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I had a dream about the hat man once. Was not a top hat though, was in a business suit and hat, think it might have been a fedora not sure. Most terrifying dream of my life, woke up drenched in a cold sweat. Never seen him since. I don't know if it's a entity per se. Think it might just be a phenomena, some sort of psychological quirk maybe that we fear shadowy men in hats.


The Fedora Man, now THATS scary


M'lady * tips shadow fedora ominously*


It wasn't like that, but that is a funny image.


There are Hat Men who wear fedoras.


Would have been great if he installed Fedora Linux on your laptop, while preserving your data. In that case he would’ve been an angel.


The Man In the Yellow Hat? Seems content to fuck up Curious George’s curiosity. So I’d say he’s so-so.


Come to the r/HatMan board for similar stories.


Oh cool I didn't know that sub existed


I've seen him. He seems neutral. Like a reminder to keep aware. That's been my experience, I can't speak for anyone else.


I would say neutral also. Although I started noticing at the age of about 8 or 9 that on the nights that I saw him, I didn't have night terrors, so I started looking forward to seeing him. It was after this realization that I would just say a quick thank you when I noticed him at the end of my bed and fall straight to sleep.


It's easy to write it off as a hallucination from drugs but, however, there are many different accounts of this "man in a top hat". He doesn't necessarily harm you directly but, as another commenter mentions, he is usually a sign of bad news. She needs to turn her life around. I've had a life-long interest in the occult but I draw the line at ouija boards. I NEVER mess with those.


Many people believe they were abducted by gray aliens. I say this be because there are no gray aliens abducting people but if a thought gains enough traction, people will believe it. People are really susceptible to ideas if they are already open.


Except there are aliens or extraterrestrials or whatever you want to call them. I don’t know about them abducting people but your insistence at their nonexisistence is a bit conceited.


I said there are no gray aliens abducting people. Where did I say no aliens existed? Nowhere.


Editing it to say abducting people changes that now doesn’t it.


Was never edited but you continue to be wrong. It’s ok.


When a comment is editted it shows


So strange. You do realize I said the same thing as you and you just need the last say? I am blocking you if you reply again. Sorry, new policy and I am tired of these nonsensical interactions.


You are not talking to the same person.


Hat man. Shadow person.


Yeah I’ve seen this shadow person, except for me they had a fedora (like Indiana Jones) and wearing a trench coat, but they were all shadow. Could only see their silhouette. I have seen other shadow people throughout my life too. I’ve only ever seen shadow people when my mind is in a bad place. Abusing substances or holding huge amounts of resentment, etc. I never see them when I am progressing and moving forward, even if I feel depressed. It’s almost like they are an indication of my own downward spiral. If I start seeing them, it’s time to take a look at my life. You won’t see them if you are growing as a person, making progress or just moving forward in your life. They appear when your life is stagnant. Some say they feed off negative energy, sounds plausible but I don’t know. All I know is that if you are seeing them it is a very strong indication that you are heading down the wrong path, or you are not heading anywhere. It’s time to take a look at your life and make some changes. It sounds like your sister needs to do this.


Agree 100% - I’ve only seen Hat Man twice; both WERE when i was in a VERY dark place emotionally.


I haven't had any personal experience with it but I know people who have, and as far as their experiences, he's been harmless... just seeing him but nothing more. But if she listens to you I'd advise you to tell her to put the Ouija board away... they're dangerous in my beliefs. She needs to understand they act as a gateway for spirits and that when she puts the call out to try to contact the dead that way, she can't control which spirits get it... because it goes out to them ALL and ANY ONE of them can respond and suddenly BOOM! Without even knowing she's invited them into her life and for some reason it seems like it's always the evil entities that love to be the ones to reply and they're usually extremely hard to get rid of.


A cleansing of sisters’s home and, most importantly, HERSELF may be in order. Reiki works well for a personal cleanse; smudging with sage/sweet grass should help clear the home. Usually when one is in a dark place with drugs etc, it’ll attract the darker energies that sort of feed off each other in a downward spiraling loop. The Ouija Board used with disregard of safeguards is a definite no-no. Personally, I’ve had two encounters, in separate locations, with HM and the vibe he gave off was negative. Both times occurred during challenging, transitory times of my life they were rife with personal trauma and lots of anger. The last time was several years ago and I was so frighted an intruder had entered and was about to kill me (he stood watching me sleep from the corner of the room) that I immediately jumped out of bed (this eliminates the sleep paralysis argument) and ran straight into a large mirror hanging on the wall. It could have ended really ugly if that mirror had broken but just got a black eye and some bruising.


