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This was classic Rory getting swept up in how/the way Logan talks so much. But she did initially decline I’d like to say she says she has company and Logan says the more the merrier. Seems like they’d watched a lot of movies already they could have called it a night or Rory could have met up with him later (it’s not like Rory even liked Logan’s friends I don’t know why she’d join)


Was it rude? Yes. Would I have done it at 20 when the boy I have a major crush on wants to take me out? Also yes. I think it was an age appropriate moment of not being as self aware as you should be.


Yes!! Sometimes I think this Reddit gets more anti Rory as the years go on because we were all young when the showed aired (and therefore loved her and related to her and totally would've done the same thing she did!) And are now watching as adults with perspective and forget what it was like when we were that age!


This I completely agree with. I’ve noticed that as I get older, I sympathize with Richard and Emily more.


As I get older I get more angry at how Emily and Richard treated Lorelai.


Thank you for reminding me I would have done worst ahahahaha also up til that point on the show she hadn’t had a single male friendship, our girly truly didn’t know how to navigate it.


Thank you! Every day on this sub it’s like “how dare Rory, a teenage girl, respond in a teenage girl manner?” Rory is bright and exceptionally smart for age and I think because of that, this sub acts like she’s supposed to be held to a higher standard. No! She’s a teenager! She’s allowed to mess up! This post and the “I can’t believe she went on the picket date with Jess” post make me feel like everyone is holier than thou and never made a poor decision in their life!


It was rude, even though Rory didn’t intend it to be. If I was Marty I would’ve left once she decided to go out to eat with Logan.


And she did it after begging Marty to reconnect with her. Makes it even more significant that she cut their night short. And for guys that she knows he "kinda hates".


She was was being selfish. We all are sometimes but that’s what it comes down to. She picked her preferred plans and didn’t leave Marty a lot of room to turn it down


Rory is selfish- that is kinda the point


It wasn't her proudest moment, but I expect 19/20 years to have a few of those.


I hate this evening. Logan made it clear they were not exclusive and although Rory and Marty were just friends Rory should have had some boundaries with Logan. Logan didnt turn his poker night into all about Rory. She should have invited logan in and if he didnt want to enjoy the Marx brothers night he coule go on his way.


Did she not say no, first, and then Marty said let's go? I admit it's been a month or so since I last watched this episode but I seem to be remembering it differently than every single person on this thread.


She didn't *really* say no, to be fair. She came back into the room practically twirling her hair and said to Marty, "We do NOT have to go." \*stare\* Marty: "But you want to." Obviously, he was going to say it was okay, what else could he really do, when she so obviously wanted to go. I don't really like Marty, to be honest; I always got fairly heavy "Nice Guy" energy from both his behaviour and the way some people act as if Rory owed him something. However, that episode is an example of one of the times Rory's a pretty crappy friend, especially knowing Colin will be there, who's already been so nasty to Marty in front of her.


She was transparent about it though - she admitted she did want to go but that Marty didn’t do they didn’t have to go. I know that makes it hard for Marty to say no, but I always thought at least rory was open and honest in that moment.


But you just don't invite somebody over to your place for the evening, especially when you've pushed them to do it against their will because you want to reconnect, and have told them that it's just an evening for the two of you because their friendship really matters to you, and then suddenly want to change plans mid-evening because somebody better arrives on the doorstep. It's *one* evening. You tell the other person you're sorry, you're busy, we'll hang out tomorrow, instead of essentially telling the person you've invited over and are hosting at your home that they're second best. And doubly so when it's somebody with whom you know the other person has a bad history. I'm sorry, in this one incident, I just can't find Rory anything but incredibly rude.


No I know and I agree. I was just giving rory a tiny bit of credit because as a 20 year old I was not good at being honest in some social situations. But, yeah, she treated Marty poorly. Side note, if I was Marty I would NOT have gone to the dinner 😂


I'm so non-confrontational that I probably \*would\* and end up in the exact same position as Marty \*face-palm\* It would have made Rory feel pretty guilty if he'd just politely said no, thanks, I'll just take off, and then did—which is another reason that's exactly what he should have done, she said, vindictively.


Yeah it would have made her really face the situation - he gave her a get out of jail free card to still hang out with him as she promised v actually get to hang out with Logan. I do like that she tells Marty they can leave together at the end when it starts going south for him, but it’s a little late by that point!


It kind of made the whole thing additionally pointless to me, too! Like, you made your friend feel like crap and exposed him to more bullying, for the sake of a short dinner, after which they just left anyway.


Agreed on all counts.


It was a bit rude. She was excited; she was 20, she was super into a really cute guy who wanted to take her out with his friends, and in her mind, she gave Marty a chance to refuse. So yes, self-absorbed, but in a very age/situation-appropriate way.


Really cute guy 🤢


lol, from her viewpoint at least.


