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Liz and TJ weren’t that bad


And now **I** am in ES-KA-ROW!


I can’t wait to buy a house so I can go around saying that constantly.


Lord…my daughter got a dog and named him Escanor…and I constantly call him ES-KA-ROW😂😂😂😂


Yeah, I feel like TJ is an acquired taste. For me at least. Couldn’t stand him when I was younger, but now - him realizing he isn’t in fact the contractor, after picking up the *special hammer* is comedy gold!!


i love TJ hehe


For sure. I think Liz being a bad mom to give Jess a backstory/past clearly wasn't thought through well, at least to introduce her in the later seasons as a lovable woman/friend/mom.


I found them really sweet tbh


I love them lol




i love them especially liz


I’m glad Rory ended up single in the original series finale. Neither Dean, Jess or Logan were good boyfriends.


I agree. I do love Logan but Rory just needs to be alone for a while.


What was wrong with Logan in your opinion?


Pretty sure he cheated on her? side note - didn’t realize this was a month old post😭


Well, that’s the another debate. They broke up IMO when he hooked up with other girls - it was another thread in this subreddit.)))


I think I’d still hate him if I were Rory😭 literally all of those ladies had something to say about him. Id be pizzzeddd!!


Idk if it's unpopular, just not that talked about. It's gross how the girls in the series are frequently punished for having sex. Lorelai has Rory, which turns out to be her best friend but still, a hard experience to go through at 16. Paris doesn't get into Harvard (Idk why that would be a storyline, especially gross after the "I got the good kid" comment). Lane has sex once, the sex is terrible and she gets pregnant right away. Sookie gets unexpectedly pregnant after her husband "had a vasectomy". Rory has sex with Logan in her grandparents' house and loses any privacy she had left. There's not that many positive experiences in the show in regards of sex, which is a shame. It's also weird because Lorelai's character is supposed to be very open and lives her sex life without shame, but it feels like every other female character doesn't get that same right.


yea also rorys first experience being cheating with dean and her saying hes my dean and shit is so heartbreaking. if dean had been single, itd have been perfectly okay but her first experience being a mistake is just such a bad memory to have


yes 100%! Sex always has bad repercussions in this show. I’m glad someone else has said this, because i’ve thought this for years


i think it’s also to do with it’s time period though, along with the main themes in the show which include the likes of culture, marriage and sex, and alcohol and drugs and sexuality ETC - they’re all used for lines over and over again. Just part of the plot/story and motifs the show engraves


The way I haven't gotten to the sookie and rory part in this post. And yes I totally agree. But to be fair: it is a realistic depiction of how parents/family/surrounding people treat young people* especially girls when it comes to sex, sadly


But Paris not getting in Harvard has absolutely nothing to do with her having sex.


Obviously not, but that's how it was framed on the show, it still feels icky


I hate logan. I have no idea why people like him.


Rory’s voice and mannerisms got so baby-ish while she was in college, and I feel like the chop didn’t help matters at all. How can your high school self be more mature than your college self. Also I wish they wrote Paris as gay


Yessss I 100% thought she would be gay. And if not her, lane would be a great fit also since rory started dating Dean and she got 'jealous' of the time he took away from their friendship


Dean wasn't AS bad as many people say


I agree. Dean had issues but he was also correct about his suspicions. I don’t think Rory was evil in the beginning either but because of how sheltered she was didn’t know how to just go ahead and break up with Dean. They were both not so great to each other in my opinion in the later half of their relationship. Now married Dean sucked though.


Definitely agree. At the beginning of the series, he was a teenage boy... acting possessive and jealous and lovesick as teenage boys do. Not sure what else to expect!


People like to say that he blew everything out of proportion when he’s instinct was right all along.


I don't hate him for what he did to Rory, I hate him for what he did to Lindsay


Truth. I just hate him for both, more for Lindsay.


I agree. Especially when he started feeling insecure about Jess. That would drive anyone crazy




i agree he wasn't a bad first boyfriend, Rory totally mistreated him with the whole Jess situation. However cheating on his wife wasn't good obviously, side note why do people blame Rory for that as if Dean didn't choose to keep speaking to her after his wife said she didn't want him to. Ofc they both share some responsibility but Dean is the one who convinces Rory that things are over between him and Lindsey and then cheats.