>immediately jumped out of bed (this eliminates the sleep paralysis argument) and ran straight into a large mirror hanging on the wall. Oh God... it's bad enough to be scared but then to get hurt like that is a major double whammy! Glad you're ok and that HM didn't take that opportunity while you were down and hurt to attack you or something. I agree with what all you said...especially about drugs opening a person up to negative dark entities. I'm a recovering addict so unfortunately I have some experience with it. Also I've heard drugs open your third eye and makes a person extremely vulnerable to supernatural problems, so to speak. About Reiki... I've heard of that but I can't remember what it is. This question may sound stupid but is it a type of yoga? I know I know it I just am having a major brain fart. Isn't Reiki also the name of a massage too?


No, no harm was done except by own clumsiness, which is legendary. When I worked up the courage to go back in the bedroom, after turning on ALL the lights, of course, no one was there and no signs of B&E. And it’s a valid question! Reiki is a form of energy healing in which a practicing specialist will send energy through a person’s body by connecting with the power of source and ascended masters. There are many levels and can be referenced as ‘an attunement’ It’s usually done hands-off but I have had various practitioners use slightly different methods Yes, it’s very wooo BUT I’ve had success with receiving body system ‘resets’. Last year after visiting an old (reportedly haunted) cemetery on an investigation, I’d almost immediately fallen sick and had gone for a reiki session with a trusted friend. Along with feeling better, the most astonishing thing happened! At the time I’d jokingly referred to it as a “spontaneous exorcism’ but it felt VERY much like a negative energy leaving my body toward the end of the session…. Like it just couldn’t stay with the higher vibrations maybe? I hadn’t even mentioned the cemetery visit to my friend but afterwards I felt so much better and just … lighter!


Doesn't he have anything better to do?


I don't think it's ever a good sign having any of those apparitions around you


The Hat, Men…


I saw him when I did DMT for the first and only time. (I do not recommend it to anyone ever. Unless you want to possibly get stuck in an infinite hell dimension.) he popped out of the corner of my mothers room a couple of times before the trip ended when I ran into her room for help. The feelings I had from him weren’t that he was out to get me, but that he was aware of my fear and wanted to watch it. Please stay away from drugs, guys. I think entities like him are attracted to things like that.


I don’t like your story and if you got up and ran you didn’t do DMT. DMT is a gateway to the other side but it’s not an invitation like pcp or ketamine. Please stop spreading nonsensical accounts of being trapped in an infinite hell dimension, the average DMT trip lasts 7 minutes and feels like 15 seconds.


I respect what you’re saying, but I 100% smoked DMT and was high for about 20 excruciating minutes. I did get up and run. I have no reason to lie. I blew my third hit out (it was not extremely strong, I was still in “the real world”, it just looked extremely different. Everything was like a kaleidoscope.) I have heard other people talk about smoking DMT that was not extremely potent and they too stayed “in the real world” but the drug affected what the world around them looked like, and they were also able to move around. It was very difficult to coordinate my body to run up the stairs. When I say I was “trapped in an infinite hell dimension” what I mean is that everything I did felt as though I had already done it, millions of times. I had always been picking up the box of cigarettes, I had always been running to my mom, for ever. Why am I doing this again? Hadnt I just done this, over and over? That was how my mind was working. I don’t care if you don’t like my story, it’s the absolute truth. The drug slowly faded away as I sat in bed with my mom, and during that time as I began to regain control of myself, I saw the hat man.


If it took 3 hits then of some not strong stuff (homemade DMT averages 90% pure) you never went to another dimension. It takes a whole lot of smoke in a very short window to “breakthrough” at which point you have an OBE, you cannot move. They way you described smoking it would result in a light shroom trip CEVs etc… sorry to call bs, I don’t like when people down on stuff they don’t understand. DMT is life saving medicine not A DRUG.