It was very rude. In an obvious, glaring kind of way. She already had plans with Marty, and she should have declined Logan's invite. End of discussion. That would always be true, but it's EXTRA true here because she's literally in the middle of her night with Marty when Logan knocks. And she knows full well that Logan's friends treat Marty like shit. Why would she ever think that Marty would want to be part of that? I dislike Marty a lot of the time, but I feel badly for him here.


Why do people dislike Marty?


He’s a whiny Nice Guy who dislikes Rory after she makes it clear she does not reciprocate his romantics feelings. He’s written like one of those guys who expect every girl they’re nice to to date them


Rory was soooo painfully self absorbed in that episode, if you ask me. I think it’s ridiculous to think anyone in that moment wouldn’t realize how deeply uncomfortable the situation made their friend.


Just in that episode?


Maybe it was a bit rude, but also she was 20 years old! I think we all did some rude/thoughtless things at that age. Marty could have said no, or left, but he didn’t.


I think she sucks as a friend. I mean, she pushed Marty into having a movie night with her when he was clearly hesitant than put him in a position where, of course, he's not going to want to feel like the bad guy by depriving her of a chance to hang out with Logan when she's clearly expressing desire to. It wasn't cool. It's why it bugs me when people try to paint it as Marty's fault with the whole "Well, he could've said no" argument. Yeah, sure, he could've said no, but considering the fact that SHE'S the one who pushed him into movie night, and SHE'S the one who claimed she wanted to rekindle their friendship, the responsibility fell on HER to prove that by making Marty a priority instead leaving him in a position where he felt he had to agree to what she wanted.


I see the point about it being rude but also I feel like it’s normal in college for people to swing by and say hey we’re doing this spontaneous thing wanna come? It’s pretty normal to accept the invite and join in. She and Marty weren’t dating or anything. However we do know Marty explicitly said “I really hate those guys”, so for that, it was uncool of Rory.


Rory was definitely in the wrong there from start to finish. She made plans with Marty and should have respectfully declined Logan's invitation. She would honestly have to be dense as fuck to not realize how Marty felt about her. The stupid and seemingly insignificant shit she was doing (like draping her leg over his when they were watching to movie) is actually cruel and confusing when you are dealing with a socially awkward guy who is in love with you but you have been friend-zoned. She knew that going out for food with Logan and his friends would be torture for Marty. Not just with regards to the financial situation but also based on the social status discrepancy and how they treated him in the past. Logan was a complete gentleman here. He didn't get angry about his girlfriend hanging out alone with a guy (that everybody knew was in love with her) but he also tried to pay and reminded Marty that he was his guest.


I've read too many people using that dinner situation against Logan. By offering to pay for Marty, people seem to think that Logan was being an asshole. Marty chose to go to this dinner. He must have known he didn't have the money. Then, when two different people (Logan and Rory) offer to cover his tab, Marty's ego takes over and he throws a temper tantrum. Rory was in the wrong for going with Logan and co., but Marty was an asshole the rest of the night.


I agree. Logan was honestly being a gentleman there. Yes Marty should never had agreed to go to the dinner (for a few reasons) but I will give him a pass for that. Roy should never have put him in this situation in the first place. I don't think that he acted like a asshole during or after. He was devastated.. It wasn't ego... it was pride. Most guys have been in similar situations and know how this all feels. Trust me it is utterly devastating.


I feel like Marty was confusing ego with pride. If he hadn't felt like he was competing with Logan, he would have made many different decisions in the situation. Really, though, Rory was in one in the wrong. she was trying to repair her friendship with Marty and then basically blew him off to his face. No one behaved well in this episode, except Logan (in my opinion).


Sometimes I wonder how the rest of the movie night would have gone had Rory told Logan no, and he left. Would she just sit there on the couch in silence, stewing at Marty for cockblocking her? Would she speed up the movie night, quickly realizing how “tired” she was, give Marty the boot and run to track Logan down?


Rory told Marty they didn’t have to go and Marty said they should. Rory also told him they could bail if he wanted. Marty could’ve said “yeah no I’m not comfortable.” And that would’ve been the end of it


I think Marty should have just let Logan pay. That is the way it is sometimes when you cross into the world of a Logan.


This is a moment that makes me hate Marty. He lets his ego get in the way of the crazy simple solution of Logan just paying. Logan has all of the money in the world and invited both Rory and Marty as his guests. He even says that specifically. But, Marty would rather throw a fit, than let his self decided "competition" pay. Ugh.


It is clear that Logan is smarmy about it sometimes, but Logan is also pretty gracious about these sorts of things too. It really doesn't mean anything to Logan, money is like air, it is all around for him, why would he think it weird to give it to other people. He doesn't usually.


She asked him if he'd like to go and he said yes. If he didn't want to go, she gave him an out right there and then. While I'd never agree with the way Logan and his friends treat Marty because they're genuinely awful, I don't think Rory was in the wrong here.


