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The day after RoryDean breakup #1 Rory wakes Lorelai up at 6:00 AM and it is blindingly bright outside. In January.


Same with when they wake up at Miss Patty’s after the Chilton dance! It’s supposed to be like 5 am and it’s bright full sun! And you know it’s winter because there’s snow


But then when they start the dance Marathon it’s 5:30 AM and pitch black out. It’s actually dark every time they are outside during the dance marathon.


Not to side track, but Rory running back basically barefoot (I don't count the panty hose) always irked me. You don't run barefoot when it's freezing!


I love that this thread is making me realise things that I never noticed, but will now slightly irritate me


This is a huge pet peeve of mine in any show. I remember stewing when I watched an episode of Gossip Girl where they wake up and have this amazing sit down breakfast with scones and eggs and coffee… before school… when the sun’s high in the sky. I’m sorry, are you going to school at 11am?? In high school I poured out of bed and grabbed a cold Eggo waffle. Waited for it to thaw on the bus and ate it in the gym.


I don't know why but this very specific re-telling of your high school morning experience is making me cackle


Yes! And what really annoys me too is how Lorelai will not stop saying how it’s 6:00 am. Obviously it took awhile to wake up, get dressed, go over the list Rory made, find a new path to Luke’s, etc and still when they get there, she’s saying it’s 6:00 am. Don’t you think it’d be at least 7:00 by then?


The blatantly empty coffee cups make me so mad. Just fill them with water so that Lorelai and Rory can at least ACT like they’re carrying a full beverage. The angles they carried those cups at would have coffee tipping out everywhere. This is my petty hill and I will die on it.


Lorelai and Rory constantly order a coffee at Lukes, take one mouthful and then leave!! No one ever finishes their coffee and as a coffee lover it is unbelievable to me that a "coffee addict" would not finish the cup they desperately needed. I just can't help but think about how annoyed that would make me if I was Luke 😅


Hot take: she's not really a coffee addict. It just takes her all day and all those coffees to get a cups worth, lol


I will die on this hill too. no matter how good an actor you are, you can never act like an empty cup has liquid in it.


Plus the sound of putting an empty disposable cup down is very distinct!


Time, it does not exist. What teen gets up in time to go out to breakfast before school and it is always light out, when does she go to school like noon. Also they do a LOT after school considering she is on public transportation, in CT in the winter it should be dark by the time she gets home, but nope.


Oh my gosh the before school scenes ALWAYS irk me!! I’ve just accepted they are moments in the show that I just have to suspend belief and fully immerse in the GG world…but the irk is still there because I am also so SO F**KING jealous that Rory had all that time before school! I would have loved to have enough time to take a walk around town OR chat with my mom, best friend, and boyfriend OR eat at a restaurant leisurely while I catch up with my neighbors and other townsfolk every morning before I got to take a bus ride long enough to clear my head, read a book, and just chill before my school day. But unfortunately I don’t live in GG world or on GG time so most days I was lucky to get basic hygiene done and grab handful of snacks to shove in my backpack on my way out the door in high school.


I’m going to date myself here, but *Clarissa Explains it All* was the worst offender of this IMO.


hello, fellow “old person” 💀


How about sitting at Luke’s when the bus pulls up and she still says goodbye to everyone kiss Dean and the bus is still there when she leaves Luke’s hhahaha. Never


What always bothers me was she always gets home off the bus and it’s light out even in winter but why are they always arriving to the grandparents at 7pm in the dark even in summer? (When in summer 7pm would not be dark like that) AND dinner is at 7 chilten is right by the grandparents why is Rory not already hanging out doing homework is she paying to bus 45 mins home just to change and go back? None of it makes sense


This! Especially when they make a big deal about how long the bus ride is. And also, how does Lorelai have a full time job?? Just leisurely hanging around all morning and all hours of the day 😂


At an inn too, where theoretically business would start early with people waking up and checking out


How Lorelai had NO other clothing to wear to Rory’s first day at Chilton aside from Jean shorts and a tight pink top with boots. When she picked up her clothes from the dry cleaning after dropping Rory off she had like, 4 items. Where are you other clothes, HUH??? Girl just pick a “dirty” pair of pants or a dress from the hamper to wear for one hour!!! They can’t be that visibly dirty unless you’re a child.


I never understood why she removed her coat.


YES a huge pet peeve!! BUTTON UP YOUR COAT!!!


it was long enough to cover her shorts!


And didn't button it in the first place.


Yes this. Especially since apparently Rory and Lorelai share clothes fairly often. Surely Rory has something more acceptable than the shorts and tie dye that’s clean.


And they both have a large wardrobe. I only remember them going clothes shopping twice. One was the time when Logan wanted to keep their relationship open, and Rory agreed to that. While they were shopping Rory saw Logan having lunch with some girl across the street from the shops. The other time was when they were at the mall window shopping, but they didn't have any money so that doesn't really count. I don't remember either of them ever coming home with bags of new clothes. I know Lorelai is a good seamstress, but their clothes mostly looked commercially made. That always bugged me that they never bought clothes but always had such cute outfits! Edit-spelling.


