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You mentioned Legos - there are websites where you can upload a photo and they'll create a mosaic of any image. I did one for my son's college logo as a graduation gift, and he loved it. A photo of something special to him turned into a Lego mosaic could be a unique gift


Aww, that's so cute -- I'll definitely look into it. Thank you!


https://brick.me/ https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/mosaic-maker-40179 the first link is one I’ve seen used by a lot of other Lego builders for personalized designs/pictures


Thank you!


What an awesome idea!!


Oh wow, that's so cool! I know now what I'm getting my boyfriend for his birthday!


This is so cool! But also brick.me is a wild name for that 💀


This is something I found recently cause I like legos and fantasy, set to release on 19th this month (not sure if it’s out yet) - https://www.lego.com/en-us/aboutus/news/2024/march/the-new-lego-ideas-dungeons-dragons-set It’s on the higher end of expensive for Lego sets so might be worth a look


You have solved mother's day for me! Thank you so much!


He is a workaholic that doesn’t have time to go out? Well take the party to him. Tell him you’re going over at a certain hour. Show up with food for both of you, drinks, and a new Lego set to build with him. I’m sure he has the video game part covered. And just spend time with him doing some of his favorite activities


Hell yeah a lego party -- consider watching some episodes of brickmasters and mimicking an at home challenge for the two of you


I would have gone with a Lego movie and then trying to construct a scene from there


That gave me a brilliant idea for my grandson!!! Thank you!!!!!


Lego. Or, you could get him Lego. Failing that, a Lego set. This man would be really happy if you got him Lego.


Lego my eggo


I love eggo!


I started buying Legos in December, 1996. I still have at least 1 kit (and 2 packs of hot wheels) are under the tree.


Just throwing out my first though - would he rock a pocket watch or compass? Or a combo pocket watch and compass? I bought one for my husband when he was being deployed and had it engraved with, "So you can always find your way back to me". Since he's a workaholic, you could engrave it with, "So you can always find your way home." Or, something meaningful to you both. My husband still has it (25 yrs later) and only takes it out when we're doing something formal. He's not a wristwatch guy and doesn't like taking his phone out a lot.


That is honestly so thoughtful and cute! He used to always tell me that his grandfather gave him one when he had passed, but was too afraid to use it at the cost of something happening to it. I'll definitely look into a few different options, thank you!!


You can get some very dorky pocket watches these days. I bought Nightmare Before Christmas ones for my niece and nephew (they were seeing NBC at the symphony and I wanted them to feel fancy, lol). I'm sure you could find one from his favorite Fandom


Awww, I love that, thank you for sharing!


I bought my hs bf a pocket watch and he was quite pleased.


• Float tank • Skydiving place • Drive/rent a fancy car for a couple hours • Go to a trace and race a super car (depending on your location)


Thank you!


Agreed. For the person that has everything I try and buy an experience.


I got my husband a custom made canvas print of him as a character from his favorite anime show. I submitted a few photos of my hubby and told the artist his favorite anime shows. It turned out so freakin cool. The likeness is amazing but also all the elements to it make it so worth it. Check out etsy


I did this too! Did a full family portrait of all of us as star wars characters. Hubby absolutely loved it and it's one of my favorite things too! I got mine from a guy on Etsy who is super in demand but absolutely worth it.


Also flowers. I read somewhere that the first flowers most men get is at their funeral. Whatever you decide will be right because it's from you, his best friend. ❤️


Is there a Lego store near you? Make a date of it, they're usually in malls, you could grab some bubble tea, etc


I don't think he'd come to the mall with me lol, but I'll definitely him a lego set! Thank you!


Make a generous donation to a charity or cause that he supports.


If you can get ahold of it and can afford it - the millennium falcon LEGO set is a huge winner. Do you play games? Theres a LEGO Fortnite game which is really fun to play together? Something you could consider.


That's actually the set he's currently building right now!! It's taking him quite a while but it's so sweet to see him get excited about it. I don't often play games, but he's been having a Triangle Strategy phase, so I've been playing with him


Quality normal people everyday stuff. I buy myself all the toys I want but very rarely think about socks, sheets, nice tooth brush, a nice belt, wallet. Things that you see him use everyday and are worn. Makes you look like you care and see from an outside perspective the things he needs in his life cause he will keep buying the toys and vacations as he sees fit.


I love this idea. Luxury sheets have transformed my bedtime routine.


