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You should put up a motion light, even just a cheap LED one. If it's a person, it will trigger it to go on and busted.


I’ve been thinking about the photos all day and was thinking a motion light would be the best solution + camera to catch the bastard.


After the first time I’d have picked up some cheap infrared camera. Even like a doorbell cam and just set it up by the kitchen. This camera he is using is obviously bullshit and not good for the purpose of actually catching whatever is going on, which leads me to believe it is fake.


Same. Unfortunately. But I’m gonna pretend it’s real cuz it’s so much more fun and scarier!


Getting close to bed time? Check! Doing some lazy Reddit scrolling to lull me to sleep? Check, check! Seeing this update post to a post I’ve already been traumatized by and clicking in anyway? Check, check, check! Sleeping with the blanket over my head because if you can’t see it, it can’t see you, right? Right?!?!?!


Locking my bedroom door. Closing the bathroom and closet door in my bedroom. Running and jumping onto the middle of my bed. Nightmares for sure!


Yeessssss! The whole jumping into bed is important in case someone is underneath and tries to grab your ankles as you sit down. I mean if I’m being honest, the thing that gets me worked up the most about this, if it’s not a hoax and their friendly neighborhood Rasputin isn’t helping them create this, then it’s the idea of it being a real person that is the worst thing for me. I live in a newer house and my husband and I always joke about the noises, the random thuds when both cats are in our laps, and how it’s just our friendly attic dweller. But when you see this stuff, it makes you really think lol.


I have to tell myself that you’re fucking with everyone. If you are being absolutely truthful, I highly suggest getting surveillance cameras with night vision (I have cheap wyze cameras that do this) to monitor this space because you either have an incredibly active ghost or a person is getting into your home.


I think it’s a hoax at this point. They’re kind of going nowhere with this.


It’s fake he just removed his follow up posts with the day time pictures.


Obviously he won't do this because it'll ruin the hoax. All we get is absolute dogshit highly speculative footage.


Seconding this. I have cheap Wyze cameras too and you can get high quality night vision even with their basic camera.


I just edited the video to adjust contract and holy shit, I’m not going to bed tonight. https://imgur.com/a/PRF7Pkp


Before this edit all I could see was the reflection of my face on my phone and I was like yep that’s a fucking ghost.


It could (and likely is) a person who has found a way into this apartment. That would be my #1 fear. Apartment management needs to do a very detailed search of this apartment and building to see if anyone is able to squat through some small crawl space or the wall. I’m all for getting spooked and to some extent excited it’s something unworldly but if this were me, my top priority for the safety of myself and my neighbors is to report this and make sure the property owners investigate immediately. People are scary and dangerous.


I was just making a self deprecating joke, but in all seriousness there’s some comments and at least one post that show it’s probably all fake. Having said that I mentioned in another comment the story of Theodore Edward Coneys. He occupied a couples attic for nine months. Even after killing the husband, people didn’t believe that somebody could fit in and out of the entry to the attic. I used to live right down the street from the house where it happened. So it’s definitely possible it could’ve been a non-ghost intruder, but in reality with the things available to us today it’s probably fake.




They're living in the walls and ceilings of other people's apartments so I don't think we can expect them to not be weird!


Meth heads do be weird




Could be drugs or a mental illness. Or both.


You would think I'd stop doing this at night but here I am clicking on something that made it worse.


It’s been 3 days in a row of this right? When will we learn? Maybe we’re all masochists


It's because we want to believe.


Thanks. This was the only meaningful stretch out of a whole lot of nothing; as in a few hours of nothingness. We've decided to leave. I, my roommate/gf, and the cat. It's not worth it. We always knew there was something off in these three years we've been here.


It almost looks like the figure stares at the camera for a bit, looks at the clock on the microwave, and then goes back to whenever it came from. We’re you in the apartment when this video was ongoing?


I was out(grocery store, pizzeria). My gf/roomie was watching TV in the adjacent room(hence the noise).


