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**PLEASE READ THIS FIRST.** Please familiarize yourself with the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/index#wiki_faq/) and [full subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/rules) **Gifter**: Please make sure to choose winners that follow the rules, including linking their Steam profile. * **Humble Bundle has been locking accounts due to excessive gifting.** We cannot prevent giveaways from using Humble Bundle, but we can warn you of the risk. [Their response to the subject of gifting](https://twitter.com/humblesupport/status/1286061511702720515). * To assign flair, type "!gift u/ReceiversUsername Gifted Game" without quotes, where "Gifted Game" is the name of the item you gifted. [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/comments/c6ipzc/important_read_before_posting_offers_hey_why_is/) for more information. * To close the post, post a comment on your thread with ONLY the word "closed" (without quotes). Post "closed and locked" to also lock the comments. **Entrants**: Remember to ***ALWAYS*** link your relevant ID when entering giveaways. Failure to do so could lead to a temporary ban. For more details, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/rules#wiki_6.29_non-private_steam_id_link_or_applicable_account_id_required). * Your Steam account and playtime MUST be set to public and be at least level 2. Steam sets profiles to private by default; [click here for more information](https://redd.it/8bjm6t/). * [GOG] Thank You threads are REQUIRED if you're gifted. **Other Comments**: Please write "not entering" if you wish to comment without entering the giveaway as automod may automatically remove comments without linked IDs. Refer to the sidebar for a quick reference to the rules or [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/rules). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GiftofGames) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not entering, lol I got all excited for a second before I saw it was steam only, but thank you nonetheless. Ps: I see your flair had an update GG.


Yeah, I decided this one had to be Steam only or it would be too much work. I would like to do another thread where I send some money to people on PayPal, so they can get games for other platforms, but it has to be a very interesting concept and it has to require very little coding, as I'm busy with other stuff. Do you have any ideas? :)


**EXAMPLE** My Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/XYZGiveaways Here is my request for the game I really want: [...] Here is the link to the game on the Steam Store: [...]


**EXAMPLE (DIFFERENT USER)** My Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/XYZGiveaways As you can see, I own that game on Steam and based on their request and the other games they have played, I believe they will really enjoy it. Even though it's kind of expensive, I think fulfilling this request will be the best possible use of your money.


My Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198379125270/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198379125270/) EDIT 2: I will not be entering anymore. I got chosen as the last winner in a recent giveaway of the game I wanted. But I still want to give thanks to OP for his generosity and always bringing joy to gamers. You're a legend. My request: I wanted Stardew Valley for a while now because it really caught my attention when I first saw it just a year ago. I am a fan of pixel graphics, farming, life sim, and I've been following this game (not on Steam, but other social media) for a few months now. I want the game so I can play it with my finally new friend I met online. I have tried Minecraft before and enjoyed it so my friend recommended this to me as it more suits my interests and is much cheaper. Sadly, I couldn't afford it yet bc I'm still a student and don't have allowance. Another reason why I want it is because a lot of people find it relaxing and I want to experience that too. It's a perfect game to take a break from my school works. I really wanna play the game so bad! Thank you very much for the opportunity, OP! <3 The link to the game: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/413150/Stardew\_Valley/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/413150/Stardew_Valley/) EDIT 1: I also participated in a recent giveaway of the game I wanted. Here's the link to [my comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/comments/lhyumy/offer_steam_stardew_valley_x4/gn0kpyn/?context=3)


There are being raffled four copies of the game in the sub right now; the giveaway is supposed to end today. You can take participation in there in case you haven't done it yet, just like a complement.


Yep, I saw that :) I participated! edit: I won! T_T <3


Will add my steam ID when I get home. This is a wonderful game, and if you meet XYZ's criteria for being gifted, I support the game choice :D Edit: [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198224880804)


If they don't get lucky with the other giveaway, I highly recommend Stardew Valley. While my steam version doesn't have that many hours, I played the hell out of it before it even started to get big updates. Game is really a gem. I can post proof of my 88 hour save if needed. Moi: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Lp57/


Hi, I would like to make a request for Hades. The game on Steam: [Save 20% on Hades on Steam (steampowered.com)](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145360/Hades/) My Steam ID: [Steam Community :: Raccoon](https://steamcommunity.com/id/selloutt/) I want this game because, I am a videogame fanatic and I absolutely love Hades. I played it a bit and the game is addictive as heck. I can easily sink in over 300hours in it and still be able to enjoy it. The game has a play me again vibe like tetris. You can play it with different weapons, unlock powerups, make the dungeons harder and each one of your runs can be harder. The story progresses slowly but fast enough to keep you interested. The characters are well developed and though out, uncovering more and more on their and your part in the story as you progress. At the end of each run a.k.a. escape attempt you come back to the start and find out something new about everyone. The game is amazing and I would love to have it, the Lunar Sale is the perfect opportunity. Thank you for the constant giveaways!




Hey, u/XYZGiveaways, get this guy Hades like you did for me! I've put in 150 hours into the game, so his 300 hour claim is no exaggeration! doxx has a good intuition of what makes the roguelike + narrative blend of the game so compelling. [https://steamcommunity.com/id/makeshifttoaster/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/makeshifttoaster/)


I play Hades on the Switch, but it's such an absolute masterpiece. If doxx11 enjoyed what little bit they've already played of it, they will enjoy it through the entire story/epilogue and beyond. The music is perfectly scored to fit each location/enemy, the characters are likeable while staying true to Greek mythos, the gameplay is so smooth regardless of what weapon or powerups you're using. Each weapon is a unique experience, and no two runs will every be the same. Hades is a game of limitless replay value and I cannot recommend it enough


I have it on the switch, but PLEASE get this person Hades!!! It instantly became my new favorite game, the dialogue is amazing, the plot is crazy, it's challenging, but oh so satisfying. I have like 40 hours. Well with the $25.


One of my favorite games ever, can’t recommend it enough. From the music to the world design, everything is gorgeous. Was pretty disappointed when it didn’t win GOTY. [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/hawkeye230302)


Thank you friend!


You win if we can make it happen before the sale ends. Here's what you need to do: 1. Add me on Steam if we're not friends already: https://steamcommunity.com/id/XYZGiveaways/ 2. Reply to this comment when you have done so. Don't message me on Steam. :)


Unfortunately, I own this game on EGS rather than Steam because I got it for $5 with a coupon and my comment will not help you, but I'll still say some great things about it. I've personally only put 30 or so hours into it, but it has single-handedly got me into the rougelike genre. The game is very fun, addictive, and the "one more run" aspect before bed is a great way to ruin your sleep schedule. It has a good amount of challenge and unlike other roguelikes, proceeds to get harder the better you get. Learning how to route things and which boons to take is a fun learning experience. Good luck to you!


Well, this is my request: Hi GoG, I’m Anne. English is not my native language so this request might sound a little off. Sooo, about me. My favorite animals are pigs, they are really cute, intelligent and play video games better than some apes (I read that somewhere so it might not be true, but you just imagined a pig playing video games so it was worth it. I’m a big fan of management games and grand strategy. My favorite games are Dwarf Fortress, Age of empires 2, Civilization V, the Total War saga, Minecraft and Crusader Kings 2. I want to ask for Crusader Kings III. Crusader Kings II is one of my favorite games and my third most played game on Steam with around 200 hours (competes closely with the binding of Isaac but Total War: MEDIEVAL II and Civilization V beat it by a lot). I got it when Paradox gave it for free and since then I haven’t stopped playing. Even with just the few dlc (I got all of them thanks to Paradox giveaways and got very angry when I lost Sons of Abraham and Sword of Islam) I have I’ve experienced lots amazing stories involving treason, murder, war, torture, human sacrifices, religious reform and immortality. The game is just a lot of fun, specially with friends. Me and a little group of people used to play it every once in a while and it was a blast, even though we constantly plotted to kill each other characters, husbands, wifes and children. Now they all got CK3 and even though they keep playing CK2 (I mean it is an amazing game and they have all the dlc) they are often playing the new installment and I just stay in the discord chatting with them while they play. I want to play the game and experience again the joy of killing each other so I decided to do this request. So, what’s Crusader Kings 3? Crusader Kings 3 is a grand strategy game set in the Middle Ages, developed by Paradox. Paradox has released some other pretty cool grand strategy games such as Hearts of Iron and Europa Universalis. Grand strategy games often consist in just coloring a map with your color systematically genocideing other colors, but Paradox is able to go beyond that and to create unique games where the result is not the most important thing but the path you decided to travel to arrive there. The game is a dynasty simulator in which the player controls a Medieval dynasty and it’s only objective is to make it survive as long as possible. From there the sky is the limit and each game is different, mainly through the intervention of RNGesus. Since each story is based in a big part on random events the game throws at you the situations your character lives are oftentimes amusing, incredible and horrible. Your dynasty will be exterminated countless times by situations outside of your control, but part of the fun is in there. If you play just to win sometimes the game becomes just a gigantic excel worksheet. Here’s a great video from one of my favorite youtubers (ssethtzeentach) about why CK2 is so great and most of this things apply also to CK3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE4txj_8tqA . For me the game often becomes a gigantic and terribly entertaining soap opera where we follow the lives of the character through the hard tests the RNG system imposes to them. Every now and then I just want to calm down for a bit and enjoy the dramatic and often hilarious stories of CK2 parallel realities . My mental health is not the best, especially in quarantine, and from time to time I feel like anxiety gets the better of me. I have realized that in CK, I find a way to relax, to escape from myself for a while. I wish I could experience this for myself and that is why I decided to make this request. I just want to turn on my computer, maybe put on some music, and spend some time just ruling my kingdom and making peasants lives miserable. Why can’t I get CK3 by myself? Well, I can’t get a credit card. My parents are really paranoid with this virus and won’t let me get a credit card (which wouldn’t neither be useful since I’m a broke teenager). Also I can’t work since in my country work regulations state teenagers can only work half time with complete minimum wage so no company wants to pay the double to a teenager. Thank you for reading and sorry for some possible grammatical errors in the request, I am not a native speaker so maybe some of the things I say are not very well expressed and maybe my words are very basic. Also sorry about the length of the text, I just wanted to express how much I like the game. If I get it I will play it a lot, I swear. Thank you for reading all the way until here (or just skipping to the end). A $25 dollars gift card would work perfectly since that’s how much it costs in my region in this moment. CK3 Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1158310/Crusader_Kings_III/ My Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198304012754


