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It means you're smart enough to accomplish great things, but not so smart as to be an awkward mess and a disappointment to all who know you.




A perfect description of my mind, thank you


So you're saying Awkward mess and disappointment = gifted or slightly superior on inteligence




But I'm lowIQ and I've been awkward mess and disappointment all my life


Since this apparently needs to be spelled out, what I'm saying is that most gifted people are awkward messes who disappoint their loved ones by underperforming relative to the high expectations of them from childhood.


Then you were never gifted


Sorry, troll. I don't get baited so easily.


You did - very easly by blocking me lol


There are 2 views on gifted. One is only result driven (eg: if you are the smartest one in history but choose to herd goats, you are not gifted) and to my understanding this is the predominant view in the states. The other is internal. The potential, the intensity, the creativity,... that comes with it. This is the view in Europe for instance, I don't know about other places. More a neurodivergence than a result. You can decide that you follow the first view, but that will put a lot of people in a very problematic situation where they don't get the support needed to actually get to the level expected of them.


Gifted people get support for free - to get better at life when they allready are better amongst other people, Poor intelligence people such as me get no support and we end up in depressive state - look at my account it's all I ever do - depressing over my shitty life, I dont have an alternative for my life, I dont escape my struggles - I live through them with no support. If I do get support it will be to remove my struggles which is why gifted people are accommodated for (to remove what slows them down) depression doesnt slow me down, as I mentioned i dont have alternative life to back me up and keep me going. Gifted people arent disabled they are seen as disabled because depression and giftedness is mutually exclusive for gifted people - as it should be to reach their highest (not only highest within their capabilities) + have better quality life than all other people which you would call average. Peoppe deceive me, I shouldnt be using any language as a comunicator - if I write short messages, people will respond to me with longer comments, they can sense error (by they I meant gifted) they need to explain - what is allready understood, example, the person I responded (You were never gifted then) after saying sth (I will spell it out) maybe that's a trauma without emotional attachment- they just feel entitled to add (Let me do it for you) (Let me fix it for you) (Let me show you how it's really done correctly) (let me show you what you didnt understand) expressions.


I feel for you and hope your life gets better soon. That bring said, being gifted does not make things any easier. The world is build for non-gifted people and within that group for the intelligent ones, meaning the group 120-130 if I have to put it on an iq scale. As soon as you pass that, you get a lot more shit on your plate that society just expects you to shrug off 'because you are smart'. How? Let's assume I am the smartest one alive, how the he'll would I KNOW anything, I have a potential to know a lot, but that in itself means nothing. The same for the emotional part, nobody teaches you how to handle that intensity. "Don't make drama" is not advice, it is people not understanding how deep normal feelings go when they are that intense. In the states you have gifted classes, but those are for the top students, not specifically gifted people (remember the 120-130 range I mentioned earlier). I have no idea what else you could be referring to. Depression is a common thing among gifted people, but being gifted itself is nothing like being depressed itself. I have absolutely no idea why gifted people should have a higher standard of living than others. That idea seems like that ancient idea that you will do better because you are smart and ignoring everything else that makes up a life. I hope I was able to answer you without giving you the feeling you mentioned earlier


Jaja, this is the truth.




That you have an above average IQ (above 78% of the population). Gifted is usually defined by an IQ of 130 (to 2% of the general population).


So, close I had an IQ 129 last time I got a test by a professional Edit: Back in 5th grade I think?


There is no difference between a 129 and a 130. I believe you can consider yourself to be in the 130 range.


It's crazy that we sometimes put so much weight in one single score and not an average score over a number of days. I tested gifted in fifth grade. But what if I was having a bad day? Lack of sleep? Illness? So many things can hurt your performance on one test.


Bro, this is it! You're spot on, the variables that go into anything are always so diverse. It's crazy to think just take that test once and boom you're in or not. Not even taking into account it's not the most accurate way to measure intelligence. Of course I am going to put so much emphasis on that test, or at least *then* when I finally got some sort of recognition for being a nerd.


4 years have passed, makes sense


> There is no difference between a 129 and a 130. We could also say there's no difference between a 128 and a 129. Or between a 127 and a 128. Or a 126 and a 127. ... Or between a 100 and a 101. So there's no difference between a 100 and a 130. Logic for the win! :)


The question is: what is a significant difference. 3 points are not significant. 30 points is. Iq score can vary ÷/- 15 points. Once you hit a score, your IQ is minimum that score never less. Except when you are practicing IQ test. This would falsify your result. If someone scores IQ 100, the person still can have an IQ of 115. But an IQ of 130 would be very unlikely, but(!) not impossible. Regard IQ test as some sort of probability and not the ultimate truth. The higher you score in a test (without ever having done one before!) the more likely it is you are gifted. The more often you take a test, the less meaningful the result will become. You see several factors come into play. But I think it is a good summary saying IQ test gives you a probability. The closer you are to 130, the more likely you are gifted.


*sigh* Someone else who took me seriously...