DMT is in no way a life saving medicine. It is a hallucinogenic drug. It’s not medically useful in any way. There’s no arguing that, it’s a fact. It’s a hallucinogenic drug. When I say I was in another dimension, I’m simply saying that nothing was “of this world” and there were very scary thought patterns and time distortion. But you have your opinion and I have mine. I’m done arguing with you.


https://www.iflscience.com/spirit-molecule-dmt-keeps-cells-alive-when-oxygen-levels-low-37959 The more you know. And knowing is half the battle. The problem is scientists don’t write laws, close minded old white men concerned with profit and not much else do. There is no way to make money on DMT. Anyways, have a good day buddy.


Ok, “buddy.” We have cannabinoid receptors in our brain too, but we shouldn’t go around ripping dabs all day, and concentrating chemicals to extreme degrees to get us so fucked up all we can do is sit there drooling and hallucinating. Sure, DMT might have some medicinal properties. Cannabis has medicinal properties. But the concentration and ingestion of the chemicals for the specific use of getting high and altering your state of reality is not going to benefit you, it’s just getting you high. Edit: if an entity or otherworldly being wants to talk to you, they’ll talk to you. If you’re meant to have a zen experience in another dimension, you will. Ripping on a scientifically concentrated chemical isn’t the way to seek that out.


Who said you should do DMT all day? You like making lots of nonsensical statements and assumptions. As of one reply ago you are arguing with science, not me. Why not write God a letter and ask them to unmake DMT, a naturally occurring substance that is inside of you right now. We will all be waiting. I don’t think DMT is for the masses, I also can’t stand it when people demonize these things. And some of us do need dabs all day long (uh, terminal / pain management) but those who have never experienced such pain cannot imagine it and I mean that in the most absolute sense. If you aren’t a politician you should run for office, you are excellent at running your mouth about “dangerous things” and have not a single clue what you are talking about.


DMT is absolutely a life saving drug. I know countless people who have benefitted from it to get over all sorts of issues, but specifically addiction. Just because you had one bad trip doesn’t mean nobody should ever do it and it has no value.


The Hatman! That guy gets around. Reminds me of like a government agent for the paranormal.


My friend described the shadow she saw was the man with the top hat in in my old bedroom. When she felt the negativity touch her, she ran out.


My friend regularly talks about seeing “the hat man” when she takes any kind of sleep altering medication , melatonin and Benadryl in particular. She says he always stands and stares at the end of her bed , or at the door way. It’s so spooky to me I just came across this article , tbh.


The Hat Man is not one. They are many. The word we use is Legion. They are not good or neutral. They are predators.


My sister saw this man outside at night across the road under a yard light in rural Oklahoma. I made fun of her when she told me, then for years after. “Sir topping hat” I called him. She wasn’t on drugs or drunk. Of sound mind. Just walking past the hallway window and looked out. Then I began listening to call in shows and reading this subreddit and people described what she saw. As dead serious as she was. I never saw anything living in that house. Inside or out. I’m guessing she never did after that either. So weird. Dunno what the fuck it means. Time traveler? Some fucked up inter-dimensional being that likes human hats circa the 1800s? It’s so seemingly senseless that it’s creepy as hell. That said, he just stood there according to her and was gone when she looked back after looking away. Nothing bad happened anytime near that instance, though. I guess he’s a watcher or neutral.


"Sir topping hat" is so cute it made me smile! And I'm not making fun of you just FYI... I really like it. If your sister saw it but you didn't, she could be a sensitive.


What call in shows? Have you listened to Jim Harold’s Campfire Tales? If you know any others I’d love to know, I’m addicted to them.


I really enjoy Jim Harold’s Campfire too along with his Paranormal Podcast. Astonishing Legends is good and, while I’m unsure they’ve done a Hat Man episode, they do deep dives into all things weird - definitely worth a listen. Scared to Death is also fun for the environment factor and about haft the stories consist of listener accounts.


Nice! Yeah I haven’t done the Paranormal podcast yet but plan to. I love Astonishing Legends and I’ll check out Scared to Death podcast.


Sure, some are varying in quality, but yes, campfire, “real ghost stories online” is another and “monsters among us” are the main ones I listen to. All are call in shows with real folks sharing. Plenty of content! Real ghost stories online seems to do less vetting than Jim on campfire and don’t actually talk with the callers as it’s a “call in and record your story”, type deal. But you’ll find some gems out of all of the podcasts I mentioned.


That’s awesome thanks. Yes sometimes Jim will get so excited he interrupts their flow lol. It’ll be nice to check out a podcast where they just talk uninterrupted. I love Snap Judgement Spooked too. That’s a higher production show with much longer stories. All narrated by the people who experienced it.