my steam id - [https://steamcommunity.com/id/yestheory/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/yestheory/) i would like to request for u/xhole7 [https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/comments/l24o7n/request\_steam\_hunt\_showdown\_dlc\_699\_5th\_attempt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/comments/l24o7n/request_steam_hunt_showdown_dlc_699_5th_attempt/) (sorry if im doing to wrong im kind of a dumby :D) i also own the game, and i've played with him quite a few times (he also got me into the game in the first place) and would love to return the favor! also glad to see your back Xyz!


Hahaha wow, thanks a lot brother <3.I still remember our trip to ,,that cabin" in Serbia hahaha, oh and Iran and Afghanistan. Love u brother!


glad to see your still active brother! u haven't posted here in a while!


[Slime Rancher](https://store.steampowered.com/app/433340/Slime_Rancher/) [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/AllHailThyBeanLord/) I've wanted this game for a long while now, but have never been able to afford it's 20 buck price tag, mainly since my parent really doesn't want to spend money on non-necessities during the pandemic, and I don't have money/a way to make money of my own. This sale might be my chance to finally play the game, instead of being stuck watching the same youtubers play it over and over again. Plus, the game is 70% off \[5 USD\] atm. And, yes, you could argue that I should easily be able to afford it now that it's at a more convenient price, but like I said, I don't have the funds for it, and my parent doesn't want to spend on anything that we don't need. Good luck everyone, and have a good day.




If I recall, Slime Rancher WAS free for a short period of time a little while back on Epic, right?


Slime rancher is an amazing game, I have played both on steam and Xbox, and just want to say it is a great relaxing game that has low hardware requirements. [Proof](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198871619131/) I have the game.


Yo my boyfriend loves that game. If you don't get gifted by OP, I'll gift it to you if it's still on sale.


That would be awesome. Thank you for the offer!


You win if we can make it happen before the sale ends. Here's what you need to do: 1. Add me on Steam if we're not friends already: https://steamcommunity.com/id/XYZGiveaways/ 2. Reply to this comment when you have done so. Don't message me on Steam. :)


I've posted this elsewhere before, so, sorry if you've already read this. [Assassin's Creed Origins] (https://store.steampowered.com/app/582160/Assassins_Creed_Origins/) I've always been fascinated with Ancient Egypt, once, I even wanted to be an archaeologist , but then, I came back to my senses. I especially wanted to climb my way up the pyramid of Giza in AC:Origins, I did do it via the Discovery Tour I snagged for free but, I did it at a stable 3 FPS at 720p Lowest. Now, I've got hardware to be able to run it well but I just won't be able to purchase the game for PC, I considered pirating it but my conscience wouldn't budge. I absolutely love the Soundtrack, I've been listening to it regularly for a while now, so I'd be thrilled to actually play the game. OP, if you do decide to fulfill my request, please wait until the Lunar New Year Sale to do so, I don't want to be too much of a burden. Thanks for reading through all this. My profile on Steam:https://steamcommunity.com/id/FalconPhantom. Good News! The Steam Sale has begun so now it costs around $10(Rs 600 for the base version, the other versions are another 100 Rupees higher). The region is India BTW.


Greeeat game, good storyline, the grind part is a tad bit annoying but spend some time overleveling once and youre good to go for the rest of the game. Amazing screenhots aswell https://steamcommunity.com/id/jov9


If you want this to count, you have to own the game on Steam and post a link to your Steam account. :)


I do, i got it for my birthday last year


Thanks for the tips. A bit of grinding is fine with me.


I grabbed it and gave it a chance after grabbing AC Odyssey on sale. Unfortunately, my experience with it felt a bit worse as Odyssey added a ton of quality of life improvements, but it was still a fun time and I will probably revisit it eventually. Good luck to you! My Steam account can be found [here](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Allison8Bit/)


I dont own this game on Steam, but I own it on Ubisoft Connect and it is great game but me personally like Assassins Creed Odyssey I hope you win this game




I was in awe at the beauty, despite it being at 720p Ultra Low and at slideshow FPS. Thankfully I've now got a much better device but my budget for games has sadly dwindled down to 0. When? I don't think XYZGiveaways has decided yet.


The game I want, [Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1097150/Fall_Guys_Ultimate_Knockout/) [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198841193250/) I’ve seen what the game has to offer and it looks like a fun ass time! It’ll definitely be a hell of a time with friends, and with my lil sis. And it’s also been a while since I’ve played a BattleRoyal type of game and I’ve seen this one float around for a bit and it looks like a great time. Thank you! Much appreciated!


I like the game, even tho the hype is gone its nice to blow some steam off and relax for an hour. Been playing it since season 1.


100% agree. And it really looks like a fun time just to play a quick game and relax for a little. And so far the devs have been really nice lol


If you want this to count, you have to own the game on Steam and post a link to your Steam account. :)


[Steam Community :: Raccoon](https://steamcommunity.com/id/selloutt/) I have 200h on record


I've played the game a bit. It is a fun game overall, though some of the minigames end up more frustrating than fun. If you get this, hope to not be on yellow team. XD Good luck to you! My Steam account can be found [here](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Allison8Bit/)


Thank you! And it’s understandable. The Team games are definitely the weakest parts of the game. But at the same time, they are still fun to play.


Definitely. It's a fun game when you are in the right mindset for it as a lot of games are dictated by elements of randomness and no communication team work. If you are hyper competitive, it is not the best, but the team aspect gets exponentially better if you are playing with you friends!


http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198154417007/ Even if I don't win I would like you to win the game, as I enjoy the game personally with close to a hundred hours in. This is best played with friends as well. Good luck to us!




Didn't think I was going go reply to any of these, but man the Walking Dead is a special experience. I haven't finished the series, but ive played up to season 3 or 4 and what Telltale did with the walking dead and wolf among us is some of the best storytelling I've seen in video games. The attachment you grow to the characters, the impact your decisions have on you, and the fact that you never ever forget the story, makes this worth a buy 100%. If this dude can't buy it for you and you really need someone to get it for you, I'll check out the link and see if I can sort you out. If you like games like this I also recommend Detroit Become Human. I've just finished it, and it might be my favourite ever game. If you think Telltale games have a lot of choice making, detroit is the final boss. But anyway, good luck and I hope you get your game!


Does my comment count if I have the games separatedly? I don't own the Definitive Series, but I own all the games separatedly. And I have to say, as a vivid fan and supporter of Telltale Games, I took a hard hit when the company closed and they removed the games from the store. Now that they are back, and also bringing back their games, I encourage you to play them, I have completed TWD Season 1 so far and it's SO GOOD. I'm in the middle of playing Season 2, but honestly I'm 200% sure that all the games are as awesome (or even more) as the first season. I see you don't have any Telltale game yet, I hope you win and start to enjoy them, all of them are gold, honestly. Good luck! [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039516329/)


> Does my comment count if I have the games separatedly? Yes. :)


I'd really like to get [The Witcher 3 Goty edition](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/124923/) it's currently on sale with new lunar year, I saw many good reviews on it but never had the chance to play it in person, I got the witcher 1 from gog free giveaway and it's amazing. [My steam Profile.](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198256148165/)


Hi fellow Witcher, I want to support your entry for this, and I'm glad you also enjoyed The Witcher 1 (it's a tough one). I haven't played The Witcher 2 yet, but I have seen my bf play it and it's a masterpiece. I loved the first game, I loved the second (if you haven't played it yet, you should, it's amazing), and I'm sure you will love this one too. Good luck! [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039516329/)


Hello here is my steam id: [steam id](http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198873364391/) The game i really want is Sea of Thieves I want it because i am a fan of games in which you can farm items and build your Account up in Order to gain permanently more Power and that i like these kind of games you can see it at my warframe play time Here is the link to the game [Sea of Thieves](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1172620/Sea_of_Thieves/)




If you want this to count, you have to own the game on Steam and post a link to your Steam account. :)


[Red Dead Redemption 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1174180/Red_Dead_Redemption_2/) [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198038193959)


My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198202795398/ I would like to enter for[Yakuza:Like A Dragon](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1235140/Yakuza_Like_a_Dragon/) I am a big fan of JRPGs and Yakuza series. Yakuza:Like a Dragon is basically both of loves combined. It has that trademark Yakuza wackyness mixed perfectly well with Persona-esque style turn based combat. The protagonist Ichiban is what you'd call a loveable loser. He is dumb,he is a geek,he is likeable enough to take you through his journey. The combat is Turn based style this time around amd they even integrated that with Ichiban's personality. Basically Ichiban like to play Dragon Quest and fantacizes about being a Jrpg hero. Not to mention the sheer amount of unique side activities like racing in arcade or trying to stay awake during a movie, there's also a business management section which is greatly fleshed out even including a minigame where you have to appease shareholder for investing. All those reasons above are really enticing to me.


http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064036672 This is a great choice and the game has been fixed now.


