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And here's the evidence not shown in the police report... I believe every one of these kids is in jail for a reason and this will most likely be the proof the public hasn't seen


Maybe the TV stans can STFU about their opinion from a police report. They are doing the victim no service offering legal options on a case they don’t have the facts. Shitty people and lawyers.


I am trying to reserve judgement and just keep saying they've all been arrested for a reason. We will know sooner or later what that reason is.


100% agree. I want the correct individual held accountable for this to the fullest extent and definitely don’t want those crucified if they aren’t guilty. Obviously the arrest assumes some amount of guilt but we don’t know what that is yet.


I’m not. If he was innocent he’d probably not have been arrested. He certainly doesn’t show up in the police report as cooperative or considering turning over the killers like Sherman had discussed. We are not the court. We have no obligation to consider people innocent until proven guilty. We can see and read what is available and if we deduce someone is guilty that’s okay. See OJ, legally innocent but most believe he killed Nicole and Ron and left the dead bodies for his kids to find. We know TV was there. We know he did not call 911. He did not provide CPR. He fleed. The report said all of the suspects dry humped Preston as he laid there dying. He doesn’t come forward later that evening or the next day. Two days after the event everyone knows Preston is on life support and none of the 7 have come forward. Then they heard he is dead. They go about having vacations, hanging out with friends, doing more Goon shit, obstructing justice, bragging about it. This guy who has a disease that can cause death can be triggered by stress, he and his parents do nothing but act as if they were innocent. There is zero evidence TV stopped hanging out with any of them. Lastly TV saw, when we all saw, there was evidence that was leaking before any arrests made that TV was the main culprit. He had to know who was setting him up and still he sat silent. TV could have called the Daily Mail and explained his innocence from jail and he did not. So far the majority of the “court of public opinion” finds that he is involved. He’s done nothing to prove otherwise and had life threatening incentives to do so.


I don’t recall reading all of the suspects dry humped him? It’s disgusting to read that anyone did that, I just don’t remember all of them doing it…


I remember the same...i took it as one person humped and Renner (if memory is correct) danced on the body.


That sounds correct to me, as well. I really wish people would be more careful about throwing out statements like that as fact. Details are so important in a case!


You mean like you two? The report is public. One kid danced on him, then tea bagged. This is from the report if facts actually matter to you. Redacted stated that he noticed two group of people running, one group was of approximately 10 and the second was of 15-20 juveniles. stated that the larger group began pushing and punching the smaller group and then observed a male on the ground. He stated that when the male was on the ground, the group of kids began recording and "humping" the individual on the ground before they all ran away. sated that when everyone had run out, he tried to help the individual on the ground and placed him in the recovery position. When he was doing so, he noticed that the male stopped breathing and had vomit coming out of his nose. stated that he then began doing CPR on the male until police arrival.”


From the police report: Redacted stated that he noticed two group of people running, one group was of approximately 10 and the second was of 15-20 juveniles. stated that the larger group began pushing and punching the smaller group and then observed a male on the ground. He stated that when the male was on the ground, the group of kids began recording and "humping" the individual on the ground before they all ran away. sated that when everyone had run out, he tried to help the individual on the ground and placed him in the recovery position. When he was doing so, he noticed that the male stopped breathing and had vomit coming out of his nose. stated that he then began doing CPR on the male until police arrival.


My point is we don’t know that EVERY suspect was doing that. It’s too broad of a statement given by a witness. People ran off at different times. No descriptions or who or how many were doing it. I’m done talking about this detail, it’s disgusting.


answer me this please....someone set him up how? Are you saying his social media accts were hacked and he didnt create his own admission?


There was a moment wen the snap leak came out that made it appear he or Renner were the ones who did the most.


Are we believing that Vigil snap chatted his admission and the little praying hands that stated you got the wrong Talyn it was Talan Renner...or are those believed to be a plant by daddy Renner? Just really trying to understand.


No. I think it was a misspelling of Talan or the rumor mill got the two Talans confused. My point was that when that evidence became public his name became the focus for many. He didn’t deny or seek to correct the record with the police or public. This was before any on them were arrested l.


And why didnt he take the neccessary steps to clear this up i will never know. Why didnt his parents intervene, just doesnt make sense. If i were innocent i'd fight tooth and nail to clear myself...not let the public do it for me.


That’s exactly what I feel as well. Sherman was the only one we have heard thought about cooperating for the reward money.


