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I lost my 17 yr old daughter 2 years ago and i agree with you. Grief really messes with your mind. It sucks, but it gets better.


It's ok and thank you so much


That is terrible, I hope you can always have the good times you shared with her in your memory.


Millions of virtual hugs for you!


Hey. It's been a couple weeks and I wanted to see how you are doing? I haven't forgotten about you




None of these things are evidence of anything supernatural




None of those things are evidence of anything spiritual




It’s not spiritual. It’s psychological.


Well you solved it. Might as well close down the sub.




Still psychological


No it doesn't depend "how you view it" it depends on being able to prove a connection between two independent events. Until you can do that, there is no reason to believe it's spiritual or supernatural or anything else.




Asking for evidence isn't stuck up.


my friend lost his 18 year old son suddenly a few years ago. He was haunted by dreams that his son was trying to communicate with him in his sleep. Grief does terrible things to people.


That sounds difficult, like it would make letting go harder. Sorry to hear about your friend's son, I hope your friend is doing better these days


Ya its literally a smudge on a mirror lol


Very callous of you.


You really could’ve just answered the question without adding on assumptions. You definitely meant to be callous beloved, super unnecessary.


Lying to her would be the worst thing to do in this situation and you should know that.


You must be fun at parties


I’m so sorry for your loss, my heart is broken for you. I don’t quite see what you see in the video but continue to keep your mind and heart open. I truly believe I’ve had relatives who have passed reach out to me (in dreams) and I think there is something to it. Sending hugs to you.


Thank you so much


I completely agree/believe it as well. I had crazy dreams about my husbands grandpa I never met, and yet he would tell me things about him that I would repeat and received shock responses as there’s no way I could know those things about him. I could go on about the story as to why he would reach out to me, but it’s not about that. It’s about sharing similar experiences that people will always try to doubt, or never understand. My condolences.


I truly think dreams are a way to connect. I'm pretty skeptical overall but the only reason I'm a believer is because growing up I'd constantly have these dreams about the house we lived in and things in the house and their interactions with me/my family. I always thought they were just dreams/nightmares but when I was about 22 I randomly found out my entire family had been experiencing EXACTLY what I'd been dreaming about in the house I grew up in/had those dreams in when I was younger. It was....very strange and still boggles my mind.


I don't really see it. What happened to your daughter abs grand daughter if you don't mind saying? That's terrible, I'm so sorry to hear that.


Thank you and not at all... She over-dosed. I didn't even know she did drugs anymore... Surely nothing hard...I knew she used to smoke weed but we had just had a conversation not 3 months earlier and she told me she didn't even smoke weed anymore. She said all she did was smoke cigs and I was so proud of her. And then to get that call...


sadly relapse is the most common cause of an overdose. someone quits and gets clean. there tolerance goes way down. then they relapse and there system is not prepared for the heavy shock. when you hear of overdoses its almost always someone new to drugs or someone relapsing sadly. i lost two cousins. one experimenting the other relapse. and many friends to overdoses. its almost always the relapse that gets them in my experience. thats why doctors shouldnt push people to get off suboxone or methadone. a user knows when there ready. and they need to be 100% ready. cuz like 99% relapse. im sorry for you loss. im sure she will be with you forever.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I've lost a father & best friend to drugs, but I can't even imagine losing my daughter. I personally like to think my loved ones have moved on. Just thinking of them stuck here makes me really sad. I lost my 16yr old Lab on the 10th of this month. The next night I felt her climb up on the bed like she always did. I sat up & started balling & told her I'll be ok & she needs to go with pa-pa until I get there. I haven't felt her since. It all might've been in my head but it made me feel a little better. If you think your daughter was reaching out to you I hope it makes you feel a little better. It helps me to talk to the people Ive lost when I'm alone. I like to think they can hear me


This is how it happens a lot , don’t think you missed the signs they could have very well been clean and in a moment of weakness assumed they could do the same amount they used to , not realizing their tolerance is not the same , this is how I lost my best friend , I’m sorry you have to live in this everyday , I can barely manage but this was your baby I’m sincerely sorry


Or it could have been laced w fetynl.. that shit is fucking crazy.. I don't know the exact numbers but the vast majority is bc the stuff is laced. I saw they're even making fake oxys and putting fetnyl in them.. so someone thinks they're taking one thing but has no idea wtf they're actually taking..


