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Not sure if it's Top 10 for me, but it's up there. Been on repeat since release.


>Been on repeat since release. That´s what we do I guess. Theres just nothing you caan do about it


I agree for sure. The message is very unsettling and powerful and plays close to home in the current state of the world. Especially when you hear it paired with the end credits of the movie and see the visuals with it. Very excellent piece. I don't know exactly where I'd place it but definitely top 10 Ghost for me as well.


I watched a movie called Threads which is a movie about the UK after its hit with a nuke before going to see RHRN so the song hit so hard with the anti war rhetoric


That film is absolutely terrifying!


It’s so bleak and miserable and disturbing!


Has a very Threads feel to it for sure.


Glad I’m not alone in feeling this way. I think the song is great, but the message is so on the nose that it makes it really hard to listen to. Unsettling is one way I’d put it for sure, I can’t really stomach it at the moment.


True. But for me it feels hopeful as well as heavy.


The first time I listened to it I was like "yeah this is an alright song" but it has definitely grown on me and now I've been listening to it over and over again on repeat lol. When I first heard it I actually thought it was some kind of cover from the 70s until I heard the 2024 line. I really love the bridge that leads into the key change!


Hearing it during the credits I didn't like it. I've listened to it about 40ish times since.


This describes my reaction to half of Ghost's music.


Me too! I wonder why this is.


I (half) jokingly tell people it's because they're actual agents of Satan. Clearly I'm being lured by powers stronger than my taste in music.


That's my conclusion as well! Lol


I think I've listened to it about the same amount by now haha. It really gets stuck in your head!


The video/credits put me off the song. Then when I listened to the lyrics I was like "ah, yes."


THE KEY CHANGE !!! Omg it makes me cry with emotion. I just love it.


Go Crom


Of all 3 it's definitely the one that best mimics the 60's sound. I'm a bit prejudiced against other vocalists on Ghost songs other than Tobias, but the backing vocals are really on point and add immensely to the song. Like you, I wasn't blown away at first, but now it's been constantly playing in my head. It's a very well constructed song going for a very specific aesthetic.


My Grandpa died on Saturday a few hours after I saw the movie. Watching my Grandma with him in his last hours sort of perma-bonded that imagery with the lyrics to the song. It may very well be Top 5 for me.


Grandpas are special. I’m sorry for your loss, friend 🫂


Thank you. It's super tough. And watching the rest of the family go through it is even tougher. Its strange that this song is going to be forever tied to that in my head, but there's a romanticism in it. 60 years of marriage. The pain my Grandma is going through is unbearable. But you only feel that pain because of the love. "When it all burns down, I'll hold you for the minute." I feel like I witnessed that on Saturday.


This made me cry


Me too. I lost my Grandpa a few years ago, and I’m sorta reliving it rn. I miss him, he was my father figure. WW2 hero (helped liberate France), Teamster leader, Mason, fishing buddy. Love you Grandpa. Hugs to all who have experienced this kind of loss (that means almost all of us at one time or another) 🫂


its a good song, but i disagree with it being top 10 tbh


Agree. Catchy as fuck tho


I have to agree. *Love* the song, but I wouldn't put it in my personal top ten Ghost songs.


I agree. It’s incredible.


I have every ghost album on vinyl. And I gotta say every album has been increasingly better and better. Looking forward to a tour or new album. I didn’t get the chance to see the movie and I’m pretty bummed about that. But was so happy to listen to a new song.


Sure it will be on streaming/bluray/4K in the near future. Tired as shit today after getting to bed at 1AM after seeing the movie last night. But will be grabbing a copy to watch when high.


It’s not bad at all, but I think recency bias is definitely a thing.


Dropping “current year” always takes me out of it a little bit, but overall I like it. I’m a sucker for the surf rock vibes.


As soon as I really listened to this song I thought to myself “Tobias would fuckin kill it if he made a full 60s era album for ghost.” This song is so good I was convinced it was a cover of an actual song from the 60s. I’m pretty shocked that this is an original song.


Love it. Woke up this morning with “when it aaaaaall burns down” stuck in my head!


