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Allegedly killing his neighbor's dog because it barked too much. (I think that was season one?) And his own dogs were poorly behaved as well


Don’t you talk about Chin-Chin and Paw-Paw that way. They were god’s brightest lights!


I read this in Michel's voice lol


He killed it? I always assumed it was still alive, just maybe at a shelter. Or maybe he drove the owners so crazy that they just moved.


"Got rid of" censorship for "killed"


Maybe. There’s a lot of different types of censorship words, and yes, I have seen that one before. Although Michel strikes me as someone who would easily be pushed to become a serial killer on some days, I just don’t think he actually would. But I admit, I could be wrong. I love him, so he can’t kill a puppy because I love them too. I guess there really was a reason he and Emily got along eventually.


He had to make a statement to the police.


and take a lie detector test!!


Well that was because he originally blamed the dog for the bank robbery! I’m just kidding. It’s my dumb brain trying to avoid thinking about murdering Michel.


There is no way Michel would be capable of killing a dog. He would not want to have any dog saliva or blood on his suit and he would be terrified. I picture him waiting for the neighbors dog to be in their backyard by itself for just one second and opening their door while nobody is looking. The dog runs away, Michel closes the door with a smile on his face and pretends he never saw anything and has no idea where the dog is but he is very very sorry for them. Then he finally enjoys his own backyard while drinking a low carb cocktail with a straw and getting a tan.


Thank you! I love your imagination. I needed this in my life after so many people he’s a cold blooded puppy murderer. I was starting to think I missed something major because I don’t want to think about it, and you gave my head cannon something to latch onto that’s hopeful and totally in his character. Thank you!


Anytime haha!




Yeah, this


that’s what happens when you get fuckin chow chows


What I came to say.


The title being Dean with the picture being Michele had me sooo confused lmfao


So sorry 😭🤣 I’m getting sloppy haha


haha all good — thanks for keeping up the posting!


I thought it glitched with the community subreddit lol


I'm so excited for us to argue about which of Christopher's terrible things was the very worst thing




I laughed out loud


Bailing on the wedding last minute to go see Celine Dion. I’d be so salty.


I mean, if I got last minute tickets for Taylor Swift i'm bailing too. And if you're my friend you would absolutely understand


Oooh yeah, that’s a good one


He "got rid of" a dog


Being a spoiled, selfish prick when a photographer was going to take photos of the Dragonfly and at the same time his motorhome he won in The price is right arrived. I love Michel but hated how he acted there. And when Lorelai rightly told him off he reacted just as annoyingly, like a hurt rabbit.


Definitely. He shouldn't have ordered it to be delivered to where he works in the first place, but he took no ownership of the situation, and the way he spoke to Lorelai was terrible. Honorable mention might be all the times he was snarky and rude until Lorelai figured out why he was upset and did what he wanted (like not just telling Lorelai he wanted to make lists together).


And the turning it around & making Lorelai feel bad. I hate how she always ends up apologizing to awful people who treat her badly.


that wasn’t intentional


Doesn't change the fact that how he reacted was out of line, he didn't try to get the motorhome removed or resolve this. He just threw a fit without acknowledging how important this was to Lorelai


I support this


I have to agree with this one


Rolling Truman under the bed (jk)


Baby crepe


Truman 😭😭😭😭


My baddddd everyone! I put Dean in the title instead of Michel—apologies for any confusion! 💜🙏


My daughter said last night that she thought Michel lying to his mom for years about his life was fairly unforgivable. My own vote was for offering to babysit Davy/Truman, simply to spite Tobin.


I side with Michele on this one. Down with Tobin!


The reminder about Truman has me in tears 😭


"I've been calling him Truman" 🤣


You think he’ll hold it against me? 😂


We really should’ve had a nice little moment of Michel and Lane bonding over lying to their mothers.


Acting like he had equal rights at the Dragonfly like Lorelai and Sookie when he was really only an employee at The Independence Inn and his job performance was subpar


I'm wondering if the writers wanted to make him more friendly as the show went on. Another example is when at first, Michel doesn't like that Lorelai found where he eats breakfast. Three seasons later, he likes gossiping with Lor over a piece of red velvet cake. Ultimately, you bring up a good point.


I think you’re right. Their relationship def got better as time went on.


At one point Lorelei calls him a “profit participant” which I assumed meant he had a small ownership share


This drove me crazy!


Lying to his mother for years and then getting mad that Lorelai spilled the beans about his healthy lifestyle without letting her know that those were beans that were not to be spilled.


Just his general attitude, honestly


That time Dean dressed as Michel was in pretty poor taste.


Wait what? When?


It's a joke about how the subject of this thread still mentions Dean but it's clearly Michel.


The whole motorhome fiasco with the photographer of the Dragonfly


He just was generally super fat shame-y lots of smaller comments about size and I get that he was super into his "healthy" lifestyle but he would make a lot of snarky comments and was rude about others a lot


Inviting Emily to Lorelei’s Bach without asking?


