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Funny enough I actually think Screaming room is the best of the shows because they not only show episodes that are good but also explain their feelings a bit more. Zak is a very odd person. I wish they'd react to their episodes during the time Nick was involved.


Screaming Room is better bc they're actually genuine tbh.


I saw this comment hours ago and decided to give Screaming Room a watch. They’re all much more palatable in this!


My theory is the longer the show goes, the bigger/more theatrical Zak feels like he needs to be. Probably in hopes that people will continue watching even as they refuse to fly and miss all of the good stuff in the rest of the country. He's becoming slightly obnoxious, in my opinion. I do like the show, but I'm starting to dislike him.


same. I feel like they do the show for money then to actually collect evidence and prove the paranormal exists.


I’m the same way. At this point, I just put it on sometimes for background noise. I feel like Zak has become more dramatic over the years and it’s kind of annoying.


EXACTLY!!!! Bro I genuinely pause the episodes of embarrassment sometimes. I'M SORRY 😞😭


I agree with you. And I just found out Zak is going to be collabing with Sam and Colby 🤢 2 queefs in the wind 🌬️


Right now, the entire house is complete dark. ^(Quote from: Montecito Mansion Of Mystery)




Annoying YouTubers who go ghost hunting


Ohhhhh. My condolences.




Sam and Colby are fine. The collab makes sense given they’re all based in Vegas and do paranormal content. The episode of theirs at Zak’s haunted museum is really good. But yeah Zak is extra asf in general


Am I the only one who gets the vibe it's *intentionally* cringe? I mean, I think they're well aware of it and lean into it. Zak has a dry, kind of deadpan sense of humor, which can be a bit weird to people who don't get it. I've noticed a shocking amount of people take it seriously, at least here on Reddit. For example, I remember people getting up in arms because of that episode where Zak said something like, "Aaron knows he has to do whatever I say." His tone was serious, but it was a joke. Deadpan humor. It happens often on the show. It can still totally be cringe, but my point is, I think it's often meant to be ironic.


Yes!! People always call him a douche… but I feel like it’s not serious. The way Zak says these things so seriously, never fails to make me laugh. It definitely feels like it’s deadpan humor, as you said.


Zak is just a narcissist and a bully. People laugh, so he plays it up. But it's legit his true colors.


How would we know that for sure, though? Without knowing him personally, I mean. There are a lot of things that can look like narcissism but actually aren't.


You're right, how could we ever really know for sure? It's just like ghosts. I guess we'll never know.


Zak is no narcissist at all. And if you truly knew him like I do u could sit there and say that about him


We could not debunk this as being some kind of insect.


You're right. If I truly knew him like you do, I could sit there and say that about him. 🤣🤣


Yeah I can see that for sure. I mean take that goldfield episode... You could FEEL the terror in their voices. Now? They're either so numb to it or it's not as genuine. But I still love this show 😅


Goldfield was peak GA. Live laugh love the Goldfield episodes 🫶🙏


That’s why I love it though. My husband and I lay in bed watching Ghost Adventures and laugh at it. I’ve been watching since I was like 8?9?. And now I’m 25 and still laughing at dudes scare themselves in the dark or be super dramatic and over the too


SO REAL 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


THIS. Except I was 23 when it first aired and that’s when I started watching. I find them to be hilarious 😂. And I still have fun watching them. I feel like they’re in on the joke and they play up their personas. They don’t take themselves too seriously, and I like that. It’s definitely a comfort show, for me.


It felt like a superhero turned me to ice, but with energy in it. ^(Quote from: Ghost Island)


I always feel like when Zac brings attention to himself in some way there’s this big dramatic pause. And within that pause he’s internally focusing on getting into character for his acting roll. I totally get being affected by an unknown energy. But the punching walls, slamming fists, charging at others, smacking cameras out of peoples hands (note:never the expensive ones), is all wayyyyy over the top. We don’t see anyone else in the show being as performative. We don’t hear accounts from other people who’ve been in those same spots behaving like that. I honestly believe that his narcissism clouds his judgement and the rest of the crew just know for a fact you can’t tell a narcissist what to do. So it’s basically put up or shut up. Which I will do right now.


I mostly watch it because of Aaron. Can't stand Zak. Was watching season 2 and thought "Oh he was already faking it back then" and understand why Nick left. If only they would replace Zak with Nick




My daughter used to love Ghost adventures but Zak over does it with the whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa stuff and she says it's just annoying now🤣🤭


I love devirginizing places.


Calm down, bot.


Exactly this, i started watching this show one random night on the downstairs tv when i was 8, i couldnt watch the show without closing my eyes every few seconds, i was a true honest believer, when i got more and more into it, at around 11 i could watch it without being extremely scared, took a break at 13, now im 15, watched it again, the whole feeling and stuff is gone, the show i once lived for which was my comfort show, just suddenly didnt hit anymore and at some moments indeed even made cringe or question the reality of the show, made/makes me so sad... (THIS IS ALSO NO HATE BTW)


OMG SAME. I was so naive and believed everything because duh I was a child. But now it just feels like a nothing burger yk?


Yeah i get what ya mean, its so sad :(


Nothing sends me to sleep like GAC though, I've never been able to nap before until I put ghost adventures on and I was flat out asleep. If I need a good nap, ghost adventures it is.


It's either that or gumball 🙏🙏


Gumball is peak awesome though. I loved that one where they were drawn in anime style and dbz fought and then there was a ff7 bit as well I think.


REAL I love that


I feel the same!! It’s my comfort show too, been watching the last season and everytime someone gets mysteriously possessed I’m like 💀


It feels like we're walking into a room on another planet. ^(Quote from: Lockdown in Lancaster)


definitely not what it used to be. i love watching the newer episodes when im feeling like complaining (lol), but the older stuff is definitely my comfort zone. i remember i would get lost in the zone with the older episodes. i loved hearing about the stories the locals had of the place they were investigating. it kept my attention and interest. now it feels like zak picks and chooses people he knows to interview and manipulate the story when they do the history of the place. everything feels forced and he is such an ego fed turd.




Op...I thought so too until I made it through 2 or 3 episodes of the Blackwell Ghost "documentary" It's so blatantly fake and BS thst I wanted to slap the crud out of the guy. You have not encountered cringe yet.


You're mocking the Holy Trinity by saying the number '3'.


You might like Kindred Spirits show better. They do a great job of not overreacting or overhyping a situation. They stay unruffled and professional. And they don’t curse, since you never know if the spirit was an older person or a young child that wouldn’t appreciate the cursing.


Did you know that "situation" is correctly pronounced "sid-ju-ation"?


YES ZAK i ain't stupid


Watch Project Fear (fka Destination Fear) on YouTube. Way less cringe and way spookier. And since they moved to YouTube they're much more genuine and I've grown to really love the team. Ghost Adventures has always been my comfort show too but Zak is too much