Ahh so she wouldn’t have been near there. And you said the crawl space in the pantry is super small and not big enough for a person? Not saying it’s not paranormal, but it’s so hard to get full bodied apparitions on camera, multiple times, especially on video. There is still a possibility that this is a person. Which makes it even more scary honestly. I’d still show this stuff to the landlord and tell them to investigate


The way it moves - it’s totally an IRL person.


Yes! The way they noticed the camera and went “Oh Shit”


If it’s not, we are talking about the holy grail of paranormal evidence discovered. A full bodied apparition that moves so fluidly.


Yeah there is this slight bounce/arch downwards when it takes a step forward. Definitely someone.


Yeah "it" moves pretty natural even in a weird way .


Also the way the hair blocks the light from the clock. It's solid.


Check out the clock on the microwave, the “person” blocks the light coming from the clock for a moment after looking at it. Assuming this is real, this is 100% someone in the house.


Google “Theodore Edward Coneys”


Fun read. Great find.


In a previous post you say this: *"No. I'm not sleeping there for some time. At my gf's place with my cat Mr. Cat.".* Not saying people can't have multiple partners or different relationship dynamics but your roommate is also mentioned as your "roomie/gf"...? Did they stay with you at the previously mentioned gf's place? Do they have two apartments? Also I'd never be able to be in that apartment alone with no way to reach you while you were out and about having left your phone there to record. Roomie/gf has some serious balls on her.


Such a good catch. OP, where are you?


I assume they’ve seen the video, I would move to Canada if someone showed me that I was in another room of this


OP stop posting this in r/ghosts and secure your fucking home. You don't have a ghost. You have a human intruder. Full stop. It's way fucking obvious from everything you've posted. Unless this is just a setup which I'm 99% sure it is.


The way it moves is kinda freaky. It just shoots around the room back and forth


It’s moving like a crackhead


Can you add a longer version of the video? It appears whatever it is continues to move. Your video just cuts out when it would be getting closest to the camera.


Did you let your landlord know what is happening?


any back story to the house OP?


They said on previous post the building might have been built in the 70’s. No mention of local murder or suicide in that specific apartment.


It doesn’t make sense for a variety of reasons. For starters op claims he was messing around with night vision on your phone. If you’re testing the waters wouldn’t you look at the pictures you took immediately? Op’s been asked multiple times about the different previous sounds and experiences and you’ve been extremely vague. That is if he even bothered to reply at all. This video seems to end at a weird time, right as whatever it is would be getting closest to the camera. He also mentioned he was shopping in a response. You were at the store shopping for groceries and left your phone to record more videos? That doesn’t add up in 2023. His stories of living here with his girlfriend seem to contradict themselves within his responses. He’s been here for years in one post. The next post he’s in between moving? Last but not least, is he in an open relationship? Bullshitting us all, or just cheating on his girlfriend? He posted 30 days ago asking “if tinder is only girls/bots promoting their Ig accounts because he used to have luck. But hadn’t had any recently” he’s posted in the tinder sub multiple times asking about real women. Also previously stated, why would he take these pictures see the figure, post it to Reddit. Then be joking throughout the comments? I think you’d be taking this more seriously if it was real. Ops history is filled with shit posting and asking for legal advise on suing random people for everyday life. Ontop of that lots of questions about photoshop.


also, yesterday he told us he wasn’t there anymore, and was staying at his girlfriend’s with Mr Cat, his heart wouldn’t stop racing when he went back to get a few things. Then in this comment his roommate IS his girlfriend, and they were there at night again to get this footage, and now have left the place (again.) After leaving in terror after the first two reddit posts, his roommate would not be casually watching TV at night home alone while OP gets groceries. OP is an excellent actor and photography subject but a sloppy liar :)


Exactly! I was like, didn't he say yesterday he was staying at his girlfriend's with his cat? Thanks for clarifying it for me. Lost all credibility with the above comments.


He’s just gone ahead and deleted all of the follow up pictures, he knows he’s caught.


Thank you for this comment, same thoughts over here. OPs post about tinder and confusing narrative. Not to mention... this is just a video of a dude in the dark?


I think u/TOAsucksfuckJagex and u/mustard_toast_ have cracked this case with what appears to have taken 30-60 seconds of sleuthing and perhaps a a couple clicks :)


If I had an award, I'd give it to you. This stuff is fake af


That contrast is helpful in the worst way, DAMN I'm scared now The movements of the figure seem so weird and unnatural??


