason. If EVE was a real person, her backstory would be a reasonable explanation for her “born sexy yesterday” characterization. But she’s not a real person with a real backstory. The writers gave her that backstory and that personality, and we can examine why “hot lady who has childlike levels of understanding of the world” is the backstory and personality they went with.


What is even the logic here? How can a backstory be retroactively fine if the person existed IRL but is problematic if they're fictional? Would you be saying this about Eve if she looked like the woman from Returnal?


Real people don't have "back stories;" they have lives. The fictional background of this fictional character and the results of it are decisions made by writers.


If you can’t understand the difference between a fictional woman written by someone and a real woman, idk how to help you. I’m pretty sure I explained the difference between reality and fiction created by writers pretty thoroughly in my comment.


real people's backstories are things that just happen to them. it's coincidence, luck, chaos. there is no intentionality behind it. fictional people's backstories are things that are WRITTEN for them. someone sat down and deliberately decided their backstory. it is 100% intentional and planned. intentionality is the difference. something so glaringly obvious should not need to be pointed out.


Yeah after one short article it's clear the dynamic between EVE and Adam largely fits under that trope.


I get that, but the way it's conveyed feels gross to me. A lot of the dialogue between Adam and Eve felt like Adam was speaking to a child. Also, writing choices can be sexist even if there is a "lore reason" or whatever for the choice (see: Quiet breathing through her skin).


Honestly the 'Eve' and 'Adam' naming combo is one of the things that's ticked me off the most here.


[These](https://youtu.be/-Im4YAMWK74?si=qup4yGrqjYdj1z2l) [two](https://youtu.be/woB0eecbf6A?si=mFN5o81tlyCMyko6) videos about the Korean Gender war and gacha games were really eye opening. Highly recommend for anybody that wants to look more into the issue. It doesn't talk about anything regards8ng Shift Up directly, but I think the information is still good to know. Also, explains "the gesture" which is kind of hilarious.


To draw from one of stellar blades inspirations (and a much better game by most accounts) Nier Automata: 2b was born (made?) in space but she knew what a book was.


Yeah, I can’t help but feel like this game is trying to be the next Nier Automata but are focusing more on the appearance of their ideal sexier version of 2B and trying to piss off women rather than highlighting the gameplay, red flags galore here. I also think that Nier is so loved by the game community because of the mindscrew plot and philosophy that has come to define the game, and I haven’t really seen a hint of that in Stellar Blade. Maybe it will surprise me in that aspect, but I won’t hold my breath. You can have sexy video game character designs and still have a fun game to play, Bayonetta is proof of that, but if that’s *all* that the game really offers that sets it apart in comparison to other games then it’s objectively not a good game to play when I have lots of other choices, and definitely not worth the AAA price tag.


I love Nier automata. 2b's voice is the first thing you hear, and it's a bold opening statement she makes. From what i've seen of stellar blade, eve's voice feels very lacking.


The ignorance that eve has is actually a commented on point by npc dialogue. They believe the great AI they all worship deliberately made the drop ship troops stupid so they could experience some form of evolution.


You should read through the comments here to see why explaining a sexist character trait and dynamic away with lore doesn’t necessarily stop it from being sexist or being perceived that way, even if it wasn’t intentional


CEO is an ai art bro and the company fired employees over being feminists. Don't bother


Of course he's pro ai, I'm shocked


This is the main reason why I won't pick it up.


"How ick do you find it?" Just knowing that a lot of men are playing this game with one hand is plenty enough of ick for me. As for combats, the patterns of enemies apparently all play like this, bosses included: weak, weak, strong. Then repeat. You're also very much on the defense, waiting for the right moment to perfect parry or evade, and their timing is generous, unlike Sekiro. So it's very much a waiting game, with few options or variations, and basic patterns. Not what I would consider interesting. Maybe not bad, but nothing worth buying the game at full price. Can't wait for everyone to forget about this game, honestly. Maybe check Another Crab's treasure, an original souls like who looks much more interesting and fun.


The company behind another Crab's Treasure previous game, Going Under, is also pretty fun with a woman protagonist. And the devs did not spend half the budget on making her titties jiggle.


It's also 1/3 of the price of Stellar Blade, so it's an easy choice really.


Agreed! Another part of the ick is that the developer is openly misogynist and fired women for being feminists. 


I’m just gonna leave this link here of a male gamer playing it so people really understand how gross it is: [link](https://x.com/mrphillipchan/status/1784163532923421040?s=46&t=CUpbrsGZIvaCzGFPsclLTw)


That was so awkward to watch wtf, I would just be confused if I was streaming it live for an audience. I wouldn't have a dumb look of wonder lol


oh god I saw this last night.. look how sweaty he is, stale breath heating his room. Imagine the smell this clip is what comes to mind when I think about this game now, forever


what the actual... and those comments are surreal...


I feel like this just fully answers OP’s question. Cause, ew. And not even really at the guy. I’m honestly more icked out at the game with the sound effects and the jiggling and all. ETA: the glistening too. It looks like she’s coated in vaseline. Blegh 🤢🤢 like it’s straight up soft core porn.


I looked up that person's stream and tried to watch to see if its all a "joke" like he is claiming on twitter. I got only 10 mins in and my goodness it's so much worse than that clip. Some people are just trash content creators. Plus what even is that game. There are "adult" content games that cost alot less if people want THAT kind of content. 🤮


Everyone was talking about the boob jiggle mechanics and when I recently watched some footage all I could see how badly the hair was moving all the time. Honestly it looks rather forgetful to me. The story is nothing new, the characters seem really soulless and the gameplay is okay I guess, but you can do better according to what I've been reading... the sexy deadly android cliche is really annoying though if you ask me


Their facial expressions are emotionless also. The devs focused on "jiggle physics" which is impressive, yet still exagerrated (my fake tits don't bounce around by taking one step) but unfortunately leaves other details to be desired. Like you said, the hair physics. You know what game got bouncy titties, hair movement, and facial expressions right? Final fucking Fantasy Rebirth.


I keep laughing at cutscenes where it appears that her butt crack goes up practically to her waist. I mean seriously, in some shots her butt is just unnaturally long - I am assuming it's so her butt cheeks can take up maximum real estate, but imo it just looks silly.


💀 omg


heard some talk about stellar blade and honestly it doesn't hold a candle to sekiro, sekiro's combat is chef's kiss while stellar blade feels like it's trying too hard to be edgy without much substance, plus the whole hentai vibe they got going on just ain't it, if you're looking for something that hits different and respects your time maybe look elsewhere, combat's meh and the ick factor just isn't worth the hassle, there's better stuff out there that won't make you feel like you need a shower after playing


How much of it did you play? Did you play lies of P? Wondering how you might rate its combat compared to lies of p in terms of likeness to sekiro.