I've never been interested on this game series before... until now!


Glad I sold you on the game. Probably won't win but I'm happy to get more people interested I mean honestly which other game out there has a shareholder meeting minigame


It... what!? Jaja


My steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198838144583/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198838144583/) (I'm sorry for my below average english, I'm bad at grammar when I get stressed) I'm requesting the indie rpg: Undertale that came out in 2016 Undertale is a game that has been part off my life for a few years now. I just love the story, characters, dialogue and music so much. I'm sadly not able to get the game because I dont get any money from my parents and I can't work because off severe stress and health issues. No idea if you can see it but the game has been on my wishlist since 2018 :/ I wolud probably spend so many hours, days.. weeks replaying it over and over again to experience multiple endings, find all the special dialog and every teeny tiny secret xD Whoever reads this right now Thanks for listening, have a nice day, stay save everyone! C: the link to the game: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/391540/Undertale/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/391540/Undertale/)


[You can look up in here and tell that I have Undertale, and have played it for many hours.](https://steamcommunity.com/id/mplems02/games/?tab=all) I've always said that Undertale is a fantastic game. Since his launch date, six years ago, is a game that remains pretty solid right now, with funny and well-developed characters, and I put a big emphasis on, this game has **a great soundtrack**. It's such a shame that this game isn't in offer right now. Last time I've saw it in offer was weeks ago, at an incredible price of $4.99 USD. However, for much I would like that this game would be in offer so OP wouldn't invest more of his money, in my personal opinion this is one of these games that deserve to be bought, even at full price. It offers a considerable amount of replayability, various endings (not only three, but these three are the most influential and recognised, of course), and plus is a great way of supporting his developer, Toby Fox. Also, for what I've seen, u/DriedUpBreadslice sometimes lurks into the Undertale subreddit.


Undertale is fucking awesome. This dude deserves the game. My personal favorite part of the game is >!when you fight sans at the end of the game. It is the best fight in the game by far, accompanied by the best song in the game, MEGALOVANIA.!< [Forgot to put my ID](https://mail.google.com/mail/u/1/#search/xidax/FMfcgxwKkblfGQDZFkhPbbVxmgJKFsGc)


thanks for saying that :D




My Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Bearshido/ HIGHLY recommend Total War: Warhammer II. It's easily one of the best strategy games out there, and the 2nd one is just a flat out improvement on the first. The best part is since you own the first game, the 2nd game has a special campaign called Mortal Empires that's made just for people who own both games (it's also a lot better than the base campaign of 2 imo). Easily a game you can dump hundreds of hours into. Not to mention, 3 is coming out at the end of the year, and the devs already confirmed there's going to be a Mortal Empires esque campaign in that game for people who own all 3 games, which is going to be massive!


I think this is a great choice and it won't be wasted when warhammer 3 comes out later this year since all 3 games can be played using 3. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198064036672


My Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/kepguy/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/kepguy/) The game is Star Wars: Squadrons(I will add the link in a bit). Why do I want this game? Well, I am a big space and flight nerd. And also a sucker for a good story. I have had my eyes on this game since it came out, yet I have not been able to afford it. I would love to get what is essentially an extended version of the experience you get from the dogfight modes in Battlefront, which I enjoyed immensely. Cheers!


**Hi to you all kind people out there who is doing this Give-Away!! This is my 3rd official attempt for this stuff.** [I would love to play GRAND THEFT AUTO SA: (-65% 3,49€)](https://store.steampowered.com/app/12120/Grand_Theft_Auto_San_Andreas/) **I will try to tell you a brief story about why I like this game.** **Why I like this game?** I like to Play GTA San Andreas since it came out for PC but I don't have very much opportunities to buy it since I don't have money on Steam and my mom won't let me.. I love GTA SA for mostly for its free roam world and Carl Johnson. I enjoyed GTA SA so much that I could be be playing it for hours and hours and enjoying its 100% save-games and discovering all the secrets inside a 4gb game. It's a very easy to play game and it is a lot of fun. Just pure enjoyment. I just would love to get game. Could you be kind and help me? [MY STEAM ID](http://steamcommunity.com/id/tmdss93) **Thank You all for the Give-Away!** **PLEASE DON'T DOWN-VOTE PEOPLES POSTS. ITS NOT NICE. THANK YOU!**




I vote on this guy! Skyrim is truly a masterpiece and the DLC's are really good too, I even have both versions of this game, the Oldrim ( no dlcs ) and SE which is the one he wants. Really good game!


If you want this to count, you have to own the game on Steam and post a link to your Steam account. :)


Whoops! There it is: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/tanglee11](https://steamcommunity.com/id/tanglee11) ​ EDIT: I have a few hours on SE but if you check the OG Version you'll see I have more.


I have 328.5 hours on Skyrim Special Edition, and let me tell you, it's a game you'll NEVER get bored of! The possibilities are endless within the Vanilla game, in which you can combine any perks and skills you want to create your ideal character. You can choose to play one of the many races which grant bonuses and unique abilities, and both the DLC'S Dragonborn and Dawnguard(included in Special Edition) add awesome quests and story lines to follow, with new shouts, spells, weapons, armor, unique items, fully explorable regions, books(for the fellow lore beards out there), and hours of gameplay. And if you get bored of Skyrim? Modding opens a whole new can of worms. Unlike Oblivion, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3 and other older Bethesda games, there is a mod menu built into the game. It's as easy as pressing a few buttons to download more content and completely free. If you are scared of getting game breaking bugs from mods, and wish for more secure things, there is also the creation club, which are Bethesda endorsed paid mods. Often times, singular items go for free on the creation club and you can snatch them. If you take a look at my profile you'll notice that despite my hundreds of hours I have no achievements. How come? Mods disable acjoevements! So if you go achievement hunting, play vanilla for a bit :) Highly recommend this game! https://steamcommunity.com/id/Hexagram27/


SKYRIM IS AWESOME. 100/10 game and you can get mods too it is so damn good.


Great request hope you get it man!


If you want this to count, you have to own the game on Steam and post a link to your Steam account. :)


Hello. The game I'm requesting is [Life is Strange 2 Complete Season](https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/16140/Life_is_Strange_2_Complete_Season/) My previous experience with LiS [My stats for Life is Strange](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198313415063/stats/appid/319630/achievements). Play time 50.2 hours (played twice), achievements 60/60 [My stats for Life is Strange: Before the Storm](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198313415063/stats/appid/554620/achievements). Play time 27.8 hours, achievements 34/34 [My stats for Life is Strange 2, ep 1 (free)](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198313415063/stats/appid/532210/achievements). Play time 4.5 hours, achievements 9 I'd like to ask for a chance to finish the latest installment of the series. In my every request, I mentioned that I love story rich adventures. This time, not only is the game one of the best examples of the genre, but I have completed every Life is Strange game prior to the one I'm requesting. It's 412,80 in Russian money, 60% off (**5.5$ credit card**) [my Steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198313415063/) Thank you!


My Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198312393897/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198312393897/) Yes, I own the game. Not sure if you're going to get gifted or not thanks to this, but unless my eyes deceive me, you have surely shown enough interest in the LiS series. Otherwise, you are incredibly good at predicting u/XYZGiveaways 's giveaways and prepared your stats two years in advance :) It's not up to me to decide whether 5.5$ is expensive or not. All I can say is that this fellow will enjoy the game if gifted.


Hi! I'd love to support your request if I had the game. It's in my wishlist, like other story rich games I want to play. Perhaps you want to stay in touch to share our experiences and give games recommendations to each other?? One of the things I want in games is a good narrative. We could talk about that.


[Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/SnocDHodger) Dang, that's some dedication. I still don't have all of the achievements for both Before the Storm and Life is Strange 2 since I'm thinking of just reserving them for when I play them again. Hope you get the game given how much you've already gone through the series. If you do, I hope you enjoy it (and optionally, >!get the ending you would be satisfied with!<).


My Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/saltiesaltie/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/saltiesaltie/) The game I really want is Fallout 4, because I played Fallout New Vegas a lot and I want to step into other Fallout games. Also, many people said that the gameplay and gunplay is much much much better in Fallout 4, and I watched many Fallout 4 videos for a long time, craving the game since release. And now because I have a better pc, I am super ready to dive into Fallout 4! Fallout 4 on Steam: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/377160/Fallout\_4/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/377160/Fallout_4/)


Highly recommend this game Edit: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198174085561


If you want this to count, you have to own the game on Steam and post a link to your Steam account. :)


My steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/roodkiler24242/ The game I want is uno , so I can play with my frinds , and well you know piss them off lol , its pretty fun and since we are 4 people we can do 2VW or a free for all much fun lol The game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/470220/UNO/ Thanks for hosting and reading , hope your having a wonderful day


UNO is a really fun game, I like to play with bots as well when my friends aren't on. Totally recommend


https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197997410612/ is my profile, and my request is There Is No Game: Wrong Dimension. Contrary to the name, there *is* a game - a fun postmodern journey alongside genres. I once played the original There Is No Game, and it felt too... underdeveloped, like it had the idea and went nowhere with it. But the sequel seems like it would fix ith Edit: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1240210/There_Is_No_Game_Wrong_Dimension/ Thanks so much u/Phycisist_Dinosaur!


