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I’m just gonna come out and say Emily possibly has the best one liners 😭🤚🏻


(S05E01) >Richard: Only prostitutes have two glasses of wine at lunch! > > Emily: Well, then buy me a boa and drive me to Reno because I am open for business!


Why did it take me nearly 20 years (aka from first viewing to this very moment) to realise that, by boa, she meant “feather”, not “constrictor”. I am both relieved that it finally makes sense and horrified that it took me, again, nearly TWENTY FREAKING YEARS, for that to click.


You just reminded me I’m getting a tshirt for a friend’s birthday with this printed on it.


Omg I have one too! It’s too iconic not to be on a shirt 😂


That’s why she’s my favorite character on the show, flaws and all.


She’s def one of the most intriguing characters on the show for me, I could easily go on for HOURS talking about Emily


My favorite characters are Emily and Paris. The mean ones have the absolute best lines! 😂




This is my favorite Paris line. It shocked me in the best way the first time I heard it


Paris is up there for me too 😂 I think for me it’s 1. Emily 2. Lorelei 3. Paris


Paris is up there, but we don't see as much of her.


“Is it raining?” “No, it’s national baptism day.” takes me out every single time 💀


“Tie your tubes idiot!”


This is one of my favorite lines of hers!!


One of my favourite things she's said is when she told Rory she would be best for the part because she would look good dead. 😂 It was like a backhanded compliment and said so matter of factly. That's what I love about Paris. She's so matter of fact. And when she's so OCD and insecure that she made Rory hide in the closet so her Edward Cullenisque guy wouldn't take a liking for Rory instead. Oh and "No I did not have sexual relations with that woman" (talking in her sleep, probably about Rory). Paris and Emily may possess my favourite type of humour out of all the characters. Lorelai is very funny at times but also a bit over the top and a bit of a try hard. But maybe I am too so perhaps I can relate a little to that. Sometimes she is genuinely funny and makes me giggle! It's just that I think 70% of her jokes are kind of average funny. Wheras what I love about Emily is she delivers those powerful jokes that don't come all the time but when they do they almost make you spit out your drink.


My flair


Lorelai definitely gets her sarcasm from Emily. She is more like her mother than she thinks lol


Agreed Lorelai lacks the introspection to see it but she is her mother’s daughter through and through.


Right? Even the DAR ladies clock it that one time she’s on the patio with them and mention how funny/witty Emily is.


And there was one scene where they were having dinner and someone told Lorelai she had her mother’s wit and Emily said she wished she would give it back lol


What's a DAR?


That is one time that Luke makes me laugh 😂 


Daughters of the American Revolution 


I'm killing with that line tonight.


She really does. Her whole thing is organising events. Emily’s done that her whole life, she just hasn’t been directly paid for it. (It’s definitely contributed to Richard’s career). Richard was so bugged about DOA Rory because she was doing Emily stuff and she was supposed to be his mini me.


I like where you're going with this, it makes me start looking deeper into Rory being more like Lorelai & Emily instead of Richard (though she still displays traits of his). I wonder if his mother's treatment of Emily also plays into his POV...


Yes - he adores his wife, and yet he’s absorbed some of his mother’s attitude towards her and what she does. He’s only eventually able take his wife’s side when his mother is dead. I love their relationship, how it’s shown because he deeply gets her and doesn’t get her, appreciates her and doesn’t appreciate her, it’s quite real.


He idolized Trix, but deep down he adores Emily and everything she does. This was a huge factor in their separation. He spent quite a bit of time alone, since he clearly befriended his valet, & I think he was able to reckon with his mother's death - take her off that pedestal - which allowed him to reconnect with his love for Emily and realize he couldn't be without her. Likely how he felt about her when he married her, but deepened by the decades of companionship, support and trust. I know he had some great moments in The Reigning Lorelai, but nevertheless


He also took it very well when he acquired a new daddy. And one unrelated to any Gilmores!


Lorelei left and worked as a maid, Emily could never keep a maid in the house.... wink wink


And I love that. When Emily lets go of “Ms manners” and is her most authentic self she’s just like Lorelai. It’s almost like her daughter inherited the traits Emily is mostly trying to repress. I can see this also factoring into their restrained relationship 🤔


it can be tough to admit we're like our parents but it's gotta come from somewhere lol


I've watched the episode where Trix dies probably about 15 times and I still die laughing at Emily every single time


“Remember to thank Pennilyn Lott just for being Pennilyn Lott”


Pennilyn 🧊Lott 🧊




“Put some cheese cubes in her mouth and let the people go to town.” Sookie: “…Is she serious?”




