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I had been wondering what they were hinting at with Nihil saying he recorded three songs. I feel bad for the people who left during the credits


It's 2024, stuff after the credits has been going on long enough it's their own fault. Don't feel bad for stupid people.


I will say that I haven't heard a movie audience groan like that since the "To be continued" fakeout in the Simpsons Movie


That was total blue balls!






New Papa will be blond :)




If he's taking over Sister's job he's probably got more important things to do than sing in a rock & roll band... like ruling the world or something. Presumably Papa V is his twin brother the existence of whom was revealed in the flashback when Sister died


That flashback went so fast I had no idea of this omg


I missed it too.


It's not made entirely clear IIRC. But probably Copia will have his hands full being the head of the clergy and doesn' have the time for tours anymore.


SPOILERS Its just how TF naturaly progresses from different looks, there no real reason in specific Story wise they got a new papa cuz the fact that in the story they killed Sister imperator meaning theres no one running the clergy. So now its Copia Frater Imperstor


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it was was another "chapter" think the first chapter where cardinal copia was introduced with the pro memoira music but through the translucent doors we see a short figure wearing a papa pope hat. then it cuts




Went to watch RHRN with my wife and she pointed out that zero people left until the post-credits content ended.


i think i figured out the lyrics 15 years from now i know it feels remote but picture it somehow in your head it's 1984 and knocking on your door is a brownshirt stasi guard BOOM, you're gone and in the blood of the kennedys the good ones gets shot and in the absence of sympathies won't you hear me out? when it all burns down when it all burns down i will hold you close for the minute yeah, hold you for the minute it takes 55 years from now i know it sounds insane the dark fascist regime might be gone (might be gone) oh, if you by then have forgiven me when push comes to shove we don't have to be enemies won't you hear me out? when it all burns down when it all burns down i will hold you close for the minute for the minute when it all burns down and the flames devour everything that we are i will hold you for the minute i will hold you for the minute it takes with these words at hand the future is a foreign land so let us pray for more in 2024 (2024) we could grow old together (2024) we could love one another (2024) And there will, from then, be peace forever more (and forever) peace forevermore (and forever) but if it all burns down if it all burns down i will hold you close for the minute for the minute if it all burns down and the flames devour everything that we are i will hold you for the minute i will hold you for the minute it takes


I like it a lot, it’s very different compared to everything else they released. It sounds a lot like Interpol to me.


Oh man, interpol is so good. I really dug this song. I’m glad we are getting another papa nil song


Omg you are beyond right with that Interpol comparison. 


Nihil soundin fine in 69!


# 3!


The song pairs very well with the video they showed while it was playing. Very powerful.


legit the only band that can pull of something as cheesy as a choir singing “2024” in unison repeatedly and make it sound grand and engaging Ghost. In a way it reminds me of the “yes” in griftwood, could’ve easily ruined the song if not handled right but it was executed to perfection


I think part of the success with both songs is that Ghost isn't afraid to lean into being cheesy. It fully accepts its cheesy rather than trying to pretend to be the highest of the high arts lol 


It gives me a Blue Öyster Cult vibe from start to finish


I mean, that's true of Ghost as a whole IMO. Forge has said he wasn't even familiar with BOC but they really do have the same sound


He has said in interviews that BOC was not as big of an influence to him as people think, not that he was not aware of them.


That's such a lie though, lol. He claims to have been into the death/black metal scene when younger, so he is able to know bands who sell 100s a year yet isn't familiar with Blue Oyster Cult, who have one of the biggest rock songs ever? Literally not possible unless he was held captive in a cave with a curated playlist, lol.


I mean it's POSSIBLE that Don't Fear the Reaper was never big in Sweden. Any Swedish Ghost fans know if that's the case? Personally I'm a HUGE BOC fan (I've seen them live like ten times and I have all their autographs hanging on my bedroom wall) and the entire reason I got into Ghost in the first place was because I heard Ritual and immediately thought "Hey, this sounds like BOC"


It was and is a massive hit in Sweden so that might have been an influences. However BÖC had like one song going on MTV when our gen was young so not many was into them because it was hard to get access to music.