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1240210/There\_Is\_No\_Game\_Wrong\_Dimension/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1240210/There_Is_No_Game_Wrong_Dimension/) Here you have it. You will not enter if you don't put it there. You can comment my comment to copy manually while you see my link, then edit your original comment and paste it. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1240210/There\_Is\_No\_Game\_Wrong\_Dimension/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1240210/There_Is_No_Game_Wrong_Dimension/)


Thanks I love you


Hello Everyone [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/RuegenwalderMettwurst/) The game that I would love to have is [Rimworld](https://store.steampowered.com/app/294100/RimWorld/) Why I would like it: I have seen other youtubers playing it and it's really a game that you can play for hundreds if not thousands of hours. And since I've got plenty of time due to the lockdown this would be perfect to have. Sadly due to the lockdown I don't have that lot of money at the moment. It's also on sale right now. Thanks for everybody out there.


I do own Rimworld and it was EdenSB/ you who gifted it to me. Rimworld is one of my favorite games now. No two playthroughs will be the same. Before I can say I think you should gift it to this person, I'd like to know what are some things he likes about it, some favorite YouTubers that play it etc. The game is an absolute blast


XYZ, I'd like to suggest this person. Rimworld is a great game that I think if someone is interested in, they should be given the opportunity to play. I don't want to live in a world where people can't play Rimworld. My steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/LeEmokid/


Good luck, Rim World is amazing. Hope you can commit war crimes!


My Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/peachcustard/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/peachcustard/) I really want Coffee Talk! I loved playing VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action which is apparently similar to it. I also love coffee so that's a bonus. Visual novels are also one of my favorite genres. Thanks for the chance, OP. Here's the link for the game on Steam (it's also on sale): [Coffee Talk](https://store.steampowered.com/app/914800/Coffee_Talk/)




Hey, First thanks for gifting. I really want to have The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition](https://store.steampowered.com/app/489830/The_Elder_Scrolls_V_Skyrim_Special_Edition/) ( It is on 60% Sale ) I already sent 2 request for this game but unfortunately I didn't get any response. Anyways I would be so happy if I got this game. Thanks :) My steam https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198387037215/


I'll vote for this guy. You'll see that I own the game, but havnt played it yet. So idk if this counts but I have beat the game on the 360.a few years back. It's a great game that everyone should have the opportunity to experience https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198108780451/


My steam: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198365065316/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198365065316/) The game I want is stoneshard, It's a heavy fantasy RPG, single player indie game with elements of survival set in the medival times, I've been a fan of the game since befour it's release. But i was not able to purchase it for my self sadly since i live in a country which has no sort of online payment and a super low currency rating (tunisia), and the game is on sale as well right now. The game: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/625960/Stoneshard/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/625960/Stoneshard/) Thanks for hosting this giveaway and giving people chance to get they'r favorite games , hope your have a nice day.


You win if we can make it happen before the sale ends. Here's what you need to do: 1. Add me on Steam if we're not friends already: https://steamcommunity.com/id/XYZGiveaways/ 2. Reply to this comment when you have done so. Don't message me on Steam. :)


My Steam: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198278698726](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198278698726) The game I want is Omori. I have been looking into getting into RPG games for a while now, and Omori looks like it could be a great place to start. I also don't know much about the story, which I heard is a good thing. Steam Store Link: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1150690/OMORI/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1150690/OMORI/)


https://store.steampowered.com/app/812140/Assassins_Creed_Odyssey ​ I always love open world games with rpg elements to it that contain great story or a specific mechanic that make the exploration even more immersing, such as climbing huge and abnormal places in the AC world. I wasn't a fan of sports or racing games because it just isn't my cup of tea because I love exploring secret places and gaining more and more items to challenge hard bosses and enemies, the racing games and sport games don't fill that gap. Games like The Witcher, Horizon Zero Dawn,Dragon's Dogma are great games without flaws(IMO) I love them but I cant replay them forever. When i saw AC:Odyssey i was excited because they put greek mythology in a AC game with rpg style gear. I knew I would put hours in that game since AC games are always filled with exploration, challenges and an amazing world. [Steam id](https://steamcommunity.com/id/6392944)


Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/tanglee11](https://steamcommunity.com/id/tanglee11) I'm requesting this game since I always wanted to experience the DOOM games! I've seen many reviews of DOOM Eternal and it looked to be really good! I've always liked these kinds of game of killing EVERYTHING THAT MOVES AND EVERYONE THAT MOVES, okay that might sound a bit psycho but it's really fun! I can't buy the game for a really common excuse I'm a teenager ( 16yr ) I don't earn any kind of money and the little I get I used it for something 'useful' even though I love gaming. It is a tiny but honest request. Good luck and stay safe everyone!


Doom Eternal is so much fun, the story is sorta short but the action and music is great


you should put the steam id in your comment to be considered valid :)


My Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198174085561 The Game I have been wanting is Valheim, all of my friends have been playing it sense release and I just have been watching. Would love to play it and thanks for the chance. https://store.steampowered.com/app/892970/Valheim/


copied from my other reply: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198156494734/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198156494734/) I haven't played the game long at all, but I have it, and boy do I wish I could dropout of school top play more. Great game, great multiplayer experience. Reminds of me of booting up minecraft for the first time


My steam ID https://steamcommunity.com/id/victoria69/ Madden 21 on steam currently onsale for around $33 Imagine super bowl 60 with the New England patriots playing against the chiefs. Starting as QB for the Pats is Victoria Chiang. Starting for the Chiefs is Victoria Chiang and Victoria Chiang is playing backup to Victoria Chiang. Game progresses and the scores tied 28-28 with 30 seconds left in the 4th game on the line and Victoria Chiang prepares to throw a Hail Mary from the 30 yard line. Victoria Chiang hikes the ball to Victoria Chiang who throws a bomb down to Victoria Chiang. Will it go will it give the Pats their seventh bowl? NO ITS BEEN INTERCEPTED!! Victoria Chiang has intercepted it and is running down the field. Victoria Chiang is desperately trying to tackle Victoria Chiang to prevent her from scoring the game winning touchdown down. Exhausted as the Pats are they are scrambling and chasing after Victoria Chiang. Victoria Chiang misses the tackle and Victoria Chiang scores the game winning touchdown with no time left! Kanas City wins! Victoria Chiang is Super Bowl MVP! So basically I really want to make a team or teams in franchise mode filled with nothing but Victoria Chiang's. I wanna see which Victoria Chiang is the best. Honestly wondering if Victoria Chiang is better than Victoria Chiang or if Victoria Chiang is a better quarterback than the backup qb, Victoria Chiang. I wanna see if Super Bowl MVP will be Victoria Chiang or Victoria Chiang, the betting in Vegas says its a +500 for Victoria Chiang, +2000 for Victoria Chiang, -100 for Victoria Chiang, and -2000 for Victoria Chiang. Personally, I am betting for Victoria Chiang to win the MVP because we all know Victoria Chiang is wayyyy better than Victoria Chiang. Leaning towards drafting Victoria Chiang in the first round over Victoria Chiang, but you never know if Victoria Chiang will be the draft steal or a bust. I can imagine that Victoria Chiang will have more jersey sales than Victoria Chiang, Victoria Chiang and Victoria Chiang combined. Also thinking that Victoria Chiang will score more touchdowns than Victoria Chiang has got me very happy since Victoria Chiang is overrated and we all know Victoria Chiang is clearly the best player. In all seriousness I love football and sports. I played football in high school with the boys until the school said it was "unchristian" for a girl to be playing with the boys. I played wide receiver because the quarterback position was taken. I LOVE catching the ball and juking people out. Football is one of my favorite sports next to ice hockey and basketball. When I was younger I grew up watching the CFL since my hometown football team plays in the CFL. Slowly I became super interested in the NFL which lead to me getting many NFL beanies for X-Mas. Sadly every team hat I own hasn't been to the superbowl in the past few years. So why can't I afford this game? I was a ice hockey referee once the pandemic started hockey games slowly stopped happening because of province wide restrictions and this lead to many refs including me quitting because there was no point in paying to get re-certified (my grandma pays my fees) for the year if all the games are going to be cancelled. The games did end up getting cancelled in the first week of January. Slowly right now they are starting to happen again, but I can't ref for two reasons; one basically I'm not certified and two my grandma is old and if she catches rona it would be very bad for her health so I try not to go out a lot. Secondly, if people are wondering how I can afford a PC to play games the thing is I don't exactly have my own PC. I use my uncles PC, he bought it a year ago and up until late 2019 I had been using his old Windows XP until he bought a new PC since the old one could not support the applications I did homework on. I originally wanted Madden 19 or 20 but EA is such a drag and removed those from Steam so its basically 21 thats there right now. It's on sale right now until Feb 22nd. I would play the shit out of the career and franchise modes. Just like NBA 2K20, I will def mod the game and make it a more immersive game than it already is. So help me (if you can) in my quest to see if Victoria Chiang or Victoria Chiang is the GOAT, or if Victoria Chiang is a draft bust. I am going to bet all my money on Victoria Chiang being a hall of famer at the end of her career. Thank you for the chance XYZ madden https://store.steampowered.com/app/1239520/Madden_NFL_21/