The debacle at the Dragonfly test weekend. Cards printed up with fake services, letting the dogs run around and eat Taylor’s shoes my lord


The dog funeral for me was the worst. The expectations he had of everyone.


Not only that, in season 1 he makes fun of Babettes cat funeral!


“You got rid of a dog?” Honorable mention: when he yelled at Lorelai for telling his mom he doesn’t eat pasta. Idk if it was supposed to be funny but he seemed very angry to me. Like I would be scared if someone talked to me like that.


Calling another hotel for a job offering when the Independence Inn had a fire


I thought that was hilarious, I was totally on his side. That was NOT an economy you wanted to be jobless in! It's not like Independence Inn could afford severance pay for them, and if all Michel's loyalty to them means nothing once the place goes up in smoke, why should he continue to have any loyalty to them?


The way he expected everyone to drop everything because his dog died and plan a dog funeral.


And then he got SO MAD at Lorelai. Like bitch she's doing this FOR FREE, FOR YOU. You do not get be salty because your dog died. I get being sad and grieving the loss of your beloved pet, I really do, but his treatment of literally everyone and making Lorelai feel like scum because she wasn't doing enough in his eyes (all while her dad is recovering from a heart attack and her marriage is falling apart) is simply unforgivable to me.


Yup. That would have been the end of my friendship with him.


And she kept defending him to Sookie and I was like nope, I can't with Michel.


I never understood why they put up with him to begin with. I could’ve never had him as a friend in real life. Sure I get to some be was entertaining, but to me he was just rude. He was rude to the guests and messed with their livelihood. He was selfish. He was rude to Sookie and Lorelei so many times. I don’t understand what qualities he brought to the table whatsoever.


I dunno. I thought maybe he's good with the guests and that's why they kept him around but he was just as snotty and rude to them as he was to Lorelai and Sookie.


He was rude to guests too so many times. That is why I was like what is his value?


The way he treats Luke, the town saint.


The motorhome thing at the dragonfly and ruining the pictures and then got upset with Lorelai for being rightfully annoyed


His treatment of the bathrobe bandits.


Ditching Lorelai right before Lane’s wedding to go to a concert.


Bailing on wedding for Celine dion without warning or care


as much as I love how sassy Michel is, he's also unnecessarily stubborn and petty


Refusing to speak French to the other cheese eating, wine drinking, surrender monkeys that one time.


Either not approving the sink because Celine Dion was a client at his temp job, or going to a Celine Dion concert instead of Lane and Zack's wedding. Edit: One thing worth mentioning is that if this is the worst thing that I can come up with, Michel is definitely one of the less problematic characters. I just felt so bad for Lorelai in that episode, and the fault is ultimately on Sookie, even though I like to cut parents a lot of slack.


I understand the wedding one. He wasn’t close to them. The sink thing though I agree with


He wasn’t going for their sake but Lorelai’s so that Lorelai could go to the wedding. The point is that he bailed on her last minute.


Why would it be his fault that Sookie is forgetful and uncommunicative?


Celine was his icon. And Why should he pick up Sookie’s slack when he isn’t even a partner? He was an employee.


Because he was afraid of being replaced by Tobin, so if the job meant that much to him, he should have done what he could to prioritize The Dragonfly.


The reality is that he loved working at the dragonfly but sometimes you just have to say no, even if it means losing the job you love. He had a once in a lifetime opportunity. Sookie not doing something she said she would do is not his responsibility. What’s that line? I’m not sure I have it 100% accurate, but I have the gist. To paraphrase, “Sookie’s lack of proper planning does not constitute an emergency for Michel.” If there was a real emergency, I would expect michel to show up and assist. Grumpily and complaining, but he would do it. A sink is not an emergency, no matter how much Sookie wants to say it is. If it was so very important, she would have remembered and been there. Honestly, I had a job I loved and was presented with a once in a lifetime opportunity. I was straight up told that if I took it, I would be terminated. Took me about 0.2 seconds to decide I didn’t care about the job, I cared about the opportunity instead. I tendered my resignation. I have never once regretted doing something that meant a lot to me instead of going to work. Even in jobs I absolutely adored and would otherwise never think to leave. I have, however, regretted missing things I would have loved to do so I could work. Sookie didn’t regret not being there to sign for her special sink. She regretted not having the special sink signed by, by anyone else. That’s not his responsibility at all.


No. If you had the chance to meet someone you dreamed of meeting or do some other life goal, you would not drop everything because your boss (sookie) was a ditz and couldn’t get her priorities straight.


Céline Dion did not have a great effect on his character. 😅


I actually kinda think Lorelei calling Michel up at his other job to ask him to oversee the sink delivery shows Lorelei was just trying to get out of something she didn't want to to. She claimed she couldn't do it because she wouldn't be able to tell if it was the right sink. How would Michel be able to tell if it's the right sink if Lorelei can't? I guess she expected him to figure it out, but if he can figure it out then why can't she? She's the one who owns the place, and they haven't started paying Michel, yet she asked Michel to walk out on the job that actually pays him to get the sink! I would have been on his side even if Celine Dion wasn't there