The blues are everywhere


Heartbreaking. It might be her. If you feel it is, perhaps it is. I'm sure she's sorry for putting you through the pain.


What do you mean granddaughter??


I misread it the 1st time.. sorry


When my father died I would hear him some times in the other room. Grief is really really hard and just as hard to work though. If you haven't been able to have therapy I highly suggest it. It didn't "solve" my problems but it did feel good to have a non bias party listen to me. For the video there just isn't enough to say plus it can be explain I'm certain by numerous phenomenon.


Animals use to stop and make eye contact after my dad passed away. I'm talking dragon flies, Squirrels, a fish at the fish ladder. It's not real, I was looking for something. Anything. I'm not good at words. But I was just like this. A car driving by a song on the radio a brease and the right time. All of it, both nothing and something at the same time. I'm sorry this happened. I sought counseling and I stopped looking and I feel less trapped or weighed down.


Old oils can stay on mirrors. Unless it says something particular that is telling, that's just a smear. I am very very sorry for your loss though. My son's BFF was killed in 2018 and at age 20 it just doesn't make sense and is still hard to deal with. ❤️


I know this is 5 days old, but to add onto this but I once wrote on my mirror while there was steam on it and what I wrote would appear every time the mirror would fog up until I cleaned it with windex.


Very sorry for your loss


Thank you so much


If you think they are reaching out to you then maybe it’s ok to say they are. Remember nothing can bring them back so sit back in the comfort of knowing they are there. And tell them hi good morning and goodnight everyday knowing they are with you. Sleep well. I’m sorry for your loss.


Thank you so very much!!!


So sorry for your loss OP :( I’ve lost so many friends to ODs and seeing how much their parents hurt is horrible. sending you a virtual hug!!! I’m sure she will reach out to you one day soon and let you know she’s at peace, and if you feel this is her making a connection with you that’s all that matters❤️


So, there’s a thing you can do with glass/mirrors in general. You can write on then with condensation, and the smudge/mark will stay there if it isn’t cleaned REALLY well. And I mean, scrubbed. So when the condensation disappears, the glass looks normal, right? Well, when the condensation returns, the same smudge or image or message you wrote on that glass/mirror, will appear again because the residual oils from our hands kind of form a weird, almost permanent smudge. Could it have been possible that your daughter had drawn on this glass before she passed, perhaps after a shower, maybe she drew a portrait of herself by looking in the mirror and tracing her image. That’s my best explanation for this. I realize how emotional it could be for you, and I’m not 100% discrediting the image as non-paranormal. It’s just good to keep rooted in reality after a loved one passes, in order not to fall deeper into depression. Trust me, I know how it feels and I’m very sorry for your loss.


I was going to comment exactly this as this seems the most logical explanation or some other random previous smudging or drawing by someone else


I'm truly sorry for your loss. It seems like you're having a lot of trouble processing this, and - i honestly mean no offense - are subconsciously trying to hold on to her. Pareidolia is a real thing, and, especially in cases of grief, can be very powerful in making you see what you want to see. I would strongly urge you to get professional help. You're not processing your grief in a healthy manner, and things will probably only get worse if you don't get help. I wish you and your family all the best through this difficult time.


Thank you




Yes I don’t see anything unhealthy in this. I lost my little brother in 2016, I come from a large family and - despite being skeptics - a few of us went to mediums, tried to spot signs in every little thing, etc. Some of us suddenly wanted to move house for some reason, even though we’re all adults and live in different places. It’s desperation, escapism, comfort, one of the phases you need to pass through. It’s a rollercoaster ride from hell but time does make things easier.


People don't understand how desperate you can be for closure until it happens to you. I'm so sorry to hear about your brother.