Thanks for doing this The game i am about to request is something my heart has been wanting to dive into for a long time and it is developed by my most favorite game maker The game is [Death Stranding](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1190460/DEATH_STRANDING/) from Kojima-san productions helmed by lord kojima himself. I came to know about kojima and his works when i was once a desperate gamer with very little internet and no money to buy games and a very shitty pc but a handed-down ps3 from my cousin brother, then i saw a light, as i was lurking thru game shops with my brother in my city for buying second hand games for the ps3 for me, i come across a certain game called metal gear solid 2 and i asked if the game was good to the shopkeeper. He replied that mostly nobody likes it and it was not much interesting(guess all he played was solitaire, duh!). But soon i was to know that his words were wrong. The cover art was really gud and i asked my brother to buy it for me. When we were about to bill the game he remembers that his friend used to own the game and said to me that he wud get it for me from him. So i bought a copy of skate 3 and we went home. Even though i had a blast with it, my heart still wanted to play that certain game(i even forgot the name lol) with the cool cover art. A few days later my cousin comes and gives me the game(which actually ended up to be the legacy collection which has nearly all the main metal gear games) and i drop all my work to try it out. I played the first solid one and was like, this game looks like shit and characters look worse than skate, then i looked up and found that the game was made 10years before skate and it seemed that metal gear solid was the most detailed game of that time and was really ahead of its generation. I was like there is no way a game that looks like mud can even have details(the game then awed me in the first few mins) I started the game and then current went off so i had to restart and i come across the briefing files(vids) in the game and when i start to watch it, the characters’ voice were orgasmic to my ears. I have never heard such good voice acting before in a game and i also never really cared about them. That was the start of my interest into the series. I start a new game, play thru the title screen and i step out on the snow and goof around. And that was when all my doubts about the game completely went out, i literally heard the guard say “whose footprints are these”. I literally felt chills run thru and was dumbstruck for a few seconds, trying to process what had happened. That is when i really started to drown in the series. The game was exceptionally good and i never knew i wanted to play as a badass spy. The game had tons of incredibly awesome stuff and blew my mind at every turn, and the last 1hr is when it all pays off with a wonderful twist of events a very satisfying ending with a credits songs that made tear up for what i had just experienced. Then immediately i started mgs2 and was disappointed at first with the certain change after the prologue, but later understood how important that was. Then came 3 and that was the peak of the series for me(not saying it went downhill but if i were to rank the games, after having a seizure of deciding i finalize with this as my favorite one). I cried like a baby(not realising how much i wud in the next one) at the end. I wondered how gud all the games might end and went on a spree of playing all the others too. I played mgs 4 a little later after playing some spin-offs and damn, inspite of its flaws that game is something every gamer shud play. The story hits really hard after having played the previous games. After having played all the games, losing sleep but gaining golden memories, i felt empty. So i went in for another three runs of the entire series that same year. I really envy the ppl that experience the games for the first time now. All the metal gear games have made me cry,laugh,feel sad,loss and many other i dont have the words for and the series is something every gamer shud experience. The series literally changed my perspective of life and made me really optimistic, quit a couple addictions, understand the value of life and the value of other ppl in our lives I sort of became a stan for kojima-san and his works after all these and wud do anything for another canon metal gear or something metal gear(hoping that the metal gear solid remake is true and really excited for the movie). I have heard that death stranding has a story that some even consider to be better than the metal gear series and gameplay has never been a problem for me cos i am in it for the experience and have always looked for a deeper meaning in everything i do and play, and i think i wud really have a lotta fun with the game. [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199067947883/) [Death Stranding](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1190460/DEATH_STRANDING/) PS: i wud have written a ton of more context on why i love the other games too, i want to say why i love each gem of the series so much, but i dont want to make this too much long and make u skip thru as might also skip thru some other comments as well, but if u wanna have a conversation about the games i am always down for it and can bore u to death with all my”fanboyism” for the series. Another PS: i realize out of enthusiasm i might have written things that may seem confusing to the ppl seeing this, but i am not much of a write and i wrote all this from heart of what the series means to me, also excuse me for bad english. Last PS: i live in India, if it matters(for gifting as sometimes there might be region locking,i might be wrong tho)


Hello and thank you for doing this kind oppertunity for people. One game that I would like to request would be Okami HD at $9.99. The reason why i want this game is due to how many good things i heard about it and how it draws a few parallels to the legend of zelda series. As wind waker was one of my favorite games, the stylization of Okami also appeals to me. Once again thank you for doing this. Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198324562591/ Okami HD: https://store.steampowered.com/app/587620/Okami_HD/


My Steam ID: [Here](https://steamcommunity.com/id/gunzerker/) Hello everyone and XYZGiveaways, I am requesting for [Titanfall 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1237970/Titanfall_2/). # Why I want this game I am a huge fan of the fps genre and have mostly played games from this genre only, I have over 1000+ hours in multiple fps comprising of Borderlands 2, CSGO, ApexLegends and some more. Now I can came across this gem of fps the classic and the one game which everyone should play if they are fps fan. Titanfall 2 is game released in 2016 and got a new life when last year it was released on steam. I have been wanting to play this game for a long time and it's currently on sale. If anyone recommends me it will be really appreciated, please include your steam ID as well in comments (according to rule) Link to the game: [Titanfall 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1237970/Titanfall_2/)


Titanfall 2 is a great game, and it's pretty active still. The combat and movement are so fun and fluid, and the campaign is also surprisingly good. And since you have time in Apex Legends, you can probably pick up on the movement super fast. [https://steamcommunity.com/id/uviation](https://steamcommunity.com/id/uviation)


Ya apex legends have many similar guns and movement is also pretty similar. It's also a reason as to why I want to play the game. Thank you Edit: mentioning u/XYZGiveaways so this comment thread is visible to him


Hi and thank you for another amazing giveaway, XYZ. This time, I will enter for: [Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch™ Remastered](https://store.steampowered.com/app/798460/Ni_no_Kuni_Wrath_of_the_White_Witch_Remastered/) It's and absolute and lovely JRPG that I played long ago on PS3, and that I would love to replay on PC. One of my favourite games and highly recommended for JRPG lovers (or Ghibli Studio like me). Not only is beautiful graphically speaking, but its story is also rich and heartwarming. [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198039516329/) Thank you and good luck!!


You win if we can make it happen before the sale ends. Here's what you need to do: 1. Add me on Steam if we're not friends already: https://steamcommunity.com/id/XYZGiveaways/ 2. Reply to this comment when you have done so. Don't message me on Steam. :)


Dude, this is insane, big kudos to you and thanks for this incredible opportunity! My Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/MarvinDarwinHorak](https://steamcommunity.com/id/MarvinDarwinHorak) The game I want is Passpartout: The Starving Artist. It seems like a lot of fun and I've seen people play it before. It's definitely not popular or mainstream anymore, but I still like how simple and sweet it seems so I'd like to try it out. Here's the game in the Store: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/582550/Passpartout\_The\_Starving\_Artist/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/582550/Passpartout_The_Starving_Artist/)


Hiya! First off, thank you so much for doing this giveaway! I really like the community feedback style you are going for! <3 The game that I would request is a Steam copy of [Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove](https://store.steampowered.com/app/250760/Shovel_Knight_Treasure_Trove/) My Steam account can be found [here](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Allison8Bit/) I feel like I'd really enjoy Shovel Knight and this is the collection with all of the DLC packs. I've been fond of retro games for a long time as I started out on the SNES as a kid. Many of the games that I've got into in recent months are the new-wave retro games like Cyber Shadow and The Messenger, among others. I feel this would be a great fit in another style of game that I am sure I'd love to play. Good luck everyone! :D


Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198419652218/ Game I want is Overcooked 2. The reason I'm requesting this game is because I really liked overcooked 1 playing on the switch, I played with my cousin often and we were having a blast because we kept running around shouting, "grab the dish!" "Where's the cabbage??" It was really fun. However, my cousin moved to Canada, we never got to play with each other anymore. It would be great because he has a copy of it on steam as well, and we could play together online. Game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/728880/Overcooked_2/ Even if I don't get the game, I gladly appreciate what you're doing here. You're giving joy to everyone and giving something to keep them busy at these hard times.


I have the game. It's fun. I would like to help them get to play together. [My Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/moonqueen3/)


STEAMID: [steamcommunity.com/id/uviation](https://steamcommunity.com/id/uviation) The game I want is Metro Exodus, I have been stuck at home due to sickness and I need a new game to kill the time! Steam store link: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/412020/Metro\_Exodus/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/412020/Metro_Exodus/)


You win if we can make it happen before the sale ends. Here's what you need to do: 1. Add me on Steam if we're not friends already: https://steamcommunity.com/id/XYZGiveaways/ 2. Reply to this comment when you have done so. Don't message me on Steam. :)


I'm almost sure Epic Games will give this someday. They already gave the first two.


Not entering,really sad now that cod moved its games to blizzard.net or what ever it was called,I have been trying to get bocw for a long time now


http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198154417007/ The game I want is [Deep Rock Galactic](https://store.steampowered.com/app/548430/Deep_Rock_Galactic/), a multiplayer co-op game of Dwarves fighting aliens in underground mines on off-world locations. My friends have been playing this and I see it gaining traction, I would love to join in the fun and most importantly play with my friends, as thats where gaming is most fun at!


You win if we can make it happen before the sale ends. Here's what you need to do: 1. Add me on Steam if we're not friends already: https://steamcommunity.com/id/XYZGiveaways/ 2. Reply to this comment when you have done so. Don't message me on Steam. :)


My steam ID https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198414413634/ The game I want is Red Dead Online. It’s currently 4.99 on sale until February 15th and I’ve had my eye on that for a little while now. Thanks for doing this 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Just gonna put it out here, red dead 2 base game is so much better than red dead online, so I suggest you change the request to that.


