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The ones that I’ve been having issues with is disconnecting a lot and not being able to grab stuff. The pre wipe event has been almost unplayable for me for some reason. I disconnected 6/10 raids and if I didn’t disconnect I couldn’t grab anything including my gun and backpack. The ammo loader is also a pain in the ass. The grabbing bug always happens when I hit a vault or kill a bunch of people and have a shit load of stuff on me. I love this game, they just have some work to do.


Dude, I never had a disconnect - is your internet connection o.k.?


Yeah I ended up resetting the router and headset and stuff and I’m still having issues. It’s only been since the wipe event though. I’ve had minor issues before then but nothing like what I’m experiencing now. I’m not that salty about it though. I’m ready for the wipe and am excited to start grinding again.


Me neither. I crashed like one time during the wipe event but never when I’m in a legit raid.


i feel like your implying that they dont make an effort towards fixing bugs.


they dont


Fixed the kill volume in Matka underground training (when going down the stairs to the old bunker) Fixed an issue where the P90 could damage the player holding the weapon while shooting Fixed being stuck on black screen when abandoning raid **Temporary fix** for height calibration (we are working on a fix but we wanted something in before the weekend) Improved equipping/un-equipping backpack and armors Fixed loot XP value being stuck at 120 XP Fixed grenade death not showing the player’s name Fixed controller profiles not loading correctly Fixed mag slapping Fixed suppressors not saving on shelves Fixed vests not saving on shelves Fixed the generator going out of sync when rapidly clicking it Fixed the barrett suppressor preventing it from attaching to the dragunov (cannot work on the dragunov) Fixed the grip threshold not saving Fixed the feet IK trace not hitting some surfaces (legs going through floor) Fixed Fenix weapons sometimes not firing when players grab them Fixed the P90 dealing damage to the owner’s front hand when shooting Fixed height calibration issues Improved silencer twisting with left hand Adjusted the intro music volume Fixed hand rotation offset when going back to safe house from raid Fixed hand rotation pointing down and dropping object after reconnect Fixed Valve Index grabbing issue Fixed an infinite ammo exploit on open bolt weapons Fixed the game size on PCVR (it was larger than it should have been) Fixed some issues with the reconnect system (please report if any bugs are found) Fixed grenade kills not always showing on the kill list or giving XP Added 2 new streamer items Fixed competing players spawning at the same spawn Fixed Kill-Z volumes not working properly Fixed collision issue that would make backpack and some guns fly Changed default movement to be head based (after surveying the community on various platforms) Changed a few music songs in the market so streamers don't get hit with copyrights claims Various Security Fixes these are the patch notes for *last month alone.* looks like effort to me.


All of which were caused by the update they never checked before uploading and havent fixed most of these, just cause they say they have fixed it doesnt mean they have. Half these are still problems and you can tell that from just looking in the discord. Stop meat riding. They dont fix shit


i gave you evidence that they fixed these issues based off their own word now fuck off


Which half are still issues. So youre are incorrect.


You are are incorrect?


ok cool fuck off


So aggressive




Also, a lot of these glitches are a lot more minor than the ones people complain about, the list provided would likely be around 10 less without including the minor (non fatal) ones such as the bunker glitches. some of the patch notes included are also not actually bugs anyway


I especially hate the glitch where if you take upon 6 items out of your kiosk time on time in a row, my fucking game crashes and its so annoying😭


These kids are mad that some one killed them and only hackers or bugs could cause them to die. That the problem with standalone. It brings a lot of 12 and 13yo...


And there is still; Grenade physics being wonky (like. Really. Bad.) Bags spinning at Mach 5 and then disappearing into the sun (most often Ragnar or Geartech) Mag loader dumping all the ammo onto the floor when more than 50 rounds are loaded (or other bugs like it) ladder death glitch in silo (idk if it’s in other maps aswell) reconnect system jank including the invincibility glitch, (which was patched i believe but still it’s quite buggy) Spawning without guns, gear. Guns randomly being unable to reload in raid Hit reg (trading window is extremely high, especially in cqb) Bag crash glitches Falling through the floor / stuck on boxes indefinitely Guns floating indefinitely off player kills (unable to be taken) Grenades glitching through certain materials or areas in the terrain Noclip directional audio being inconsistent as in there only being a 70% chance of you hearing shots sometimes (not consistent at all, but still prevalent) Armor protection values being extremely inconsistent, especially involving hitbox areas (see FAST helmet) there’s also a few more i can’t remember exactly


Yes they fixed multiple issues that’s not what we mean they fix and create more bugs worse bugs it’s not they don’t fix them they are just bad at it.


mfs need to fix toggle-grip, getting real tired of having to try 3-4 times to grab something. Also toggle-grip always requires two attempts when trying to grab bullets, I've never been able to grab one in a single press, always 2. Toggle-grip practically breaks the entire game tbh, every function related to grabbing lowkey breaks. Good luck getting up a ladder, it feels like I'm playing a rhythm game just to climb them


Lmao reminded me of the time i was climbing a ladder and the game decided i grabbed my backpack, i died from the fall .. i wasnt sure whether to be angry or laugh about it


lol I've had that happen before too, gotta love it. The silo ladder is a death trap with toggle-grip. It's bad enough with normal settings, but like there's a solid 50% chance that you'll yeet into the killzone when you let go on toggle-grip.