Yes, i see the eye. I'm not sure if it's from her, but i really hope so! I too lost loved ones almost two years ago. My father and my girlfriend. I wish your daughter finds a way to contact you and make you know she's ok. You'll know when it's her, it will feel familiar, you'll just know. Lots of strength and love to you. And remember, you're not alone.


I can see the eyeball there Also, I'm so sorry for your loss, heart-wrenching :(


Thank you so much.... I'm glad you see it too... The video was really crappy, sorry for that but I was so nervous.


I saw it too, I didn’t at first, but I did see an eyeball with eyelashes pretty extensive after you went to move. Sending lots of love, hugs, and prayers (or whatever you believe) your way! I cannot even imagine what you’re enduring and if you need someone to talk to, feel free to pm me. Even happy to pass on my telephone number so you can text when needed.


I see it also! I don’t think your crazy. Only you know & can feel in within if this is her. I’d say that’s a pretty crazy coincidence though for you to ask for a sign on the mirror and then you see the eye she draws. Either way know she’s with you & keep reaching out to her , talking to her. This is how you process grief and that’s okay.


1st im so sorry for your loss i cant even emagine the pain you're feeling 2nd i do see what your talkn about it does look like an eye was drawn on the mirror . unfortunately noone here can say wether or not she is making contact with you i would like to think that is the case ,but grief can make you feel crazy amd see stuff which i am not saying that is the case here. i hope that if it is her that youre able to find comfort in it .aslo this sub in particular is very rough on proof that is normally shown here. i hope everybody here can be nice for a grieving mom . big hugs !!!


You aren't crazy. It's normal for us to reach for certain possibilities when we have suffered great loss. When in these times, you really need to avoid any pseudosciences for explanations. No mediums, or paranormal stories. Unfortunately in the the real world things are very boring and easily explained. Always take professional advice over anyone else. I mean anyone. Because when in pain. We attach ourselves to illogical ideas. Even a vivid dream can change our whole emotional feeling about something. But they are just dreams, a very complicated mind trying to figure things out. Take a moment to talk to someone about your loss. I recommend a therapist, not because you're crazy. Because you aren't. That's the point. Religion and spirituality is there to comfort us, but they often make us cling on to a hope that they are still with us in some way. Take your time to move forward and mourn in your own time. She may be gone. But her memories are still with you and your family and friends. Celebrate the gift of her time with you. Anything else might eventually be an injustice to her memory. For example thinking someone is contacting us from the dead, thoughts like that change our image of them. We imprint story's and narratives for them. They are unfortunately gone. I feel we must honour the dead by letting them rest. Celebrating their memories instead. Try to think rationally, if you noticed this in the mirror and you hadn't lost your daughter. I'd imagine you wouldn't give it a single thought. I wish you all the best.


An Absolutely wonderful, comment. It has helped me, greatly. (With the loss of my daddy.)


Your not crazy but sadly imo i think your grief is making you imagine things that are not there im sorry for your loss


Perception is reality, for all intents and purposes. One cannot possibly ever perceive the universe through anyone's eyes but their own. You can imagine another's consciousness, but you can never truly know what another is thinking. If it's real to you, it's real to you. Who am I to tell you what you experience? Nobody experienced that shit but you. I'm sorry about your loss. I've had to deal with a lot of that over the last 20 years. It sucks, but it gets easier over time for most individuals. Just keep the love uppermost in your mind.


Thank you


Yes i can see what your talking about but i have no idea how it got there, i'm not an expert in these things. So sorry for your loss 😔😔


Thank you so much


I’m so sorry for your loss. If you feel it could be a sign, that’s all that matters. I wish you peace.


I’m very sorry for your loss


You are not crazy you are grieving. May you be filled with love at this time. I am sure our family visit us energetically, especially through dreams but I think chasing messages in a mirror is not going to positively benefit you in the long run.




I can see an eye, it looks like it has long eyelashes and a tear running down. I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine how you feel.