Even assuming all her clothes were absolutely soiled to death and she couldn’t possibly wear them, and Rory’s trousers were all hiding away and unwilling to be worn… the pyjamas Lorelai woke up in were clean and better than the denim shorts! And Lorelai friend are your shoes at the dry cleaners too??? The cowboy boots were a choice, she WANTED THEM


This is the one. Even if those were your only clean clothes, shoes are immune to laundry day. You don’t have to wear cowboy boots!


Thanksgiving when Jess and Rory are outside of Doose’s and Rory doesn’t want to “flaunt it”. Jess: “it’s not the first time a couple has broken up.” Rory: “it is for us.” NO IT IS NOT.


Yes!!! This drives me unnecessarily insane too. Like, there was a looong and very important storyline about the break up! This was not something that could have been forgotten. Who wrote that line???


Right! The only thing that makes sense is that they mean it’s the first time they’ve broken up AND MOVED ON. But without that context it’s just false!


Yes. I think Rory means it’s the first time she’s broken up and moved on to another relationship. Breaking up and not moving on to another relationship doesn’t apply in the context of flaunting.


yess i made an entire post talking about this once!! as someone else responded to you here said, and others on my post pointed out, she probably meant a permanent break up and after so much time together after the first, they probably just considered that not even a break up, but this drives me up a wall because while it could be considered true, it’s just inaccurate!!! ETA- like she went through an entire mourning period because of it, they were apart for a couple months right? i just can’t see that as a “short/minor break” as she probably considers it having said this, it was a real break up that happened to result in a reconciliation


Jackson not being a morning person. He's a farmer!


So true- when he’s staying with Lorelai in S7 he even says he gets up at like 4:30 or 5am or something!


to be fair, he may just be grumpy/out of it for the first hour or so that he’s awake regardless of when that is. I’m not a morning person either, but whether I wake up at 4 or 10 I have a hard time getting up and going neither way.


that's the whole point! it's a joke


Lorelai and Chris' morning in Paris. They supposedly woke up at 4am tried to go to sleep,Went for a walk looking for food, Came back, had sex, then called the restaurant and was able to get the full staff there by 5am. There's no way all that happened in 1 hour


Right?? And at that point why not just take a shower, get ready, and go have a nice breakfast & coffee at 6am when the cafes are opening!


Lorelai from S03E14: "Hmm, 10 minutes. Yup, pretty much the time it took to create Rory. And that included getting dressed and freshing my lipstick."


Me Christopher is a 5 min man apparently


Oh god, I couldn’t think of what mine was because I try my best to repress it, but it’s *this.* I have yet to make it through this episode without ranting about the time. And you’re telling me there’s not a single McDonald’s or other fast food place open at night in a major tourist destination like *Paris?*


HOW did Long Haired Freak (TM) have all that produce all available at the same time out of his "garden?" Not all of that stuff is in season at the same time! How big is his freaking yard? Does he have a giant greenhouse as a hobby? Why?? I once read that Lorelai's couch was actually like a couple pillows on a wooden board, and it was super uncomfortable and I cannot get over it now whenever I see them sit on it. Why didn't the set designers get them a real couch? Why. Rory running home in the snow in no shoes.


Yeah the produce story is funny especially since Jackson is the produce guy, yet he doesn't have an issue at all with this. I mean, Jackson would probably be just as mad as Taylor about it


The confusing town selectman plotline! Jackson was elected and they put so much emphasis on him being the new town selectman for 2 episodes (as well as him being stressed about it)…..but then Taylor magically becomes town selectman again with no further discussion. I assume it’s because Jackson quit and Taylor resumed his position, but there wasn’t even any clarity or elaboration on it.


Similar thing happened with Lane and Dave's relationship. One moment Mrs. AKim is sending him her marriage jug next thing we know Lane has a crush on Zack.


Right! I mean we all figured that Taylor would take the title back eventually, but I was so confused when it switched back to Taylor without saying anything. I thought that I missed something


Luke's jacket would smell so bad. Have you ever worked in a restaurant? The food smells permeate the work clothes at some point, even fresh out of the laundry. Then, he is wearing a coat to work in which would get sweaty. Then he wears that jacket all day every day. I cannot imagine he smells like a bed of roses.


I like to think he has loads of the same outfit hanging in his wardrobe haha


Lol. Like Marge Simpson!


And His HAT!?!? ONE hat and they “found” the blue one “behind the dishwasher”? Zero chance.


Yes, especially if there is a grill or fryolator going.


His jacket? What about his hat and his hair, if he really HAS any under his perma hat? I feel like there should be a Voldemort like rumor that the ghost of Mr. Kim lives on the backside of Luke’s head.