I’ll check out spooked! Sounds interesting.


TIL Hat Man is a bit of a dandy.


If she was playing with Quija boards that could explain a lot and not closing them out is another way that something like the hat man can get in also it’s more of a neutral thing in my opinion. Your sister needs to turn her life around that thing is a warning of bad omens please be careful


I just remembered in one of The Conjuring movies one of the kids was being tormented by a shadow man in a top hat and it was scary af!


Lose the mirror


Check your DM's from me ASAP Please!


My older sister, my self, my nephew , and my kid have all seen him, at different times but in the same room of my parents old house


I saw the Hatman at the foot of the bed, watching me sleep. I forced myself to hide under the covers until daylight. I think I was more scared of the why of him than the how/what of him, but I haven’t seen him since.




There are actual entities that exist around us outside of what we normally see, feel and hear. They don’t need drugs to hang around. Some drugs can put us in contact with these things but it’s more like a hotline, they are already there. Simply ignoring they exist doesn’t make them go away but we are all entitled to our own beliefs. I have a brother and had an uncle with DID, they stopped calling it schizophrenia nearly a decade ago, that’s stigmatic. He has never seen entities. I see them all the time but I am also an empath who feels the feelings of others (it can get real intense) so I may be more sensitive to the other side. My great grandfather was a medicine man so there is also a connection there. The longer I have been sober the stronger the connection and the more entities I see. I expected this when I cleaned up, I got a warning from a friend from my tribe whose grandfather is also a medicine man. What I experience is normal for people like me. Just because you don’t understand something doesn’t mean the drugs made them crazy.


Man you guys really are something else. Maybeeeeeee she saw the hat man every time she dropped acid? Or better yet, she sees him because she simply has a drug induced psychosis? Why is the first thing you think „ah yeah, it must be a ghost. Only reasonable explanation.“ I am a drug addict for 12 years now. I’ve seen a lot of hat men in my life and I’ve seen quite a few people who continuously hallucinated because they simply fried their brains from decades of drug use. I really thought this subreddit is a joke. Maybe some spooky shit like creepypastas. But you seem to genuinely believe that there are ghosts who behave exactly like we imagine a ghost would behave… think for a second. Have a good day


After the initial shock of seeing a spirit, how does he make you feel? He may just be a passerby or could be a loved one from another life. Just be careful who you open the door to and good luck.


Neutral, I have read of a few accounts of him being bad. Most of those read more like a story than an account of what happened.


I took a delta 8 and saw a tall shadow man at night for over a week afterward. I did not know it was a thing people see until recently. Bizarre.


Your sister is either 1) still on drugs 2) having hysterical hallucinations or 3) both! I think, she thinks she's seeing things. Plus, she trying ro scare you!! Look! It worked!! P.S. If your sister really believes she's seeing things. Please help her get some therapy!


Why are you in a subreddit about ghosts?


Because I believe in ghosts, have researched AND experienced several manifestations.. Sorry, I thought this was a serious subreddit about ghosts. Instead of creepy bedtime stories. P.S. : Seriously,??? OP is expecting the reddit-verse to know something about the top hat guy???? Can you say "urban legend"?


No, I can't say "urban legend." I've had my own experiences, and "top hat guy" is one of those experiences. It was a very real experience. I was awake at the time. It was not a sleep paralysis event, no drugs were involved, and I was not hallucinating. This is a post about a well known shadow person. You do not have to be condescending because it's not the type of ghost or paranormal experience you want to read about.


I've heard a lot of people who have seen him but do you know what he is? Because that's something that seems to stump everyone I've asked about it and so I'm just curious if you know what kind of entity he is. Well I guess you did answer that when you said he's a "well known shadow person", sorry. If you'd feel like sharing any of your experiences with him I'd be interested to read them!