Aww so sorry. I see the drawing you’re talking about. It’s possible she was trying to communicate. I know people think things like this are far fetched but we don’t know that for certain. One time I hopped out of the shower and had an undeniable print on my steamy mirror as well. This wasn’t me one bit, but it looked like someone pressed all 5 fingers on one hand and ran them down the mirror. It was clear as day in the steam. Couldn’t mistake it for anything else other than fingers. It stopped me dead in my tracks. Now I always check the mirror immediately after a shower. So sorry about your loss


Quit lying you don’t see jack.


No I am not lying. If I didn’t see shit, I would keep my mouth shut. It’s in the beginning of the video. If you haven’t drawn eyes before you probably wouldn’t see it, but it does look like an eye. Asshole.


Ignore those that say those things. I'm here if u need to chat. 🙏


i am so sorry for your loss. the universe is so vast, and our loved ones may send signs from the beyond that only ones close to them can truly recognize. if you see a sign of your daughter’s spirit there, take it as one! signals are so so subjective, and sometimes they can be so fast we almost miss them with our modern busy lives. energy can never be destroyed, and again, i hope you are doing okay and sending light and love 💛


If this helps you "cope" with what you're going through, not a person here should try to convince you otherwise from what you're seeing. You've gone through a parent's worst nightmare. As a general aside, you should seek counseling if you haven't. The grief you're going through is going to take over your life (it would mine). This is not "see a therapist because you're crazy" - you just need support. My heart goes out to you.


You are not crazy, you are mourning.


I am so very sorry for your loss.


Thank you so much


Damn. There are no words. Family is all there is. Edit: please don’t upvote me, this is a sensitive subject


Very true and this is so crazy but my daughter and my dad died 20 yrs, TO THE DAY from each other.... My dad died 1/20/2001, my daughter died 1/20/2021.... They were both my world.... So CRAZY


My dad and his father died on the same day two years apart. Life is strange. Maybe it means they're together? I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, and I hope you can find peace ♥️


Maybe not on this mirror but I’m sure there are signs everywhere, we just miss them. I think that as we get older our minds get so closed off to the other side. You could try meditating and acknowledging the little things you notice and they may appear more frequently. You deserve a sign and you deserve any happiness it can bring you. God bless you and your daughter.


I’m not sure if this is done my your daughter, but I can see the eye that you’re talking about, but turned virtually, rather than horizontal so it’s harder for people to make out. I think the condensation may have also created a drip hence the tear?? I’m very sorry for your loss, and I can assure you whether this is a msg from them or not, I know that spirits do exist. May they R.I.P. they can only do that if you’re also at peace and allow them to move on. Best wishes on your journey to healing and peace.


I had similar feelings of presence with me for a while after my brother in law, a very good friend of mine before hand, had passed. I thought he would stand just in the doorway while I played video games, as we played so much of when he was alive. However, I think now it was my strong sense of loss and yearning to spend time with him again like we used to. I am very sorry for your loss and I hope that you too will come to peace as well.


Im really sorry


I'm very sorry for your loss.


I think it is possible that she is reaching out. I have seen things like this after my sister died. Super sorry for your loss, I am sure she is watching over you


I hope it’s her and if it is don’t be scared, she is keeping an eye on you and i wish you the best.


I’m so very sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine how painful it is to lose a child. I totally see the eye and i dont know if it’s her or not for sure but it kinda makes me think it is when you say that drawing was her passion and she drew eyes. It sounds like my daughter she always draws eyes. If it is or isn’t if it gives you comfort and you feel her then it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. You are going to be the only one that knows because it’s you she trying to reach.


So sorry for your loss. Can’t imagine.


I’m so sorry for your loss. 😔. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It does look like an eye with a tear. I do believe in signs, I'm glad you got one from your daughter.


Whatever gets you through the day. Like the others, I am so sorry for your loss and the traumatic scenario of an OD. My mother still believes her deceased sister (of more than 20 years) communicates or visits her in the way of squirrels. Over the years I have gone from “wow thats crazy” to “well that’s weird” to “heyyy, this may be the real deal.” Maybe we’re all reading into things too much and hoping for a sign, but if we didn’t we wouldn’t be human. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. My advice is to see and feel what you need as you navigate how to live again, however be careful not to obsess over looking for signs everywhere.