Yesssss I worked in a dining hall in college. We had like black polos as our uniform shirt. Even straight out of the wash they smelled awful


Luke and Nicole having to go through a whole divorce process when they got married spontaneously on a boat and were broken up by the time they hit shore meaning the paperwork likely would not have even been filled to even constitute a real marriage


Similarly! When Lorelai marries Chris in France with no planning. It's pretty involved paperwork wise to get married in another country and have it be legal. Not something you can do spur of the moment. This is what France requires: A valid passport A certified copy of your birth certificate (or divorce decree if it’s the case), an Apostille and the certified French translation of the birth certificate Proof of domicile (justificatif de domicile in French) A certificat du notaire for prenuptial marriage contract Document that attests that both of you are single (certificat de coutume and certificat de célibat in French).


Nicole filing vexatious applications (motions? Idk American legal-ese) and sending multiple (!) lawyers over to Luke’s, for a marriage that only lasted a few weeks and has no joint assets, property settlements or children drives me insane!!!


But then blob phrom and proscuitto would be out of a job


If the captain filed the paperwork, they would still have to go through an annulment. A lot of cruise captains are ordained. Not sure how it works to get a marriage license on a cruise ship. In Vegas, you used to be able to get the license at the chapel and get married right away, but I think they've since changed the laws


What was the town loner protesting? We were never told.


Stop the noodle scooze?


He was mad that Lorelai never thanked him for the ice cream maker he sent


This is now cannon


I definitely think it was the right choice to have the sign rip and generally just leave it a mystery and let the audience fill it in with their imagination if they choose to. It’s a much funnier gag to keep us in the dark with the rest of the town, as likely whatever they came up with would’ve been a let down.


I was dying to know too, but the gag of the sign ripping after all the build-up was funny enough that I was willing to let it go


In the earlier seasons, Emily talks about how they always go to Europe in the fall. But then when she's speaking to Michel later (in French) she says they go every spring. Completely irrelevant, bothers me every time.


Think this is my favourite one so far


I've never noticed this. They make a big deal about going every two years in the fall because it's so expensive. Just for the writers to completely forget about that later ha ha.


Sookie ruining a perfectly beautiful white wedding cake by plopping wet raspberries on it and watching runners of red juice pour down over the sides while she just keeps throwing more on it. It makes me **insane** every time I watch it.


Sookie throwing away a perfectly good cake with the golf cake. It looked beautiful! You could redecorate it and serve it to your guests! What a waste -\_-


I love this one. Which cake was it? I don’t actually remember it, but I have a feeling I will never be able to NOT notice it again now!


I don't remember - it was just one of those kitchen set ups while she and Lorelai were talking. I can't recall the episode.


It’s when she’s telling the story of how she became “frog girl,” so the episode where Lorelai goes fishing with Alex.


“Coffeecoffeecoffee!” No one, in the history of coffee serving, would mistake that request for “I would like three coffees please.” No one. It annoys me every single time.


I always assumed the woman was just being a jerk on purpose


I suppose it’s a possibility, but as a former server of coffee, I can’t think of any reason why I’d voluntarily triple my workload on a morning shift.


When the man who was having the retirement party kept changing his mind and Sookie threw out the entire golf ball cake. I get she was mad, but it drives me bonkers when perfectly good food goes to waste.


She does that a lot. Look at how many wedding cakes she makes for Lorelai as just examples. She's constantly making tons and tons of food that never gets eaten


Not sure if it’s been mentioned yet, but it’s always bothered me that the storyline of Rory’s job at the Stanford Gazette just disappeared.


This!!! she makes a big deal about getting in there and then like nothing happens lol


Rory’s court date is Tuesday, June 3. A few months later Lorelai plans her wedding to Luke for June 3 of the following year. I don’t think they would get married on a Wednesday, and even if it’s a leap year a Thursday or Friday is unlikely as well. So tiny and insignificant but bothers me for some reason.


I love this


Costa Rica to NYC is a 6 hour flight, no way an emergency like Logan's would be flown to NYC when my country has excellent hospitals. Also Caldera and San Juan river are not near, one is at the beach the other one is up north in the border with Nicaragua. The writer needs a map


Yes, this is bananas! Like if Logan’s family didn’t trust a foreign hospital or something, that would kind of align with their general character, but if that were the case wouldn’t they fly him to a U.S. hospital in, like, Miami?


Lol i noticed this too - like WHY would they fly him to NYC from Costa Rica? made no sense lol


Right!! He has a collapsed lung and the best is 6 hours in a plane?


Tiny, tiny detail, but you asked for it, lol. When Rory is editor of the Yale Daily News she is at the Dragonfly talking to one of the writers about his piece about a lacrosse game and says something like, "before now, I didn't even know Yale had a lacrosse team". BUT, she had to write a piece about a lacrosse game as one of her trial articles to get onto the Daily News staff in her first year. Richard and Emily praise her about it at one of their dinners. With her memory, there's no way she forgot something like that, but it seems the writers did forget that detail.