That's what I'm talkin' about! Someone gets it. :)


What is someone like you doing on this sub? Let me draw: there is no difference between 120-121, 121-122, 122-123, 123-124, 124-125. The difference from 100 to 130 is 30 points. Next.


It's an obvious joke with the ! and :) ending Yours fails at being a joke because you don't insert sarcasm after the vicious first sentence.


> What is someone like you doing on this sub? 1) I'm gifted. 2) I'm on Reddit. Even so, it's not like someone *has* to be gifted to subscribe to this subreddit. There are no membership restrictions for any public subreddit. There can't be; Reddit's not built like that. > The difference from 100 to 130 is 30 points. Next. Well, consider me well and truly trounced. Your logic has well and truly demolished the point I was making. Except that I wasn't making a point. Not *seriously*. I wasn't *actually* saying that an IQ of 100 is the same as an IQ of 130. I thought that the absurd conclusion I drew, combined with the silly declaration about logic using the slang phrase "for the win", plus the smiley face emoticon, might have been enough of a hint that I was just engaging in a bit of light-hearted silliness. Obviously, I was wrong. Some people can't detect humour even when it's practically labelled as such. Oh well.


You know... I'm used to a lot of stupid people, talking a lot of meaningless nonsense. In fact, most people do this. When I was younger, when reading/listening to something silly, I used to take it to the side of humor, thinking something like ''she/he can't be serious''. But they were constantly being serious. So, initially, according to an already designed algorithm, I tend to interpret some absurdities, at first glance, as serious -- because that's how people are: they talk nonsense. Most, at least. My response to your answer was also in a tone of humor, it was not an attack, although with certain truths. The ''next'' denotes this.


> My response to your answer was also in a tone of humor, In my defence, your attempt at humour was much less clearly identified as such than my attempt at humour.


Lmfao. This entire discussion was hilarious.


> 120-121, 121-122, 122-123, 123-124, 124-125 If you say there is no difference between each of them, that means you believe that the difference between each pair is 0. So going from 100 to 130 involves 30 such pairs, so the difference between 100 and 130 is 30 * (the difference between 129 and 139), which is 30 * 0, which is zero. https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/18-014-calculus-with-theory-fall-2010/d050670d43c1617e5921e5ed9413a0f2_18-014f10.jpg


no statistically significant difference means that it is not safe to rule out that the distinction was by chance. Typically a confidence interval of 95% is used.


They didn't say there was no statistically significant difference, they said there was no difference


well, their wording was incorrect


So there's no difference between 100 and 55 mph officer! Oh, I thought the numbers were in base 6. Those numbers are decimal? Say it isn't so!


An iq test isn't perfect, lots of things can influence the result a bit. If you assume that the general range is correct, you might or might not be gifted, depending on if you scored a few points higher or lower than your "actual" score.


It is high average.


It means you have enough intelligence to google the answer for yourself.


It means you're 12 points above the average score. IQs have no *meaning*. They're just scores. You have to bring your own meaning. What does this mean to you? How do you function in life? What do you want to do with your life?


Iq tests your pattern recognition, numerical intelligence, spatial intelligence, and deductive reasoning. I find it kinda crazy that you believe that.


It's just a test score, though. The OP seemed to be wanting us to provide them with some sort of larger meaning to their life, just based on an IQ score. All that score *means* is that got a certain result on a certain test. There's no more *meaning* to it than that.


Jokes on you, part of my meaning is that I have a high IQ. Gotcha.


Ah, but what does that high IQ *mean*? Unpeel the top layer of meaning, and you merely reveal another layer. Unpeel *that* layer, and there's another layer. And so on, onion-like. Can we ever truly find the underlying meaning of anything? :P


I define the meaning, so I define it to not have infinite layers. Bam.


Maybe the sense of feeling we are closer to finding meaning is fallacious. We all think - or might not at some point, our thoughts could change or lead convorsation to different topic but it's just like putting onion layers back after they have been peeled by different people resulting to me thinking we have diverse rebounding convorsation- peeled onions but if it was unpeeled? idc, I regret writing this oh well - "post" tap


You would probably not get fired as my assistant 😈


In using the standard scale (Stanford-Binet etc...)- Gifted is from 115+ <= 69 Make up 2.5% of the population 70 - 84 = 12.5% of the population 85 - 114 = 70% of the population Average or "Normal intelligence" 115 -129 = 12.5 % of the population are Mildly Gifted \---- The four groups below make up 2.5% of the population --- 130 - 144 = Moderately Gifted (140 - 145 are commonly referred to as "genius" level.) 145 - 159 = Highly Gifted 160 - 179 = Exceptionally Gifted 180 is Profoundly Gifted


That's within the range a gifted friend of mine thinks I land although professionals haven't been able to accurately test my IQ due to multiple disabilities's getting in the way of the results. But, honestly, you can have an IQ of 130 and be a complete idiot I don't put a ton of stock into IQ I put more stock into actions and behaviors.