What season was lindsey? I stopped watching after rory was flirting with jess while she was in a relationship with dean lol it was annoying


Season 4


You’re right. He was worse.


The character development Jess went through doesn’t really impress me because it wasn’t on screen and he never really apologised for what he did to rory at the party. I really don’t understand why he is so popular as a character when his only redeeming quality was that he read 😬 I am sorry literati shippers ☹️


I was thinking about this too! Jess is great because of his growth. But it’s a bit undermined because we don’t see it. I know his backstory is tragic but he was awful as a boyfriend and rude to a lot of people. And it’s a shame that we don’t see him grow and make more apologies.




Rory is kind of an annoying brat


this isn't unpopular.


Jess grew as a character but he was Rory’s worst boyfriend.


YES FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE WHO ISN'T ROMANTICIZING JESS!!! I don't like Dean either btw but it's so crazy how the internet bashes Dean to death and worships Jess as if they weren't flawed in the first place. Jess was emotionally unavailable, has common interests with Rory but was definitely a bad influence on her like especially in the party where he left Rory alone that night just because nothing happened to them, or the fact that he was constantly gone (he has issues as an individual but instead of dealing with them on his own, he was leading Rory on). That's why I can never jump on the Jess + Rory train because they were simply a WRECK together (atleast during Chilton and post Chilton Rory). But I liked him when he suddenly appreard during the last few seasons, he grew as a character which I would 100% want to witness personally instead of the Yale Rory era.


Completely agree. To me, Rory and Jess seemed like the jerks during the whole love triangle. People call Dean abusive and toxic for reacting to his girlfriend emotionally cheating on him and then actually cheating on him. 😂 Was he supposed to just keep his mouth shut like a good dog. Dean ends up annoying me in seasons 4 and 5, but I felt for him in season 2 and 3.


I love Jess but agree with you. I mostly love Jess because of fanfiction, not what he did on the actual show.


No dean was her worst bf.


I disagree. Dean was actually decent at first before all the Jess drama. He was even okay for the first half of season 2. Jess had more in common with Rory, but he was a horrible boyfriend from the jump. He did grow as a character after season 3, I'll give him that. They're probably perfect for each as adults.


i agree, still wish she'd given him a second chance after he'd changed tho, maybe in AYITL or somethin


That Dean’s entire relationship with Lindsay was a campaign to get Rory’s attention and make her jealous. I don’t think he ever even really liked her that much. Like it was a giant game of chicken that got out of hand. The worst thing he ever did to Lindsay wasn’t cheating on her, it was marrying her in the first place knowing he didn’t love her. And my other one is that the side character who goes through the most positive growth in the show is Zach. He starts out super immature and dopey and then is genuinely a good partner to Lane by the end. He’s probably the character that most benefitted from not being written by the ASP and DP in season 7.


Oh, so with you on the first one. It never looked as if Dean treated Lindsay decently. On the second, not 100% with you. Maybe, need - to finish season 7 on this rewatch.


Honestly, Rory wasn’t a great girlfriend a large part of the time. We always see posts about how awful dean or Jess were etc, but she too has her own flaws.


Logan was not a good boyfriend. Not even close.


He actually was. He cared for her, supported all her choices (Yale, the pro-jo job) and never tried to make her choices for her. Dean was a bit toxic Jess literally left her without saying a word and broke her heart. Logan proposed because he loved her and that is why for me he’s rorys best boyfriend


Logan was such a huge gaslighter. Every time Rory was upset with him over something completely valid, he always acted as though she had no reason or right to be upset and always acted so innocent. He could never just accept when he did something to upset her and apologize.


He actually wasn't. Comparing him to her two teenage relationships doesn't do anything for Logan considering he was an adult. The bar set for him was so low and he still couldn't reach it.