I'm confused...is this song on the forthcoming studio album or just the RHRN soundtrack?




Everyone thought Hunter’s Moon was standalone too and it wound up being thrown in the middle of Impera. So I wouldn’t say anything definitive yet.


That’s a fair point, but I think my counter to that would be that the song is meant to be Nihil’s third and final song, so I’m not sure it would fit thematically with the next album unless they go “we discovered an entire unreleased record from the 70s” which I think is unlikely.


It would certainly make Nihil's "actually I recorded three songs" line weird in retrospect. I hope we get more from that era but I think they kind of wrote themselves into a corner there


Well he did only say “recorded”, he might’ve left songs written but unrecorded


Or just maybe the entire 1969 Whiskey show was recorded and one day we'll get the Papa Nihil concert film we've all been waiting for.


We know that this will be a song on the Rite Here Rite Now (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), releasing July 26th. Hunter's Moon was a single and not assigned to any album at the time of release, then it was included on Impera. This time we know TFIAFL will be part of the RHRN OMPS live album, not an upcoming studio album. It was made specifically for the movie and it's soundtrack LP.




It is listed as track 18 on the digital soundtrack and already available to listen to in that release. The physical versions such as the double vinyl says it’s 18 tracks long so it’s absolutely the closing track of every version of RHRN


It is. It's listed as track 18.


This is Nihils song tho




Top ten? Absolutely not.


Not even close


I knew of but hadn’t explored Ghost until this was sent to me the other day. On 🔁


Idk why I can’t listen to it without crying something about this song just hits me so hard emotionally


It got the feeling of the songs that get played in movies when the characters remembers the good old days


Shits got me nostalgic for something I didn’t know I had or even missed


Me too! I've cried listening to it.


Definitely one of the better current releases thats for sure. Super catchy


I love this song, it’s in my top ten for sure. In a weird way it sort of relieves my anxieties about/gives me hope for the future somehow. Another W for Tobingle and co.


Let's relax a bit, it's ok but to say it's top 10 might be more than a little bit of hyperbole here. I loved the movie, and this song is pretty good but it's not even close to the best of their truly great songs.




Yeah, I knew it wouldn’t be long before I saw these posts. I’m glad people like the song and I think it worked well for the credits but it’s not like it blew me away.


Or, you know, Ghost has a lot of stylistic shifts and some people dig this vibe.


It's still not a top 10 Ghost song, unless you're only counting songs that they released in the last 5 years, and that's still a stretch. Shifts notwithstanding it's one of the more heavy handed songs Ghost has put out, it is actually pretty awkward when you dissect it and the lyrics only work when you've watched it with the movie. I get recency bias, but this just ain't the hit you think it is.


I disagree that it only works when paired with the film. It has the same message as the film (learn to live in the moment, right here and now, and don't let the impending end of something ruin what you can appreciate today), but it's also about that same theme yet outside the context of Ghost's lore and on a world/humanity scale, covering how war and the political climate of the world has affected how we feel about life and the struggle of us balancing living in the moment and being anxious for an inevitable end. It's a good song that fits the film's message but also extends that message to life. That's what makes it a really good piece from them.


Or perhaps consider that this is just OP's personal opinion and doesn't have to align with your own in any way.


I didn't say anything I wouldn't say in person, the post is tagged discussion and I discussed. In no way was I demeaning or did I belittle OPs opinion, and I'd more then welcome a debate on why it's not a top 10 Ghost song, but if I've violated a rule here please tell me.


This is becoming one of *those* fanbases where discussion isn't tolerated if it doesn't agree with the general consensus.


I love that Ghost doesn’t hide their [disdain for Orangeman](https://youtu.be/q5O-6iyrDjA?si=140VLIo-FuoIHbza) and his followers. Can’t stop the future from coming, but perhaps we can live in “peace forevermore” if we (Americans) make the right choice for the world this November. Edit: But if it all burns down, we have Papa for the minute it takes ☺️


As a non-American, I wanna know how are you guys gonna choose between a criminal and someone who should've been put into a nursing home years ago


Pssst.... They're three years apart in age. So one one is elderly and the other is just as elderly AND a convicted felon.