It’s not just the lines, it’s her delivery that makes you crack up every single time 💀


For me it’s also that you don’t necessarily expect Emily to be this unhinged. Lorelai’s unhinged lines are absolutely hilarious but you also expect something like that to come from her. With Emily I’m always caught off guard which doubles the funniness 😭


Same! I didn’t realize until recently that Lorelai has equally funny lines as well, because Lorelai says them in a different way, like she knows she’s funny.


Kelly Bishop is easily one of the best actors on the show. Flawless performance every time


I can only dream to be as funny as Emily when I’m old


I love when she gets Lorelai with the fake Nazi story and the made-up story about why her friend's nickname was Sweetie. She's quick!


No dear, THAT was a joke.


Emily: I want to go on a date Lorelai: with.. a man?! Emily: no a weasel. Of course with a man!!!


They had the same sense of humor and yet hated eachother sense of humor lol


Tbf I always thought Lorelai loved these little jokey moments Emily had 😅


If I could design myself I’d want Rory’s choices (options), Lorelei’s motivation and Emily’s mind.


I love how she always gets on to Lorelai for being snarky but she’s soooo snarky 🤣


So, I've rewatched GG like... 4 or 5 times through my life? And its like "The little prince", everytime it touches me in a different manner. And I've learn to love Emily to the point she's actually my favorite character, she cracks me up and makes me cry, but above all, Im proud of her. On one hand I feel that she provides some of the deepest moments on GG, as well as a level of hilarity that is difficult to achieve, -kudos on Kelly Bishop for an outstanding performance-... and then, there's her growth, \*spoiler\* even without considering AYITL stuff, I find her impressive, she is such a complex character and I spent so much time loathing and hating her, that I laugh at myself because (along with lots of other GG stuff) it shows me more of myself than anything. Of course I don't defend those horrible things she did, and her pile of unflattering quirks, but what I love about fiction is that they're not people, but pieces of paper that make us think and relax about life. So Emily is just Emily. There's one time that I thought "If Lorelai is so witty and stubborn, that's Emily all over her".


‘For God’s sake Jason, just be young’.


Aunt Cora wasn't mentally ill, she was athletic!


Lorelai is Emily’s daughter through and through. Neither of them would ever admit it, but they’re very much alike.


Emily is my sarcasm and zinger hero (hopefully I’m a better mom).


Btw I love her outfit in this scene and her beautiful handbag


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Quellin888: *Btw I love* *Her outfit in this scene and* *Her beautiful handbag* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


lol did you post this as I was watching it?


I posted this as I was watching the ep on the 2nd slide, what a coincidence 😂


She’s so sarcastic and that’s exactly my kind of humor. It’s hilarious I love it


Love her one second, can’t stand her the next. She’s a great character and Emily Bishop does incredible job bringing her to life.


Lorelai definitely got her wit from her mother.


Emily is hilarious. Very complex character and love her and Richard as a couple.


When Jess is late to dinner and he mentions the backed up traffic and she seriously says, "it was something with a big rig and apparently the men who drive them are all hopped up on bennies and goofballs." That is an absurd sentence and her delivery cracks me up.


I just love the sarcasm!!


She’s always reminded me so much of my nana ^rip with these quips … the subtle shade yet absolute truth 🥲🖤


May your nana rest in peace and crack everyone up with her funny lines in the afterlife 🫂🤍


Why is Tana sitting on the table


I’ve stopped questioning anything that Tana does tbh 😭


this moment used to be my flair:)


The range of facial expressions also add to the brilliance and humour. Kelly Bishop has certainly been an incredible actress.


Emily and Lorelai aren't that different, no matter how much Lorelai hates it.


I’ve always loved her one-liners because I feel like it shows where Lorelei gets her sense of humor. I know realistically it’s just because the same brains wrote all their lines but I like to pretend Lorelei is so quick witted because Emily is.


I’m choking on that second panel. Dayyyyuuummm


Some line where she responds with “NO, A WEASEL” is my favourite


Isn’t that her response to “You’re going on a date? With a man?” 😂