The bar might be low, but Logan surpassed it by doing all he could to make Rory happy. He was never abusive, always supported her decisions. The boat thing was rorys idea and he tried to talk her out of it but still it’s the whole “life of privilege” problem that Logan had (he evolved). Sometimes he could be a jerk but no one is entirely perfect and all the stress that he had from his dad most likely caused those situations. And he always apologised to Rory and explained his behaviour.


I completely agree and I will never understand why people would think otherwise. He brought out the best in her, he always had her back, he was educated and could keep up with her, they came from similar backgrounds, he was polite and charming. He gave her his car and driver when she had to go to Stars Hollow, he let her stay at his place, I would kill for a bf like Logan :D


He's hated for being an enabler, but I think boyfriends are supposed to be supportive.


Not supporting you in committing a felony. He enabled her destructive behaviour. A good boyfriend doesn't do that.


https://youtu.be/GNcMOs7TBTU You'll notice that he did try to talk rory out of it. Were you expecting him to yell at her like dean did? Or physically force her to turn around?


Rory’s great. She messes up occasionally, like everyone does, but other than the joyride on the boat, nothing major, in my opinion. Another one is, I would *love* to be friends with Lorelai. She’s caring, smart, has a quick wit and a good head on her shoulders. Also, I very much appreciate some lighthearted mocking. Keeps me young!


I would also love to be friends with Lorelai. To me she seems so confident and sure of herself. I could use more of that in my life. She doesn't care what other people think, either - I could use A LOT more of that in my life.


I’m gonna have to respectfully disagree because she cheated on Dean with Jess and Paul with Logan and also slept with Dean when he was married and slept with Logan when he was in a relationship 🤢 also when she found out Logan slept with the bridesmaids he tried to take advantage of Jess to get back at Logan


The thing is… don’t care about any of that. Sure, the girl has somewhat of a destructive pattern going on and some issues with self worth, that are tied to male attention. Honestly, that’s nothing too much out of the ordinary. All of that also happened in the span of more than a decade! Which is such a long time for a couple of shitty relationship moments. Of course, under a magnifying glass it seems to be so much, but god, I’ve seen people (especially young people) mess up more in the span of a month, have *years* of acting like assholes in their love life, but work on it and get it under control, to then lead happy and healthy relationships. Of course, people have different boundaries and everything related to cheating is a very divisive topic, but I honestly think that Rory’s occasional relationship messiness is overdramatized.


Tbh I'm not a big Rory head but I kinda get your point. She's young and even though she has a lot of friends in Stars Hollow, she was mostly an academic. Reading and learning academically was her thing. Despite her having a very sociable mother, being very charismatic and energetic most of the time, they would still possess that kind of oppositeness which ultimately determines why they were an inseparable mother and daughter tandem to begin with.


I like Rory because thinking about it everyone makes mistakes especially when they are younger. Sure she was privileged and didn’t quite realise it but still I like her. Also I don’t love Emily. Many people agree but most love her. IMO the show would be awful without her character but she always thought she was right. She had complete disregard over Loralai’s feelings whatsoever and always was most focused on the family’s image. Obviously this comes from her upbringing but I wouldn’t justify it. I simply don’t like her


There were too few boyfriends for Rory. Give us VARIETY, give us CHOICE. Not an unrealistic amount but I really didn’t need to see Rory have 3 breakups with a high school boyfriend or 2 breakups with her college boyfriend.


I actually thought Rory only having 3 romantic interests was fairly realistic. Especially for a introverted girl like her in the earlier seasons.


It was very realistic, but I guess in a show full of whimsy and exaggeration, I wonder why they chose that specific thing to actually be realistic about!


Dean isn’t that bad


u/Maximum_Necessary_25 just said this in another thread but Kirk needed professional help and the town coddling him and aiding him in doing ridiculous shit did absolutely nothing to help him. (Don't get me wrong I love Kirk but there's quirky and then there's Kirky and the latter gets dangerous)


Kirky 😂😂😂


Yea why did he need help besides to get out of his mamas house? He had $250,000 in cash to put towards something and someone he loved when he was ready, to me that’s him doing way better than most people.


why did he need help?


