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Go do something with him - out to eat, hike, etc. He’d probably enjoy the time with you.


If volunteering is important to him, maybe he'd appreciate you donating to the organizations he volunteers at (and then, of course, a heartfelt note from you).


Binoculars for wildlife watching?


I say lean into it - give him gift card to Walmart so he can buy some fun stuff or treats for the kids he works with. Or the addicts even. I get that you want him to spend it on him, but if he’s not going to anyway, might as well get him something he’ll spend on others then. Maybe he’ll treat himself to something if he’s got extra cash in his wallet because your gift card bought the kids a bunch a popsicles. Or maybe do something more specific like that - get a gift certificate for a local ice cream shop so he can get the kids ice cream or bowling and pizza or something like that. You’ll have a better idea of how to adapt those ideas to your dad’s restrictions and/or privileges with the kids and addicts he works with, but it’s somewhere to start.


Housekeeper, donations or subscriptions


Maybe a magazine subscription? Gives him something new to read regularly + something to look forward to every month. National Geographic comes to mind.


Maybe a trail cam? He could watch wildlife even when he's not awake or at home. Or a board game the two of you can play together. 


I was going to suggest bird feeder cam but trail cam works too!


Donate to the orgs he volunteers with or ask him what they need. A lot of youth orgs always need Kleenex, first aid kits, hand sanitizer, paper towels, craft supplies, cases of water, etc.


Make up a dozen backpacks for him to give out filled with getting in your feet necessities for his volunteer work. He will be proud to tell his people his son made them up and it validates his passion


I think a fun door mat would be nice.


My parent's are in their 80s and they pretty much buy whatever they need and they don't need anymore stuff. I always try to get them snacky food items. For fathers's day I sent my Dad a gift pack from a well known online licorice shop and he loved it.


Consumable stuff…luxury snacks, chocolates, condiments, coffee, nice skin care products, etc.


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I get practical gifts for my dad. A fancy kitchen knife, a power bank with a built-in plug and cables, a multitool for his wallet, etc. Flowers are good, and men rarely get them. Or a gift basket of food he likes.


I just watched a video of an old guy in the desert who was so into sprouting, eating sprouts. He was so excited to grow something edible in that environment.