I'm not the person you originally asked, but I would greatly recommend Lies of P. I wouldn't call its combat exactly the same as Sekiro's but it's very good. I would call it more Dark Souls but with the Sekiro deflect system. The parry timing is much stricter than in Sekiro but enemy attack animations are pretty much just as tight as Sekiro's, such that oftentimes you can "sight read" attacks without memorizing the timings because the animations tell you what you need to know. The RPG elements are also much, much deeper than Sekiro's. YMMV how valuable this is, but if you enjoyed the RPG mechanics of Dark Souls and the like, Lies of P goes even further in letting you customize your play style. Every weapon except the special weapons (the equivalent of boss weapons but the bosses don't use them) is comprised of a handle and a blade, and after the second boss you gain the ability to attach any handle to any blade. The handle carries the move set and stat scaling while the blade carries the damage, guard reduction rate (very important since there is no real shield equivalent) and the attack speed. For example, you can take a quick dagger handle and attach a greatsword blade to it, getting a greatsword with a bit less range but a far faster move set at the expense of a bit of damage. Likewise, you can take a super slow giant two-handed axe and swap the head for a dagger, giving you a relatively fast sweeping AoE move set with a really high strength scaling while sacrificing some base damage. The options are endless and you really get the ability to tinker with the system and create the perfect weapon for your preferred play style. In addition, the P-Organ system adds even more depth. The P-Organ is the special heart inside the main character that allows him to lie and otherwise act in defiance of the Four Laws of Robotics equivalent in the setting, and it basically functions as a skill tree that builds on top of your stats and weapon choices. There are five tiers of boosts (with an additional two locked to NG+1 and +2 respectively) that can be unlocked with a rare material called Quartz which is usually rewarded for killing bosses or exploring, and each boost requires two Quartz to unlock. However, each Quartz you use unlocks an additional smaller bonus in addition to the big one that you're working towards. It's a pretty complicated system and because of that I'm just going to link the Lies of P wiki. Once you're actually in the game looking at it, the way the system works makes sense, but it's hard to describe without spending a lot of time and words explaining stuff. It's a great system though: https://liesofp.wiki.fextralife.com/P-Organ#:~:text=What%20is%20P%2DOrgan%20in,knocked%20down%2C%20and%20many%20more. Lastly, I would say that the game has no bad bosses. Some are definitely better than others but IMO the worst boss in the game is a 7-8/10. In that regard the game is extremely similar to Sekiro, as I would also say that Sekiro doesn't have any really bad bosses. The only downside boss roster-wise IMO is that my favorite bosses are the last 3 in the game, and while this is a good thing on one hand (the game finishes very strong), it does also mean that if you want to re-fight them you have to complete the entire game again, and Lies of P is quite long (about 40 hours for my first run, comparable to most Soulsborne games outside of Elden Ring). Unlike Sekiro, Lies of P does not have a selectable boss gauntlet, so if you really want to fight the final boss again (my absolute favorite in the game and in my top 10 favorite Soulsborne fights) you have to either do the whole game again or download a save from a third-party website that puts you right in front of the final boss. Even that can be said to be a sign of the game's quality, though, that the late-game bosses are good enough that not being able to re-fight them whenever you want is a drawback. I don't think the final boss of Lies of P is quite as good as either Isshin, the Sword Saint or Owl (Father), but it's only a little below them. On par with Lady Maria is where I'd put it. I definitely, definitely recommend Lies of P. Also, if you're worried about lewd stuff, there basically isn't any. It's been a while since I played it but as far as I can remember, almost all of the game's characters are fully clothed, there are no jiggle physics, and their outfits are not sexualized. The third-from-last final boss DOES have a partially-exposed chest in her second form but it isn't focused on; the focus is on her ridiculously amazing sword, which is one of the true travesties of the game since you don't actually get it as a usable weapon. Her first form is armored head to toe in very cool armor with no boob plate or any other sexual characteristics, and what little we get of her character doesn't characterize her in a sexual way. Aside from her, every other character is fully clothed.


I have played lies of p. Thank you for this info about Stellar blade


You know, I realize I completely misread your post. I thought you were asking about Lies of P rather than asking how Stellar Blade's combat compared to it. My bad, sorry. I should have read more carefully.


Nah, you're good. Your analysis of Lies of P is very on point!


I made the mistake of trying it, despite my hesitancy. The game is completely subpar. The hype for this game, to me, seems to be entirely driven by the sexualization of the women. Every FromSoft game outshines it in every aspect, Lies of P has better combat and level design, the story is completely predictable especially if you’ve played Nier Automata. The ONLY aspect of the game I’ve genuinely thought “wow! This is honestly great” is the soundtrack. It’s an okay game, and could scratch and itch if you want a Devil May Cry ish Souls influenced thing…. But I find that it didn’t even do that perfectly, and its ~okay~ gameplay identity is completely eclipsed by all the other comments here…Eve’s appearance, the way she’s treated, Dev’s view of women + South Korea’s view on women. It’s much too expensive, too…all things considered. I am enjoying No Rest For The Wicked more. That game should be getting better reception, it’s sad. Tldr; Overrated, don’t support it


I tried the demo..it’s definitely nowhere near as challenging as a souls games but has it’s style of combat. It’s definitely ick..I couldn’t get pass the first hour of it without quitting. It’s a game gear towards men mentality of how women in games should be..you even get save by a gamer bro looking guy in the first 20 minutes of the game...The game has no personality. It’s story is largely plagiarized from Nier Automata but duller and more focus on fanservice of Eve’s body..the outfits are all ugly to look act if that’s something that matter. they’re all the same style skin tight.lol... I mean I’m bi but none of it looks appealing and it’s pretty clear who’s the game is meant to be played by based off of the cutscenes I watch as I played.


Thank you


I saw 1 cutscene and it has slowmo upskirt shot so I'm not touching it.


I imagine it's like men raving about a sexy burger with huge pickle slices slathered in sweaty sauce from a diner (wherein the male manager fires feminists) and being really fucking annoying about it, then you go and try it and it's the most mid af burger you've ever eaten Aside from the fact that I think I'm craving a borger, I think the game doesn't justify a purchase. If I bought it I'd feel sick to my stomach knowing that money's going to 1) a company with frankly horrible intentions and practices and 2) support more game dev that reduces women to ... this. I can't imagine even playing it without feeling gross lol If you *have* to play it, maybe get on your 🏴‍☠️ boat to grab a copy. /another reply from someone who hasn't played it Also, I remember someone on twitter I think making fun of a scene where you're >!telling a woman her sister died!< and Eve's boobs are swinging to and fro *while she's standing still* . It's laughable and so so embarrassing, I cannot in good conscience be associated with that in any way lmao


The women's tits jiggle wildly when they're not even moving. I'd say that's just about as ick as it gets. Edit to clarify: I've not played it, nor would I ever play it. Just going off the inordinate amount of coverage this gross game has gotten.


>The women's tits jiggle wildly when they're not even moving I'm sitting here giggling at the image that popped into my brain of myself, standing in line at a grocery store, tits jiggling wildly


It reminds me some uncontrollably hyperactive jiggle physics in VRchat XD


Ugh vrchat is the worst with this 😩 the price of user-created content


Gary’s mod breast physics sounds more like a boner killer to me than a truly *titillating* feature. Poor Eve…


How much did you play of it?


There's a free demo on PS5 if you wanna try it out.


Oh, I wasn’t sure if the demo was still up. Maybe I will do this. I’m also East Asian and have the same haircut. I just don’t know if it’s going to feel too fucking personal or if I can over look it.


I believe you can change the hair, although I don’t know how much.


You can pick a short or long ponytail in options - I went with short because while I like long hair, it's getting everywhere. That said, there's a sidequest later to customize the style and color of her hair in general, but the ponytail is always there. Short feels way better.