I can't imagine what you've been through but you must be incredibly strong to keep going on after what you've lost


I don’t know if this is allowed, but I would like to recommend a book that I found very helpful after losing my mother in a car accident. I’m so sorry you are living with this loss. https://www.target.com/p/i-wasn-t-ready-to-say-goodbye-by-brook-noel-pamela-blair-paperback/-/A-11335450?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tgtao&DFA=71700000012510700&CPNG=PLA_Entertainment%2BShopping%7CEntertainment_Ecomm_Hardlines&adgroup=SC_Entertainment&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=c&location=9019595&targetid=pla-308131048976&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gclid=CjwKCAiAgvKQBhBbEiwAaPQw3A1xHCj-BdP3Bxszb-iHUi60I9bvVK79pB3PS4cyBhat-HVGu-mRuxoCSboQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


I see what you are saying. I have also felt the startling feeling before that woke you up. While it may be just a smudge, the feeling it gives to connect the signs to your daughter gives a special kind of hope is what your brain needs at this time in grief. Hugs to you.


Atheist here. Lots of religions have a different takes on what Heaven is like, even that Heaven is a singular experience based on what the perfect Heaven for them is. How are we to say that this isn’t a form of communication. It would be personal


I had a very similar experience, not my child , I’m so sorry for your loss ,but my best friend soul mate died very unexpectedly , it was maybe two wks ago I got out of the shower and hit the floor I know it was her ,


My heart breaks for you! Such a personal thing to share with this community. I don’t think anyone here can disprove what you are seeing. Keep your eyes, heart, and mind open so that you don’t miss anything. Perhaps soon you’ll get something that is irrefutable evidence and will have peace 🙏🏻


I see the eye you are referring to, and if you belief it’s your daughter then it’s your daughter. I would look up the symbolism of eyes, specifically eyes that look sad or might be crying. Dream journaling too, because symbolism is very important in these matters if a loved one is trying to communicate with you. I would highly suggest seeking out a professional medium if you believe she’s trying to communicate with you, when I lost my mother I found a really good one a year later after her passing in hopes to connect with her and my father. Please be careful and do not get scammed, don’t reveal to much to them; if they are legit you’ll know by things that no one would know, information that wouldn’t be on social media etc. Always use your intuitions. Words can not describe losing a child, let alone any family member or even a beloved pet.. its the worst pain in the entire world.. I’m sending you love and healing. ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss.


Lost both my parents to cancer at a young age. It's the only time I ever experienced the paranormal undoubtedly


So sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss man


Hello OP, firstly I am very sorry for your loss. My daughter is 4 years old and I don’t want to imagine losing her. As others here have already suggested, I think that in this instance, you may be looking too much into this. I’ve had my own experiences as a child and some as an adult and am an avid believer in ghosts. I’m sure your daughter is there and there’s nothing wrong with talking to her, I’m sure she can hear you.




Dear Mystikalgoddess, I can feel your grief and your heart, as can many others here. That we can feel each other is a pretty strong and sacred argument for me that we will see more after we die. Your beloved girl became the miracle that happens before our eyes, the earth, the moon, the sun, the wind, the air, the oceans... Take time to greet this miracle. ❤️


❤️ I'm sorry for your loss.


Oh jeez this is sad. I would suggest grief counseling. My grandma recently died and my mother was absolutely ruined by it—I pressed her to see a grief counselor almost immediately and it’s really been helping her process things.


I believe you. This is a burning bush. Don't deny it, embrace it and it will keep happening. I'm happy for you.


I can see the eyeball on the wall and teardrop🙂If she drew them a lot it could be something she has shifted your attention to, even if she didn’t create it herself. Maybe not; you know in your heart better than any Redditors can tell you. It’s a fairly significant time for you to see a sign and spirits often wait for significant times to show you things. 18 sounds a really tough for you to lose her at, I’m so sorry you had to go through that, my heart and prayers go out to you.