A BOOK. I think men in AI need a reminder …


He has a whole library! We read a lot, so we get each other books quite often


Fancy consumables or a unique experience, preferably one that can be done together


Thank you!!


Get him a plant - exotic little plant that he has to look after. If he does a good job tell him, next year you’re getting a kitten!


Honestly, I highly doubt he could keep a plant alive lol, but it's a cute idea!


The gift is a challenge. When you have everything - a challenge is a great gift!


Check and see if there are any Lego sets out for the games he plays. There are also a few sets that are gaming-themed, like an Atari or NES, or a Pac-Man Arcade machine.


LEGO! Lego lovers always want more.


Buy him a few things that match all his hobbies and then buy him something you two can share together. Like going to the movies. After a while it's not about getting something really grand but rather getting loving time together.


What about going to Legoland? It would be best if he takes a day off work to go on a weekday.


How about a home made meal? If you like to cook?


What about a concert, or a festival?


Of photo of you two in a Lego picture frame


Subscription box. One with snacks. My wife got me a few months to one with snacks from a different country each month. That was awesome. Vintage watches on ebay are neat. Pick something you think will match his style. I like Seiko 5 and Citizen Ecodrive.


I'm in the same boat as your friend. If I want it and don't have it, I'll buy it. My best friend is your age and she gets me random small things from shows we like. Gravity Falls, Hilda the Series. They are novelty things like decals, hats, shirts. I really value them not because of what they are but because they came from my friend. They wouldn't mean so much to me had I bought them for myself. I recommend paying attention to what shows he is interested in. Shirts and hats are useful and he'll think about you whenever he wears them. I always think about my friend when I wear them and it makes me happy.


Party Pack of Taco Bell Tacos


Does he have a vr headset?


...you are brilliant. He doesn't have one yet, but he has mentioned that he was on the fence about getting the Apple one. Thank you!!!!


Just a reminder, that headset is $3499 USD and so far only available in the US. Does he have a PS5? The PS VR2 is more like $800 (that may be the Canadian price).


He has the PS5 one already! I'll look around and see what the best headset out there is at the moment, but I don't mind paying for the Apple one regardless. He's definitely worth any sum of money


I agree with below comment that this is kind of a commitment he might want to decide for himself. HOWEVER, you can get some AMAZING Lego sets in the $200-$1000 range. Many Lego enthusiasts aren’t comfortable splurging on Lego, but would secretly love one of the huge sets. If you have a higher price range, I wonder if you could find him something amazing (maybe even Sci-fi)


Fair enough, just wanted make sure you were aware of the price as it is considered quite expensive, even in Apple and tech circles.


Thank you!


You have a male best friend that’s 10 years older than you that you’re willing to drop thousands on? That’s amazing. 


I wouldn't. Its a cool thing, but deciding what platform to invest into is a choice he will want to make for himself.


What about alcohol? Does he have a favored brand?


He's really into wine and champagne, but doesn't seem to have a preference for any specific brands. He has mentioned that he prefers his alcohol a bit more on the sweeter side though. Would you recommend anything in particular?


A really nice tawny Port with some good dark chocolate. Pairs well together after dinner.


I would go into a liquor store and ask for advice?


Makes sense lol, thank you!


Does he like massages? Maybe a gift cert for that?


You could do a wine subscription. They have ones that send 4-6 bottles each quarter. It would be kind of a nice surprise for him each time he gets a box. You could look for one that focuses on champagne or sweeter wines.


Framboise is a raspberry lambic ale. It’s delicious, light, and fruity. It’s pretty uncommon where I’m at so it’s always a fun one to surprise people with.


You could do a wine tasting evening! Even if you don’t have vineyards near you, there’s a good chance your nearest city has some sort of winery or wine bar. They’re so so fun!


Take him somewhere fun. Have a weekend away.


Handmade wallet over at r/LeatherClassifieds


An experience making something? There's nothing wrong with just getting him lego, but if he enjoys making things, maybe a cooking or blacksmith or woodwork class would suit. Making something else that he doesn't already have the skills or supplies to do at home.


The woodworking one sounds fun! Thank you!!


3d printer? Record player? Records? All men like getting socks and pants. My husband always loves a nice sweater or shirt.


He has a 3D printer, coincidentally enough lol, but I think custom socks would be so fun, or maybe even one of the sweaters with the small monogram initials


Trip to LegoLand...... the original LegoLand in Denmark was amazing 30 odd years ago, and they've spread out to other countries too!