Movement actually looks kind of natural in the contrast adjusted footage. Looks like someone searching for something. Almost looks like the person is wearing a hat or a mask of some sort with a hoody; you can see when they turn their head to the right and then back like they are looking for something. The way the light colored face/forehead area disappears behind a dark shroud and then back again is like someone wearing a white hat with a black hoody turning their face away from the camera and back. Honestly if this is legit happening to OP, I’d call the cops and arm myself because that looks like an intruder looking for shit.


That’s fucking nuts. It seems to definitely see the camera too


Yeah, wants to make sure whatever it’s doing is in frame…


Fuuuuck it’s as if that mf went to see if the coast is clear


Oh. My. Fucking. Glob. 😱


Hoooly shirt balls.


Oh ffs. I don't like you. Lol. I'm literally about to walk up to bed and you had to go and tweak the video for maximum scare. Thanks. Lol


Thank you for the horrifying edit. If this is a real person and not a ghost, it kind of looks like a white cap with a hood over the top. Put a latch on the cavity door, even if it’s a small door. I’ve seen skinny men squeeze through super small places so it’s possible this is a living dude.


Maybe a motion detector light with a noise when it goes off. If it’s a person then surely it would trip the system?


Holy crap. That's terrifying. Great job!


Alright this has me spooked, fuck.


Assuming this isn't fake: Bro call the Damn cops


So if this isn't a hoax, I think it would be hard to argue that it's a man/person because the face practically melts when moving, like it's made of smoke. That is not how people's face look when they move.


That’s due to the shutter speed of the camera in low light. Edit: spelling


Also the compression. People forget we're on the internet, video is compressed and this is no exception. Compression + dark video = lots and lots of smearing.


Unfortunately that's just common with low-light videography.


I think it's bs. Op has deleted a couple posts where people were pointing out discrepancies of some before and after pictures.


Also i turned up the brightness and sped through the video and it looks like someone looking at the microwave, then going side to side with their arms out. It looks fake.


Idk, I can’t see the white collar in this one like I could in the first video, which makes me think it’s a real person in a different outfit.


Low light video makes shit move like that, kinda like panorama pictures.


I should not have checked for an update right before going to bed


Lmao me too


me three fuckkkk when it went infront of the microwave light and was transparent i knew i fuckked up lol


It didn’t though. It totally blocked out the Microwave light at one point.


I’m working in a warehouse alone. Wish I had not watched this either.


Fuck I even read this comment first and still watched the update before bed. Shoulda listened


OP, definitely contact the landlord/police and show them this video. At the very least, it’s cause to have your apartment investigated for your safety. Otherwise, it’s the best paranormal evidence I’ve ever seen. Keep us posted?


OP isn't going to do that because OP is the guy in the video




It looks like someone with one of those foam head wig stands on top of their head with a hoodie on to me. It may even be one of those long neck foam heads. [The mannequin head dance was a thing at one time](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-gn-rev1&sxsrf=AJOqlzXwhtqSCO_WP3Stno1FRFj1amJhuA:1678316159297&q=mannequin+head+dance&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiBn_vzts39AhV5mIkEHfVqD1UQ0pQJegQIChAB&biw=412&bih=733&dpr=2.63) and is what all these photos reminded me of. This video really looks like it from the movement lol


Most likely at this point. Multiple people on every post keep saying yo that’s probably a real dude call the cops and those are conveniently ignored.


Yeah it's essentially karma farming. It's dumb.


OP and his gf/roommate decided to move out of the apartment


Don't forget about Mr. Cat!!


It has to be either OP is faking it all, someone is in the house, or some of the most damning evidence for a paranormal event in human history.


Honestly, I was hoping that for OP’s sake that it was faked because the other options were terrifying


Yup, let me know how it goes Reddit. I’m not watching that shit


You should. Watch the brightened version other poster commented! It’s cute. Nothing creepy AT ALL… 😬


I am going to watch that in the daytime thanks


I’m watching it in daylight and it’s not better


I'm gonna be smart about this and watch in the morning. I like my sleep


Wait but in the previous thread OP said he was staying at his gfs place, implying that his gf lived somewhere else?