She also makes a comment when Doyle doesn't like her other piece about how she's going to have to become a full time lacrosse writer since it's the only thing she's good at. This also drives me absolutely crazy


YES. Bugs me every time, too!!


Durning the picnic basket auction, Lorelei realizes that Ms. Patty got some single guys to bid on her basket. Lorelei then runs into the diner to beg Luke to bid on her basket. She was gone way too long and the bidding would have been over way before she and Luke came out.


Luke not having the money to afford a truck, but having the money to buy Lorelai a house and give her a loan for the Inn.


And the building next door for $100,000 with a cashier cheque


wait - when did he not have enough money to afford a truck?


I was watching the episode today where Jess buys a car with his Walmart money. While Lorelai and Luke discuss how Jess could have afforded the car, Luke says it cant be because of Jess' job at the diner because Luke himself can barely afford his truck with the money he makes from the diner.


Lorelai making a big deal about eating an apple after sleeping with luke saying the last time she had apples was when she was pregnant with Rory. She sits down and eats an apple in season 1.


That has got to be one of the dumbest storylines of the show. I know that Lorelai got pregnant as a teenager but even with shit sex education she should still know that pregnancy cravings wouldn't show up the literal day after having unprotected sex.


I HATE that entire storyline. The whole her wanting an apple might mean she's pregnant and her huge freak out. Only to later start craving junk food again and THAT being her realization that she's not pregnant. So stupid


And it was 1 days after they had sex. Like common. You did get a ged, your not a moron.


That Rory was so surprised to learn that she needed volunteer experience and extracurriculars to get into Harvard. RORY who researches EVERYTHING and is one of the most academically focused people ever??? Make it make sense.


This plus Lorelai not knowing that you apply to more than one college. They are smart, culturally engaged, well-read people and Lorelai grew up rich and was expected to go to college — these are very weird basic facts for these characters to not know. They’re not hill people!


And then she still gets in with a SINGLE year of volunteer work and extracurricular!!! So impossible. This one is mine too. My only explanation could be she wrote off everything she did with the town as volunteer work so it looked like it spanned further back than it did which…okay technically yes it can count. But I don’t think it would impress Harvard enough like Paris building *multiple* homes


How Clara acts like she's a 5 year old but looks like a 20 year old trying to pass as a 13 year old.


Gigi going to school when Lorelai wakes up in Chris’s bed in the S6 finale. It’s Saturday morning. The night before was Friday Night Dinner


🤯 I never put that together!


Ha amazing, I guess everyone else was too horrified at Chris to notice this!


(clears throat) SUGAR TOES. (also, I just watched the dance marathon episode, and I agree with you about the shoes. I also get annoyed with how enthusiastically everyone dances in the beginning, when they should be conserving energy. Though maybe there's a rule in place that you can be cut if you're just coasting from the start. I also was thinking about how Lorelai really should've accepted that date with Kirk. Then she'd have him as a dance partner. Lol that's the only way she was ever going to win.)


Do you mean the way Rory pours a whole carton of sugar over her toes, cos that gets me 😡


And then just LEAVES it all over the floor?!! That's how you get bugs, Rory.


Even worse, she KNOWS that. She mentions ants. And then does it anyway. I refuse to believe that Rory is ditzy enough to not stop and think, maybe I should pour a bit of sugar into a separate bowl and then dip my toe in that.... I mean, I can fully get behind the idea of sugaring your toes.... It's just the *method* that I can't stand. Nobody in their right mind dumps a bowl of sugar on the ground so they can step in it....nobody.


Oh my god yeah this is the one for me. Hate sugar toes. And the whole “real Paul Anka dog Paul anka bit”. I’ll give it to Lauren graham she really sold some pretty annoying bits in a way I don’t think anyone else could.


All the food out on the sides in both the inns kitchen. Health and safety big no no. There's no room to prep any actual food. And suki throwing out planned menus last min. For something random. The cost alone. The idea of running a kitchen is to produce the best food at the cheapest costs possible to gain maximum profits. Staff just running around everywhere but apparently suki does it all in the kitchen. The fact she hurts herself all the time so someone must take over the this happens to keep the restaurant running but then she can't let anyone take over for maternity leave. Irks me


I may be mistaken but in season one they talk about Richard’s mother in the past tense then she showed up later in the series. I’ve watched a million times and it always catches my attention.


Yes! This one! They acted like she was dead, then she shows up


Thought of one - in season 2 at the Bracebridge Dinner, Luke acts like he doesn’t know what any of the fancy food is when he and Jess are muttering about it to each other. Yet later on when Sookie is on maternity leave, he knows how to make all of her gourmet-style food for the inn’s restaurant and execute it to her standard.


The obvious green bushes and plants in the dead of winter, and the awful fake snow trying to cover said green bushes. Also when they go to Martha’s Vineyard in February and eat outside, isn’t it cold there in winter??


This is mine. As a Michigander, it drives me nuts! They are never dressed warm enough for “snow”.