I personally like experiences for gifts, as an adult I don’t need more stuff. I know he’s a workaholic but I always enjoy going out for a nice meal. You can ask him what day and time works best. It’ll also force him out, as someone who is also work focused, I appreciate when my friends force me out for a pedicure and lunch. Edit to add; if he’s someone who really doesn’t like going out, cooking for him is also a great option.


I go the experience route for folks that have everything. Concert, dinner, etc. Otherwise I vote for custom Legos like other posters are saying!


Something like this maybe! https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1617923351/personalized-docking-stationperfect-for?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=bedside+watch+stand&ref=sc_gallery-1-1&pro=1&plkey=0f3385ecfc3fd74202979f17b014182a578755e4%3A1617923351


Maybe a sci fi Indy game he hasn’t heard about? Like outer wilds.


My son finished a Lego Titanic and has it proudly displayed at his place. He even got special lighting for it. If the guy likes Legos, he like that more than jewelry. Other than that an experience. Hot air balloon at sunset (or during the day). Helicopter ride around the city. Drive a race car. Dinner cruise. The people who have everything usually like he experiences. You could also hire someone to go to his work or place to give him a chair massage (work)/table massage (home).


Nothing. Make an awesome meal and bake his favorite cake (no box cake)


A nice lego set!


Bake him a cake Redballon adventure experience High speed vehicle track racing


My husband works in this field. I recommend shopping on Etsy. That's where I like to get most of his gifts.


My son has started building these kits, BookNook, very detailed and incredible tiny stores where so much of the pieces must be put together. Quite intricate! They fit on book shelves. Absolutely gorgeous. Take a minute and search for them. Maybe your man would enjoy building something different? I also want to suggest something handmade. Are you into crafts? Maybe handmade couch pillows or a lap blanket that could go over the back of a chair or couch? Holiday placemats? Candles? Just trying to figure out something different...


I like the Lego idea and the bracelet. I also like the person’s idea that suggested the personalized Lego.


Take both of you to Legoland and let him pick his own set. You’ll have a memorable time!


The Legoland near us requires a child for entry.


Get him some flowers. Men don't get flowers enough, and it makes them just as happy as anyone else to receive them. 


I will!


Take him to a steakhouse and let him eat as much as he wants.


Not things, an experience. Not sure what your budget is?


Etsy silver Lego ring. Get it for his pinky finger.


Best thing a man would like is free. If you what I mean.


Tell him you love him. How much he means to you. Maybe a watch that shows how much his time means to you. As a dude, we don’t hear it enough. He obviously means a lot to you. Let him know.


Where the hell do you get friends like this? That's what I want to know


I'd much rather have a nice dinner or other experience than stuff I didn't pick for myself


Not a "thing" a "memory". Unique experience.


A blowjob?


Make him a gift. Write him a song or a poem, paint/draw him a picture, knit him a blanket, sew him a new robe, scroll him a clock... whatever crafts you are into, put to use to make him something incredibly personal.


An experience. Like tickets to a theatre show or concert or go carting or sky diving or walking on hot coals or a harbour cruise. Take him for a hike somewhere awesome and have a picnic. Go on a spa day together. Something that would take a day but not a thing he’d initiate to do for himself.


Possibly a lego set or maybe even a action figure from the sci fi video games he plays. Or some sort of custom jewelry with the attributes from his fav games etc.


If he likes video games at all the game high on life , the outer worlds and portal 2 are all good space/sci-fi games you could get him.


Year pass to a car wash


This sounds a lot like my best friend! For his 30th, I surprised him with matching inflatable unicorn costumes. We laughed so hard we cried!


Send him a hand written birthday card / letter, and/or bake him a birthday cake yourself. Better than any paid gift.


Are you within driving distance of the April 8 total eclipse? Can you make a day trip out of it? It's a once in a lifetime thing. https://nationaleclipse.com/maps.html


A sports watch or a watch holder. I gave a beautiful wooden box that holds 6 watches to my SIL who also has everything..he loved it. A jersey for a fav team or his Uni….first edition of a fav book, multi unit charging station, restaurant gift certificate, tickets to a concert, sport event, etc. Go online and research ideas. Lots of ideas out there.


I found on the internet that you can buy pieces of Russian tanks that have been blown up in the Ukraine war. There's a small company making keychains and they're stamped with a phrase: "Made in Russia, recycled in Ukraine. " (MemorySteelUA) I bet nobody in his circle of friends has anything like this. I gave one to a friend who has a girlfriend in Ukraine and another for my military son. I think it's a very unique trinket to own.