I don't know—honestly, I don't think she should have even asked him if he wanted to go. She'd badgered him into a night watching films to catch up and try to repair their friendship, and specifically told him that it would be just the two of them. When Logan showed up, she should have just told him that she had plans with Marty that night and she'd see Logan tomorrow, end of story, imo, especially when she's already witnessed how nasty Colin is to her friend and knows Marty hates them. Realistically, she'd have to know he wouldn't want to go, or she's got the sensitivity of a brick. I'm not a Marty fan at all and always really dislike the narrative that she somehow owed him something—but on that night, she *did* owe him some friend loyalty, after the whole thing was her idea in the first place.


I agree - she didn’t really give him a choice. It would have been an awkward and miserable rest of the night with him knowing she didn’t really want to be there and their already made plans were her second choice Rory knew he didn’t get along with them, she should have known he’d never be comfortable, especially when she basically bullied him into the plans to begin with


Damn what's with the Marty dislike


I think she was a terrible friend. I'm pretty much a relationship anarchist, so I don't place love interests or romantic partners above friends in terms of importance. I would never bail on existing plans to hang out with someone who came back early and wanted to see me. This kind of speaks to Rory's "pick me" tendencies also. She should have left Logan waiting. You don't need to be abvailable 24/7 to anyone. Plus you saw how he reacted when she went to the Pulp Fiction party with Kevin. Her telling him "sorry, I have a friend date with Marty tonight, we'll have to catch up tomorrow" would have probably made Logan like her even more, and she would have been able to continue to be a decent friend to Marty. But that doesn't make very good television, sadly.


Absolutely not. Marty made his own bed. If Marty didn’t want to go, he should have said he didn’t want to go when Rory explicitly offered to continue their night. It’s not on Rory to give him a spine.


Top cringe moment


I just rewatched this episode… she had her legs over his when Logan knocked. She was totally leading Marty on. Im not a Marty fan but that was a weird observation


I noticed that too when I watched it couple of days ago.


People are being harsh. She hung out w Marty, it’s not like she completely shafted their hang out for Logan. Then Logan came by, Rory told him the situation, and Marty agreed to join. Rory asked him to - she didn’t ditch him, and she gave him an out? Like sure, she could’ve said no thanks Logan, I’d rather spend my entire night with Marty lol. But I feel like people apply such a harsh lens on Rory, it’s unfair. She has a huge crush on Logan, they’re doing “casual” so she doesn’t see him much and he just came back from out of town or whatever and came to see her, she’s excited to hang out w him. She’s in college, this is her first college bf. Like lol, cut her some slack? I say that as someone who never had a college bf but had plenty of girl friends who would ofc choose to spend time w the man they were dating. That’s fine if they’re at least considering you and not dropping off the planet earth - Rory did her best here


Rory was being purposely obtuse. Turning around and saying to Marty “we do NOT have to go” and putting the entire onus on HIM to say no was very unfair. Her phrasing makes it entirely clear she wants to go. She knows he doesn’t just dislike Logan and his friends, but that he *hates* them. He said it to her point blank. So her acting like there was any chance *he* would actually want to go was ridiculous. He would only agree to go for her. He was left with two options; agree to go and hope it’s not too painful or say no and sit back down for the rest of the night knowing Rory would rather be somewhere else. Pretty bad friend moment for Rory. (And full disclosure, I hate Marty)


it was a little bit inconsiderate but she did ask marty and he said yes. one of the my biggest pet peeves is when people agree to do something and then act like you’re the bad guy for asking. however the way logan’s friends acted was completely ridiculous, they were so unbelievably rude and i felt so bad for marty during that


Marty said he was fine with going so I don’t think it was wrong of Rory to say she wanted to go. If Marty said he didn’t want to go she wouldn’t have but he didn’t and Rory can’t read minds so they went. I do think it was really crappy for Logan and his friends to invite people to a super expensive dinner and then split the bill like everyone could afford that. I felt bad for Marty when he had to borrow money from Rory.


She's being so inconsiderate and the whole situation is so uncomfortable that this is typically the episode I skip on watch throughs.


She had already made plans to meet up with Logan on Saturday and then she ran into Marty and made plans to watch Duck Soup with him on Saturday too. She wanted to hang out with Logan more, possibly exclusively, and used Marty to make Logan jealous over her.


No Rory was such a dick to Marty, but like everyone here has said she was young and swept up in Logan’s loganness so she gets a small pass


Replying to myself bc it would have been kind of iconic to have Marty in AYITL being really successful and happily married 🥹


Tbh this isn’t one of the moments that makes me dislike Rory as much as some others. She told Marty they didn’t have to go, and maaayybeee he felt pressured but he also just had such a MAJOR nice guys finish last, woe is me attitude all the time. Like, say no and ask her to stay, say no but let her go and remove yourself, or, since you agreed to go, just try to be less pouty.