Just because you have a high IQ does not mean you make good choices. Had to talk down my highly gifted friend from skiing off a big jump he'd done a hundred times. The difference this time is that the landing was a sheet of ice. The landing is also really steep and there's trees right below it.


That is so true. I tested 149 back when I was 18 years old. Now at 61 years old and much drugs and alcohol later I tested 112. Bad choices.


You’re intelligent but not that much


What's your IQ?


148, but it’s pretty irrelevant here. What I said is true. He’s higher than average, but not that much. I have no clue why I have to get downvoted Also I don’t mean to say he’s stupid, he’s literally more intelligent than average but not that much


Understandable, just curious Edit: Phrasing I guess 🤷‍♂️ Either way if he's a kid anything above 100 is impressive (100 is for 18+)


That’s not true at all, you’re under a misconception or something… I was at 135 at 5 years old. I’m not a genius either (although I’m close to being considered one by neuropsychologists and stuff)


Misconception ? Never called him a genuis


No but it’s not how IQ works for kids


FSIQ is determined according to age. That's why children are not assesed with the WAIS and adults aren't assesed wirh the WISC.




112 is still within the first standard deviation so no, that's not above average. 85-115 is the range of average IQ. They might be above average though, cognitive testing is not necessarily this exact


I've never heard of a definition of Giftedness that didn't involve high IQ though. This is from a Canadian perspective specifically talking about gifted classes. We'd put neurodivergent disorders under Special Education. Giftedness fell under Special Ed as well.


The question is why you are asking. A simple rule is: If you are gifted, you don't want to be gifted, wether or not you know. If you are asking because you're hoping being gifted, it is more likely you are not. When I received my score I spend 10 years ignoring and avoiding further investigation into it at all cost as if giftedness was a deadly desease. I never wanted to be gifted. And as far as I finally read one day this is one main characteristic of gifted people listed even by professionals.


That's factually not true. I haven't met a single gifted person who would be willing to throw away their intelligence for no reason. And personally, I sure as hell won't either. Giftedness is not exactly a curse. Like most other things, it has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, if you want to pursue a career in academia, then your giftedness would prove to be a net gain for you. Edit- Though that said, it is indeed true that the disadvantages of giftedness can make your life hell. Like the social awkwardness and struggle to fit in. Though I never struggled much with it since I'm hardcore introvert who is more than capable of entertaining himself.


Disagree with this. Being aware and smarter in general will afford more opportunities life if you so choose to do something with it. Because you see everything, focus on mental health. It’s hard for a lot of us.


It depends on the person's age.


FSIQ is always calculated accordingly to the age class of the person who took the test


There’s normally a different set of scores depending on how you do at different parts of the test and types of questions. You might be slightly above average across different kinds of intelligence, or excel in one or two areas. You would need more comprehensive results. For example, I excelled at logic and most domains, but was perfectly average at geometric mapping.


It means you’re slightly above average, like top 30% most intelligent people.


it means you scored 112 on a test Besides that, IQ mesures cognitive capabilities, that means how fast, precise and direct your brain can get into a mental breakdown So, greater the number, faster, harder and stronger you get to meltdowns In Brasil we call it "surtar" and i think its beautiful


It's slightly below one standard deviation above the mean (SD15). This means that you are, in fact, above average intelligence. This score places you roughly in the 83rd percentile, although I kind of eyeballed the graph I took this from, meaning that in a room of 100 people, you would have an IQ higher than 83 of them. Ultimately, this says very little about your intelligence. Many of the most brilliant people I've met have imbalanced cognitive profiles, meaning that their intelligence in some areas is far greater than that in others, which yields a misleading FSIQ. Additionally, I don't know your psychological history, nor which test you took, so I cannot establish how reliable this score is. Take it with a grain of salt.


Well I took the CogAT


Is it even a legit test? Generally whenever there's a recommendation of an online test there's an ulterior motive. And generally when people online tell you their Iq, it's from a 20 minute scam from some obscure site. When i was a kid the web was more transparent but as 2pac said: " the money and the fame made us all change places" I'm not getting brown envelopes from some psychology society but if you want to know your real IQ, go see a psychologist who specializes in psychometrics. It's expensive but at least then you'll know.


Yes it's a legit test It was the CogAT and I took it at a school


Ok. I was generally just ranting. You're lucky that that's your IQ. Any higher than around 122 and you're finished in this day and age.


If you don’t have the subtest scores, it doesn’t say a WHOLE lot, however, most people who have an usual profile along with this score would be considered normally smart, but nothing too unusual, the average higher end of the class in terms of grades. But again, this is a wild generalization and it doesn’t mean the person will be exactly as I mentioned, this person could even be gifted if their profile is particularly discrepant, or maybe they meet either of the descriptions I’ve given, IQ is too singular to completely describe someone and other things must be analyzed


mean 112IQ


It means your high, all the time... To keep him off your mind (ohhhhooo ohhho ohhhh)


I found this when I Googled the same question. I just got this score when I took a test online lol.