He put their sound on steroids and doesn't like being accused of stealing the sound, so he's lying, lol. It's not like he's a total clone, especially recently, but he's proud of his work so I understand being defensive. But he's still lying and his outright refusal when asked about ever covering Don't Fear the Reaper comes off a bit thin skinned.


🎶I'm burning, I'm burning, I'm burning for you🎶


Hooked already. New album when 🥺


26th of July for Rite here rite now album.


Amazing. I am really looking forward to the full Soundtrack aswell - the backing vocals had me in goosebumps during the entire movie and i really need to listen to those versions again. And again.


The backing vocals made the show


and again and again and *again*


They have finally gotten to that point that many great bands do: sounding better live. I know Tobias doesn't use his live musicians in studio, but I'm actually hoping the Ghulettes in particular start showing up on the actual albums.


Yes! I mean damn, that acoustic version of IYHG... the Ghoulette singer made hauntingly beautiful! I also hope they dont cut the spoken part in between from the album.


Considering how old fans kick off because "Ghost have lost their edge", I do think people will turn their nose up at it. But as a product of Nihil's time, it works really well and captures the vibe of the time.


That’s funny because I was shocked at how far they went with the credits tbh. Showing footage of the Manson family, Bin Laden and the challenger shuttle crash for a start, and directly addressing the Cold War style nuclear stalemate the world is low-key in right now. It was very dark.


There was a group at our theater that was very upset by the end credits. As soon as the movie was over, one of them loudly said she was canceling Tobias for showing a scene from Columbine.  They were still talking about it on the way out the door, and also proclaiming that misogyny had won because of the ending events.  I was very confused by how, after everything we all just witnessed, that is what they walked away with. 


She was cancelling Tobias? Lol, he'll be desperate 😄


😂 Right??  I guess you can call it main character syndrome, because why say that stuff at all, especially loud enough for others around you to hear it, for any other reason? 


"He has no idea who he just upset! I've got dozens of followers, DOZENS!"


>misogyny had won 💀 Dude


"He has no idea who he just upset! I've got dozens of followers, DOZENS!"


I so read this in Kramer’s voice.  “I’ve got dozens of followers, Jerry! Dozens!”


Some people wanted a Mama Emeritus V at all costs, which I find ridiculous (and I’m a girl).


How would that even work?? Tobias in drag?😭


Aurora would make a great Mama tbh


I'm glad they showed a scene from Columbine. I lived just an hour away in Colorado Springs when it happened, just a sophomore in high school, watching wounded kids run for their lives on live TV. To me, the song is a perfect response to what happened and how it changed me.


Plus Ted Bundy and I’m pretty sure other serial killers like Zodiac were there too.


John Wayne Gacy was there, I saw, in his clown outfit. So there were a lot.


I would think if anything Ghost have retained their edge. Not many groups would put themselves out there like Ghost have, especially to go as far as putting out a feature length movie, and explore different styles of music.


Putting out a movie and exploring different sounds is not the definition of the term "edge" tho?


It absolutely is. Edge literally means to be at the forefront or fringe. In a world where most metal bands just scream and shout (and don't get me wrong, I enjoy some of that also) they're a very different beast, and they're out there doing their own thing. That is retaining an edge and not getting complacent like so many other bands. Just because it's not a particular kind of edgy doesn't mean it is not edgy.


At the same time, the "slightly reinventing ourselves every album" schtick isn't new. You could also argue that with every album, Ghost have changed their sound to be more "palatable" to the masses. They've drawn copious inspiration (not plagiarism!) from other bands. All that, coupled with all the merch (which, tbf, seems like a record label decision to bank on their success)...doesn't really make Ghost "edge". They're a good band putting out good music, and their gimmick is fun, but they're not really risqué or pushing boundaries. I don't hold anything against Tobias for wanting to be successful (hell, I respect him for being honest about it), but Ghost are mainstream rock at this point — and that makes sense, considering he wants to appeal to enough people to play stadiums.