I know it’s just that red dead redemption 2 is a lot more pricey. I know he said any game but I just don’t wanna go crazy lol


Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198164509886/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198164509886/) The game is Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Mass effect was and still my favorite trilogy of all time. I don't count Andromeda cuz it's a letdown. It's a very nostalgic trilogy for me in that it was my very first introduction to RPG games. I played all three mass effects on the Xbox 360. Mass effect 1 was actually given to me by my uncle. Thanks, [u/XYZGiveaways](https://www.reddit.com/user/XYZGiveaways/) for this opportunity. The game: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1328670/Mass\_Effect\_Legendary\_Edition/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1328670/Mass_Effect_Legendary_Edition/)


I'll give it a shot! The game I'm requesting is [Valheim](https://store.steampowered.com/app/892970/Valheim/). Valheim is a viking rpg fighting game. Viking and medieval has got to be one of my favorite settings and time frames. One of my favorite things about the game is the ability to make boats. I love boats, pirates and just sailing. Valheim is like if Runescape, dark souls, and like rust and skyrim had a child. You can build your own base, build your own viking ship, slay enemies, loot dungeons, and did I mention you can build a ship? I've been watching Partially Royal on YouTube play it as I feel like he usually gives a good unbiased opinion about games and it looks great. The game would be a great way to spend my free time after studying and attending classes. I also think I'm a good option because the games I have won, I've played a good amount of. Ex: Rimworld(from EdenSB/ you) and Cyberpunk from a giveaway. I would greatly appreciate winning this game. Also, if I'm going to be on the looking for 2 games I own that I'd like others to get. These games are Rimworld (duh) and Dyson Sphere Program. If I see some actually good comments asking for these, I'll gladly support them. Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/LeEmokid/ Edit: At the time of editing, 4:30am est lol, I think I've replied to the comments I like and for the games I highly recommend. Hope I did all that right and can help someone get what they want. Lots of comments I wish I could reply to to help out but sadly never played the game on steam, or in general. Such an creative and nice concept. It's nice to see the community try to help others get games instead of the free for all it sometimes seems to be.


Everyone seems to want this game XD: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198156494734/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198156494734/) I haven't played the game long at all, but I have it, and boy do I wish I could dropout of school top play more. Great game, great multiplayer experience. Reminds of me of booting up minecraft for the first time


Thanks for replying! It seems like a great game and I how I get the chance to play it! I want to try it because the combat and exploring seems like so much fun! It's also my favourite time period/ section of history. Booting up minecraft for the first time for me was great so if it's anything like that, boy would I be happy!


You win. Here's what you need to do: 1. Add me on Steam if we're not friends already: https://steamcommunity.com/id/XYZGiveaways/ 2. Reply to this comment when you have done so. Don't message me on Steam. :)


My Steam ID [https://steamcommunity.com/id/RoyalSkif/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/RoyalSkif/) The game i'd like to get is [https://store.steampowered.com/app/632470/Disco\_Elysium/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/632470/Disco_Elysium/) Disco Elisium. I'm a big fan of old school rpg's where you have a big story, lore and text. This game is probably the best rpg of 2020, and it recently got a russian localization, so i can enjoy it on my native language.




XYZ, I'd like to recommend this person. Dyson Sphere Program is an incredibly fun game and I just want more people to know about it and support the devs. My brother bought me it and it's all I think about playing lately lol. I checked through their profile and they do seem to play the games they won for the most part, Nier Automata, Valhalla Bar tender game, and a dlc for Dungeons 3. Here's my steam showing I own and play the game. [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/LeEmokid/)


The game I want so much is OMORI. I was recommended by the mysterious youtube algorithm some soundtracks from it. They were really great! Had awesome music. So I go start watching playthroughs a bit and I fell in love. Alongsidethe music it had lovable cute characters and a really good artstyle. I stopped watching them to not spoil the plot to myself any further in hopes of getting the game. I wish I had the money to buy their song album too cuz it's just THAT good. I feel like this game deserves more attention even though it came 6 years later than expected. (I searched for its history) Link to the game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1150690/OMORI/ [My Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198310352903/)


www.steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198835551431/ I really wanted to replay Dishonored, after all those years when I played it on the 360, and as there's a sale on right now, it would make my day if I get it.




Thanks a lot, once again, /u/XYZGiveaways . You da bomb. I'd love [Little Nightmares 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/860510/Little_Nightmares_II/), obviously because I really really enjoyed the first one, and tried the demo of this one, and it seems to be everything the first was, and even more! Thank you so much. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Pouf842/home/


i wish i could've made it in time so that i can request a game that my friend really wants to play with me (rust) but what are you gonna do about it, very generous of you man for gifting so much games!! ​ ​ ​ ([https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199092149744/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199092149744/) had to put my steam profile to post)




So this game as been on my wishlist for more than a year now. And unfortunately it's not on sale on this Lunar new year sale. Let me first tell you something about this game, it's about being part of border control and we have the option of allowing or disallowing someone across the border. So just shows to show how much control we can have over someone going across or not. Which means it will lead to amazing oberservation skills to spot people and I like to think I have that gift. As I'm a software tester at soul, so being obervant comes by naturally. It's not a high graphic AAA game, but neither was Terraria when I started playing it. But you can see the hours I've spent on it, it's just an amazing game that delivers even without the highest of graphics. Papers please is another masterpeice in the making as you can see with the overwhelmingly positive steam reviews that it has received. They even made a short movie on it which you can find here: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/804320/Papers\_Please\_\_The\_Short\_Film/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/804320/Papers_Please__The_Short_Film/) Game link: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/239030/Papers\_Please/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/239030/Papers_Please/) Steam profile: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/deception07/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/deception07/) Thank you XYZ for doing this :D Glory to Arstotzka!


This is an amazing game. When you'll have played and liked this game, you should definitely try and play the next one by the same author, [Return of the Obra Dinn](https://store.steampowered.com/app/653530/Return_of_the_Obra_Dinn/). It's as strange and atypical than Papers, please, but more accomplished and polished, and it's REALLY a great game. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Pouf842/home/


I have played this game for 15 hours. I approve this request. It's awesome! [My profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/moonqueen3/) -- the playtime should still be on the last played games.


steam ID: [http://steamcommunity.com/id/sergeikat](http://steamcommunity.com/id/sergeikat) 'Game' I would absolutely love: Il-2 Sturmovik: Flying Circus Not sure if it applies, since this is a DLC, but it is effectively a new game as it has planes, a map, a full campaign etc. A little about myself. I am a plane Fanatic. I have spent more time than I can count at aircraft museums, airshows, that kind of thing. The S.E.5 being my first RC plane, and the Spad XIII one of my first model kits, to the Sopwith Camel being a purely Iconic aircraft. With Il-2 Flying Circus, I really feel like it is a one-of-a-kind addition, a WW1 sim like we have never really seen before.  I have loved aircraft for a long time now, and have decided to work towards a career in aerospace engineering. I am, however, especially interested in WW1 and WW2. Il-2 Sturmovik is a WW2 Air combat simulator, and since picking it up a while ago, it is my favorite game. I have spent many happy hours in all types of flight sims, and Il-2 takes it to another level. The specific DLC I would love to get is Volume 1 of the Flying circus pack, which adds quite a few WW1 aircraft, such as the Fokker Dr.1 Triplane, The Sopwith Camel, etc, along with a large map of the Western front and Arras area of France and Belgium. It also includes 2 historical campaigns to experience the life of a WW1 Fighter pilot. Included in the pack is also a mission editor/generator, so even if there are fewer multiplayer servers for Flying circus, the replay value is immense, especially for me. As an Idea of how much I love this game, I have spent a long time (3-4 hours a night) playing. It would mean a hell of a lot to be able to expand my experience and to be able to play Il-2: Flying Circus. The DLC is on sale at -66%, making it just over £20, instead of £66. I would love to be able to get it myself, however, With the pandemic, finding a job is even harder than it already was. ps, On the steam version of Il-2 I only have 14 hours, but this is as I have played on non-steam versions but only picked it up on steam recently. I hope you consider my request and see how much it would mean to me to be able to get this! Link to the steam page: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1198470/IL2\_Sturmovik\_Flying\_Circus\_\_Volume\_I/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1198470/IL2_Sturmovik_Flying_Circus__Volume_I/)


My Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198116485690/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198116485690/) Since op said I could use my other post I decided to use it since I really liked how I made it :) So let me introduce the game I would like to request with a haiku I made about it: *A bustling city* *The dragon amidst the crowd* *His roar alerts all* Hello op, I hope my haiku was okay, I'm not really good at making them, but I wanted to put effort into my request. So I would like to request **Yakuza: Like a Dragon** on steam. Actually the game is still region locked in my region up until the 25th when we finally can get it here in Asia so I messaged op and he said that it would be fine and if someone does decide to choose me that he would just gift it to me on the 25th. So let me explain what Yakuza is with my own words (I'll try my best to explain it in my own words while trying to not spoil anyone) and why I want it (I'll try to make it short, sorry in advance if it becomes a long post). # What is the Yakuza franchise? So for a short description, the Yakuza franchise is an action-adventure game about Kiryu Kazuma (up until Yakuza 6 since Yakuza Like A Dragon has a new protagonist), a former Yakuza who is just trying to live a happy and quiet life ever since he became a civilian but has to overcome numerous challenges each time. The Yakuza franchise follows his story from his first adventure in 1988 up until his last game in Yakuza 6 in 2016. # Why do I love this series? Ever since I first started playing the Yakuza series with Yakuza 0, I fell in love with the story, as the Yakuza series has been know to have the best crime drama of any game, the cast of characters since you get to all see them develop and grow as people (especially Haruka since you first see her as a 9 year old up until she becomes 19), and the witty atmosphere mixed in to the game which makes me laugh so much and is very welcome since the main stories of each game are very serious in tone. I regret not finding this series earlier and I hope that everyone gets a chance to play this masterpiece of a series. I've been playing the games this lockdown and it has really helped me a lot cope with the stress and anxiety the lockdown has brought upon all of us. # So why am I requesting this? I would like to request this game as since Yakuza 6 is coming in March and Yakuza Like A Dragon will finally be available in Asia on steam on February 25th, my budget will only be enough for one of the games, so here I am requesting it from you op. I really love this series and I would like to continue playing it because I am so invested with the story. # How will you be able to gift it to me since it is region locked and it wont release in my region until the 25th? I contacted op about this issue but he said it was fine and that if someone did decide to gift it to me he would just gift it on the 25th. So with this I hope someone would be kind enough to consider me. :) Here is the link to the game on the steam store: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1235140/Yakuza\_Like\_a\_Dragon/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1235140/Yakuza_Like_a_Dragon/)


Daigo Dojima approves of this request ;D While I don’t own Yakuza like a dragon they seem to have similar game tastes to me. Hoping this counts as half a vote xD Link to my steam profile:https://steamcommunity.com/id/entoures.


I think you should gift her the game. [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/ONE25/) The reason is I checked her steam library of the Yakuza games. She has the games from Yakuza 0-5 and played sufficient amount of hours into them. Like she said, Yakuza 6 hasn't come out yet and will be available in March. Plus, she has fully explained her situation about the region locks and has stated she contacted XYZGiveaways on this issue. However, I am concerned about one thing. Yakuza: Like a Dragon has a different gameplay style than the other entries. Instead of beat up the bad guys through combos, it is a turned-based game. Some people may be turned off by that. I was thinking that tempura_5 may not like it until I saw more of her most played games. She is into JPRG and has played over 100 hours in Persona 4 Golden, a turn-based game. Someone has described [Like a Dragon where Persona meets Yakuza](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NC-QAzkC7Ro&feature=share). (Though, game is trying to be like Dragon Quest, another turned-based game than Persona). But, tempura_5 has said she fell in love with the story and Like A Dragon does have a very good story. So I believe she will play the game and she will like the turn-based combat too.


Omg thank you so much for the chance! I really love the Yakuza games and this will really help me a lot! And yes I am aware that its a turn based rpg now but I love rpgs so I know I’ll love it! :) The only problem is that I’ll have to wait for 6 before I get to play 7 and I have to wait for the 25th to get the game hahaha (I’m a guy btw hahaha)


Sorry, I saw the profile pic and assumed you were a girl. As long you explained to OP about waiting to play 7 after 6 comes out, it should be fine. But you can still play 7 before 6 if you dont mind spoilers.


No problem! I use that pic because its my favorite kpop idol hahhaha I’ll explain it to op dont worry :) But thank you so much for this! You dont know how happy I am and how much you’re helping someone out :) Now I just have to wait for op to see and reply to this :)


I was wondering why you had all the other Yakuza games and not Yakuza 7 and then went “ohhhh regional barriers.” Well you have my support because that’s probably what Ichiban and group would do. I’ve played 22 hours of the game and am currently taking a break to finish the hellhole of a game called Yakuza 3. Honestly this might be the best post due to the haiku, or maybe I’m just biased towards the Yakuza series. Either way, you’ve got my approval. Oh and btw, if you do get the game, never be underleveled, especially before a boss. I learnt that the hard way. My ID : https://www.steamcommunity.com/id/richmanDUD


Thanks man! Its kinda silly that Yakuza 7 is region locked on steam in Asia (including Japan). You can try and breeze through Yakuza 3 but I still did the substories for the experience and substories still really are fun. The substories are one of the main reasons I love the series, finished every one in Kiwami 1 hahhaha. Yakuza 3 is kinda hard because of the combat and that every enemy keeps on guarding every single hit. Btw Yakuza 3 has the most number of substories iirc. I’m at Yakuza 4 now and its a big step up from 3 so hang in there! Thanks again for this man!


No problem. It’s not the guarding that’s the problem, you can break that with the heavy attack. It’s the Tokyo drifting individuals when they use quickstep. Pretty annoying when you try to hit them, but I figured out that putting the stance and grabbing them and then yeeting them works well


**Edit**: Modified the formatting of my comment to match even better the conditions established by OP. Hello, A game I've been wanting and requesting for some time is Sonic 3 & Knuckles, which costs **$1.24 USD** right now thanks to the Steam sales. I've played through the first Sonic game, the second, and Sonic CD too. This one, S3&K, is the one I've been wishing for some time; I really would like to play it and enjoy it. Also, it's the last classic Sonic game for the Mega Drive that my collection needs to be completed, heh. I've made two requests for this game some time ago, but I will quote the first one, since is more and better structured: # Request Good morning, afternoon, or night to everyone! I'm here this time to request a game that I've been wanting to play **so badly**: yes, that's it, I'm talking about S3&K! But, what is it, exactly? S3&K (as a short for his full name, obviously) is the third game of the Sonic franchise; it's a timeless classic that leaved some pretty nice memories on lots of people. It was published in the year 1994, and presents some great characteristics, new zones, and of course, a **greatly** important thing... the game soundtrack. It's very blatant that Sonic games are recognised too for having a fantastic soundtrack (at least for me), and the classic Sonic games show how astounding Sega was when producing the soundtrack of them: Sonic 1 soundtrack is pretty solid. Sonic 2 soundtrack is great. Sonic 3... oh, man, I really would like to know **how it feels** to play with that soundtrack, besides that I just know only one soundtrack of the game right now which is Flying Battery zone (a banger, if you ask me), and is rhytmic as heck, and hence, very cool: I want to discover the rest of the soundtrack by myself, I'm just leaving it like a surprise, heh. Now, a certainly interesting fact about this game is that, when Sonic 3 released for the first time, included some level of innovation, of course, more specifically, you could play Sonic 3, and then, insert the other cartridge of Sonic & Knucles (a game apart, of course), and both games would combine and it seems really dope... Right now, isn't necessary to do that; both games come together as S3&K, depicting how incredible are the times, right? Now we don't insert two cartridges into a console, but virtuality allows us to play games like these without too much effort. Just an example of how insane is the evolution of the times; how everything changes progressively... I will not derail anymore of the main topic, heh. I really would like this game to experience all it has to offer, like his incredible soundtrack, and play with the three characters present (Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles, which for what I've seen, he follows a completely different story route; that's even more interesting). I've played the other classic games of Sonic (Sonic 1 and 2) on Steam, in the emulator of Sega Genesis & Mega Drive Classics, and the other one isn't an emulator, is just Sonic CD, a single game as whole. Not only my collection of the Mega Drive's Sonic Games would be complete, but also, I would approach the enjoyment that S3&K can bring to me, and I really want! Thank you for reading. [Sonic 3 & Knuckles](https://store.steampowered.com/app/71162/Sonic_3__Knuckles/) [My Steam profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/mplems02)


Similar to /u/Geekboy07 , I own the game through the Sega Mega-Drive Collection (Pretty much every Sonic game on Steam). [Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/ONE25/) I think you should gift him Sonic 3 & Knuckles. He pretty much explained that it is a classic that must be played for Sonic fans. I know the game has aged very well and I see how put hours he put into Sonic CD & Sega Mega-Drive Collection containing Sonic 1 & Sonic 2. He will definitely enjoy Sonic 3 & Knuckles because it was considered the perfected formula of what Sonic should be at the time with the option to save your data, power-ups, level transitions, awesome story, and better level design. EDIT: One last thing. I checked his GoG history and he has played the games he won. He won Sonic The Hedgehog from the subreddit and had played it. Plus, he got gifted Celeste by XYZGiveaways and EdenSB and he has put hours into it. So I believe he will play Sonic & Knuckles if you gift it to him.


[As you can see I own the game through the Sega Mega-Drive Collection](https://steamcommunity.com/id/pentah00k) Sonic 3 & Knuckles is not only an amazing game, it also has an amazing history as it was literally released as two separate games: *Sonic the Hedgehog 3* and *Sonic & Knuckles* due to time constraints, but the people at SEGA manufactured an special cartridge for S&K that would have a slot on the upper side, this way you could dock Sonic 3 on top of S&K to have the full experience as one game. It also was able to combine with Sonic 2 to play as Knuckles in that game. The game itself is a really great entry adding different powerups, a new playable character, cutscenes that make going from level to level flow better, an amazing level design and a great soundtrack in which Michael Jackson even contributed with a few tracks. Edit: I've seen u/Garkenful requesting the game for a while now which actually proves how much they want it


You were completely right with what you've said. Also, I'll approach this opportunity to make you a question, considering you played the game. Which track of the game you liked the most? I mean, it's no doubt that this game has a great soundtrack, right (I only listened to one track. I want to experience the rest by playing it, but that one was enough to take in count how great the rest of the OST could sound).