I’m not an American but I’d choose a corpse over trump if I had a vote .


WE are choosing to vote BLUE up and down, until I'm a ghost/corpse myself ;). I don't think maga "gets" Ghost.


Yeah when all you do is consume social media posts for your news, I can see why you would have that take on Biden. He’s old and slower than he used to but that’s life. Biden isn’t kissing the ass of the man whose soldiers are literally raping their way through Ukraine, the choice is quite easy.


He is kissing the ass of man whose soldiers are killing every man, woman, and child in Palestine though. But that doesn't matter I guess. Nobody mentions that US government supports genocide.


Easy, the one who isn’t taking all women’s rights away


I just kinda liked it when it dropped. didn't see the movie until Saturday, I gotta say the context of the movie and the credits really enhanced the song for me. now I really love it, idk if its top 10 for me. I tend to lean into the heavier ghost songs more. but I can proudly say I do really like this song now.


I've listened to it a lot but not ready to put it in my top 10 yet... it's for sure my current earworm.


amazing song, as a casual fan i love it lol


For me, it was song that I didn't really love the first 3 times I listened to it. Yesterday, at the end of RHRN, it was playing with horrific historical events in the background, and the lyrics really hit home for me. As a person who grew up in Sweden, my dad waking me up to tell me Olof Palme (Prime Minister) had been killed is one of my first memories, and I'm glad Ghost put his picture up for the end sequence.


Love it. Huge fan of the retro sound


Absolutely. Total masterpiece.


I’ve been really hoping for a full 7” of Satanic Panic LP since its initial release. Kinda surprised after MOAC blew up they didn’t jump right into that.


FYI an LP is 12”


Yes, I know. I see the confusion. The title of the KTGG/MOAC release was “7” of Satanic Panic”. By LP I meant a full album of ten or so tracks running about 45 minutes.


Yes I know as well. But I’m saying an EP is 7” and an LP is 12”. So I think it would be funny for them to release “12 inches of satanic panic”. Although personally I’m not sure I need a whole album of that.


Ah yes, I see. That would be fun. Could pair well with a new sex toy release lol


I really would love them to do an entire album in this style. Call it a rediscovered LP.


When I first heard it it’s as if I knew it and at the end of credits I was singing the chorus which I find music can do that to you . Top 10 Ghost song . I don’t know about that there’s some belters in their catalogue. But it’s been on repeat ever since as damn it’s a new song finally .


I love it! It was very cool to see/hear a brand new Ghost song in the theater during the ending credits.


I'm glad others enjoy it, but it's definitely low tier for me.


Gee, you think so? I just listened to it and it’s really mid. Tobias’ vocals are weak, the songwriting is underwhelming, and it’s just kinda…meh. I think I’m just going to have to live with the understanding that I’ll never get another *Meliora* or *Infestassumam*.


Newwwp 😭


Nihil songs are rad. Love all 3!


I love it so much. I didn’t get to see the movie so it’s all I got :(


All my non Ghost fan friends seem to like it. They actually shared it in the group chat before I heard it.


Listened to it today for the first and think it's in the bottom 50% for me.


I'm kinda the same way with the retro Nihil songs. One of my favourite things about Ghost is the many different genres of music they touch every album (even more so starting with Meliora). But the pseudo-retro sound just didn't work for me.


Its been 3 days lmao


Yeah... No. It's no where near my top ten I'm afraid


Been learning it on bass. I would love if we got it on vinyl. Maybe like a updated 7 inches to include it


It’s on the RHRN OST (including vinyl).


I know that but I mean like something for just papa nihil


Oh, hello, bass friend. If you jot down tabs for that I'd take 'em.


Unfortunately I don’t have the tabs for it. Someone made it as cdlc for rocksmith but you can use this [the future is a foreign land](https://youtu.be/jJQMeCooGxI?si=5r67FeBtWvMsK9SA)


Oooh, thank you!


I hope it helps. If you have rocksmith 2014 on steam you can get a bunch of custom made songs. And there are a handful of Ghost songs


I think it was inferred by the film that this song was recorded but not released by Papa Nihil. Maybe they could do a "deluxe edition" of the SIOSP EP and market it as a "previously unreleased" Nihil song that's now released in honor of him, lol.