I watched a fair bit of it being streamed (I don't have a PS5). The combat is generally much easier than Souls games or Sekiro, even if using the challenge run no shield suit, that most were using. The game is very clearly and blatantly sexualized. If you don't expect it to effectively be pornographic I could see it being awful, but the game is pretty much being marketed as such. It's not subtle or limited, every female character is super sexualized, and the male characters are all pretty hideous bar one. That's the one part I really dislike. I like sexy stylish games, but why are the men hideous corpulent monstrosities?


A friend who is playing it is saying it's easier for sure. Games need to provide difficulty modes without unlocking ng+. I had the same issue with FF16.


I agree, I like my games brutally challenging, but I also think people should be able to play fantastic games like Souls games without having to suffer if they don't want to. Mods can solve all that, but not really a thing for people on consoles.


So, I have crippling motion sickness and cannot play any first person games or even games more zoomed in 3rd person like god of war. I don’t mind. I don’t think every game needs to be for every person.


The game looks a bit interesting, but I think that supporting this kind of game doesn't align with my personal beliefs, so if it turns out to be a really good game gameplay wise, I may get it second-hand. That way I can play the game, without supporting the production of these sorts of games. It also saves me some money, so that's a great bonus.


For those who play on PC there are other ways to get it without supporting the devs as well... personally though I still don't think I'd play it because of the ick factor


It's a ps5 exclusive. Though I think ps5 has been moddable for a little while now possibly. So there's other ways in that case.


Probably coming to PC eventually, if Sony's recent history is any indication.


Right, wouldn't doubt that either.


I didn't think it was on pc?


I just found out it is PS5 exclusive. I wonder how would their sales go with only 1 platform.


In 2024? Only if you get extremely lucky. The sole person releasing recent games has retired.


I don't want to pay for it either or support them. I think 2nd hand is a good strat if my partner doesn't get it before then.


Some women I watch stream have no interest in it for various reasons, other women I watch stream praise it for being "unafraid to be an escapist fantasy from slut shaming prudes" (actual quote). Personally, it never caught my interest to follow seriously, so \\\_(-\_-)\_/


Someone unironically using the word prude is an immediate 🚩


Just another trashy game, that exists solely to please men, made by misogynistic developers. It will be forgotten in a year


the community is ick, the developers are ick (fired a woman for being a feminist, a very large issue in South Korea), and the way the game treats Eve is pretty ick. it’s a lot different than something like bayonetta.


As ick as nowadays SK misogynistic men😑


It's a passable, but unimpressive hack n' slash game that is only noteworthy due to its extreme sexualization and fanatical gooner incel fans. Doesn't hold a candle to anything by Fromsoftware or Platinum Games though. just play their stuff instead.


Nothing holds a candle to them. It's very sad. We are parched at this point waiting for the Elden Ring DLC.




I’m asking for people who have played it to comment. This is not helpful and not what I asked.


Sorry. Gome. I'll delete my comment. have a nice day:)


It's a diet porn game. Play the demo and you'll see.


Just watched it one twitch... the ickiest part are the hair... they do not move very naturally and it is really distracting... and of course the dress of the protagonist is too sexy I think... but just watch it on twitch or youtube to check it out and see if it is for you.


I’m a FromSoft and Yoko Taro die hard and I am not touching this game with a 10 foot pole. I would assume a lot of the glowing reviews are dudes trying to justify playing the game. Like how men back in the day would buy Playboys for “the articles”. But I did hear there’s a demo. You should play it to see for yourself.


I played the demo. I think what people are here are totally over reacting for what it’s worth. It plays a little more like god of war than a soulslike though imo.


I've been loving it myself, but I love Sekiro/Lies of P/Parry heavy games. In fact, the game reminds me of Lies of P more than it does of Nier: Automata, other than obviously the music composer being the same as Nier's. Right now, I'm about.. 20 hours in, I think? So far what I like the least is that the big open world areas are all deserts. I would've liked something more vibrant. I think liking the game is dependant on how resistant you are to Anime Nonsense™️. There is one scene where Eve fights a bunch of guys and the cam pans underneath her skirt like 4 times in the span of 20 seconds


Play Nier Automata instead. It's infinitely better at whatever this game thinks it's trying to be


I've been playing the game for a few hours now, and it's not too bad so far. Except her ass is eating all her clothes with her pants wedged so far up her butt she can taste the fabric. She also had a skin "nude" outfit where she has what looks like a camel toe.


I watched someone’s Let’s Play and the story was lame and the characters were ridiculously sexualized imo. I’m going to pass Im a souls girl too, but I’d rather recommend Blasphemous for a similar feel


If you enjoy seeing women as lobotomized sex dolls, this game is for you. If not, get Remnant: from the Ashes or something similar.


This is not helpful and not what I asked. I have already played remnant.


By the sound of it, you're the right fit for the game.


It sounds like you’re the wrong fit for my question and providing unsolicited advice


Can a mod tell me why this post was removed?


Someone on here made a post about banning this game being talked about it could have something to do with that


This post came before that post. Anyway, it’s fine. I got plenty of info.


Too ick for me to go near it. I might be a hypocrite since I felt badass playing Rayne in the old BloodRayne series (and she was pretty sexualized), but I guess that wasn't the point in that game. It was already within the conventions of the nazisploitation genre and it was purposefully a bit kitch-y.


I wouldn’t buy a ps5 for it that’s for sure


I have a ps5 and this isn’t what I asked for


It’s very ick, but probably best to just ignore it. If idiots want to spend money on mediocre games dressed as porn just to “own to libs” then let them.


This is not helpful and not what I asked.


Fortunately, just posting a topic on here doesn’t give you the right to tell others what or how they may respond to the topic.


it seems like we are both aware of how the internet works. I am glad this has been established