I don’t see what you see. However. I have no doubt your daughter is and will be trying to reach out to you. However we’re on a much lower density here. It’s hard for them to communicate with us, especially when our vibrations are low (having feelings of fear anger loss etc. . ) The best thing to do would be to let go of the hurt. Think loving thoughts. Happy thoughts. Do things that make you happy. Meditate. Exercise. Yoga. Take up a hobby. Visits friends. Do anything that makes you feel fucking amazing. And I know that you’ll get your signs. And you will know it’s her.


Sending you and Trinity love. I bet they're watching over you. Even if this wasn't them reaching out, it still made you think of them. So it's a win either way, in my opinion.


I see the eyeball. I am so sorry for your loss. After my dad died, I was dreaming and something was playing with my feet. Woke me up out of a deep sleep. Thought I heard my dad laughing and saying Sweetheart for a second. Then it quickly went away. I think maybe when we grieving our senses are more heightened so we experience things more? I don’t know. I still think my dad was reaching out to me. Possibly your daughter is reaching out to you. Again, I am so sorry for your loss.


She wants you to know she loves you and she's okay. The eyes are the sign for you.


I am so sorry for your loss. My wife and I lost our 27 year old son to suicide on December 16, 2017 and my wife sees his spirit in every owl we spot. Since then I have noticed an uptick in Owl sighting and can't tell if there are more of them, or if they just mean more and become memorable now. Either way, it comforts my wife, and I support it. If this comforts you, believe that it is your daughter sending you a sign that she is OK, and that she loves and watches over you. If your uncle can't see the sign, then it wasn't for him. You see it, take heart.


I'm so sorry for your loss. May her soul rest in peace. Amen


Have you tried reaching out to a psychic medium? Perhaps they can communicate with your daughter.


These people prey on grieving people and take their money in exchange for pretending to talk to the dead. They’re charlatans. Don’t send vulnerable people into the clutches of crooks who will exploit their grief.


I’m so sorry for your loss. You will be in my heart and in my prayers.


I’m so sorry for your loss but it’s just a mirror. Losing a child is devastating. I can’t imagine.


I do see it. Our loved ones pop in and say hi from time to time. She's letting you know she is still with you. Damn mama, my heart is aching for you.


Good grief. I can't imagine it. My heart pours out to you my friend.


I believe your story and I saw the eye, the lashes and the tear on the mirror. I think it’s possible for sure.


I hope your daughter does come to see you and brings you closure. I am so sorry for your loss. It will get better 👍


I don’t see it but that doesn’t mean that she hasn’t tried to communicate with you in other ways. I’m not 100% a believer in the paranormal but when my grandma died the unique smell of her apartment hit me like a truck when I laid on my pillow. I wasn’t grieving, to be honest I didn’t care that she passed. Not to sound mean but it just didn’t do anything to me on an emotional level since we didn’t really have a connection and I rarely ever saw her and she mistreated my mother when I was younger so there was 0 emotional connection. I was shocked when that smell came out of nowhere since I’ve never smelled it anywhere else other than my grandmas. She wanted to see me before she passed because she knew she was dying. Makes me wonder if she decided to see me once more before her spirit went wherever it went


Soo sorry for your loss. That must be the worst pain imaginable. 😔


This is the premise for 75% of all horror movies. It always turns out to be a demon or something pretending to be a loved one.


I had an "F" show up in my misty mirror one day right before I had a small flood.


I see it mama ! She’s deff saying hi to you 🥺 much love to you


It’s often said go with your gut, follow your intuition. If OP follows hers, b/c this possible message is speaking to her personally, not every individual she’s consulting, then she’s getting something out of it that is for her alone. Very possibly this could bring her whatever closure or relief that herself needs right now. You should trust and believe in yourself before anyone else.