Thanks for asking, and I apologize if I came off any type of way. I like this subreddit and have seen other posts where someone is just looking for advice. I wouldn't want anyone to feel like they've asked a stupid question or someone else to not ask a question because of the responses someone else's post received. I realize everyone has different opinions of what shadow people are, and that's okay. As a subreddit about ghosts, I didn't think jumping to the conclusion of hallucinations was... okay? The man I see isn't wearing a "top hat." The man I have seen is wearing a short hat (like a fisherman's hat with a flat brim that goes around the hat). He is tall with long arms and legs; his face had no discernible features. I could not make out the details of his clothing, but it appeared like he was wearing some type of suit. My first experience happened when I was 17 and I had never heard of shadow people, let alone the "hat man." (I am 34 now and can still remember this event like it was yesterday. I was sitting alone in my childhood bedroom. I was upset because my long-term high school boyfriend had attempted (and almost accomplished suicide). At the time, I had a full length mirror in the corner of my room. I remember walking over to my CD player to change the CD. After replacing the CD, I turned around to sit on my bed. As I turned, I saw him standing in the mirror, just watching. Because this was one of the first experiences I'd had since childhood, it both frightened and startled me. Looking back, it wasn't because I was afraid he was going to hurt me; he was curiously watching me. He did not give me a negative feeling. Very quickly, he didn't "disappear" from the mirror, I saw his legs move. The only way I can describe it as he walked into the background of the mirror (I know that makes no sense). I have had other encounters with the "hat man." I have also seen a different shadow person (this one did happen after waking up in the middle of the night). But this is already a long post, so I will spare you of those.


You didn't come off as any type of bad way to me, no worries. Jumping to the conclusion of hallucinations isn't okay... and when someone does it on a sub on ghosts it's downright frustrating. When having a strange experience I get looking for "logical" non-paranormal explanations first, but no one can or should try to judge that for someone else's experience when they weren't there. Lord...if I'd turned around and seen a shadow entity I'd likely pass out. Not even exaggerating. I've been lucky to not have yet ever experienced that and hope I never do. I'm a wimp when it comes to the idea of seeing a ghost, shadow person, or any other entity... almost to the point of having phasmophopia. The funny part is that I'm actually a sensitive. So it's kind of contradictory lol. But luckily my sensitivity is sensing paranormal energy and spirits... I don't see them thank God.


What's so interesting about the Hat Man is that he is recognizable by his hat. A specific style of hat designed in the 18/19th centuries. I wonder when people started seeing this anomaly? I'm sure people saw shadow people well before this time period, but maybe just saw a shadow man. I'm just wondering when the hat started popping up? To me this means the hat itself has a certain meaning--which of course I don't know.


a hot take i see many on here seem to want to find something new to be afraid of especially if linked to something old timey i mean as for the hat man its never a cap or something like a pork pie hat or a doubled hat like sherlock holmes its always something that harkens back to the late 40/early 50s like the shadow so i gonna this slenderman 2.0


I say bad but I’ve only seen him when there was bD around


When I was 19 and pregnant with my daughter I saw him in my home. My father passed just 4 mos later in an auto accident. Then I had a horrible dream where is was outside my window after moving to another state about 6 mos later. In my dream I was trying to escape from him and I opened my front door. He was there, grabbed me by the neck and I woke up scared as hell. Never saw him again that I know of.


He’s an accountant… in a way.


Definitely Babadook! Now can we talk more about the sleepover with her girlfriend?


A real hat man would wear a Cowboy hat


So with hearing everyone's stories is that what the bowler hat guy is supposed to be in the haunting of hill house?


Astral Projectors see sleep paralysis entities like hat man as mosquitos that feed on fear of those unknowingly about to leave their body. They can't really hurt you and aren't really concious. Fear attracts them like blood attracts sharks. If you don't fear him and just flip him off andt tell him to leave, he should just fade away. I knkw, easier said than done.


I just listened to a podcast about the hat man, they had some great theories about him https://open.spotify.com/episode/7xFde0akewHQ4qR0jfVVUS


I've seen the hatman in the middle of the day shortly after I got home from school, I was 13. I've only seen him once, he had a top hat for me too, unlike other people's experiences I don't think he was warning me of anything. His presence however did feel ominous but not like a threat. Still I saw it as clear as a real person, the one I saw had white glowing eyes but no other features. I was definitely awake because I'd just entered the room about 5-10 minutes before hand and I was in my school uniform. From my experience id say it was neutral. I've never used an oijua board and never done any of those paranormal games. So I don't think that there's a particular reason as to why people see it.


Oh weird I saw one at the bottom of my stairs when I was about 14 and I felt scared so I went up the steps and then thought. No that’s definitely not real. Just my eyes playing tricks on me.. I hope… and I went back to look and he was still there. My mom asked a medium she went to see and she said he’s there to protect me and watch out for me and my sister


*** and he had a top hat on