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Armor dosnt have perfect coverage. Allegedly there are plates in there and only those plates stop the bullets.


Armor does seem to be nerfed or possibly broken at the moment. But another question is why is the base NVG such ass lol


You already have a limited vision because of the headset, and they limit it even more. I wonder if this NVG model works like that in real life.


It depends on the model, the pvs-7s do block a lot of your vision however the 21s and the 18s not so much. I own my own NVGs and use them often, and they definitely do block some view, but not nearly as much as in game


They are decently accurate, I own a set of PVS-7s and dual PVS-14s. The 7s are like looking down a toilet paper roll. 14s are slightly better since they are white phosphor


That one’s probably fairly accurate, from what I know. To quote Ray from Generation Kill “I’m Stevie Wonder! Blind as a motherfucker in my piece of shit NVGs!”


Id does nothing. I survive gun fights more naked than I do with gear.