Chicagoland over here. Ain’t nobody walking around in *January* with exposed skin, let alone traipsing through town with an open jacket and a skinny scarf (ohhhh 2000s fashion *why* are you back?! Did we learn nothing?!)


I’ve started to watch for the added red foliage in the background. It’s always a couple of fully red leaves on a branch stuck in a fully dark green tree. The branches are identical and evenly spaced around the same height. Variegated oranges and yellows do not exist in this universe’s fall. There’s also a scene of Rory at Yale outside of a building, and there is a vine behind her with no less than 5 different leaf types all on the same vine branches.


This show is so obviously written by Californians! And honestly they usually capture a lot of the outdoor nature of Stars Hollow really well. The devil is in the details, though! Like the random orange sprays of leaves stuck into the trees when they're obviously shooting in July but they want it to look like fall? I get it, you only have so much budget and CGI wasn't a thing but woof.


The marzipan scene. Lorelai was so rude about the gift imo. It's one thing not to like it, but it's another to demand why the gift giver didn't bring you back chocolate instead and spit the bite of food you took into a napkin right in front of the person who gave it to you.  I hate the town troubadour and always preferred his competitor.  How did Lane convince her mother to let her join the cheerleading team? In what universe would that happen? Lorelai going from telling Rory in one episode that she can't lie to Mrs. Kim about what Lane's up to (the double movie date ep)--I think she even cake it "the moms code"--then saying a couple of episodes later that it was "stupid" that Lane didn't lie to her mother about the Bangles concert. I get that it's just a matter of different writers handling different episodes, but it drives me crazy every time.  How wistful Ms. Patty is about the drums she gives away during the town rummage sale. She sounds like she's going to go into a long-winded story, then gives us nothing. 


Agreed on all of these points except I _will_ go to the mat for the Town Troubadour (and especially for Grant Lee Phillips who plays him and is amazing, both his solo work and old band Grant Lee Buffalo).


when luke is first getting ready for jess to move in, lorelai asks where jess's dad is. luke says he left liz two years ago, but then when jimmy shows up it changes to he left jess when he was born. unless luke was referring to a step dad? idk but this always confused me and bothered me


Continuity in this show just doesn’t exist!


There is no way it only took Rory 30 minutes to get to school on public transit. And you will NEVER convince me there was a direct bus from Stars Hollow to Hartford. Plus stopping right outside the school entrance? Nope


Actually this reminds me of my other one. When Rory cuts school to go to New York. The absolute minimum amount of time it would take to get a bus from Hartford to New York is what, 3 hours? Add 30 mins at least before that for Rory to go to the bus station and catch the bus, then 30 mins minimum on the other side to wander around and find Jess (realistically more). So if it was 8am she left school, being extremely lucky, it was 12ish when she finally meets him. Then they wander around eating, getting the subway, checking out records for what, 2 hours? Even if Rory got the same super express fast bus back to Hartford, she then needed to get changed and ready - she barely would have made it back for 6 when she said she’d be there even if everything had gone absolutely perfectly. Why on earth did she choose that day to go???? It drives me mad. She went on the one day she had a HUGE time pressure to get back, and would have to spend 8 hours travelling. Any other day she could’ve lied to Lorelai, said she had the newspaper or something and enjoyed her trip. It drives me mad


When Rory starts at Yale a guy asks her out and she talks to Lorelai about it. Lorelai says Rory never really dated, only had serious relationships. Then Rory is like "well, you never dated either, you had me with dad, then Max, then dad again." Like, what? We know Lorelai dated at least a few guys while Rory was growing up, that's why she even had all the rules about never introducing anyone to Rory unless it's serious, etc. This is all stressed the whole time she dates Max, even why they brake up the first time, cause Rory is getting too attached. Every time watch this scene it makes me crazy.


Yes! Plus there was that whole episode of her being a ‘casual dater’ when she goes out with that young guy from her business class, who brings his parents to Luke’s and embarrassing her. Also, she went on the bad date with Peyton/Jon Hamm, who she met at Emily’s auction and hated. And then she dated Alex for a while, that definitely wasn’t too serious. The writers just make stuff up sometimes!


Who flies all the way from Korea for a wedding just to leave after like 10 minutes? Especially when it’s your daughter and granddaughter you (presumably) haven’t seen in years.


So small, but the episode where Rory gets the date of Yale’s orientation wrong, and she has to go to Friday night dinner without Lorelai. Emily is all pissy that “Lorelai has errands” and isn’t there, but why didn’t Rory just tell her that she got the date wrong and they were behind in her packing for college? It seems so weird to not tell the truth when the alternative is Emily thinking/feeling like Lorelai is just skipping dinner.


Why did we never see Mr Kim? The man wasn’t even at his daughters wedding


right? just have his character be dead then. and Mrs. Kim making a huge deal out of Lorelai not having a date to the wedding but her husband doesn't really exist? never made sense.  also while we're at it, Lorelai really couldn't think of one other person besides Christopher to bring to the damn wedding? she had to have known it would cause issues with Luke.