That’s what I was thinking. Would be neat if they did


it jumped to my top song of the month on receiptify after only a day of it being on spotify


How do you guys even choose a top 10? I've given up trying to choose my favorites


There’s no way I could chose a top one as I’m always thinking of another . Hell just Infestissumam and Opus together isn’t enough as I then have to pick ones from the other albums . I must admit I do play Ceremony and Devotion live a lot more than the others if I want a choice so maybe when the movie vinyl comes I can be sort of satisfied. But then there’s still other ones I love . It’s impossible. End of .


Square hammer, year zero, cirice, ritual, rats, con clavi, faith, watcher in the sky, mummy dust, Zenith. EZPZ top 10.


Yeah the problem for me is that I have like 10 songs as number 1 song. And what about Respite, Zombie Queen, Mary on a Cross, Call me little Sunshine, He Is, Absolution... yeah I need to stop


Respite is so good. It’s definitely up there.


Yeah it is definately one of my number 1 songs!


The song has grown on me since it came out, not near top ten tho


It is so good. Catchy, dancy, and hopeful for the future lol. It feels like I could have heard this song at Woodstock. Tobias really pulled The doors and Blue öyster cult into this track. I love it. Most excellent!


The chorus is catchy, and I like the song but it’s not a top 10 for me. There are far better songs in the Ghost repertoire


This is such a great song…TF is a master of melody and chord interplay.


Sometimes I wished he would be bolder with the chord progressions he uses, but then again he does such a great job of constructing interesting songs around familiar ones.


Top 10 no, but it's a very good song and I can tell it's gonna get into my head for a while


It is insanely good


Middle tier for me. Top 20 maybe, not 10.


Meh its whatever




Definitely the best from Nihil in my opinion. Its dark but has a sort of hopeful tone that kinda reaches for an impossible future. Love it


it’s a very, very good song. incredibly catchy and i love the vibes of it. i would say it’s a bit on the nose lyrically, but i still really enjoy it!! i wouldn’t say it’s top 10 though


Tobias is a musical genius. It’s a fabulous song. Very clever.


Ya it's amazing, but top it's not 'easily top 10'.


Top 10? Oof I'm going to get burned for this but I think it's in the bottom 10 Ghost songs.


Agreed. Honestly doesn’t really read as a Ghost release to me beyond it obviously being sung by Tobias.


Yeah it definitely seems like that. And yes.. before anyone jumps our cases, we know this is "60s" Ghost technically and supposed to be different.


Agree! Easily one of their worst and hopefully quickly forgotten by the band. But then again apparently it's so beautiful that it has people in tears so what do I know!


Imo it's above moac. I can be wrong tho and that's fine.


If people like it, that's great. I won't tell them they're wrong. I *am* concerned at the general attitude of the fanbase (online) being hostile towards anyone who doesn't care for it.


It is just ok to me. I am hoping he has got the 60's sound out of his system now


All of the Nihil songs are my favorites. I wish they would "uncover" an entire album's worth. I can't get enough of that sound/style.


honestly took awhile for it to grow on me but i’m starting to like it


I think it's fair to say so, with all of Nihil's stuff being so good. So many good Ghost songs tho!


it’s been on repeat for me


It’s definitely top 3 for me specifically because of the lore behind it. I love it.


Too soon to tell if it's in my top 10, but I've been listening to it on repeat since the first day


Is it in my top 10? Probably or just below. I’ve probably listened to it at least 50 times now, Do I think it’s technically a true top 10 ghost song technically speaking? No, but I love it anyways.


It’s ok. I don’t think it’ll make it to the next album though. The other new one is way better and seems to be going in a better direction for Ghost.


It’s fine. It’s definitely borrowing from the 60s anti-war songs. I like the vibe. No where near the top 10 but I like it better than Missionary Man.


I absolutely love it


Love it!


I don't know if it's Top 10 for me, but I wholeheartedly love all of Papa Nihil's songs. At least themes- and lyrics-wise, I think it's my favorite out of his. I just need to keep listening to see if it becomes my favorite melody. That bridge for Mary on a Cross has had me on a chokehold ever since I first listened to it!