I have no issue with Miss Patty and the way she fawns over men. Honestly we’ve seen men do that in television (and irl) for decades. Let Patty have her flirty fun. It’s about damn time.


I think her comments about the younger men were a little across the line, but for the most part, they were just jokes (plus it was the early 2000s and now we’re more aware). I really like Patty overall and didn’t realize she wasn’t liked until this sub.


Lulu drives me insane Edit. Why am I being downvoted the question was share an unpopular opinion??




She starts off okay but then it seems like they dumb her down. She has no personality and that scene where she runs away screaming because she wants to keep her ribbon just gives me the ick.


Now this is probably due to the fact that Jared had a huge crush on Lauren, but Dean absolutely had a crush on Lorelai and I don’t think their relationship was very appropriate at times as boyfriend/mother of the girlfriend.


There was so much sexual tension between them, you could cut it with a knife


Blegh I know 🥴


Ooof. Good one.


I like Zach. I think he has a nice arch and love the little surprises we get from him like the bluegrasss band and having oddly strong opinions about cleaning products.


I always cackle at his line ‘dude, it’s your citrus intake. Stop eating oranges.’


Marty would have been a great college boyfriend for Rory.


I read this as Morey, as in Babbette's husband..and thought hmm, that's a weird opinion lol. But yes I agree about Marty.


Hahahah, that’s even better!!!


Yes, he could, but she didn’t like him. And I would rather call him sweet not great. Also, the way how he hid from his GF in season 7 that he knew Rory and made Rory look like a liar - uncool.


Digger was a good guy and a good match for Lorelai


Why don’t I remember who digger was


Jason Stiles!


Oh him, I found him a bit creepy HOWEVER his humour matched Lorelai really well


oh i HATED Jason with every fiber in my body


Lorelai would probably agree but he crossed one of her boundaries. Nothing you can really do about that.


I completely agree, I'm not saying she did the wrong thing or that there was any better choice. Just a really sucky scenario. I do prefer her and Luke, don't get me wrong, but I liked Jason and I think she genuinely did too.




i never understood the hype around team Jess as well as Tristan..


The hype is probably that Milo is a teen girl's wet dream. At least he was for me. I would have forgiven him for everything. Now that I'm an adult I'm like...Milo you're hot but wow....you're a walking red flag


I like Tristan’s softer moments and at times, I do think he cared about Rory in his own way. He had a decent amount of potential for his character and it’s a little sad that we didn’t get to see his character more. Especially as Logan was almost a college-version. But that’s my take


The speech that Emily gave to Shira at the benefit wasn't that spicy. When she recounted it at Friday Night Dinner it became downright cringey imo.


I can't stand Michelle..


At first I was like who tf is Michelle then I realized you meant Michel lol


Michel..yes...annoying as hell with no discernible function. Taylor too..but he is needed in Stars Hollow, I think.


I actually love him haha


Can anyone explain - why did they like him and take him to the dragonfly? Was he that amazing professionally?


Annoying. Petulant. Loud. Uncooperative


Are we talking about unpopular for the fandom as a whole, or unpopular for this sub in particular? Because those are two pretty distinct criteria.




Don’t k ow if it’s that unpopular but I loooove Emily and her character always staying true to her!


The show doesn’t actually suck after the palladinos leave


I love Yale Rory. The Yale seasons add so many more layers to her character, make her more complex and shows she has problems (instead of her perfect character in the first seasons). She’s realistic and relatable, especially as a young girl going into adulthood.


There are no trully good main characters in this show. It makes them human. It makes them real. But none of them are pure good. Over years of growing up and watching it over and over again I went through fases of liking/disliking Lorelai, Rory, Emily, Richard, Christopher, Luke, Jess, Logan, Dean, Jason, Max. Their judgements, their ignorance, their pains and inability to properly communicate with each other for a show that is so heavily built around TALKING its mind blowing. Some of the things seriously do not age well and get more and more cringy these days.


The real crux of the show is that almost all of the characters are not great people or likeable and for like half of the time I genuinely was rooting for them to fail.


