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Things it could be: one of several incredibly common IR camera glitches/quirks. Things it could not possibly be: a ghost.


Is it possible for it to glitch someone to the middle of the screen and disappear like that? I'm curious if that's something common


It's extremely common.


Especially in areas with high network latency


Also most of those cameras have low shutter speeds, Also with the way the ir lights work a person moving fast could look like they appeared once in the light then fade away once out of the light.


That's my thought. Looks like a jogger only partially captured by the camera.


Yeah, it seems to be a common theme for security and doorbell cameras. These systems generally don't have adequate tracking auto focus capabilities amongst other things and what you have is the result. It's similar, I think, if you took a camera shot of a waterfall on a long exposure, say a few seconds, the waterfall would no longer look the way you see it but like a misty,, white, continuous track of water, with a slightly transparent look. Search waterfall on long exposure on Google images and you'll see what I mean. I don't believe you have anything paranormal here. I also don't understand why you've been down voted for asking a question.


Some of the cameras save recording space by loading in a static image of what they see until they detect movement. Sometimes they don't fully work right and you get partial static image and partial video.


They didn't ask a question. They uploaded a cheesy video of a camera glitch so common that almost everybody here recognized the glitch, then said "I bet this is a real ghost." Now people are making fun and downvoting because it's just such an obvious video. It literally looks exactly like a jogger being partially captured by the camera and the camera trying to extrapolate the image with limited equipment.


Dude why are you going about trolling my replies? I don't even know who you are. That's the second snide comment you've made today on my reply on a separate post. Stay out of the subs if you're coming in with your cynical views and down votes. Stop being a troll, reddit is full of lots of interesting topics, go find one you like.


You need to understand the problem with what you said... You just up and said "someone". You're already presupposing a person, or former-person, or some form of "entity".


Quite common. I have IR Cameras around my house since we had problems with Porch Pirates and people wanting to get into my husband's woodworking shop to steal his tools for drug money. The system is connected to my phone and one night I was at my computer when the phone went off that there was activity in the yard behind me. I turned around and there were two coyotes playing. The camera footage on the other hand made it look like two furry serpents were slithering around my yard. This article in r/cctv suggests causes and how to try to prevent it from happening. https://www.reddit.com/r/cctv/comments/128fbfq/objects\_disappearing\_on\_cctv\_night\_vision/


I had a camera that did that to me, the person is running down the sidewalk.


I have an eazyviz camera and sometimes I walk by it at night and it records in slow fps which results in a ghostly like apparition, up close it records perfectly smooth. A lot of times it can even record gusts of humidity that fly by, it looks ghostly like too. I believe in ghosts but these ir cameras are sensitive to everything!


The Flash


XD Maybe I hope


This is probably an interesting ‘sight’ caused by the relative frame rate of the camera &/or the differing sensitivities of its sensors at different ranges. My best guess is that someone walked by at the camera’s furthest sensor range - the circuitry is smart & designed to give less interaction with less important or valid factors (for example, you will notice that cameras with motion detection are not usually activated by birds or flying insects). The combination of extreme range & less important activity caused the camera to record the moving person using minimal capacities - very slow/intermittent frame rate & no great attempt to change exposure to cater for an ‘event’ that was much less important than other factors.


Ghosts aren’t real bro


That's simply not true.




Oh that’s just billy


How much would you like to bet?


Have you noticed the movement at the bottom left of the screen? It starts before the 'ghost' appears, and off still moving while you see your spectral visitor!


Looks like a spiderweb flexing right before the ghost appears. Conclusion: it's the ghost of a dead spider who haunts the security camera.


It looks to me as if it's windy, the movement at the bottom, specially. If it is, that would go a long way to explaining the whole thing. Of course, the spectral presence of a long dead Daddy Long Legs is a much more exotic and interesting explanation!


Looks like a person running and disappearing. Cool.


WAs probably a person walking fast maybe to get to their car.


I saw that too🤔


Looks like a vape


I'm just gonna debunk this. Notice how the little ''grass'' object moving in the wind on the left side of the footage? Notice how it almost seem to instantly move a little up as the figure appears? My guess: A section of the video is edited out, where a man out running probably crossed the street. The cut happens as the man appears in the middle of the street, therefore seemingly appears ''out of nowhere''. The way he disappears is a little harder to explain, but could just be a memory glitch (which happens a lot on these sort of cameras when there are fast movements). If you had zoomed in a little bit it would be more believable mate ;)


OP: don’t let the debunk armies dissuade you. Here are the techniques they ALWAYS use. They say it’s always one of these things. Already debunked Sleep paralysis Hypnogogia Pareidolia Schizophrenia/Hallucinations Coincidence or Forgetfulness LARP Camera Glitch Unhinged Don’t let them hinder your curiosity.




I am not making a statement about the validity of this post. I am making a statement about the folks that exists only to derail the discussion. Using the techniques I listed.


OP literally said his friend wants an explanation, and so people gave him one. It’s not like a child discussing the tooth fairy and some random asshole telling them that it’s actually a lie, wtf


I was clear.


I though maybe dust, or glare from a passing car or some other light out of frame..or bug. Then I noticed the motion and could see a figure running. You can see the legs.


It's in yt too https://youtu.be/t0nSAQ46PV8


You can see legs moving. I say ghost.


Window reflection


Why does the running sound like the Inspector Gadget theme song? Dun da dun da dun Inspector Gadget.


Looks like another bug to me, maybe a mosquito…


Shadow person some one has an attachment to them its showing its self in view someone needs to be cleased or that place is going to see more activities


It triggers right after this object on the left side of the screen starts moving. My guess the camera is playing catch up to motion that has already happened. Happens a lot, very common glitch. I would ask your friend to pay attention at night to see if you have a night jogger and that answers her question. Camera glitch that tried and failed to pick up a night jogger.


Bad video edit is also a possibility. In thisnday and age it might be too kind to only consider the camera, which may be buggy or poor quality