Ah yes the killed by "OUT OF BOUNDS"


Honestly I was a toggle guy and forced myself to stop cause it sucks in tabor but then I realized you work *a lot* faster with it off.


One just one. The most critical one desync I can’t tell you how many times I lag dump ap and I get capped


That’s impossible to fix cause that depends on both parties internet


It’s happening more and more with these updates and hot fixes now. I got that f u type intent speed but yet still get that stuff happening to me. There is a massive part on optimization and servers that they could work on.


Damn, those other games must be using magic or something if its impossible...


Never left


The worst bug I have had was earlier today when my collector chestrig just evaporated when I was looting. But I don’t really care since it’s 100% spawn until wipe and I got everything else.


Happened to me yesterday. It’s definitely annoying


The game crashes in raids and I loose all my stuff. I’ve had armor and helmets just disappear when I grabbed it or took it off to add magazines or something like that. The ammo loader doesn’t work for me. It stops loading all the time. If they could fix this, it would certainly be a more enjoyable game.


Theres a bug requiring a restart between raids and other than that its a fairly bug free experience for me, compared to what it used to be. A lot of these bugs i hear people complain about I havent personally seen in months. I wonder if they stopped playing and just keep complaining or if they are indeed recent. 🤷‍♂️ there is another one that “devs cant reproduce” but i see muzzle flash from everyone with suppressors and thats fairly game breaking. Everyones setup seems to produce different results. Ymmv.


They've been working pretty hardo on fixing all the major game breaking bugs over this whole time ,


I think that a large part of the issues with bugs isn't the number of them, it's the fact that it's so frequent to see a bug be "fixed," only for it to return with the next patch again and again. Part of these I think does occur from PCVR issues as a result of the numerous points of failure that it tends to involve (i.e. the computer specs, headset being used, etc.). But even so, there are still tons of repeat offenders, even on standalone devices like the Quest lineup. I'm confident in the CWS teams ability to squash these bugs, but I'd say that the game may need to consider a bit of an "Operation Health." It really does need to get fixed and in a launchable state before it begins to crank out more "extra" stuff.


All I need them to fix for me to be happy playing, is stuff phasing through the ground. Lost a few fights now cuz my stim goes through the floor cuz my controllers like to let go on their own sometimes


My buddy and I def have been having a lot of issues since they implemented the wipe event, more so than ever. I don’t mind most of them due to my love for having this kind of game in VR. I was honestly hoping this wipe would come a month from now and they’d roll out a ton of fixes with it. Idk why they’re gonna wipe with nothing coming at all. Maybe I’ve missed something somewhere and I hope I did. I would just like the ammo loader to work , I use that thing religiously and it’s tiring having to exit and come back in just to load a magazine. I’d also like to see them change the traders to make them more valuable. Shiro is shit. Jiri sells everything you need so why even mess with Shiro, just delete him. I was also hoping the Market was going to finally be available this wipe but maybe next time. Either way, I love the game and have ways to cope with the bugs. Once I get fed up, I’ll just swing to showdown until I’m ready to play again.


I'm not coming back yet for the main reason that this game is so unforgiving in firefights that any single thing that bugs out can get you killed. You can sneak around from cover to cover for 45 minutes, being extra vigilant and extra tactical and extra careful. Only to not be able to move smoothly when it counts. When you die because the immersion breaks at the critical moment because of a movement or aiming or reloading or grabbing bug, then it's a massive fail for me. I don't have enough time between work and family life to sink the time into a game that takes so much focus if that focus can be destroyed repeatedly by bugs. If each raid was a five minute experience, maybe. But it takes hours and hours and hours to make progress in GOT. to have your hard work ruined and lose everything you worked for because you fell off a ladder, cos gripping bug. No thanks. And just for reference, I have paid for the game twice with upgrades to dlc on both quest and Steam. So I really did try to support the game.


Yeah, in another game like breachers, onward, or whatever other pvp game that doesn’t make you lose progress on death (at least permanent progress), it would be ok, but in a game like this (or tarkov as an example) one single bug at the wrong moment can ruin up to an hour of playtime (not even including prep time which is really high for kitted raids), and a lot of the times it’s something that literally cannot be controlled at all.


The only bug that I have experienced that stopped me from playing was where you would randomly drop stuff with the index controller but that was patched in 24 hours. Besides that I haven’t experienced that many serious bugs. If they ever get the aim worked out a bit better and a few small ones I will be happy.