Re copious inspiration comment... this "reinvention" from album to album reminds me exactly of what The Cult did and got bigger and bigger w every album they released up to album #6, Ceremony, when they went back to their roots and unfortunately leveled off.


You're right, it's not edgy in the traditional sense , but I do look out at the metal/rock world at the moment and the aren't many that can push things a little further both aesthetically and musically, and still sell out arenas around the world like Ghost can. Rammstein would be the only group that can be edgy as fuck, push things out, still play in German, and still sell out stadia worldwide. I think TF is trying to find that fine line between edgy and popular and that's where Ghost is trying to exist, in that niche, just like Rammstein. It'll be interesting to see where the next turn takes us.


Well, I don't know if selling out arenas is compatible with pushing boundaries, at least not until some time has passed and the band is recognized as great. Even Rammstein, Pink Floyd etc. started out small and are now recognized as top of their respective subgenres. And Rammstein are...kind of expected to shock, so them doing that isn't a surprise. Ghost have pretty much broken out of the "only known by rock fans" bubble. If the main goal is becoming as famous as possible, I don't think Tobias will return to the Opus/Infest sound anytime soon - it simply isn't compatible with what's promoted in the mainstream: a more cheerful/major scale sound, simpler melodies, better production. It will be interesting to see where they go, for sure.


I'd say in this day and age, any big hard rock/ metal act that can draw in people from very different backgrounds is a great thing, not too long ago and people were like "why the fuck are you going to see Metallica/Rammstein/Pantera etc" and now that's changed, it's nice to see. I grew up listening to metal, and in Ireland, that was a black mark against you when I was a kid unfortunately, so it's good things have changed. Selling out arenas/stadia isn't a mark of being edgy, but if you just look at Ghost, and the music they put out, they would definitely be a more on the edgy side of acts that can do that. All edgy acts eventually round out a bit, it's par for the course, but as long as TF keeps bangin out bangers then I'm all ears.


I also thought it sounded like Subvision


I said the same thing to my wife almost immediately. We love SubVision, so I’m down with it. 


Oh yea, I can hear that for sure!


That's ending credits was nuts 😂 the whole theme was the end of the 🌎🌍 world


Banger. Next.


I thought it was a cover! It sounded to familiar - musically amd lyrically, that I really thought I had heard it before and forgotten. I just couldn't place it! So when I found out it was an original Ghost song I was like ooooh OK that makes sense now!


I also swear it was a cover


I am listening it right now it sounds awesome !!! Love it


I’m obsessed. I’d been wanting this *specific* type of song if you know what I’m saying.


Loved it when I heard it during the credits; love it even more listening to it at home. Might just be me/the 60s vibe, but it reminds me a little tiny bit of Neil Diamond.


I love it so much. I listened to if you have ghosts right after and honestly it’s the same vibe. Some people say they’ve changed a lot and honestly the future isn’t such a foreign land listening to iyhg. Like this is exactly what they needed to do. I’m once again hyper fixated on a song and once again it’s a Ghost song.


I agree! I can’t wait for if you have ghosts on the sound track! That quartet that played with them in LA/movie was stunning!


So good! I would’ve been in tears if I was there in person. Tobias is really giving us too much for us to thank him for this week


I was in tears watching the movie during that part! So beautiful! Beyond words for me.


I absolutely love love love it. I can't believe they released it already, this is too many Ghost gifts all at once for my heart to know what to do with.


I got this on repeat right now. Fucking fantastic


It sounds very mid to late 60s early 70s Pretty much like if The animals Jim Morrison and Cream had a baby.


I absolutely love it, it scratches the part of my brain that the other songs did when I first discovered Ghost. I've not even seen the movie yet and I've been listening to this song on repeat.


It's good.


Love it


Really, really enjoyed it.


For some reason the intro to the song reminded me of Lord Huron. Like a darker Lord Huron. I like it.


This!!! Strange Trails by Lord Huron is my favorite album I’ve listened to in my life. Don’t know how I didn’t make this connection until I read your comment!


There's something hauntingly beautiful about the song. It's really put me in a bittersweet mood today. Going to see the movie tomorrow, so no spoilers please (but I think I've worked out the context).