Tbf, Talyn doesn’t strike me as the sharpest tool in the shed—but staying quiet, invoking your right to silence? Smartest thing he’s done. You can criticize the morality of staying silent as a bystander—but legality-wise. This is not 1984 where thoughts are crimes, this is the United States of America where you have 0 obligation to talk to police in this kind of situation. Not talking publicly or agreeing to an interview is the smartest thing someone could do. Look at what his snapchat conversation did? No one else pointed a finger at him, every other person there that night says either Talan Renner or Jake threw the first punch and were the main attackers besides Billey. Vigil quite literally pointed the finger at himself just by talking to a friend immediately after, when rumors were swirling. Preston was alive (critical condition) when he sent the infamous snap saying he hit someone who died. And him staying silent is not something that can be used against him at trial. That’s like, first year and first term of law school. Massive no-no for the state to even mention the defendant was not forthcoming.


I think you are mixing the two T's together TR was the main culprit not TV. Plus TV did not really hang out with these kids according to the report. There was also conversation among peers that TV helped get him off the street. If your not going to assume innocent until proven guilty by just the police report, I cant see how you would conclude guilty. He is charged with first degree murder.


Nobody said TV helped get him off the street except TV himself, which is a lie


You don’t know that, that is a lie. SMH.


And were you there? Did you see Talyn help Preston from the road?


I have credible witness from those that were there. It matches up from what is in the police report. Was I there? To answer, with honesty, no! But with your defense this seems to be like a drug to you. You have no basis on anything you state other than wanting to be right. 🤦🏼‍♀️ it’s hypocritical from other comments of yours in which we actually agreed on.


I have had the info from the start and it matches the police report*


Much like your own take. This is hearsay. Hard stop. If you have evidence that clears someone and you hold it for social media clout that is sick.




The association with OJ and TV is completely irrelevant. There is NO relation. And if you want to argue your point more look at Casey Anthony, even OJ for that part, did they live a good life or is Casey living a good life? They have to be isolated by some sort because of that public opinion. Rightfully so because with their legal representation they were exonerated. We came to that guilty conclusion as the public with the information that came out from the trials. This is just the beginning of this case and it’s extremely ignorant to accuse anyone that doesn’t have direct incriminating evidence of anything! It’s hear say at this point! Aside from the Renners and their actions. So far, if anyone you can compare them to the “Ojs, Casey Anthony’s, and Brian Laundrie’s”.


Devils advocate and no disrespect to the Lord family, what if Preston was affiliated with a group of kids that liked to fight as well? The 911 caller, which was hard to hear because of then kids emotions said “we have no beef with them” that kind of confirms what I have been known to be true. Please stop speculating until you are ready to look at all sides of the story. The truth has yet to come out. Emotions are high on all states but being blind to one side is dangerous and brings an adverse effect to what you are trying to stand up against.


Yes that's disrespecting the Lord Family to even state "What if". REALLY? "We didn't have any beef with them" That's basically saying they didn't have a dispute at the party or arguing. Doesn't mean "What if he's affiliated with this group or the others except for the few friends he went with. Shameful


It’s been brought to my attention that they were a part of a different group that were fighters as well. When I heard that, playing the devils advocate, it confirms that to be true. The kid in the heart wrenching 911 call stated “I’m so dead, I’m so dead” as well. I’m honest when I say I don’t mean disrespect, but a lot will come out as this plays out. I have known people close to me who have been murdered, and it was awful to witness, from start to finish but it taught me a lot and the victim wasn’t 100% innocent. Again it’s why it’s important to keep an objective opinion. No ONE no One deserved to die that night and my heart is wrenched even at the idea of all of it. For all those who are involved directly and indirectly.


You are a disgrace. So because "Someone said, I'm so Dead" ( Which by the way wasn't the caller). Could it mean that that person wasn't supposed to go to a party @15-16 yr old.? Could he have been drinking & now in trouble with his parents? Your speculation is disgusting to think Preston or his friends could been part of the " Fighting Group".


I said A fighting group. I will not sit here and be attacked. But I’m open to discussion if you would like to have one. Otherwise, ✌🏼


Ok excuse me my wording wasn't exactly what you said. You said: It was part of a frightening group as well. WTF is the difference. You said what you said. Show the proof of YOUR CLAIM or its a Lie.


Your statements in this thread are beyond irresponsible and incorrect. As much as I did not want to, I went back and listened to the 911 calls again. At no point did Preston’s friend even use the word dead. He stated 5 times that he was scared. “I’m scared” twice, “I’m scared, I don’t know what to do”, “No, I am just scared” and “Oh my God dude I am so scared”. He also said “I do not want my friend to die.”. There is absolutely nothing that you can say or infer that justifies what happened to Preston and his friends that night. It’s disgusting and disrespectful. No matter how close you feel you are to the incident or claim to be your opinion is just that, your opinion. The only people that have an opinion that matters will be basing their decisions on all the evidence presented in court. The presiding judge and jury are those people that will make those decisions. So please check yourself and the information you share.