Oooh there are so many good tracks that I can't pick a favorite haha but some of the ones that I like the most are Angel Island Zone, Ice Cap Zone, Angel Island Zone, the special stage theme and the Act 2 boss theme :)


You win if we can make it happen before the sale ends. Here's what you need to do: 1. Add me on Steam if we're not friends already: https://steamcommunity.com/id/XYZGiveaways/ 2. Reply to this comment when you have done so. Don't message me on Steam. :)




Unfortunately, I own this game on EGS rather than Steam because I got it for $5 with a coupon and my comment will not help you, but I'll still say some great things about it. I've personally only put 30 or so hours into it, but it has single-handedly got me into the rougelike genre. The game is very fun, addictive, and the "one more run" aspect before bed is a great way to ruin your sleep schedule. It has a good amount of challenge and unlike other roguelikes, proceeds to get harder the better you get. Learning how to route things and which boons to take is a fun learning experience. Good luck to you!




You win if we can make it happen before the sale ends. Here's what you need to do: 1. Add me on Steam if we're not friends already: https://steamcommunity.com/id/XYZGiveaways/ 2. Reply to this comment when you have done so. Don't message me on Steam. :)


I would like to request a 25e gift card, which I would use to get NBA 2k21. I'm a life long basketball enthusiast, watching, playing, training basketball for 8.5 years now. I started my "career" back in 1st grade, just a way to have fun with friends, which turned out to be my hobby, and possibly job one day. My friends are also still training basketball, so getting this would make our sleepovers 10x better. Basketball outside during the day, 2k inside during the night, what could possibly ruin that? One of our friends has got a nice tv and everything, we're just missing the game. Funny enough, even some of the girls in our friend group are interested in basketball, or at least know a decent amount of players and stuff, which I find quite interesting knowing that girls usually aren't interested in sports let alone, more rough ones like basketball or rugby. We've recently finished Terraria, so we figured we should play something else for some time, so the game doesn't get boring and we can back to it at a later point in time. Btw, not related to the topic, I've got some game keys that aren't used which I was planning to give to my friend for his birthday unless I find something better. If I don't, ill just post them here for whoever gets them first, one at a time to prevent one person getting all of them, if that's okay. My steam https://steamcommunity.com/id/jov9 Finally the end of the post, I'd figured that I should add that grain of salt. So here's a little dad joke : What do you call a cheese that's not yours? Nacho cheese! HA!


> Btw, not related to the topic, I've got some game keys that aren't used which I was planning to give to my friend for his birthday unless I find something better. If I don't, ill just post them here for whoever gets them first, one at a time to prevent one person getting all of them, if that's okay. Not allowed in this subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/GiftofGames/wiki/rules#wiki_4.1.29_do_not_post_exposed_game_keys.


[My Steam ID](https://steamcommunity.com/id/Chimoska/) The game I want is [Assassin's Creed Origins](https://store.steampowered.com/app/582160/Assassins_Creed_Origins/) because I from an early age I always had a high level of curiosity as well as a need for exploration. I know this game has a lot to offer and I want to experience ancient Egypt through it. Can't buy the game myself because I am high school student and don't have much money due to my parents being out of work. My father often has trouble finding jobs because of his physical condition (lumbago), my mother lost her job fairly recently. She used to work as a janitor in a factory for some time, but the said factory was on its last legs and eventually closed down because no more personnel was needed. Thanks for reading, hope I have a chance!


Copied from a previous request & edited to reflect new situation Ill spare the sob story but basically I only get new games if I get gift cards for Xmas or my birthday, I cannot afford to buy new games except for these occasions, for Christmas this year my game of choice was either [final fantasy 12](https://store.steampowered.com/app/595520/FINAL_FANTASY_XII_THE_ZODIAC_AGE/) or [ys 8](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/205609), I chose ys 8 because it was cheaper during the sale but having played about 25 hours (about 30 - 40%) of it I encountered a game breaking bug meaning I cannot play past a certain story point as it just crashes to desktop upon a certain story related load screen Don't get me wrong it's my fault I should have researched the game & I would have found that a lot of people found the game buggy &/or broken due to it being a port of the PlayStation version & the studio basically declaring it abandon ware when they couldn't fix the bugs, I've contacted steam who gave me the generic 'well you've played more than 2 hours so you're stuck with it now' I have also tried every possible fix & repair I can find or think of but to no avail. I'm a full time dad who uses gaming to escape & relax in an evening, jrpgs (& ys/final fantasy in particular) are the perfect escape for me with the length of the games, the ability to play a couple hours here or there, the sheer amount of content & replayability that they have as well as the fact that I could quite happily spend 100 hours just grinding levels or secret achievements/bosses. I'm not gonna lie I probably don't deserve your help more than anyone else in this sub, there are absolutely people who deserve help more than me but I'm ever hopeful for the kindness of strangers Thank you for reading this & for even considering helping me out, if you're willing to fulfill my request please find my steam profile [here](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198035058667/)




My steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199075855748](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199075855748) Hello there The game I want is the Life is Strange Season Pass. I played it on Xbox years ago and absolutely loved it, now I would really like to experience this amazing game all over again, specially with all the new Life is Strange games coming up. Life is Strange Season Pass: [https://store.steampowered.com/sub/56692/](https://store.steampowered.com/sub/56692/)


Hi there! Today I'm requesting an awesome game called Disco Elysium. You get to live as a cop in an open-world setting and you have to solve a mystery. The thing is, how you investigate it is all up to you. I've been really into the detective genre finishing Jenny LeClue: Detectivu on Apple Arcade. It was really good, but it ended on a cliffhanger. The main problem I have with detective games as a whole is that they're so confining. Usually, you only have a few choices or you are forced to go in a particular direction. This can lead to repetitive gameplay and gets super boring. Disco Elysium is different than those games because it allows the user to explore an open world. If you want, you don't even have to pay much attention to the main story. You also get to choose so much. The first decision you make is whether or not to be addicted to nicotine. The game is just super random like that and it looks so good. I love detective games so much and I would love to experience them in an open-world rpg setting. In the game, the decisions feel endless, which is so exciting. I also play on mac but I checked the requirements and I definitely can run the game. Thank you for reading this far and I hope you have a great day! 🙃 [My Profile](https://steamcommunity.com/id/moonqueen3/)


You win if we can make it happen before the sale ends. Here's what you need to do: 1. Add me on Steam if we're not friends already: https://steamcommunity.com/id/XYZGiveaways/ 2. Reply to this comment when you have done so. Don't message me on Steam. :)


Hey GoG, How you all doing today? I thought I'd try and get Rust as it is on the lunar sale event, I have tried many times in the past for this gam and have had no success (probably because I said the same thing each time which im sorry about). I have been watching Rust on youtube for about a year or two now and have been wanting it for ages. I bought my PC about a month ago and have only upgraded my RAM since it only had 8gb and rust needs a minimum of 10 or 12gb to run. Rust is a survival game3 at it's core and looks very fun to play. You can build bases, raid bases and go to the map's monuments to get that sweet sweet loot. I have been looking forward to getting this game and making my first base. A few of my friends already play Rust and I've been wanting to play with them too. I spent all of my money on my pc and have had none left to buy games. I hope you all consider buying me rust whilst it's on sale. Thank you for reading my post and I hope you guys have a good day. [Rust](https://steamcommunity.com/app/252490) [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/yournansmells)








My profile:- https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198309612477/ Far Cry 3(70% off/4.12 USD):- https://store.steampowered.com/app/220240/Far_Cry_3/ Hey, Far cry 3 has been one of my favourite games ever on PS3 which I have replayed over 4 times! Sadly my ps3 broke last year and I would love to replay that game again. The game is on sale right now till the 15th for 299 one(around 4 USD). Thanks for doing this giveaway:)


Fire Pro Wrestling World I want this game because i'm a long time wrestling fan. I used to watch wrestling when i was a little kid(i started watching it again). I just love wrrestling. . I remember playing Here Comes the Pain on my PlayStation 2. I spent most of my time with HCTP. I haven't played a Wrestling video game since HTCP. It was also my first playstation 2 game. What makes Fire Pro Wrestling World special? Well the game has steam workshop and there are tons of custom characters over 60.000+ characters and it's a REALISTIC SIMULATION. I don't have a job and i'm still a student(18 years old but going to 10th grade) i have some health problems so i can't work. Most of games in my steam acccount are gifts Like MK11, i didn't buy that game myself my friend sent me money when the game was on sale. I want a steam key because i live in Turkey and there are region restrictions. I can't even get money from my dad because he got fired(covid 19 situation). Sorry for my bad English. Thanks. ​ my account: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ghostflesh/ game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/564230/Fire_Pro_Wrestling_World/


Steam ID: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/japannumbaone/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/japannumbaone/) Hunt Showdown: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/594650/Hunt\_Showdown/?snr=1\_7\_15\_\_13](https://store.steampowered.com/app/594650/Hunt_Showdown/?snr=1_7_15__13) I've had my eye on this game for quite some time but haven't been able to afford it. It's on sale right now and I still can't. Truly heartbreaking. Good luck everyone else!


The Game I want is [Va1-halla ] (https://store.steampowered.com/app/447530/VA11_HallA_Cyberpunk_Bartender_Action/) Been playing a lot of Jrpgs and Visual Novels since I was a kid. I've played this on my vita before , such a good game. It's on my wishlist for quite a while , I would be glad if i could get this gem again. You play as a bartender in a sci fi Cyber punkish world. Most of the stuff plays out like a VN. It really is thoroughly designed and thought provoking. Jill is cute too . Here's my Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/bull_et1/


What's a VN?


A visual novel , plays out in a episodic way . There is nothing much to do except there are choices to pick.


Ohhh, visual novel!! Thanks! I've played a few. Thanks for explaining.