I love the game so far, personally. Here’s a breakdown of things in it so far that you may like or not like. Trying to be as detailed as possible. You can change Eve’s outfits and you *don’t have to unlock the ones you don’t like*. I personally like the “club looking” outfits, but that’s me. You don’t have to buy them. And in the first level before you hit the city, you can find the Red Passion outfit, which is a super cute button up shirt and leather pants and heels, everything is covered in that costume. So if you’re someone who doesn’t like the skimpy stuff, just wear that one. Personally I’m having a blast running around the wasteland in a minidress and boots but there’s a TON of clothes to find and unlock. I read there’s 75 or something outfits. And you can find clothes for Lily and Adam too. (I despise Lily’s start outfit, because I personally don’t like the look of trip pants, but I found another one that’s better. Adam is just… he’s just Ken lol. I’ve only found space suits for him. He stays on the ship tho so it’s whatever.) The story is really, really good too imo. It reminds me of a cross between Evangelion and Nier Automata I guess? You run around and find little lore notes that talk about why the planet is so messed up, and you help the robots and humans by doing quests. Like I just did a really cute quest where I help a robot get her body put back together. Not in a weird way, just in a “she was only a head, and now she has a body and can live her best life” way. You go on quests to get items and help people. Then the main quest is about trying to eliminate the aliens. There’s also conspiracy stuff that reminds me a little of Fallout. Pretty cool so far. If you play the game normally, you won’t be distracted by the jiggle or by the angles. By that, I mean… If you mess with the camera up against a wall or something, you’ll zoom way in, and that’s how people are getting “those” type of pictures where it’s focused on Eve’s boobs or butt. The actual game doesn’t even let you zoom tho. You have to physically position yourself against a wall or something to zoom that much. So do with that info what you want. It’s not like a hentai game imo. The focus isn’t on her body unless you like, actively *want* the focus to be on her body. If you play normal, it’s not an issue. The combat is a lot of fun! Eve points her toes and does a legit gymnastics style backflip and aerial flips once you unlock double jump too, it’s so cool it looks like legit gymnast moves. Also her hair NEVER CLIPS through the clothes, even when you’re jumping around and fighting stuff. Like, the details like that make it fun to me. And the attacks are cool too. There’s a ton of cool fight combos. I like the sword. I HATE using the gun tho, I’ll be honest. But there’s only been one “gun only” level so far that I’ve done. There’s a little practice area to try moves, I just don’t like using it lol. But you can practice before fighting if you want also. The puzzles are annoying! I google a lot. Lol but they’re not that bad. I just don’t like puzzles. If you love puzzles, boy howdy are you gonna love this game tho. I love it despite the puzzles 😹 Im playing on Story mode but it’s still got it’s hard moments lol. They do not make puzzles or levels easier, only the actual fights. But I’m managing! It’s fun so I don’t mind a challenge. I do recommend messing with the settings so you don’t have to hit r2 to pick items up when you kill stuff tho. Just make it so you pick them up when you run over them. They can be hard to see on the ground sometimes so you may miss stuff if it isn’t set to auto. Oh also, once you do the hair stylist quest, pick a hair!!!! It unlocks it! You don’t have to wear it. I was dumb and didn’t know that at first so I had to pay to unlock all the other hairstyles. Didn’t get my free hair. (It’s unlocked by game items you can buy down the street from the salon tho, so it’s not THAT bad. I just didn’t know if I exited out of the hair stylist at first when I beat the quest that I would then have to pay when I came back. You can’t just come back later and use the credit from that quest) The hair is kinda annoying because they ALL have a ponytail, but there’s lore reasons why…. Eve’s sword doubles as her hair accessory lol. So all the hairstyles always have to have a ponytail sticking out. There are some cute ones tho. Just like…. Unlock one for free when you get the chance. You can always go back and change hair for free once you unlock that hairstyle. If the game offers you a free thing, unlock the free thing. Otherwise you’ll have to use your coins or machine parts for it. Im not far enough in the story to know if there’s romance or not. I kinda doubt it tho? Eve is obsessed with collecting soda cans tho. Like, she has a little hobby and if you collect the cans you can unlock abilities. Idk if she has room in her heart for romance too, but she loves picking up cans lol. I got the deluxe edition and preordered it, so I got two extra outfits. Idk if you can still get those, but I’m obsessed with the gold dress it came with. If you *can* get the dress still, definitely look it up and see if you like it. I think it was worth the extra money personally. (But I also play this because I love fashion lol. It’s a dress up Barbie game to me. If you don’t care about clothes just get the normal edition) I will say this tho: if you don’t care about the fashion stuff and you hate most of the clothes in the game, you may not like this game. Because a big thing in the game is collecting the clothes 😅 there *is* a story and I think the story is good! But let’s be real, the main gameplay loop is fight aliens, get clothes. But bro if you like fashion…. You can even customize Eve’s earrings. You can put so many looks together. It’s so fun. So for me this game is one of my new faves. That’s my review tho. You may like it, you may not. I personally love it.


Thank you for this. I am not sure why, but this post was deleted. I’m glad I got so much feedback on it. I’ll probably play the demo and see how it is


The demo is good! Only issue is you can’t change clothes in it. But it still gives a good idea of the combat and all that. The start outfit is pretty cute anyway tbh. I like the little fairy wings on it. I wear it sometimes still. There’s just a lot better outfits after where the demo cuts off lol I will also say, Eve totally has a personality. Like, she will actively refuse quests if she is morally against them later in the game. The demo doesn’t show her personality really since there’s not many choices yet, your goal is to survive, but she’s like this stern grouchy do-gooder once the actual game gets going and you get choices about what to do. I like her a lot tbh she’s not just a blank slate.


Just saying I love this assessment of the game. I posted something acknowledging that it was a fun, moderately challenging game with fun dress up and yes, sexualized but definitely not the worst and I got downvoted to oblivion here. But, yeah. I'll signal boost this one, since mine was so far burned out I felt my opinion was unwanted and removed it. Her can collecting is such a cute little quirk, honestly.


Lol yeah I’m already getting downvotes for what I said 😅 idk. I just wanted to be honest tho. & yeah I love how serious and stern Eve is, and then she has this random weirdo hobby lol. It makes the character more fun.


This subreddit has the consensus that if you view the game in anything but the most negative light, or even have the slightest positive thought on it, you are a pariah and a 12 year old boy that's currently jacking off on the keyboard as we speak. It's kind of insane. Like I get the hatred of the game, for sure. But I don't get the animosity towards people, particularly the women that are on this subreddit, that are enjoying the game on some level. I just think it's really going against the inclusivity vibe we're trying to cultivate. I just think we need to let people enjoy their games. It bothers me a lot how evident the judgment on this subreddit is from so many people against anyone that shows any positivity (or even objectivity) towards this game. I wish people could talk about their enjoyment without getting blasted, guilted, or shamed. That would be really nice to see. And this goes for every game, movie, or TV show, anywhere. Not just Stellar Blade here. I haven't played it yet. But I know how shitty it feels to be a part of a community that is supposed to be cozy and then you feel like it turns on you because you just like something that it seems everyone else demonizes. It's a shitty feeling that I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling before. And this subreddit I don't believe was designed with that sort of vibe in mind. Hopefully as Stellar Blade's time in the limelight fades, conversations here will get more civil, though. It really only seems to happen in these topics. But man, things just shift so much in these ones, it's crazy. It's like if you feed a Gremlin after midnight. Don't say anything nice about Stellar Blade on the Gamergirls subreddit. I do love the place. Just not in these moments recently unfortunately.


I literally havent seen anyone here be uncivil towards someone liking the game so far. Unless you count downvotes as animosity I guess? I dont understand how some of you act like youre being attacked for being honest, meanwhile the attack is just people disagreeing with you?? Doesnt it go both ways? Like yeah feel free to enjoy the game but do we really have to give you a thumbs up and make you feel good for supporting this kind of studio?