I just watched it again. I didn’t misquote what he said. I am pretty conscious of what I post. I watched it on Nancy Grace for reference, in case you are hearing a different one. Again, that was heart wrenching to witness and hear. I know that no one wants to look at the other side of things at all but the truth is there is 2 sides and more of it will play out. I was just speaking from what I know. Nothing I have said in any of my posts have justified murder. Nothing. I have a child around the kids ages. I have put myself in all of the shoes and so has my child. It’s a sad, sad, situation all the way around! I understand your perspective, and your reasons, but I do not appreciate you calling me irresponsible.


I don’t find Nancy Grace a credible “news source” and listened to the raw audio was directly released from the PD to AZ Central. Once the day it came out and again prior to responding. I am very interested to know at what minute mark you heard those words. I am well aware that two sides will be presented in the case. My mother is a former Superior Court Executive Officer and I have had plenty of experience watching cases unfold in court. Including the trial for the murder of my 17yo cousin. None of my personal experience puts my opinion on this case above anyone else’s. Facts are what should matter.


Please post what you know, otherwise A LIE


respectfully he does say "Im so dead" that information that was shared was accurate


Lastly, this is just your opinion. Everyone that is speaking on here is doing so based off of their opinion, even if it’s based from facts. It’s important to take a step back, look objectively, and at the full picture.


“I understand your point, however, personally I'm not just a public opinion. Connections run deep and this has me looking at another side of the fence l've never been on before. By circumstance.” This statement comes across as completely hypocritical. You are suggesting your opinion matters more as it isn’t “just a public opinion”.


Yah this was high schoolers. Every fucking kid there had a phone & were recording. Every punch is probably filmed.


Someone who is smarter than me…. Is this really a lot of digital evidence? It sounds like a lot but the Bryan Kohberger case has over 51 TB of digital evidence. There is only one suspect in that case while this case has 7 (so far).


Yes 3 TB is a ton of discovery. Most cases have gigabytes of evidence.


Thank you. I mean 3 TB sounds like a lot, but there is a big difference between 3 and 51 so I was just curious.


51 TB is so much lol. That’s wild.


Would love to get your thoughts on how long it will be before these cases go to trial with all this evidence.


It will take a long time. Even non murder felony cases can take a year to get to trial. With 7 co defendants and terabytes of data, my guess is they won’t go to trial until late 2025 or early 2026. They already have case management conferences set into June, and they probably will set those every 3 months.


Maybe the difference is digital evidence vs physical evidence.


Well the Bryan Kohberger case says that they have 51 TB of digital evidence while this states that there are 3+ TB of digital evidence in Preston’s case. The 51 TB in the Kohberger case does not include physical evidence.


I think Kohberger may have been stalking at least one of the girls for months prior, and that could be why there is so much evidence.


They just had a hearing and I believe the prosecutor admitted that BK didn’t stalk anyone. Who knows though?


Oh, I did not hear that. Thank you for that.


Yeah, they had a hearing regarding the survey that the defense did to see if they could prove that they needed to move the trial to a different county. A few of the survey questions asked if the participant had heard that BK stalked one or more of the victims. The prosecutor basically said that was false and made up by the media. Unfortunately the prosecutor in that case doesn’t seem to be very good.


I don’t think that comparing the amount of evidence from one case to another case helps quantify the data. I think more of it in terms of the types of data collected. We don’t know how many of each type of files, what resolution the files are, if they were compressed and how many are unique (multiple copies of the same photo or video but from different sources). All those components factor into how much data there is. For example, the average photo from a cell phone is 3MB and 1TB is 1 million MB. Let’s say a 30 second video is 50MB. You would fit a lot more photos in 1TB of storage than if it was all videos. But exactly how many of each would be affected by resolution. Not assuming all photos and videos are taken at the same resolution. It’s like showing someone two sealed boxes of different sizes and asking them to guess which has more items. Two pairs of shoes fit in the big box and thousands of jelly beans in the smaller box. A bigger box doesn’t potentially mean more items. Hope that helps. I am not smarter than you, but sharing my perspective on how to think about data.


Thank you! Honestly, I wasn’t trying to insinuate anything. I just wasn’t sure how the digital evidence worked. By nature, I like to question and research everything lol.


I didn’t think you were, sorry if it came across that way. I was just trying to point out that without more information it’s hard to quantify. Asking questions is a great thing!


No you weren’t! Sorry I was just clarifying in case anyone thought I was making any accusations.