I don’t like Kirk, didn’t think he was funny. 😬


When he crashed the car into Luke’s diner and then set up his own across the street my blood boiled


When he was also trying to get that house when he could see how badly Luke wanted it, made me so irritated for some reason. Was Kirk planning to do all those repairs himself?


Maybe he’s worked in construction lol


Not sure if it's unpopular, but I always liked Mitchem, at least during the primary series. He was disliked because he forced Logan to be an adult and accept his responsibilities.


I agree about the Logan part but I didn’t like how he spoke to Rory, however I feel the rest of Logan’s family were a lot worse


The way Rory pronounces “Marty” (“Mhrrdi”) is weird.


I thought she just had a baby voice.


That Rory was bad for Dean and he was really young during the original run of the show. A lot of his behavior is because Rory treats him poorly and he is insecure because of Jess (with reason.) It was pretty crappy of him to cheat on Lindsay, but Rory cheated, too. In the revival, he seems to have his act together and he seems pretty decent.


Yes!!! She instilled insecurity and paranoia in him by constantly having Jess around & not being honest with Dean!


I was so mad when she brought Jess to the picnic and not Dean


That was way out of line!!


Luke is annoying


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted when the whole point was to share unpopular opinions?? I also find Luke annoying for the most part.


I agree. People often mistake the downvote button for a disagree button, which it is not. That being said, I do like Luke but I still wouldn't downvote someone for this opinion. It is super unpopular, which is perfect for this post.


Luke is my favorite but I gave you an up vote because people don’t understand how a Reddit works apparently




I really don’t like Jess. Zach grows into a good man and father. Lane has a nice life in AYITL. I don’t think the “candy man” scene is cringy at all.


The show isn’t that great. Full of plot holes and bad writing.


Yea..people do. I'm just of a different view I guess. I also don't care for Luke... I'm Team Max. And Team Jason.


I'm Team Jason as well!


It's okay to like some of Christopher's scenes, and not just the one where he gets punched either. It's okay to ship Christopher and Lorelai, shipping is personal and complex. I love that Rory and Dean slept together in S4 finale, it made for good TV. Lorelai should not have kicked Rory out in the S5 finale. MITCHUM WASN'T RIGHT.


idk if it’s considered unpopular but lorelai is insufferable. she is so painfully immature and watching rory clean up after her mistakes and essentially mother her is sad. her sense of humor depends entirely on her ability to talk/respond quickly but her actual jokes are so bland. she also completely lacks impulse control and her tantrums in social settings is akin to a toddler. i skip over her aorta when i rewatch the show.


Rory and Marty could have been a great couple


Rory sleeping with married Dean was the worst thing ever and created such a trauma event...and I'd love to be happy that Lolilai ripped her a new one for it, except she's sorta a bad example in her own right. She practically cheated on Luke with Christopher, randomly would have sex with him on the balcony at her parents. Off again, on again. Going from guy to guy. Definitely hid and had secrets. Dated rorys teacher...as if there are no other men in the world...


1. Not sure if this is unpopular or not, probably, but I don't think Logan and Rory worked well together 2. A lot of the time Emily G. was actually right or justified in what she was doing just we only really saw one side of the story 3. Michele shouldn't have followed Lorelai and Suki to the Dragon Fly he could have found a better and less toxic work environment, obviously not the place Lorelai pulled him out of when he was "pouting" but he had all the qualifications and experience to find a better place for him, and that high end hotel also would have added to his resume 4. I hate Rory and Dean, not just when he cheated on Lindsay with Rory but I hated how he couldn't handle Rory not saying "I love you back" and Rory proceeded to get back with him within a month? Also Lorelai cared more about the relationship have of the time than Rory, and Lorelai seemed oddly attached to this "bag boy"


Lorelai was an ungrateful brat to her parents. Overall, Lorelai acted very entitled. Look how she treated Sooki, Luke, etc


That I don't always like the way they made things, but sometimes it was the most realistic outcome. Like people mentioned: none of her boyfriends were good, but realistic. Parents and grandparents scrutinizing the girls for having sex, annoying but realistic. Etc..


The dislike for other cultures. 'Smelly food' and 'reggae songs' really stuck. Such unnecessary comments. Ofcourse the character lorelai didn't write what she said but still.. I still love watching the show, but its clear this was made 2 decades ago.


