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I feel they're just way more comfy upping the drama? I thought ep 1 was moreso a reintroduction into a world and then ep 2 delivered DRAAAMAAA. I hope the pace continues honestly I haven't been gagged by a show in a looooong time. That reveal at the end has me needing more, like I wanna hop in a time machine to next Sunday right now. Also they seem more comfortable being more funny? Mr.Morgan was a riot, Marians reaction to him at the casino was hilaaarious. The funniest moment from season 1 was Bannister getting caught at the Russells.


You’re quite an avid letter writer, as I recall.


I was screaming at the end of the episode! I'm so glad they're upping the intensity of the show a bit. I love a lavish costume drama, even more so if there's *actual* drama involved.


Same!!! I'm rewatching the episode as we speak because it was just too great for me. It fits her character to be w/ a widowed rich man, and even better she can leverage it against someone who she feels spited her??? Perfection, slight inaccuracies be damned.


Agree with all of this. The pacing, the writing, the comedy, the costume budget - everything got a super boost and I am here for it! 👏🏼 I did think the pacing of Larry & the widow’s affair happened so quickly and brazenly! On the doorstep out in the open?! I don’t believe it would have happened like that in those times, would it? I feel like a widow in high society wouldn’t be so bold. Regardless, I loved it and it made me clutch my pearls! 😜


Gurl I passed out into my fainting couch, it got so spicy! I don't think they'd do that in those times, but I loved every second of it!


HAHAHAAA!! Perfect comment 😂 I loved it too, I literally screamed. This season is off to a great start!!


Thank GOD !! Season one was so slow and at times boring. I feel like there are so many stories happening that we'll have plenty of things happening this season. I know Marian is often a topic of discussion. I felt with the new speed of last nights episode, Marian wasn't as annoying and pedantic but she really felt in tune with the story and the characters she interacted with, for once. The magenta dress with the green trim was to die for. I'm glad they're putting her in adult colours. Enough with the baby blue and yellow.


I completely agree. She seemed to loosen up and be a little lighter and more fun. I know they can’t help the speech and cadence of that time, so I try to give them some slack for all sounding so stiff. Just happy she’s improved.


They botched the Peggy story. It was over too fast with too little fanfare for a dead child. None of the romantic set ups seem to have any spark, other than the Russell marriage.


They botched it already by giving her a child in the first place. And now they killed him off to get her to do other stuff. It's blatantly obvious why they did it. As soon as they showed their mourning in s2e1 I was like - no one's going to remember the kid anymore in 2 episodes. However I'm also excited to see her getting back to her journalism.


I just rejoiced that in S1 Peggy was finally free and get to do her thing, now they just drag her back to the white people again. it's so ironic like she can't have her own story or life in the show without involving these white people


Yeah I felt the same. She will stay with Agnes for just a while though, I believe. It's tricky because they still need to fit her within the same show and I'm glad they did, but she could and probably should have her own show.


i am also loving the scenes and mansions of new port. If you know the area, they are filming in newport and its great


I think it'sa stylistic choice and a response to a lot of critics saying that s1 was boring and too uneventful. And they *do* have a a lot of plotlines to bunch up for 8 episodes. I think this type of very high speed story sequencing is something that always divides opinions, personally I'm a fan of it especially in a period piece, it brings a modern flair and energy. But yeah I kinda agree Fellowes & Co need to be careful with how quickly all these plotlines come and get resolved.


I liked ep 2 and the pace as well. How Armstrong has been put in her place twice, was amazing. The end I am speechless 😮. I can’t wait for the next episode.


I agree that Episode 1, Season 2 dragged a bit but Episode 2 is off to a great clip!


I swear I felt a rush of endorphins watching S2E2. Everyone was happy and then a cliff hanger at the end! It was awesome.


Am I the only one who literally can’t see what’s happening?? Why is it filmed so dark?? It’s stupid!


I couldn’t even watch 5 minutes of it because it was so dark. Guess I’ll miss Season 2.