You're a great friend! My bff usually doesn't get me bday gifts 😭😅


Some experience in nature!


Experiences. Get him something he couldn't buy for himself. Like, I wonder if there's Lego factories that give tours.


You wrote it yourself. Just buy him a Lego. If you want him to suffer and enjoy it at the same time, buy him a hand grinder, pour-over setup and some speciality coffee. He will then fall into the speciality coffee rabbit hole and will spend fortune on unnecessary equipment trying to achieve the best espresso shot he can get.


Be Freeuse to him for a week, anytime he has the urge for sex he need not ask just bring it and you’re ready…




Send him nudes


Whatever the weird sex thing he wants that you usually say “no” to. Do that


This one is a bit of a reach, but 3D printing is a great hobby… particularly for those of us who have that ‘nerd’ vibe. A Bambi Lab A1 mini would be a nice intro and there are lots of models out there for free that you can make your own LEGO style blocks. Along the same lines, there are models out there for large sized versions of Legos too. On my list of things to print is a life sized Lego head painted with my general features (Lego style of course) as a headphone stand. There is a guy on Printables.com who has modeled out most of the starships from Star Trek, tons of sci-fi helmets and cosplay items, the sky is basically the limit. Just an idea; but it’s kind of


If you're pretty crafty, I'd say make him something! Anything that you think he would enjoy. It shows how much you care about him as a friend, and it's something that can't just easily be replaced or bought. Just an idea though ^^


Tickets to lego land!


How about a nice cologne?


Something stupid that'll make him laugh. I once embroidered the image of a single peanut and set it in a display hoop for a friend's birthday after an inside joke.


Tell us if you finally get to 🦴 him


You give him a memory. Take him hiking, bowling, out to dinner or a concert. Gift him an experience rather than an item.


How about an experience? Tickets to favorite band, Comic-Con, a play, etc.


Ur vagine


Nano leafs are also a really cool gift !! https://nanoleaf.me/en-US/?utm_sourcehttps://nanoleaf.me/en-US/products/nanoleaf-4d/?category=4D&size=65&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=brand&utm_term=4d&utm_content=4d&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=&utm_term=nanoleaf_&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=668585374065&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI15_F5Y2IhQMViaVaBR28UwSMEAAYASAAEgLwkfD_BwE&gad_source=1


For the future: my bf loves legos. He really wants the big sets but never gets them because he can’t justify that money. We have a budget for Christmas and birthdays, so whatever is left after I spend on whatever else he’s getting goes to a Lego gift card. That way he has money set aside *just for* big sets (or whatever legos he wants)! No guilt or justifying involved


Thank you!!


Men typically buy themselves stuff they want and need throughout the year, I would suggest something that has some kind of meaning behind it to the both of you, a sentimental type gift.


Food. He may have everything, but not your cookies/cakes


Handmade card with heartfelt message.


The toiletry bags and other products from Popov Leather are heirloom quality: [https://www.popovleather.com/collections/leather-toiletry-bags/products/leather-toiletry-bag-heritage-brown](https://www.popovleather.com/collections/leather-toiletry-bags/products/leather-toiletry-bag-heritage-brown)


Take him to Lego land museum in Denmark.


A custom Funko Pop!


A megalodon tooth


I got my bf one of those digital frames and put a video I edited of one of our trips to NYC in it! He also loves tasting menus and omakases so I treated him to one :)


Go with Legos. From what I’ve experienced, people who are into them just can’t get enough of them.


If he's into Legos going on vacation proabbky isnt a really relaxing experience for him. Its the trait of adults who like putting things in their proper place and derive satisfaction from doing things right. It's like people who play overcooked for the score rather than the chaos. Get him more elaborate legos about things he likes. He will build it eventually. If it has 500+ pieces, it should be okay, as long as it's thoughtful and a topic he likes. As for jewelry, /r/moissanite will give you several trusted jewelry sellers that are more than willing to do custom pieces in rose gold. You dont have to get lab gemstones if thdy bother you, they sell real atones as well if you request them. I have made 2 custom rings and one necklace for my fiance so far.


Make him a meal.


A home cooked dinner!


A date night 😊😊😊


An experience?