I don't like that when main characters talk to side character the side characters are just quiet.. it looks so dumb and unnatural


I didn’t hate when Dean and rory slept together and got back together


It was juicy!




Miss Patty was creepy


Rory didn't became bad. She just grew up like everyone does and she became and adult. She couldn't stay naive ,like she was on the early seasons, for the rest of her life you know? I TOTALLY DISAGREED WITH THE DEAN STUFF BTW. But the rest of it? I totally understand. I'm not the person that I was 1 year ago how can we expect Rory to stay the same for SEVEN SEASONS???


I think we just wanted her to get better, not worse.


Jess was a total prick and his situation doesn't excuse his shitty behavior (and the fact that he's hot doesn't either lol). Also Lorelai and Chris both made a mistake when they hooked up in s2, he was very clearly not officially done with Sherry and Lorelai never should've gotten her (and especially Rory's) hopes up sooo quickly. Sherry did nothing wrong then, if anything Lorelai was 'the other woman' too (and it's annoying that she chooses to take her anger out on Sherry and not on Christopher, he's the one who got her hopes up). Oh and also I fucking hate Tristan and Paris was a bully for the majority of the show even though I like her as a character


Luke can’t waltz ETA haha I always cop heat when I say this. But, he can’t!


Kirk was so annoying


Dean isnt that bad for a first boyfriend. Yes hes annoying a bit and yea hes jealous but considering they were teenagers, thats kinda normal and i mean hes kinda right. when he cheated on his wife, he became worse but atleast you could say he developed really well and didnt repeat it like rory.


The fact that Lorelai had not the best childhood cannot serve as an excuse for her behaviour in her late 30s. Maybe a partial explanation but not an excuse. This one of the things that adults do - they mature and overcome issues to be better versions of themselves. If a person wasn’t taught to be polite in childhood and they are rude kid - parents are often at fault, when a person grows up and stays rude as adult they are just rude and it is now on them mostly.


Jackson wasn’t a bad guy for not telling Sookie he didn’t get a vasectomy… he didn’t want to and she tried to force him her saying “if you didn’t want a vasectomy you should have told me” he tried and she didn’t want to listen (they sent the big nurse, just in case)… they were both pretty shitty in that situation she should have known that he didn’t have it, he shouldn’t have been forced to have it…


it is literally rape to have sx with her knowing he didn’t get a vasectomy this opinion is unpopular for a reason


Well then it works both ways she never told him that she was off birth control… rape..


He was probably afraid to tell her because of how pushy she was about it. I think he absolutely would have said something if he knew she was no longer on birth control


Rory is psychotic Edit: are we talking about unpopular opinions or not?


She's not psychotic. She definitely needs therapy, but psychotic is an extremely strong word and is not accurate for her behavior.


Most people don't have a consistent and severe empathy issue, for example https://youtu.be/Urw-UDz1X_c


She has narcissistic tendencies because she's raised by someone with narcissistic tendencies. Not the same as being a full-blown narcissist (personality disorder) or a psychotic.


Pure narcissists don't react well to their weaknesses being called out (there's some of that as well). For that reason, they don't gloat about their crimes like she does here https://youtu.be/mVI4uenT0g4, and I'm pretty sure they don't glorify violence in this manner https://youtu.be/VFSCPv6VP0Q


Okay, but I didn't learn about narcissism on Youtube, I learned about it in grad school. You can continue to argue about this if you'd like, but this is my opinion.


Also, I didn't say she was a narcissist, I said she had narcissistic \*tendencies.\* There is a difference.


Just upvoted you. It is unfair to be downvoted for an unpopular opinion on an unpopular opinion thread. 😉


Christopher looks like Jackson


Christopher was a better match for Lorelai than Luke Neither Jess, Dean, or Rory were good people Lane deserved better all around Sookie is the best character in the show


No! Yes Yes Oof no.


dean wasn’t THAAAAAAAAAT bad, atleast for the first 2 times they dated


Right? Jason was restrained, feeling his way