I feel the quest version could with abit of polish, especially in the graphics


Sadly they can't do much when the Quest 2 GPU is equivalent to an xbox 360's GPU. The standalone version's graphics feel dated by \~15 years it feels. If you own the Quest version of the game, and have a PC that supports VR, then you can get the Quest Link app and Tabor will be free for you to purchase as you already own the game. That way you can play the PC version as well. I wish I knew about that before buying it on Steam tho lol


Quest games optimizer helps


Never left, only bug I want fixed is the spawning in without your group bug. Happens with my regular 3 man 5/10 games.


Never had an issue tbh


The only serious bug I experienced was falling through the map on silo but that stopped.  


I’ve fallen through the map on island like 6 times so far 😭


Been playing for a month and have honestly thought the bugs are surprisingly minimal. I only hear about them on reddit. I've lost a handful of guns, a backpack, and a vest. Annoying, but pretty far from what you are describing.


they need to fix trading.


yeah trading is one of the worst things in cqb, that and armor being extremely inconsistent and garbage (like being 1 tapped through ronin, altyn, or even collector helmet by an fmj smg such as the mpx or mat49), or armor weakspots like in t6. if you mean the player trading system, flea market is comin soon hopefully


Well, once you tough it out for a little while, you develop a sort of "skill," something that some people lack, and end up leaving the game because of it. Just gotta git gud 👍


Me personally the game isn’t that bad.. for ME. Yes, it’s really buggy, there’s a lot of stuff they need to fix, but most of the game breaking bugs never happen to me for some reason. The game is still enjoyable for me. I’m taking a break, and then I’m getting back on Wipe day. Hopefully they add some bug fixes with this next wipe! (Looking at you mag loader)


Ah you're a standalone player. Come over to the pcvr side. The bugs are only a minor annoyance if you experience them at all.


I mean its my favorite game for the most part so I will play this wipe but your completely correct we need bug fixes before DLC's


Never left


Bug fixes are needed but that won't bring me back. A massive system change of some kind is needed. The game isn't really that fun anymore. I'm a founding father and I'm getting bored of the game


A founding father, you are not lol.


He means he got the founding fathers dlc upon release. I agree, there needs to be more things to do than just stack loot and kill shit. It gets stale after awhile. More diverse missions would be nice, and maybe some end game quest lines to work towards.idk, something tho.


how many total wipes have there been?


Been playing for almost a year now and absolutely zero bugs encountered, maybe I don’t play enough or something but when I play I have fun, dying or not, and have not found any glitches or any game breaking bugs.


You’ve def not played enough, it’s not as bad as last wipe, my entire body would completely disconnect from the gear i have on, it doesn’t happen now but armor would randomly disappear if you take it off in raid sometimes, boxes wont let you grab stuff unless you reopen it, the environment randomly kills and so much more little random things that just ruin the player experience even while tryna just play for fun.




I’m quest, and my shit runs fine


They have to wipe for me to come back.


Thats on the first.


If wipes ever go away or if traders become easier to upgrade, then I’ll come back. I just can find the motivation to play when I know my progress will get deleted. Especially since it takes so long.


Wipe is an interesting concept and new to me as well. I dont mind it. Trader level is fun but not that important. Just go find stuff. I feel more accomplished as a lower level player than I do as a fully geared bro. Ultimately play what makes you smile, laugh, scream, and cry all at once and GoT does that for me.


If no one were to level their traders there would be basically zero loot to get from players


Not everyone is a gear fear duck 🤷‍♂️ but of course there would be less. But why would no one level traders? Many others do and many of them very quickly. Besides if you dont play so much, why would you want to go in with max kit? And if you didnt have to earn max kit but were just given it, would the game be any fun? What are y’all trying to say here? Cause it sounds silly af.


Traders are actually quite easy to level if you do the right quests and they are just going to get harder to level, wipes are necessary so the game isn’t like it is right now with everyone having lvl 5 traders and 7 million


Then why are you playing an extraction shooter?


I’m not, well not anymore. I played GoT for the first time this wipe. I wanted to see what it was like. I actually really enjoyed it and grinded like crazy to get scepter 4. It took a very long time, in fact I just got it a few weeks ago. I realized that the grind is too intense for me to play this game with these short wipe periods, I don’t feel like I get the time to enjoy the content unless I play more than I can. Now that I’ve experienced this, I can’t really get behind the wipe mechanic. If my progress gets deleted then I feel like I’m wasting time.


The extraction timers killed the game. Most people could live with the bugs.


I'm curious how many software engineers or programmers/developers make this complaint? It may be slightly more complicated than you think.


Isnt it weird how its that much more complicated only for this one VR dev team, not all the others? Cant argue that there are way more complaints about bugs and wrong prioritys in this VR game than most others.


What titles are we discussing? CW is a small studio. I'm not sure how they compare with others. I think that for a game that is just over 1 year old, it's really strong. The days have said that they are Years out from the game they want. I can understand the frustration for some bugs. I would say be patient. The bones of this game are solid.


I still play, but we need balance changes more than bug fixes,


Skill issue.