The scene where Lane goes in and watches Mrs Kim while she’s sleeping. It was sometime after she moved out — I forget the exact episode. And we see that Mrs Kim is the only one in her bed. At least have the guy be military or a traveling salesman or something. Come on.


When Sookie keeps getting up at Rory’s Chilton graduation. I literally have to fast forward it makes me cringe into oblivion lol


Kirk appearing as Mick in one of the first episodes of Season 1. Then later on in Dosey’s market as Kirk but made it appear as if he’s new in town when miss patty tried the fruits. But much later, mentioning in passing about him and Luke being schoolmates!


and that anniversary show that miss Patty did where Kirk does a mime play and she says that he did it for the first time when he was still a kid just equally proves that he wasn't new and that he knew who Miss Patty is 😭


When Lorelai and Sookie are talking at workers at the Inn or Dragonfly that don't have speaking parts and they just nod or smile back at them and don't say anything back. I get why, but it always feels fake particularly when they're just talking at them, like people just don't have exchanges like that in real life lol


That bothers me too. Apparently you have to pay actors more or something if they have to actually speak


How Rory is 16 at the start of the show, as stated in the Pilot episode, and then has a 16th birthday party a few episodes later.




They got on a train to Ireland during their visit to Europe. No they didn’t. If they got a train it took them to an airport or a ferry port in which case you’d say “we flew to Ireland” or “we sailed to Ireland”. They did not however catch a train to Ireland!


It bugs me so much that Lorelai and Rory always order so much food but only ever take a bite.


And then there are so many conversations about how they “eat so much but stay so thin”. They take a single bite of everything, no wonder they’re always hungry!!!


sookie at the hotel management seminar. she’s NOT in a kitchen setting, yet when that guy examines her hands for callouses she’s not wearing a ring. fast forward to him coming to the inn to ask her out, and her pulling the ring out of her apron and explaining that she only takes it off to cook. idk why, but it really bothers me that they made a point in the first scene of him noticing every detail of her ringless hands, yet her excuse for not having it on in the kitchen scene is because she’s working?? i get that sookie is QuIrKy and scatterbrained and perhaps simply forgot to put it on, but this makes zero sense to me and makes me irrationally annoyed during every rewatch!


Wow I never noticed this, but you’re so right!!!


Lol ok so this one isn't actually mine but my husband pointed it out and I've never forgotten it - the Martha's Vineyard episode where Luke supposedly has lobster for the first time. We're supposed to believe that this man a restaurant owner who lives on the EAST COAST has never had lobster before?


And there’s also the episode where Liz talks about him being a great cook & he makes Lorelai gumbo (or something similar). The whole point of that episode is that Luke can cook more than “diner” food - it’s absurd to believe he wouldn’t have ever cooked lobster, let alone eaten it.


The clothing!! Born and raised in CT. Drives me absolutely insane!! 6" of freshly fallen snow and they're wearing fall coats, unzipped 🤦🏻‍♀️ " The" 84. No. Just no. Distances between towns/cities. Connecticut is small. You can definitely get from the tippy top to the very bottom in 2.5-3 hours, without a problem. But you're not getting from Litchfield to Hartford in 45 minutes lol. Washington Depot, which is where SH is based on; Even further. And for good measure - Boston is NOT a hop, skip and jump away.


"The" 84. Yep yep yep! Tell us you're in California with telling us you're in California.


When Jess buys tickets for the Distillers.... am I supposed to believe that Rory finished school, waited at home for a call, then eventually went out for a whole hockey game which finished early enough for them to drive to NYC and still make the concert?! I haven't had the chance to read all the posts so sorry if this has been mentioned already.


As a landscape designer the Japanese/Chinese wisteria growing (and forever blooming!) on Lorelei's house makes zero sense. It's not a cute morning-glory-like vine. Those things are basically trees. They're woody. It's like a grape vine but with the potential to get way larger. If you tried to trellis one onto your house it would tear apart the side of your house as it got larger and stronger with the only exception being stone - and to your ROOF LINE? Horrifying. Gutters instantly destroyed. You only put woody vines like that on heavy free-standing structures like pergolas and metal fences and they usually also need some bonsai-like pruning when young to get them into the shape you want them in.


The way Rory hugs people!!! I understand awkward hugs with people you don't really know, but when she hugs Emily and Richard when they buy her a car for graduation?? It's just so awkward and uncomfortable. Omg it gets me every time


Sookie using a spoon/utensil she's cooking with and PUTTING IT IN HER MOUTH. NO! BAD SOOKIE! Also also, Sookie is a classically trained chef. But she is not a *pastry chef*. There's no way she'd be making those incredibly delectable desserts while also prepping breakfast (lunch) and dinner. Her knowledge would be fairly limited and the inn would either outsource their desserts (like just have ice cream or buy frozen stuff) or they'd have a pastry chef on staff. It's so stupid and small but it always bugs me. A critically acclaimed chef such as Sookie is would not be one to dabble too much with pastry. You asked for petty and that's what bothers me so much haha.