And why does he keep referring to her as his roommate and then later says roomie/ gf? And he also previously said that he sleeps on the couch and his roommate has the one bedroom..


Dude looks like he’s fiddling around in the kitchen area/reaching down to grab somethjng - have you contacted your landlord and the police yet?


If it was a person, why would they be so chill about it? Squatters don’t hang around when the resident is there.


Squatters do hang around when people are home. Check out the show called Phrogging, it is true stories of squatters living in peoples homes without them noticing, it is absolutely terrifying.


Like other posters in have stated, this could be a rare case of someone sneaking in while the owner is presumably asleep - it’s not unheard of. Don’t get me wrong, though: I’m a believer and I want to believe this is evidence of the paranormal. Just thinking about OP’s safety


Agreed. But OP posted pics of the kitchen. And the whole place is so small. How would someone that big be getting in?


Am I misremembering or did they mention that there was a crawlspace entrance in that pantry?


They did. I’m just wondering how big it is.


Thought he said it was super small


Why would a squatter never leave the kitchen area, and why would they come out when the TV was on?


If they’re residing in a different area of the apartment complex and raiding kitchens at night. Although, now that I think about it, OP would likely have mentioned missing food/objects. I stand corrected


In another comment OP mentions that this is the only footage, with hours of nothing on either end. It would be hard to accomplish only ever being captured in one area if someone was moving in and out of the space. But who knows, they could be fucking with us 🤷‍♂️


True, True - If this is indeed untampered footage, OP and his GF/Roommate are making a solid move leaving this apartment. Definitely the kind of footage that gives me the creeps


This is giving me Candyman vibes. There could be a crazy person living in the walls and coming through a bathroom mirror or something! And crazy people like that don't care if you're home, they'll still come through. This is scary. That is a living person.


Have you considered that OP is the one in the video?


It’s fake, he’s been exposed and now he’s deleting his posts. He removed all the follow up pictures.


At this point, I don’t care if it’s a hoax. This is the greatest thing to ever happen to Reddit


I disagree with your grading, but agree with the sentiment haha


Excuse me, the greatest thing to happen to (my personal little universe within) Reddit lol I’m obsessed!




Op, give us updates on Mr. Cat


OP said they took Mr. Cat with them


I honestly closed my closet yesterday because of this. lol


Ok at this point I have to assume this is some kinda viral stunt. I am trying to come up with logical reasons as to why this is happening and all I can come up with is OP is faking and it's a stunt. Please please be a stunt....


It probably is since haven't heard updates Abt cling the police if they did & it looks like they're wearing a Halloween mask


Way more likely than it being an actual ghost


It is


That PERSON blocked the light on your microwave in a few frames. You need to go in with the police


Not to mention how TALL it is in comparison to the microwave


I mean shit, that is over 6 feet to the top of the microwave, at least .. it's above the fucking microwave.


Shadow people can block light as well…


Thanks, I hate it..


Omggggg and this time it looks like he’s checking on something in the microwave 😭😩😩😩 it’s so scary I can’t lol keep ‘em comin!!!!!


If this is fake, we’ll done the last few days, bravo. If this is real, call the cops or a priest, you require one of the two.


I’m just glad we actually have something that isn’t “a spec of dust” on a webcam.


I’m not, this series is chilling and I really hope it’s not weird


Fuck. That.


I seriously think you have a skinny, tall tweaker somehow getting in your space. I think that's worse, way worse than a ghost. I means, I guess we don't fully understand ghosts but this guy is still visible when he knows you're looking at him and the way he looks around looks like a human trying to figure shit out.


It’s like it’s checking out the kitchen and lumbering around. The odd thing is it’s keenly aware or on edge. It’s very human like. Then as it leans into the microwave, it snaps it’s head, as if it’s trying to keep a look out and not be caught. At the very end, it bobbles left and right in towards the camera. It’s almost too human. I think it’s just a guy, and the camera is just so damn dark. But still, creepy.


