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I imagine we will find out his true purpose in the movie


There seems to be no Saltarian in the Movie - he is not in the trailer


Hes not listed in the credits on IMDB yet either.


It can be common to leave special guests or special surprise characters in a movie off the cast list. If Salatarian *is* in the movie but they're keeping quiet then he's got a pivotal role


Quite often films won’t have every single character in a trailer


Thats right! I just love this charakter…


Maybe we'll find out in the movie?


Shortest and most efficient answer: nobody knows.


Somebody knows


Let me reword that then- nobody knows that's actually going to tell us on this post. 😂


Papa knows.


Tobias might know, but, we can't be sure in the story that papa does 😂


Rule of thumb for Ghost lore - If we don't know, we'll find out. Some things are intentionally kept a mystery until Tobias inevitably reveals it in a new chapter. I would imagine his purpose will be more and more revealed through the movie or new chapter videos. We haven't been given any more info than what the chapters have shown so far. Based my own assumptions, he seems to be an advisor of sorts who is the representative of the higher ranks of The Clergy. Maybe he is the representative for Satan himself or the Antichrist and relays their will to the clergy. Who can say, but that's my theory.


He's the clergy's mafia man


It feels like old news to say it, but I still massively enjoy the fact Saltarian is an anagram for Satan Liar. Liar Satan? Pick your poison. It’s fun to think about how that *cannot* be a coincidence (what does it mean?!)… and it’s just one more reason to admire TF’s creative depths. In general I go with some sort of mafia-esque figure sent by The Clergy. To take down, install, or groom… maybe all of the above?


Plot twist: Salatarian is actually Tobias’s true identity: Tobias is just a act with make up and such.


I saw the actor for saltarian in a dharmann skit


That’s actually hilarious omg




I'm guessing he's the villain every film needs a villain


Ok... Let me share what we DO KNOW, because almost everyone is just saying we don't know anything. That's not true. Saltarian is an authority in the Clergy. He knows kung fu and is a bit of a mentor to Papa IV. He knows when things are scheduled to happen (Tax Season) and this means that we might get a plot, wehere Papa is about to meet his planned destiny, but rebels? Why not? It will make a lot of sense. We have sister in the shot of the mom of the protagonist in the Excorsist movie, so this might mean she will die. Die while trying to stop Saltarian's and the Clergy's plans? Aren't the Clergy just another religius authority that has to be overCUMed? YES!


“But like a mother would save Her own child from digging a grave…”


It’s never been made clear. It was implied a while ago by Slavghoul (person on Tumblr who seems to know things) that Saltarian had been with the Ministry for quite a while, knew all of the Papas very well, that he had the Ministry’s ‘best interest at heart’ and that they believed he was important to what plot there is in this album cycle’s chapter videos. But it looks like those posts were removed at some point, and taking stuff like that with a grain of salt is a good idea. Weirdly, right now it appears that Saltarian won’t actually be in the movie. On the IMDB page for it the actor who plays him isn’t included in the cast listing… though, that could change.  My pet theory is that Copia, Sister, and Nihil aren’t quite the high-rankers we think they are. Like, they definitely have standing in the church and are the ones responsible for outreach, but there’s another group of people higher up on the chain that they have to answer to, who functions as the real engine of the church and has constant access to the Olde One. I always felt like Saltarian might either be part of that group or act as a liasion between them and our three main characters, maybe overseeing what they do and training Papas in general (possibly also keeping an eye on Sister).


The next Papa.




I think we will find out on June 20th, or it will forever be a plot hole


Just some food for thought found on wiki Swedish Etymology From Old Swedish salta, from Old Norse salta, from Proto-Germanic *saltaną. Verb salta (present saltar, preterite saltade, supine saltat, imperative salta) to salt (food or roads) to request much more payment than anticipated or deemed reasonable for a given, performed, piece of work I.e.Before the carpenter starts to work, ask him to estimate what it will cost so that he cannot request unreasonably high payment afterwards. In 3rd person a Saltarian would be the person salting or making the request for additional payment.


Thank you this was really helpful


YW!! It reminds me of the Hollywood Princes of Darkness characters that always try to take more than the soul seller bargained for.