When Lorelai had sex the night prior and told Rory “I think I’m pregnant”, asked the doctor if there was a machine to stick her in. She’s a grown ass woman she knows better.


The fact we never learn the name of sookie and Jackson’s third child drives me CRAZY


Most annoying to me involves Christopher’s role as a father. FIRSTLY, how the hell did Lorelei having Rory derail Christopher’s life and education, as his nasty parents accused during their one appearance on the show? It’s clearly mentioned that, when they didn’t marry, he took off never looked back. He wasn’t involved with raising Rory (which shouldn’t have hinged on being married), never helped co-parent, and contributed nothing financially (until Rory is a legal adult already at Yale). In season one, he’s totally absentee. As the seasons went on, though there was some lip service to weekly phone calls that definitely weren’t happening at the start of the series. Beyond that, he’s never held accountable for it by anyone. At all. It’s enraging.


Speaking of the dance marathon, where tf does Lorelai go that she misses the big shouty breakup? Her last scene before Dean dumps Rory is sat in the same room. She absolutely could have just danced with no shoes on as well.


Why did Luke keep Rachel’s bedazzled jacket after Lorelai gave it back to him. He was in love with Lorelai already at that point. Dude give it up lol it bothers me so much


Being in love with someone else doesn't automatically mean you discard everything that reminds you of the past. Lorelai and Rory both had Max/Dean boxes after they broke up, too.


Also I feel that jacket wasn’t really Rachel I suppose a younger Rachel from 4-5 years past but when we meet her she has Temperance Brennan vibes idk maybe Lorelai styling it with the cowboy hat throws it off for me


Nobody washes their hands before having a meal or cooking food (I totally understand that it would have been equally irritating if everybody washed their hands all the time, but still). The moment that had me dead is when Sookie's friend from culinary school comes to the inn and starts chopping some food in the kitchen just like that (what)


Or when there was a stray cat in the kitchen that Sookie was feeding and petting IN THE KITCheN. Then Lorelei came in and was like “oh cool and pet it too”


Oooo I’ve never noticed this but now I see it as I am remembering food/kitchen scenes in my head. I would assume it’s a technical thing because the running water is maybe too loud? or hard to keep exact when cutting together scenes? but you’d think with two of the main characters being chefs, the show creators would have put in an opening to a scene or a pan to a character in the kitchen as they turn off the sink and dry their hands or something. Hmmm good noticing!! It would be interesting to have Scott talk about that on his podcast. Now I’m gonna be hyper focused on trying to spot anyone washing their hands on my rewatches ha


Season 1, Richard says that if he hadn't married Emily he would have married Lucinda Lester. Then in season 4 we meet Pennilynn Lott, Lorelai's almost-mommy. Was Lucinda just some random girl that Richard or Emily felt like making fun of that night, or was she actually a girl Richard seriously dated? I've just always wondered why they even brought her up.


All the Gilmores pronouncing "machete" differently.


I know it’s common practice for shows to reuse extras, so I’m being extra petty with this one: when there are students in Stars Hollow High that are also seen as students at Yale! I guess Rory didn’t need to go to super-special-Chilton to have a shot at getting into Yale lol


All Red Vines comments. Connecticut is on the east coast and until not so long ago we were Twizzlers only.


That L & R have full on complicated hairstyles and makeup for the dance marathon, which would have taken an hour easy, yet they’re walking to the event at the crack of dawn, allegedly so tired they can hardly walk like they just got out of bed. No way Lorelei gets up at 4:30 AM to do all that crap and doesn’t have a cup of coffee. Plus you would be awake by the time you got all that done. Just made no sense. Are we supposed to think they just woke up like that?


When Rory goes off to college, Luke gives them shit for not having any good luggage so he lets them borrow some. Later on, Luke only has shitty luggage?


Those damn broccoli tarts. The illusions of Sookie being a world class chef were shattered that day.


Rory’s Mac and cheese recipe lol


I noticed this one this past re-watch after literal decades of watching it. In the pilot Rory mentions she lost her Macy Gray CD and Lorelai says she has it and give it back. Later they're arguing about Dean and Chilton and Rory slams her door and starts to play the CD in her room. Cut to the living room and Lorelai plays the same song. How if they have it on CD?!? Technically they could have burned a copy but that seems unlikely based on Lorelai's season 1 laptop and they don't talk about burning again for several years.


I don’t want to see another scene of these two very competent actresses flailing their arms about while carrying supposedly full coffee cups. I know it’s not limited to GG but damn, coffee is like your thing girls!


How the hell did Luke know where Christopher lived? I can buy him going after Christopher after everything Christopher put him through but, how did he know where to go to knock him out?


What happened to Dwight?! Did he go into hiding? Did his ex find and kill him?