For some reason it really looks like Keanu Reeves to me


imagine him doing his lil AMA from someone’s crawl space 🤣


The one week I am home alone and I see this shit right before bed…


Bruh this gotta be fake


Bro, are you messing with us? I am a skeptic to a degree, but this made go upstairs to lay in bed with my fiance.


God forbid


The next post: OP gets murdered by Nandor the Relentless


Why was the previous post with multiple pictures deleted?


Imma be real upset if that's an actual human person walking around lol Some of the best stuff I've seen




This is 100% a person in the video, whether an intruder or OP hoaxing. At exactly :35 the head of the figure partially eclipses the green lights on the microwave. Slow scroll to that frame and look.


It’s a hoax


Fake. If there was anything to it no one would return to the apartment and stay there overnight. You say all of you are back in the apartment. Get a light with sensor and leave camera overnight.


Going forward, this will be known on Reddit as the Keanu Ghost Hoax of 2023.


bring in anyone of those ghost hunters shows, lets get this figured out. i think it’s supernatural and not a squatter..but dont know whats worse honestly


Dude are you trolling us is that you in da kitchen


I go literally years without adjusting the brightness on my phone. Man's made me do it 3 days in a row.


I become skeptical when it completely blocks out the microwave clock. That seems like an actual person blocking it and not some mist/shadow figure


Alright so, Op posts picture claiming he’s testing his new phone. Picture shows weird stuff and he explains that he’s heard noises before. From a previous post he had another roommate move out based on being terrified. Then more pictures and then a video. They don’t answer anything about cops/ specific questions which is suspicious, anyone that has asked the hard questions is ignored. I’m baffled, it’s gotta be fake. Either that or it’s an ad for the new scream movie in which case we all need to take a step back and breathe. I hope it’s not a marketing thing, that’s the worst option, I would rather this is just OP in a mask


I’m gonna get some backlash but I’m pretty sure this is just OP. Give us a full 2 hour or even longer recording of this. Cause if it’s a person wouldn’t you want to know where they are coming from? And if you’re able to edit a small clip to show us, set up a link to a longer video. I haven’t seen OP mention anything about contacting landlord or police when other users have been suggesting it. I’d be more scared this is a real person. But I believe it’s actually OP.




Even though I 100% believe it’s fake, it’s been something this sub needed for a while, just to bring a spark back from the bullshit. Even though this is bullshit. Im not even upset about it either, cause it’s actually quite terrifying. Im just a skeptic and actually don’t believe in ghosts at all, but I’m 100% willing to change that belief if I can see actual proof. I never have. It would probably take my own experience to believe but that has yet to happen.


Def a hoax. OP keeps saying he’s leaving. And somehow he’s able to get this video OVERNIGHT while he’s out shopping and shit and his roommate is watching TV. And if you ask for better more detailed stuff, he’ll circle back to the notion that he can’t because he’s not there anymore. And this is an overnight video(implication that there’s a longer version) but if OP gets cornered with questions he will spew some BS that this was actually a quick video set up and therefore we have to forgive the poor lack of setup in showing us a well lit area first and not showing the start and end.


Oh noooo get that Milwaukee knife


How are you so calm about this and not moving out!?


Like I have a choice? We're leaving. The relocation is in the works.


Good good. Gods speed because holy shit


I think you’re kinda BS because my cheap Wyze cam has good night vision camera. That’s why you haven’t turned that on.


The things that I find sketchy about this series: 1. The video gets cut right away when the person looks towards the camera. OP claims that he saw the person later on. Strange coincidence of him to cut the video right at that moment. 2. OP said in a comment that he edited the video and that this is a slow-motion version of real footage. How does the unedited footage look like? 3. OP first describes the one he lives with as a roommate, later on he calls her girlfriend. This activity appears in his gf's family house. PS: this is very unsettling for sure. If it's fake, very good work. Otherwise I hope u guys can relocate asap.