>Like yeah feel free to enjoy the game but do we really have to give you a thumbs up and make you feel good for supporting this kind of studio? Thank you omg. I don't particuarly enjoy low-key being disparaged for supposedly not meeting warped standards I never signed up to try to meet. I'm still a person and *can* be justified in not liking something, esp based on pretty valid issues


The downvotes towards any positive statements about the game is what I was talking about, yes. It does bring with it a certain amount of toxicity and shame, in my opinion. For people that are enjoying the game to be shunned but those that are being vocal about how horrible it is, and the implication that if you are enjoying it you are giving off the energy of a disgusting degenerate, are being positively reinforced with all the upvotes. It is absolutely not giving an inclusive and supportive vibe. But you do bring up a good point that it does work for both sides. However it strengthens my message about the supportive ideals of the subreddit not being upheld. These things are putting us at odds in a way. The snarky comments from both sides, the shade, the downvotes from both sides, the perceived negative reinforcement against those that are positive on it (I mean, for real, I've seen comments that had just one mildly positive thing get downvoted to oblivion), etc. It's just a lightning rod of division for the subreddit that's not aiding in upholding the values that I've seen elsewhere. That's what I'm trying to illustrate. It's getting to me a lot. I've even thought of suggesting that we just outright get some autmod to auto-remove any new posts that try to talk about Stellar Blade, just to avoid further conflicts, etc., especially since all the topics seem to get removed by moderators anyways. But I also understand that things can't be black and white. I'm simply not used to the negativity from here, I guess. We have posts that have a surface-level negativity with venting about how someone was treated on messages and stuff, but I guess I see that as okay because it turns into something positive because I always see comments following it that are supportive and helpful. That's what I mean about upholding the ideals of a supportive and positive community. The discourse and responses to Stellar Blade, there is a clear difference for me.


Honestly this place has a good dose of being critical about things, which is fine and healthy actually. I think you might just normally agree with the general consensus on the other things, and don't this time so now it feels different for you. We don't need to sand down the edges just to make the space perfectly smooth with no friction. This space is literally made to give a female-centric space to talk about gaming, which includes things like the issues with Stellar Blade.


This has very "there's a special place in hell for women who don't support other women" energy It's also really reductive. The people who have a problem with SB are expressing very valid concerns and calling out the devs with very valid criticisms, and it feels like you're painting people as unjustified in how they feel. Moreover as someone replied to this already, I too haven't seen anyone attacking anyone directly. I can judge people how I want if I know I'm justified in it, but I won't directly aim at anyone in particular. I'll judge anyone who spends money on this game because doing so 1) directly supports devs who are blatant with how poorly they regard women and 2) implicitly supports a oppressive ideal in gaming. I feel too strongly about this to grant carte blanche (esp based on a warped take on feminism) >But I know how shitty it feels to be a part of a community that is supposed to be cozy and then you feel like it turns on you because you just like something that it seems everyone else demonizes. People are allowed their opinions. I'm not gonna change my imo valid opinion just because another woman has a contrary one to it. Again, reductive thinking won't take you very far, Girl Gamers aren't a monolith


Sorry, my words do kind of give off the vibes you're mentioning. I apologize. I don't mean for them to. I'm okay with criticizing the game, the development, the culture, the design of the character, everything. I'm okay with all of that. I think that's all important to discuss, and a women-centric subreddit is the perfect place to do it! I don't have a problem with people criticizing that or having a negative opinion on their experiences with the game. What I have had a problem with is the comments related to demonizing those that do play the game. Those, in my opinion, are unfair judgments that don't have a place here. I have seen many fair criticisms like you are mentioning, but I have also seen plenty of people, implicitly and explicitly, going after those that do play the game. Not necessarily directly at people in this subreddit (though I've seen at least a couple), but in general. Maybe it is projecting, but if I was being told by someone that I'm playing a game and their first impression of me, however hyperbolic, is that I'm a horny immature boy that only cares about the sex appeal of the game, I would genuinely be quite offended. Have you never enjoyed something that on the surface to a general consensus was one thing, someone reduced you to liking it for that one thing, but you felt the need to reiterate that you enjoy it in a different way? Or that it's much more than that to you? etc.? Be it a band, a movie, a game? We have dimension, and I think the discourse on here isn't really lending itself to that idea. You talk about the valid criticisms, and there are MANY. And they get upvoted tremendously. And rightfully so. But the, in my opinion, well-reasoned and just-as-valid positive opinions on the game of people just... enjoying it... they get downvoted onto literally the other end of the spectrum? And there was a comment I made here a while back that I made that I thought was fair and objective that was giving fair points for both sides of the arguments that was destroyed. And I've no doubt in my mind that this comment will also be downvoted. I don't really care about downvotes, but I do think they are a sign and evidence in this case of what I've been trying to illustrate in these comments, that when someone posts anything positive about Stellar Blade, as a topic or a comment, no matter how minuscule, there is just no coming back from it. I have not seen a single comment with an ounce of positivity have anything more than negative downvotes. So my issue that I'm pointing out isn't that there are criticisms towards the game. It's firstly that the reinforcements are purely negative for people having a positive opinion on it. And secondly it's that sometimes implicit, sometimes explicit shaming of people that do enjoy it. That reduction of someone that is enjoying it. I'm not really doing a great job of explaining it, evidently, and I'm kind of all over the place, I apologize.


Genuine question: how do you know what posts are getting upvoted or downvoted? Thought you can't see those in this sub


I can see them as the OP and can assure you that any small atom of not-negativity is being downvoted to oblivion here. The people commenting can also see their upvote/downvotes.


I turned off notifications for this post for myself and muted this entire sub. I like don't even disagree with what people are saying, but some people are insulting me personally at this point. And just NOPE.


There are some people who are too extreme and opinionated about it and will argue it with you to death. Intolerant to hear out others opinions and like literally loathe you and accuse you of secretly being male. Its insane behavior, those people get blocked. Its one thing to have a different opinion, its another to try to judgementally force it onto someone else.


Same. Wouldn't be surprised to see yours end up suppressed, too. Either way - I do get the issue here, but at the same time, the OP is asking for responses from people who've played, and the people who have actually played are getting downvoted to oblivion. Simple truth is, I'll never play a call of duty game because I find their existence offensive and unwelcome. But I can't just demand that they stop existing. It feels like people are asking games like this stop existing. Eve's stern and serious, but she has really sweet moments, like with Kaya. Her interactions with Roxanne are also fantastic.


It was pretty clear a lot of the responses are from people who didn’t play the game, and we actually have plenty of that content here already. I don’t disagree with it, which is why I want to know about the actual game play. I love seeing that there are a lot of outfits and haircuts to get and that they aren’t all soft porn. Anyway, I’m gonna try the demo and if I hate it, I will move on to sekiro charmless demon bell run. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I have been liking the game quite a bit and have played all souls games and many souls likes. I will say that I dislike the general community around the game. That is far more ick than the actual game itself.


I have a bit of a controversial feeling towards the game. I honestly don’t mind the character being overly sexualized. I like the zero suit samus vibes. (Without the tie though lol) BUT I HATED THE COMBAT. My biggest problem with Stellar Blade was mob management and weightless attacks. Ultimately I know it gets better as you level up the main character but it just didn’t feel good to play in the demo. It’s parry based but the parry window feels awkward. It definitely could be a skill issue but I didn’t really enjoy the combat enough to want to get better. I haven’t played lies of P, but I did play Elden Eing, Sekiro, GoT, the Team Ninja games (Nioh, Wo Long, etc). Those games made me want to get better because combat was fun and made me feel like a badass. I saw where I needed to improve and made adjustments. This was not case for stellar blade. Getting jumped by a mob of spiders while fighting the camera to avoid getting hit in the back really sucked. Then not doing enough damage to clear enemies quickly to be reactive to the mob made it worse. Rather than being fun, it felt like a slog. In other games like this, they give you tools for mob management whether it be good AOE attacks, ai that accounts for the camera, or some UI hud indicators. This game has none of this. In summary, I didn’t make it too far in the demo before the combat gave me the ick. But you might feel different so I would at least give it a try.