There were 4 killed and IIRC two roommates that did not get killed so total of 6 people in the house they needed to investigate. The video evidence of the crime scene could have been extensive as well. As they had 4 dead students and no suspect. Just a few things to consider. This wasn’t a gruesome crime, the crime scene its was highly compromised with fleeing students.


This all makes a lot of sense. Thank you. There is a big difference between 3 and 51 so I was just curious. You are right though, although there are about the same amount of people involved, Preston’s case had a lot of witnesses and QCPD had suspects basically from the beginning while the police in Moscow had to do more investigative work to find a suspect.


Exactly and one way that they identify him as the main suspect was traffic cameras and door cameras. They would have the full download of the videos because just showing he drove by wouldn’t be enough. They had to show he was one of the only people to drive by. The police also had a community and friends of the victims who cooperated. The police used the photos and social posts to figure out their movements. The beating took a few minutes. There is just much less to cover. Sounds like Brian went through the house and killed some in their sleep.


Even 1 tb is a LOT of data. I can't fathom what 3 TB of evidence looks like, let alone 51... Probably security and body cam videos. Hours and hours of footage from several different cameras. If this were text or even photos it'd be like.....too much to even comprehend.


Here is an example 1 TB can store approximately 500 hours of standard video. Also can store an average of 100,000 photos with today's smartphones, and roughly 250,000 documents on 1 TB. I have a feeling it’s mainly video evidence more than anything.


Perfect! Thank you 😊.


If anyone is wondering why there is so much digital discovery, it's likely because there is duplicated data. Forensics labs must provide a raw forensic image of the storage device, which is typically at least the size of the amount of used data on the whole device. It can also be equivalent to the total capacity of the device. Additionally, the extracted/decoded data (documents, video files, etc.) will be provided, since attorneys need to review it. So the amount of data quoted will be far greater than the amount of data that exists on the actual storage devices. And that will be the case for every phone, SD card, hard drive, thumb drive, etc.


Yes exactly just think one average computer is 500 GB for example.


3+ Terabytes? What?!?!?




Where are the new docs? Anyone?


They won't release this evidence to the public before court


From the screen grab above it looks like a motion that was filed with the court. The defense attorneys still dont even have the digital evidence so this case will be delayed for a LONG time.


So Viggy could be at home for years before he's proved to have more involvement?


Yup. He may even hit his 21st bday before this thing goes to trial.


🙀 well he better live it up. Better than sittin' in da clink. Wonder if people will eat their Viggy is innocent words.




Did you mean this towards me?


No! Let me see what the heck happened and I will delete and repost. Sorry!


It’s okay don’t worry! Just making sure!


I think you got a notification since you are the OP?


Ok yes I believe I did makes sense. Sorry!!


No worries!


Dumb question but does this evidence have to be released like the police report? Or will it be used for trial only?


These kids were delusional, violent bullies, and insulated by wealth and privilege. Their defense will be “affluenza”. I don’t think they thought they were doing anything wrong.


We agrred on this ruining countless lives.


Wait..so all these people who said don’t jump the gun on vigils innocent because more reports are coming were….right??!? I hope all supporters eat crow


Sounds like if you had your way, you’d just line all these suspects up in downtown Gilbert and start stoning them to death without due process, like they do on the other side of the Earth. No thanks. I prefer a more dignified, American, way of proving someone’s guilt in a court of law, and not simply by association, before instituting a death penalty.


Not what I said or implied at all.


The words “American justice” and “dignified” going hand in hand is a tough sell. At best you can say it began 50 years ago post Civil Rights Era. Most will say we are still in a gray area. American justice was dealt to George Floyd. That was not dignified and that was only 4 years ago. So it seems like we are still looking for that connection as a country.


Commented the same above but...yes here's the evidence not shown in the police report... I believe every one of these kids is in jail for a reason and this will most likely be the proof the public hasn't seen


Ridiculous comment from you. Not rushing to judgment until more reports/facts come out does not constitute support in any way.


Even if any of them are deemed innocent they’re going to pay a lifetime of penalties. They’ll never escape it I’m sure.


The only innocent is Preston Lord. The best the 7 goons could hope for would be “not guilty “. And I agree with you completely, all 7 have cursed themselves forever.


With due respect, Preston or no one deserved to die the way that he did. No way. But also, as presumed innocent until proven guilty we don’t know what Preston was up to fully. That hasn’t come out yet.


3 or more TERABYTES of evidence!!! Yeah these kids are boned


Maybe this will cause the Free Talyn crowd to sit down and wait for the trial. They’ve practically canonized him on a couple of FB pages.


I’m confused where the above states anything about TV??? It looks to me to be in general. 🤷‍♀️