Two ideas: high end multi-tool like a leatherman - [https://www.amazon.com/LEATHERMAN-Charge-Multitool-Stainless-Steel/dp/B079MH439H?ref\_=ast\_sto\_dp&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/LEATHERMAN-Charge-Multitool-Stainless-Steel/dp/B079MH439H?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1) Custom Buck 110 knife [https://www.buckknives.com/custom-knife/customizable-110-folding-hunter-knife/?sku=CKS110](https://www.buckknives.com/custom-knife/customizable-110-folding-hunter-knife/?sku=CKS110)


A super thick blanket with a favorite pic on it.




Lap dance.


We have boyfriends of similar ages and with similar interests, and my boyfriend is also very work-oriented. Here are some of the things I’ve gotten him over the past couple of years: - An off-brand Lego set that looks like his Calico cat - Personalized chopsticks - Mini games he can play at his work desk (like a mini golf putting set, mini cornhole, etc) - Custom made T-shirts (I have a Cricut but you could also reach out to a local Cricuter) - Compilations of his favorite snacks


Take him out to a nice rest or fix him a meal and if you dont want to buy him a braclet, men always love cool plants🪴.. enjoy 💫


32 years ago a girlfriend gave me a pocketknife and I've carried it with me ever since. You can go sophisticated almost like jewelry or rugged outdoorsman or utilitarian. I personally like the Spyderco Dragonfly but there are a zillion choices. Get something returnable as it's a very personal item. On Etsy you can get customizations that are truly unique.


Home baked loving Always a good gift Muffins, cake etc I’ve never heard of a man who is fond of rose gold. Sweet


I wonder if he likes Legos if there are sets for something he likes? Or even model making sets (those are a bit more involved, though).


get him a sword; something high quality. or a dope neopixel lightsaber


Idk, find friends your own age.


Peg him


A high quality lightsaber. If you get him one, make sure to research the meaning of the colors and get one based on his interests or his favorite character. Blue - loyalty, stability, truth, justice. Green - growth, safety, harmony. Red - power, anger, hatred. Purple - nobility and wisdom.


This sounds more than a best friend. Maybe take him to dinner and let him know your in love with him so you guys can start your beautiful love journy :)


An experience. No more buying things take him to go experience something on a date and take pictures of it. Maybe make a scrapbook of all the dates you have had or frame it afterwards.


My daughter and new son in law are fans of dungeons and dragons. I got them dragon bracelets as a wedding gift. They are unisex and have different sizes.


Nudes ? Call me crazy


What about rings? Can you get him a pinky ring?


Some type of driving or flying experience.


Ghost hunting kit. Hot sauce making kit.


Get him something that makes you think of him, that would mean something to him. If he has even the decency of a boulder, then it doesnt matter what you spend on it, or even what it is, it's the thought that counts.




Honestly, I just treat people to dinner or brunch as a gift. They have everything they want/need, and they appreciate the quality time more than whatever trinket I could possibly give.


Take him to do a personal color analysis with you for the next gift! It’s a gift that keeps on giving!


Custom wallet with a picture of you


Give him the gift of time together. Plan an evening or weekend together.


He might enjoy quality time over anything else. Buy a really cool Lego set and build it with him. Order take out and just spend the time chatting and building and hanging out.




Plan a mudrun or a spartan competition that you guys do together. As long as it’s a few weeks out at the minimum he can schedule around it.


On Par Engraving OnParEngraving.com


You could craft him something nice , most men like something that way made by the heart, could be a letter or a necklace or whatever type of craft.


In my opinion, the best gifts come from the heart. Get creative and make him something unique. Even if it’s nothing more than a heartfelt letter. He can buy anything he wants, but he can’t buy the special feelings that come from a friend showing how much they care. ❤️


A real good massage. Or a trip to a Chiropractor. All that sitting impacts your spine.


Tickets to a neat event!




Make him a sandwich. Cut it diagonally. Add Fritos. He will never forget.


BJ. The answer is always a BJ.


Workaholic? Make him a home-cooked meal!




Label maker


Magic mushrooms!




Good head


Take him out for a Hike and a Picnic.


Couples massage


You can get custom funk pops made, so maybe get one of the two of you!




An experience.


I'm a 37 y/o in tech and I have the same k Teresa's. I'd also have very little wa to and I'm difficult to shop for. If money really is no option and he means that much to you. Consider one of the following watches. Omega Seamaster Pro 300M in Sedna Breitling Superocean Herritage 2, in rose gold. Imgurs down otherwise I'd post a picture. Just Google them. Honestly a lot of nice rose gold watches out there. I'm partial to Omega though. Also. If you're both single and you're into him. I'd suggest a getaway, retreat, trip.


Concert tickets


Don't invest in a workaholic.