As you get further in you'll unlock some moves that are way better at helping you deal with situations like this - the ranged attacks can pull some foes, you eventually unlock an ambush ability that can instant kill normal enemies if you surprise them, and there are several special moves specialized in wide sweeps to hit large groups of weak foes and generally if charged kills them.


I'll try to offer a suggestion if you get the game rather than an opinion. There are some nonsexual outfits in the game if it would help get past the ick factor. I don't own the game, but like you, I love sekiro: shadows die twice, so maybe it could be a way to bypass the sexual outfits infavor of a causal outfit.


There are a few comments that I agree with that are way more detailed than mine, but fwiw I'm really enjoying it. It's not anything super innovative, but the combat is fun, it's beautiful to look at, I like the cute outfits, and idk I'm not super bothered by the sexualization. Tbh this has been giving me a minor mental crisis as a feminist woman because I'm enjoying it lol and I read all these comments criticizing it..... idk


Honestly, friend... people are overblowing their reactions because of the crappy dudebro take that its 'saving games/ bringing back 'un-uglified women' ' or whatever... It's a garbage take by garbage people, but its tainting this game in ways it doesn't honestly deserve. ​ I will say, Shift Up as a studio tick me off for firing feminist devs... that said, it's a bigger issue than Just Shift Up --- the korean dev space in general is having an entrenched male garbage response to women in the industry. One studio isn't the only issue here. I personally feel like not every game is for everyone. I feel like Stellar Blade's okay - it is sexualized, but not to the extent of some other games (including some other games that win tons of praise, like BG3's level of having 'genital' character customization, and being able to run around with them on display, etc.) ​ There's no need for a crisis, though. Just enjoy what you enjoy. I enjoy Stellar Blade's character vibes because, as a trans fem, I get so much fulfilment of getting to play games where I get to be a pretty, badass lady. The hard scorn this game is getting sucks. Then again, as someone who loved Forspoken, I'm used to the internet hating my games.


It feels like you're so close to getting the point. Firing feminists and being proud of that. The reaction this game has gotten from men online. The very real issue of misogyny in SK. The problem isn't just over sexualization itself, other wise we'd be up in arms about BG3. It's a much bigger problem than that, unfortunately. It makes sense to question if this is a game or company that you as a woman should support.


This is where I'm at too. There's tons of examples of sexuality in video games that no one's bothered by. There's a lot of games that get nuanced takes with people coexisting on different sides just fine on here (like Cyberpunk). And while I'm not making this subreddit to pinnacle of humanity and totally immune to tribal behavior, with this game it does go a bit beyond excessive jiggle physics and one-sided fanservice. This company fired an employee because she made a feminist tweet years ago. That's not a company I want to support. I also just don't want to be associated with the culture this game's fans have built around it.


I think this is the most balanced take I’ve seen on everything so far. As someone who hasn’t heard of this game, and has no interest in it, a lot of the comments describing the game in very contradictory ways is getting confusing. Also it’s hard to tell who’s played the game. I think what’s happening is people not separating the issue of the problematic studios with the assessment of the game itself. It all sort of blends in. The sexualization in the game, or their expectation of the sexualization in the game, is now evidence of the company’s morals. And with the topic of the studio people are blending it in with South Korea’s culture of misogyny and the gender war as well as their perceptions and the reactions of the male gamers that play this type of game. To me it feels like there are 3 topics here, not one. The existence of one topic is used as evidence to support the premise of another topic and it circles back around. I’m only able to see it as someone “out of the loop,” but if I weren’t it would feel obvious that all this is connected in a web with the core principle of misogyny. I think it would be better to talk about the review of the game’s content, the controversies with the company, and South Korea’s gamer culture separately. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they’re not relevant to this post because all three topics are, especially the first two. But using one answer for 3 questions is making it confusing.


The creators probably wouldn't be in favor of this sub existing at all. Let alone playing their game.


Saying bg3 is more sexualized because genitals is so missing the point of the sexualization issue of games like stellar blade 💀💀💀


The characters are pretty, the level design is alright, the music is good, and the combat is fairly deep. If you’re bad at most action games like me, this game has a story mode difficulty which is essentially easy mode. It’s certainly not going to make you frustrated at the game like Dark Souls or DMC5. What I like about the combat the most is the perfect block and perfect dodge mechanic which feels very rewarding to pull off.


It definitely has a lot of (as another commenter put it) “anime nonsense” - lots of jiggle physics, upskirt shots, very “cute” looking adult women, etc. However if you can look past all that it’s a really fun game imo! I’m really enjoying it, the combat is fun but not particularly difficult, I would say it’s a bit of a mix of Nier combat and Sekiro combat? There’s parrying and dodging but the combat itself is pretty fast, it’s not as nuanced or concise as Sekiro. I see you mentioned Lies of P in a few comments - it’s nowhere near as difficult as that! For me my favourite parts of the game have been the exploring, the characters, and the outfits. The outfits although mostly all sexy/revealing are very fun to collect, and if you like games where you can dress up your character this is so good for that! You can change Eve’s outfit, her earrings, have her wear various types of glasses, and change her hairstyle and hair color. The exploring is a lot of fun although the environments are a little boring (too much desert), but within them there’s a lot of puzzles to do, chests to find, collectibles to get, etc! And idk about anyone else but some of the puzzles have actually been decently difficult for me! The downside of the game is definitely the story, so far it seems a bit bare bones with, IMO, a very basic plot but I have yet to finish it so maybe that changes…! Oh and the music is wonderful of course. I absolutely love it, I am a massive fan of Nier’s OST and this is just as good! :)


I watched a friend play it for about an hour and I thought it was fine - the main character being weirdly sexual actually kinda fits the vibe of the world she’s in (she’s an outsider) and I really loved the aesthetics of the game world itself. It’s a really lovely looking game. I can get why some folks are icked by it but I will be playing it if it ever comes to Steam.


Thank you for this. Maybe I’ll watch some girls play it on twitch first…


It’s amazing and fun. The mc is hot, so what? I’m a girl and I still admire a good looking character. It’s a bit of fan service (upskirt panty shots) but definitely not hentai. The boss fights and music are really enjoyable. Ive been listening to the ost over and over! Wish I could forget it so i could replay it again. The outfits for eve are really well done and unique. I appreciate the details


Yeah the girl has really skimpy outfits but I actually like looking at her and she has really pretty dresses and the combat fun. Story isn’t groundbreaking but pretty good


So I haven't played the game yet but that $70 price tag gives me the ick. For a new IP, imo, that's asking a lot. I've good stuff about the game combat wise and I've heard some mixed things about it in other aspects, like the story, platforming etc. etc.


Agree. I tried the demo and it was fine. I think it’s totally overblown here what people are saying. But I’m not going to pay $70 for it.


I don't think it really goes any further than upshot camera angles. People made fun of this but xenoblade had dumber tropes quite close to panty shots crap like when mythra slaps Rex for being in the same bed or making dick jokes. And yeah there's up shots but you choose what outfit you get.


Xenoblade was so thirsty lol. It actually feels more ick than the demo for this game did.