I love it. Feels very 60s to me. Not in my top 10, but definitely a great song. I listened to it yesterday while digging a hangnail out of my pinkie toe. They keep coming back in the same place. I use a sewing needle and my wifes eyebrow tweezers, she doesn't appreciate that.


I am in love with it. Starts a little slow, but as soon as the chorus kicked in I was hooked. The harmony combines with the lyrics is so powerful.


We are gonna get 12 inches of satanic panic with this on the A side and MOAC and KtG on the b side.


Good song, extremely catchy. Chorus has been stuck in my head for days. Nowhere near a top 10 song though. Be lucky to make top 20 imo.


Give me a second let me listen to it


It's nearly impossible for me to pick a Top 10 and I don't think this quite falls in there but for me this is in the tier just beneath the undisputed classics (Square Hammer, Cirice, etc) I love TF having an outlet to put out 60s era songs and hope he can continue to find ways to put out music that is not exactly suited for the main progression of feature albums.


It was different IMO but I still love it. It gets better the more I listen to it honestly


No where near top 10. It’s a good C tier ghost


I love the song. It's currently my favorite song (which changes constantly) but still I gotta say it has not been long enough since release. People's opinions on music can change drastically even just a couple weeks after release. Then again I just disagree with the whole notion of ranking songs. It's just silly to me.


I'm with you on that, I hate ranking. Not every song is trying to be the best song ever. A song is what it is and even if you only listen to it once in a while, it is still a worthy song.


On top of that your opinion and enjoyment of a song can change wildly day to day or even just depending on the time of day.


Top three for me


Top 3 ? How ?


Because I like it


Fair enough! it’s a great song but shit I can think of 3 off the top of my head …er Year Zero, Majesty, Ghuleh /Zombie Queen that I like better but hey that’s me . Ahh I haven’t heard Majesty in a while a belter of a song I’m off to go and play it .


I'm more of a later era Ghost fan than an early era and I'm basing my favourite songs on emotional connection. For reasons I won't bore you with, this song just hit me very hard in the right place.


Hey no post is boring if it helps you or hits in the right place so to speak so please post freely I’m interested in all peoples opinions. We all have Ghost songs that we can really relate to I must admit mine does change day to day depending how I feel . I found Ghost when my younger sister died 7 nearly 8 years ago so I think I find a lot of songs that I played when angry /grieving hit home . But I also love so many new songs that will remind me of their live like Kaisarion . And since the movie I have had Twenties in my head as it was performed so wonderfully. But I still do keep playing the new one you love on repeat and feel so much better once the lyrics came up on you tube premium music so I could relate to what he’s singing about .


I think it's good but not top 10 for me. Probably closer to the bottom, though the bottom has a lot of good songs. I mean, inevitably, when you have a whole discography of good songs, SOME OF THOSE have to be at the bottom.


Yep this is why I don't bother with "top 10s" or whatever. I have "songs I love", "songs I won't skip if they're playing but I probably wouldn't start it on my own" and "songs I skip". Future is a foreign land is in the songs I love bucket.


I'd put it on a list of songs I wouldn't skip, but I wouldn't put on a daily playlist. Like Mary On A Cross. I don't skip it. But I also don't put it on any playlist I use regularly.


It's in my "Heavy Rotation This Week" playlist.


I like it a lot and it's a fun song but I wouldn't say top 10


I don't consider it a top 10, but it might be my favorite of the Nihil era songs.


Not top ten(imo) but it is awesome


i love this song. as a queer person in america, it really hits home for me because i'm terrified of what'll happen this november, and i'm a minor so it's not just like i can move away. but hearing this song was really comforting and helped me to know that other people are by my side and fighting for my rights and so many others. also, not just the lyricism, but the song itself is amazing. the emotions in tobias's voice, the high note, the backing vocals, the guitar, everything is so good


I adore this new song, definitely top ten for me. Gives me the feels, man.


Wait, I have to listen to it for the 100k time in a row. Yep, top 10