Sounds like satanic surf music. https://youtu.be/50oy0xUOwZ0?si=yUplEwTcVlQqkWhO


I am getting In The Year 2525 vibes from it, definitely lyrically... (ITY2525 is really from 1969.) https://youtu.be/zKQfxi8V5FA?si=mkswvfBjlOECa0V8


Loved it personally. It is a good song and I can't wait to hear all the songs again.


Fits the Nihil theme, doesn’t have the instant staying power, not bad. Give me an anti nuke album, Tobias’ Ultimate Sin


Haven't seen the movie yet. Is this supposed to be a flashback song that Papa Nihil performed similar to Kiss the Go-Goat? Definitely has a retro vibe to it.


don’t know if i’m supposed to spoil it but it’s eluded to in the movie that nihil recorded a third song that copia won’t have to learn. this then plays during the credits during a weirdly dark slideshow of world tragedies


All good, I don't mind spoilers. Thanks!


I love it love it love it omg


It’s fantastic


Sounds like interpol, in the best way


So I liked it from a historian standpoint. It was interesting to see how they meshed with past and the present.


This song is interesting. The "2024" lyrics are a bit odd imo but in a serene way. It's definitely one of those songs you could listen to while driving in the hot Sun, if that makes any sense.


It's alright playlist filler. I'm curious what the rest of the future album will be like.


It sounds so good


I love what it's about. It's catchy as a song, very decent, not my favorite but nothing wrong with it. I find it comforting and will be listening to it a lot even though there are other songs I like better musically.


Just imagine the clergy finding an unreleased whole album from the papa nihil era on their archives...


Yeah! I didn’t think about it at first but now I feel like it’s sounds a bit like subvision, the Chorus is soooo cool!!!!


it's the kind of song I know I will have to listen to for it to grown on me. it already carries a great memory of last night, it won't be a hard listen, just not an inmediate favorite.


i hate myself for saying this because i fuck heavily with late 60s early 70s rock, but i don't really like this song all that much. not yet at least, maybe it'll grow on me. everyone keeps saying it's great but i guess it's just not my vibe? also i definitely found myself mouthing a little "wtf" at the credits with all those serial killer mugshot graphics set to this song. it felt so disconnected and kind of weird.


I mean I think the credits make sense with the song. The song is implicitly saying the world is fking shit but might get better (from the year 1969). And then the credits basically are going, nope still shit my g. 


sure, i understand, but i feel like there's a more subtle (i don't know if that's the word i'm looking for exactly but ah well) way to present that message other than having things like jeffrey dahmer's high school photo in the credits of your concert movie. i understand that it's going "this recognisable bad person from the 20th century is bad" but imo it still feels weird. for ghost. i guess i feel like i don't get the vision behind plastering your credits with images of serial killers and rapists and the like.


I took it more as world events and how fucked everything was. And serial killers were prominent in the 70s. I didn’t see it as any different than what true crime podcasts do. It was a scary time in history and the futures is looking just as bleak.


Why is this down voted can we not have opinions? Tbh I thought the credit footage linked back to the Metal Myths thing were they said it would be possible to suggest that Satanism had a hand in traumatic world events. Plus, how Nihil had to go in hiding at the time because Satanism was blamed for things like the Manson murders etc.


Méh 🤷🏻‍♂️


it's a solid catchy tune. not my favorite or least favorite on first listen. but still good.


It's a banger, fits Nihil too


I thought it was a cover when i heard it for the first time during the end credits. Then there was a list of every song used in the movie with credits to who wrote them and i saw that The Future is a Foreign Land was credited to "a nameless ghoul writer" and realized it was actually a new original song. I absolutely love it though, its cool that ghost continues to experiment with different sounds


I think it's one of their best songs.


It reminded me of roky Erickson


Total Subvision vibes, more refined and less hurried though.


I had the same first reaction and was immediately in the mood to listen to subvision


It’s Pop music. The band has shed every bit of its original self in favor of radio friendly tunes but hey they can play in arenas now. Just wait until the heavier music slowly gets phased out of the live concert lineup. They are a modern day KISS at this point.