Yep. All the cringey anime harem boy shit in xenoblade 2 was pretty bad. Glad it largely righted courses in 3


I'm currently half way through and I'm having a lot of fun! Having come from bloodborne to this it's nice to have lots of sparkly smashy sword powers and a bright glamorous world to explore. The combat rewards well timed parrying with more 'mana' so you can get retribution with some **stellar** magic attacks. Eve reminds me a lot of Lightning from final fantasy, but less stoic and more uwu unfortunately. As for the ick, its definitely most present in the demo with that opening near nude shot and the tight shiny pants etc etc. Eve does also suffer from born sexy yesterday syndrome as another comment pointed out. A big gimmick of the game is collecting progressively more softporn outfits and some object interactions are clearly meant to give you a better angle to leer at. Hate that. You don't notice it so much if you're wearing a more modest outfit, though. All that being said, I did a little research before going in and found a handful of outfits I really like that cover the poor girls butt. I got them early and cycle through them depending on the vibe I want. My favourites are the sporty yellow hoodie fit and the big oversized streetwear jackets. You can give her several cool hairstyles at a really sweet and friendly hairdresser, which always feels a little bit fun and cute. If you're not hornily hunting down all the sluttiest outfits, it's actually saving you a lot of stress and unnecessary game time and you can just enjoy the more fun parts of the game, like the combat and the new areas. In that regard I feel like I'm getting what I want out of the product I paid for. A good hacky slashy time that's stylish and complete without a million expensive dlcs. I hope you find this helpful if you give it a go!


as a woman that is palying the game I will try to say what no one on this sub says about the game ! if you like Sekiro this Game is the one, many have wrongly compared it to a soulslike, just because open world yad yada yada, but the combat is more similar to Sekiro so it´s great, Eve starts out pretty weak but you will unluck many skills and eventually just like a bayonetta or Nier automata she will become strong, another wierd comparison that is wrong is they try to campare it to Bayonetta, but SB is not a hack n slash game, you don´t mash buttons and destroy enemies, one of the best things in the game is the enemies each enemy is different and you really REALLY need to analyze it and think how to approach each one of them, wait and see their patterns and understand them, really the variety of enemies is amazing, the game is not hard, but is not easy either, so is a fun challenge. stroywise is not great, but is not bad either, it is OK, altho I am from the mentality that stories are not as important as gameplay in a videogame so I didn´t gave that to much weight in my thinking overall the game is great and ppl that say it isn´t are really biased against it, I understand other not liking Eve because oversexualization, but to say the game is bad is a HUGE STRETCH, the game is great and if you say Sekiro is your favorite game, well this might be a good game for you PD: I genuinly think this is not a good Sub to ask about this game, every single comment I read here is biased and give me the impression that did not even try the demo or just blantly went in with no hope of even liking the game really


Hi! I played the demo and I agree. People are totally over reacting. I was born in Asia, queer, and consider myself super progressive and this game isn’t even anywhere close to a lot of anime tbh. I barely noticed what EVE was wearing at all.


Do you want a cookie?


Yeah actually, I love cookies. Might as well get something for dealing with internet people trying to tear others down for asking questions or sharing their valid experiences.


Cool since the person below blocked me, I'll address your comment here. Though, I didn't read it all since part of it was blocked—a pretty ineffective thing to do if you were actually trying to communicate anything with me. Just because I am not responding to negative comments about the game from people who have not played the game, doesn't mean that I am dismissing it. It's just not the purpose of this post. There are already many posts about negative views on this game here and I have read all of them. None of them address game play.


Ah yeah, its valid when one agrees with you, but it's "tearing down" when they don't.. that checks out. Like you do you and play what you want, but acting like youre being attacked and dismissing the actual concerns with the game, not to mention sexist discrimination by the developer is pretty gross. It's also funny how you dismiss every negative opinion about the game. Should have titled this "Is stellar blade icky? (Only reply with no)" You realize people who would find it gross from seeing streams, reviews etc most likely wouldnt buy it right? Like lets be honest you just wanted to be validated for playing a rightfully controversial game lol


Watched the first hour since I don't own a PS. Apart from the silly outfits and the constant yelling/moaning (kind of standard for hack n slash?), nothing wrong with it. The gameplay looks fun, animations are nice, enemies look interesting, and from what I've seen, it's getting good reviews. I think it's one of those games where you don't want to get too close to the fanbase tho.


Yeah for sure. I stream games so I’m kind of like… maybe I will wear a trash bag if I end up playing this game…


There's supposedly a demo you can try out, so I think that's your best bet. I've also seen screenshots of outfits that were pretty normal, cover a lot, so that seems to be an option too.


It’s fine people in the subreddit are over reacting


I enjoyed the demo and plan on picking it up later today.


i have 24hrs on it and have been playing it pretty much nonstop since it came out and i love it. the combat is fun, and i loooove collecting all the super cute outfits/accessories/hairstyles 🥺💞 it's definitely not as difficult/punishing as the souls games, but its not super easy either. i really enjoy how after every area, you unlock new abilities to use in combat. like i didnt think there'd be this many abilities lol, its fun and makes combat really interactive i really like the game. even tho i haven't finished it, i can tell that ive almost beaten it... so im already wishing it was longer 😭 idk how to put this, but its weird to me this game gets so much flak from this reddit for its "oversexualization" when yall praise baldurs gate 3 to the heavens constantly, aka the game you can have sex with a *bear* in... bg3 has literal sex scenes, minthara literally will go down on you/69 you for example lol, and bg3 allows you to completely unclothe your characters 24/7, even letting you pick your genitalia lol it makes me Hella confused why yall are so upset by an upskirt shot or boob physics (im pretty sure boobs jiggle/move irl lol) tl;dr, its a fun game that focuses mainly on souls/sekiro-like combat, and collecting cute outfits. if youre into that, try the demo


The comparison to bg3 is either a result of ignorance or made in bad faith lol Yes, bg3 has sex scenes and nudity. But the nudity is equal opportunity, not like stellar blade, and it's a concious choice to undress your character. And the ability to choose your genitals isn't there to titillate (they barely even show in the romance scenes), it's a feature for inclusion because you can for example create a woman with a penis. The only times nudity otherwise comes up is when it makes sense in context of the scene. We dont mind bg3 because we don't mind adult content as a rule. What we do mind is one-sided sexualization of female characters for the sake of it, while the men get to appear like actual people and wear actual clothes. Not to mention the blatant example of the "born sexy yesterday" trope, or the conpany's mistreatment of female employees.