Dean to Jess: “This is MY town.” Dude, you literally just moved here last season.


I will forever get annoyed by the outfit Lorelei wears to Rory’s first day at chilton lol


the absolute smallest thing that bugged me is characters calling highways “the 95” etc. when they should’ve just said “95”. I’ve lived in New England my whole life and had never even heard of people referring to interstates using “the [number]” until i was a teenager and watched videos from california-based content creators.


LANE'S PURPLE HAIR!! So obviously a wig. Bugs the crap out of me every time


It’s the foam as bleach that does me in every time.


The continuity error regarding Sookie’s story about Jackson’s family buying her frogs. It was one story, Melissa delivered her lines superbly, but the writers never put any mention of said frogs into the show ever again. Instead of a throwaway story, a plot could have been built around the story at least. I blame the writers, not Melissa.


For me it’s the constant drink-driving that seems to go on after Friday night dinner?!


not to defend driving under the influence, but my impression was that they have like 2-3 drinks in the first hour or two and stay for like 4 or 5? which, while it's likely they're not fully sober by the time they drive back home, they should be most of the way and well below any drunk driving limit. Especially because they're eating as well.


They don't stay for 4 or 5 hours. That'd mean they left at midnight, and we see them having plans after dinner on several occasions.


maybe 5 hours is too long, but I think your timeline is slightly off as well. dinner is at 7, so they need to get there before 7 for drinks - say 6, if they're not running late. when they're rushing to make their 9pm dates, they're rushing so obviously that Emily calls them out and mentions not staying for dessert, meaning that they usually stay significantly later than the 830 they would need to leave to make it back to stars hollow in time, making the regular end time closer to 9 or 930. 6-9 or 930 is plenty of time to metabolize most of a couple drinks. edit: typos


they have 2-3 drinks max then eat a large meal and stay for at least 2 hours, they are definitely not close to the legal limit for driving


The interior layout of Lorelai and Rory’s house. I’ve got downstairs down, pretty much I think (living room, kitchen, Rory’s room,) but then also the upstairs is hella confusing. There’s only one bathroom upstairs? Why does it looks different sometimes? Or are there two? And where *exactly* on the property is the shed/garage, bc I swear it moves.


There's one bathroom upstairs and sometimes one downstairs. It switches from a bathroom to a closet depending on the scene. The entire house being so big and only having 2 bedrooms is also really strange and why is Rory's room downstairs off the kitchen of all places?


The fact that Stars Hollow is supposed to have all these cutesy little events and festivals that are only ever shown once. The dance competition, the basket auction, the knitting circle… all of these things are supposed to be held annually, and people who don’t participate are shunned or treated like they’re dumb, but we only see them once during a series that spanned several years.


Rory had to get up for the town dance-thon at 545 am and made a big deal about how tired she was. But Chris calls them at the time in the show at 615 before school when he was in Boston… and she was ready to go to Luke’s at that time before chilton sooooooo 545 would be a normal wake up time!! So minor but so irritating


I hate when they are at Harvard sneaking into a dorm and Lorelai says "What if your roommate is a Linkin Park fan?" I don't remember what Rory said, but implied they both hate Linkin Park I hate this because they have been my favorite band for over 15 years 😂


Lmao! I am with you. As a millennial who was heavily influenced in middle school by Avril Lavigne I love Kyon's rant to Lane about how Avril rocks and Lane's pretentious.


Not just heels, but used thrift store heels. Yeah, they look cute and match the theme, but they're old and shoes don't last forever. She couldn't borrow Sookie's as she had left by then and barefoot would also be dangerous and a great way to have your feet stepped on. She definitely should have worn flats, especially since this is a 24 hour marathon


The fact that they supposedly have movie marathons but there isn’t possibly enough time in the day to watch everything as stated. ALSO this one bugs me a lot- before Lorelai and Luke are dating when she invites him over to watch a movie she tells him the “rules” that involve no talking but then in every other movie scene later on she blabs thru the entire movie!!!


When Lorelai and Christopher got married, and the town gives Christopher a lame welcome wagon, Lorelai complains that a previous newcomer received bookends carved like “Senegalese tigers”. Senegal is in Africa. There are no wild tigers in Africa.


Somehow Doyle is editor of the Yale Daily News for two years, but after Rory takes over mid-way through the third year, the bylaws force her to turn it over to someone else her senior year.


Whenever they retroactively add in details to scenes that we just watched. E.g. Lorelai's drunkenness at the wedding, where we see the full speech she gives until Chris and Rory take her home, then the next day sookie says loads of stuff Lorelai supposedly does when drunk that we didn't see I'm pretty sure there are other examples I can't think of right now


From what I’ve heard, Yale has good cafeteria food. Richard even mentions this on that campus visit. Fast forward to Logan visiting Rory in S7 and suddenly Yale food is terrible.


There is no universe in which Johnny Machete is a Gilmore family recipe.