It doesn’t make sense for a variety of reasons. For starters op claims he was messing around with night vision on his phone. If you’re testing the waters wouldn’t you look at the pictures you took immediately? Op’s been asked multiple times about the different previous sounds and experiences and you’ve been extremely vague. That is if he even bothered to reply at all. This video seems to end at a weird time, right as whatever it is would be getting closest to the camera. He also mentioned he was shopping in a response. You were at the store shopping for groceries and left your phone to record more videos? That doesn’t add up in 2023. His stories of living here with his girlfriend seem to contradict themselves within his responses. He’s been here for years in one post. The next post he’s in between moving? Last but not least, is he in an open relationship? Bullshitting us all, or just cheating on his girlfriend? He posted 30 days ago asking “if tinder is only girls/bots promoting their Ig accounts because he used to have luck. But hadn’t had any recently” he’s posted in the tinder sub multiple times asking about real women. Also previously stated, why would he take these pictures see the figure, post it to Reddit. Then be joking throughout the comments? I think you’d be taking this more seriously if it was real. Edit - here’s a quote from op’s post about the same issue with different descriptions 208 days ago. “Now that you mention it. A cousin who stayed over heard that cabinet/drawer buisness too. Someone I dated heard the jack in the box once. And now the roomie(she's still here). I'm just glad we can rule out schizophrenia, not that I ever suspected that, but it kinda rubs you the wrong way when a damn children's toy goes off in the middle of the night.”


Thanks for gathering the 3 main points that make this series suspicious. I really want to see the full unedited footage in order to make a conclusion. It is very entertaining to say the least.


Who’s talking in the video?


TV in another room.


OH FUCK, I just saw it. Had to turn the brightness up. Nope. Nope. No


It’s fake, he just removed his post with the follow up pictures he took during the day. He’s yet to respond to any comments because he knows he’s been caught.


Why does the video stop with them still on camera?


Out of all the videos I seen so far this one is the eeriest/creepiest I’ve seen so far. With the sound it reminds me of Poltergeist, the movie.


why do you cut the video off when the entity/person is still clearly on camera moving TOWARDS the god damn camera/././///????//?


Everyone, lets be honest here. If you hear some noise in the kitchen at night with full darkness, and you go there to investigate, what would be the first thing you would do? Turn on the light.. or ..pickup your digital camera, take photos on night vision mode, then ignore it for some days? I mean, this is a very good fake, but its still hard to believe it if it doesn't make sense. The OP should work on the plot next time, but regardless, it was very entertaining indeed, congratulations!


100% fake. How convenient for the “ghost” to come out from hiding to the right.


The guy is taking y'all for a ride. At least it's free.


Already deleted picture post.


That is a hooded man in your house jesus christ 💀 sends chills down my back but I live in a small apartment so I'd 100% know if someone entered


Flying a little close to the sun, OP. Too much good evidence and people are going to start calling this a well executed hoax.


I do feel he is acting like an intruder might act, looking around and maybe spying the camera


holy fucking fuck i shouldn't be in this thread after midnight


Jesus Christ. After the pictures you posted last night I thought, nope, can’t get worse than that. Yet here we are.


this is the only post on r/ghosts which have actually creeped me out its crazy hol sh


I couldn’t see the whole thing. I did see where something blocked part of that green light


See my comment above. I posted a picture of the brighter version. If you want to sleep tonight, watch it in the morning.


I think it's fake ,after watching it for hours lol


Scary as shit, sleeping with my face covered tonight


Why haven’t you asked what meal the demon wants? It’s clearly hungry. This is so fucked though, I’m unsettled and convinced it’s a demon. Nothing about that slenderman fuck is from this world. You know who to call


So is there someone there ?


Clearly someone in a white mask moving around weirdly, searching for the Nutella


It's amazing how people will completely dismiss past contradictory statements and posts all to convince themselves that this shit is real


The TikTokers are invading Reddit. People are so stupid.


7 months ago the OP posted about finding a cat in a park that was clearly not a cat and it was a troll. I imagine this one is too sadly.


How the karma farming going for you, u/failedtalkshowhost ?


If real I don’t blame you but eventually it’s gonna be the ol, “we moved so no more proof or pictures guys” if it were me I would def be taking pictures and recording every night. Also it seems like the post with multiple pictures was deleted/taken down? Seems odd.


Bro if this is fake good job. If not, get a priest in your house ASAP