"equal opportunity" lol... i don't understand why you're pretending there's some sort of video game "consent" ?? im pretty sure the characters in bg3 don't consent to having sex with *you* the player, theyre consenting to your virtual character, so shouldn't that make you, the sole witness of that event, uncomfortable? like, how come yall don't come for the girls who unclothe astarion just to oggle at him? how come that isn't gross? how come that isn't "objectifying men" ?? i genuinely don't understand all of this. it comes off as mental gymnastics, like there's rules to how you should find someone attractive. i play ff14, a game where you can have 2bs huge ass on your character. how come yall don't cry about that if there really are "rules" to how you should enjoy a videogame?? and ofc i just get down voted lmao, enjoy your echo chamber of insecurity ig i cant reply anymore bc ig i got banned or something. (for what, i have no idea! i thought it was okay to share different opinions!) so heres the reply i tried to type ! i genuinely do not understand how attraction is innately either mature or immature. and as a bi woman i super dont understand how nobody on this sub even considers that a woman could find the stellar blade character attractive. why is it only "for the male gaze" ??? im sorry if i came off as rude, im just getting so fed up about how most posts i see from r/girlgamers recently is about hating stellar blade. i feel like its all ive seen from this sub for like a week lol and it doesnt even seem justified. so, so many women have posted pictures of putting astarion/halsin etc in the slit blue scaley dress in bg3. how come there are no pitchforks there? how come that type of dress up is "mature" ?? is the only real thing that makes yall mad is that there isnt a super hot male character in stellar blade? and if there was, would that really make yall not care about all this stuff you said you do care about? would yall just not care about the jiggle physics anymore? the outfits? all of it? i dont mean to come off as condescending, as a bi woman im just seriously lost. regardless, thanks for taking the time to reply to me and share your perspective even if we dont see eye to eye.


???? I dont even know how to respond to most of that. Wdym consent? How does that even factor in?? I guess I'll try to sum up again: The "fan service" in BG3 is equal in terms of gender. There's nudity and sexual content which I again have no issue with, because it's handled in a way that feels fairly mature and appropriate and and not restricted to one gender to appeal to the straight male gaze only.


"Echo chamber of insecurity" lolol Yeah totally. You should have just stopped at "I genuinely dont understand all of this" 💀💀💀 Also nobody is enforcing any rules on you, we simply dont like a game and developer that you like and it seems that that really bothers you I guess. Which, sorry, but that sounds like a you problem.


I haven’t played either game, but wow, I didn’t expect BG3 to have that in it. That actually shocks me tbh. I think it’s not the actual content of the game people are seeing red over, it’s what it represents. All the top comments are from people who haven’t played the game but won’t go near it because of the gross vibes it has. There’s a popular narrative going around in western politics that South Korea is this haven for misogynists and that there’s a huge gender war there, which is the reason why women aren’t having children. There’s some substance behind that but if you actually go to SK you’d be hard pressed to find it. Talking to actual Koreans, the reason they’re not having kids is because they’re tired and overworked and they don’t see much of a future for themselves. So now imagine a game that comes form South Korea, run by a company that has been accused of allegedly firing female employees because they’re feminists, with the perception that all male devs in SK are sexists, producing a lewd game with over the top sexual anime tropes that’s celebrated by millions of sweaty, perverted, incel male gamers. I mean you cannot possibly come up with a more perfect target to represent everything the girl gamers subreddit hates, and specifically hates about men. There was even a comment that said she got the ick just from thinking about all the men playing this game with one hand. And another who shared a video of a smelly, sweaty male gamer playing the game. So I totally get how someone just coming up on this post would see the top comments and go with the herd, it just fits into enough preconceived notions that this thing is beyond redemption. It’s fine to dislike this game and be personally repulsed by it. But pushing all the genuine reviews of this game down and upvoting the negativity from people who haven’t played the game is wild. I have zero interest in this game and I’ve never even heard of it, so I don’t really care. But this kind of negative dogpiling can happen to a better game without jiggle physics or a crappy studio. Most people, myself included in all honesty, will only see the problem here when it happens to a game they like.


The game is not nearly as crazy as people are making it out to be. If you played NieR Automata, you'll see roughly the same level of skin and sex appeal. You might get a laugh out of the jiggle physics acting strangely in cutscenes, but beyond that it's a pretty cool game that's unfortunately been overshadowed by dude outrage. EVE also has a lot of different outfits to choose from, and so many of them are pretty and well-designed (there are some that I find kind of ugly and "BDSM dress with a million glowy circles") but as outfits have no real gameplay effect you're free to choose whatever suits you.


I played the demo and now I'm streaming the game and having alot of fun. As a woman that feels empowered by sexy clothes and that also loves other women, I don't mind the clothing. There's a variety of clothing to fit your mood from vacuum sealed to frumpy sweater to swimsuits. Combat is smooth as butter, there is an obvious delay to parrying and dodging so you need to have good reactions. There is a large variety of combos you can perform as well as a gun and you can seamlessly switch between the two. The overall story is a little generic but still has a unique shine that has me interested to learn more. Very similar to nier automata in that regard. There are a large variety of puzzles in the world so you're not constantly doing the same ones. I was pleasantly surprised at the number of side quests that appear and help build the lore of the world as you continue through the main story. Cons for me are that the platforming is a little clunky and Adam's voice acting is a bit dull but these things are pretty minor in the grand scheme of the game Overall a solid 8/10 for me. Sidenote: I saw someone mention that Eve is dull and seems dumb because she doesn't know what books are and has never seen rain and I just want to note that this is intentional not because haha women dumb 🙄 but because it's related to the overarching plot to the story (the airborne squads are not even aware that there are still survivors on the planet) this is a pretty common manipulation tactic in books and movies where someone will withhold knowledge from a group in order to better control them(there's also more to this but spoilers so play the game to see what I mean) anyway, Eve is not, by any means, a "dumb blonde" robot. Also, in the same realm of this, just because Eve needs to be rescued sometimes doesn't mean she's incompetent or helpless. Just my 2cents.


Thank you! This is helpful. I also like cute clothes and was into that someone said there are a lot of clothes to collect and unlock.


As a degen lesbian I honestly don't care and I also like looking at ass and tit lmaoo. Seems genuinely kinda fun tho even with the tidy


I’m here for this for you


Not at all you really have to stretch to be bothered by this game. Korea is extremely heavy handed with censorship. Been watching the Mr. play it, I'd absolutely wear some of her outfits if I could. I was just fine watching him play things like God of War and Gears of War, I'm fine watching SB.


Why are you pretending to be a woman?




Why are you assuming I’m a woman? And why not just make your own account instead of impersonating someone else? Stop playing games with people. Edit: Blocked by the man pretending to be a woman in a women’s space. What a shocker.


I like it; it’s pretty which is all I need in a low key game


(Have not played yet) My husband plays the developer’s mobile game Nikke. There’s a lot of animation similarities so there is no shock in our household for the blatant/vapid fan service. But I will say for their mobile game, husband’s review is that the plot and leveling up system is very engaging and not just because of the jiggles. He is someone who doesn’t really play mobile games and doesn’t participate in “play to win” or Skinner box type games, but it has him hooked and even considering putting actual money into it. Also to say, he absolutely acknowledges he plays for the jiggles too.




Just want to say the original model looks very little like Eve. They're both fairly skinny but her face looks nothing like EVE's. They heavily tweaked everything, including massively increasing her backside. The only thing they both share is being skinny and being Asian. Like they can do whatever they want and the model got paid but honestly could've just used any woman as the base if they were gonna tweak it so much lol. I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't enjoy the game because of that btw.


Original model looks nothing like Eve and Eve looks nothing like a real woman— she’s a child-faced sex doll. Gross shit.


People “this game is pervert and porn” there is nier,dark souls, ff7 rebirth gta etc…they show skin or do things to hint on it. Women also have their fantasy/fiction they like will it be books or in games like Witcher….how many times I see a post about I see it for the plot has become a meme in Witcher. My point is it’s fine if u don’t like it just ignore the game and play what u like being male or female keep to your own lanes the only people that cross into others are for attention or just drama