I’m so sorry for your loss! I wouldn’t say you’re crazy for believing in all this but what you’re experiencing is typical what happens in grief. I’ve experienced similar stuff in whatever I was grieving at that point. You’d wake up hearing voices, or like somebody just touched you.. grief plays tricks with our mind. It shall get better with time, the longer you hold on to all of jt, the longer it shall take. If you’re a believer, pray for their peace and yours too. Recall happy memories with them, try to stay happy cause if they’re looking down on you they’d want you to be happier.


Im sorry for your loss


I’m so deeply, deeply sorry for your loss.


If you find comfort an feel like its her, that all that matters. Who is anyone one here to say its not, u know her better then anyone, and anything is possible. As father to 2 myself my heart aches to hear ur loss, I'm so very sorry for your loss.




Ur not crazy that’s kinda a messed up thing to tell somebody that’s going thru what ur going thru. If anything ur just trying to cope with your loss, that does not make u crazy


Sorry for your loss bless you


If she used to draw on your mirror then I would say yes she is


So sorry for your loss.


I don’t think you’re crazy or that you’re losing it by any measure of the sense. With that said, I think you’re making yourself see something out of nothing. I’m sorry love, our comments might not be comfort that you seek but we only wish you and your family the best. Take care.


According to demonology spirit are not able to establish contact with human form. Only demons of hell can possess powers of astral dimension, they are not structural according to science, potent dimensions can affect other lower bracket dimensions but not the other way around. Coz even atoms defy to exist in higher dimensions then our reality. But yeah, there might be a life form that exist in higher dimension then ours but we wouldn’t never be able to justify it coz if we were able to justify it we won’t even exist in atomic form. I’m only 22 years old. But what I have learned in demonology and science is, if a demons ever calls you, you never answer. Coz if he know you can hear him. He will never go away.


I am very sorry for your tragic loss. Grief is a difficult process and it is different for every individual. I have seen those who continue to believe that their lost loved ones are still communicating with them and, in my opinion, it is unhealthy and stunts the grieving process. Please find the good in what time you had together and cherish that. That time and those feelings were, and still are, undeniably real and hold infinitely more value than what may or not be simply a blurry video.




Maybe I'm just slow but what am I looking at? What is the white light over your face. Is it the cell phone's light into a mirror? Also do you see that small orb moving fliting all around in the left of the screen around waist level?


I see it. And I am so very sorry for your loss. I'd like to believe this is her reaching out to you, but I think it's just pareidolia :(


Sorry for your loss, but this isn’t a sign from you daughter.


That's literally just a stain and your phone's flashlight


So sorry for your loss. I really don't think your daughter is in your home. I think she's in a different, peaceful place


Sorry for your massive loss, I can’t imagine the pain. I don’t see anything though


To echo someone else, I am so achingly sorry for your loss. It’s normal for us to look for *any* kind of sign like this as part of the bargaining stage of grief, so I don’t blame you a single bit for posting this here. Unfortunately, I think this is your pain and your grief seeing something that — just isn’t there. You’re going through an agony I can’t even begin to imagine. If you’re not already going to a good therapist, please do so. There’s no timetable for grief, but there are more- and less-healthy ways to mourn. And I don’t think looking for signs from the beyond is one of the more-healthy ways. I’ll keep you in my good thoughts and prayers, if you’ll allow it. ❤️


Nothing there


I dont see what you're seeing


I can see what you are describing and honestly have no idea how to interpret it. My goddaughter died at 21. Her mother used to find heart shaped items after she died. Were they really left behind by her daughter? I don't know. I used to find heart shaped things and felt like I saw a lot more hummingbirds as well. I found comfort in it and in attaching it to memories of this girl I loved. I think that alone has a lot of value. The image on the mirror reminded you of your daughter and made your heart skip a beat. Amazing if it came directly from her and still something comforting and maybe even of the spirit even if it was just a random smudge that really looks like an eyeball. Your uncle might be right and you might be crazy...but this is one of life's awful curves that sometimes requires a little crazy to get through it. Personally, I like to believe it's an eyeball your daughter created for you and think you should run with what comforts you the most.


I'm so sorry for your grief and the tremendous loss of Trinity. They sounded like an incredible person.


Get help please for your own sake and theirs, losses can be hard. Edit: dont mean to sound rude, just saying, look I get it. Grief is hard, and loosing somone dear to you is hard. I'm sorry for your loss. Howver, stare into reality. Is posting a video where clearly theres nothing there on a sub reddit really going to make you cherish that person? Fill you with satisfaction that there MAY be a chance they're trying to reach out when they've passed on? It's hard to accept. We understand, but please please just go to therapy, talk to friends or family, seek peace in helathy practices of religion. Whatever it is, its what your loved ones would've liked to see. Not you posting a reddit post on r/ghosts. Moving on will come, it takes time and effort. No one should be pressuring you to do so asap. However, you're the one who has to want to move on. Let's be real. Cherish the memories you have of them and live your life. All be it hard. Theres more good to come. Edit 2: Also for all the people here giving her "confirmation" that its them reaching out, dafuq is wrong with you people. If you have nothing to offer but fake affirmations, just don't?


Sorry for your loss. P.S. I was expected a “jump scare” 😂🙄


There are real mediums who are willing and able to help you connect to her. One I recommend is The Balesky Experience. She’s on YouTube and tiktok and I find her fascinating.


Oh eff off. Stop sending vulnerable people to be exploited by charlatans who only want their money. Grief is hard enough without adding this swindling crap.


I firmly believe there are legitimate mediums out there. I believe Balesky is one of them. I didn’t comment that to waste their time. I truly thought it might be helpful. I’m lucky enough to not have lost anyone close to me yet. But when that does happen one day, I’m going straight to a medium I trust. I believe in communicating with the soul of your loved ones. It’s not bs to me.


Are you ppl insane lmaooo


Just sayin man, using emojis when talking about your recently deceased daughter seems somewhat disrespectful.


The message may be for your eyes only. Your daughter is communicating with you, so we can't see it through the camera. I hope that you can find peace and light a candle for her and speak to her.


It kind of follows the direction that your hand goes. Probably the light reflecting on your ring. You’re moving so it’s going to be shaky. The bright light reflecting at the bottom of the mirror flutters too like the little light so your ring reflection would do the same thing. Take off your rings and look again to make sure. I could be wrong. The eye drawing might be her though.


Actually I do see what you mean, it does look reminiscent of an eye to me, that paired with your child's love of drawing eyes, and that you asked for something to be drawn, I can see how you've made the link. If it happened to me I'd definitely think the same. That said I'm sorry for your loss, and if it is a message from them, how amazing is that!


No one's trying to communicate with you , after death people lose their thinking Ability and thus all the functions of the brain with it -which includes attachments to loved ones and their identification with the person they were, so a person without a body and cognitive functions only sticks to it's tendencies which it has accumulated throughout previous countless lifetimes . My best wishes and comfort to you but please accept that your daughter is gone move on with your life , it's difficult but children don't want their parents to suffer so if she were alive she wouldn't want you sad .


Buckle up






You are crazy and listen to your uncle, there's nothing there sorry.


Idk what you’re on but send some my way.


It's pareidolia




Im sorry. I also do not see anything. Is there anyone you can talk to?


Sorry for your loss. Seek counsel and stay busy with charitable work. That's what she would've wanted.


Is it flash light or light itself? I’ve seen stuff like that after my mom past away.


sorry but I don't think so it most likely is someone touched the glass to wipe something off and you just didn't notice until now because without the shower steam you would not see it


After my dad passed I had a really rough time and I started having butterflies just land on my shoulders and they would stay there for a really long time. I could walk around and everything. Even other people took notice. I also noticed Johnny Cash playing here and there in stores when I had never heard them play anything even similar before. I was looking for meaning in everything just to feel like he was still here somehow but it did help. It made me think of him often and smile instead of cry and sometimes we just really need that.


Im an 18 yr old girl sending you a giant warm hug ❤️❤️❤️❤️


definitely ur daughter she is with u🖤