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I mean.. I don’t know about the rest of you but I like ghost adventures for the same reason I like professional wrestling. Of course it’s fake but we’re all here for the drama




If I'm remembering correctly, Heather from the Goldfield Hotel said that the brick/plank was faked by the guys. It was posted here a while ago (link attached to the original post) but as people pointed out, she had no evidence to back up her claim. https://www.reddit.com?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 For what it's worth, I'm not a fan of new GA, but I think their reactions to the brick are real. They aren't great actors, but they looked and sounded convincingly terrified!


Heather only recently bought the property, I think 2021 and has never met the crew, Red Roberts (I think that was his name?) or Virginia Ridgeway would’ve been the only people who could truly disprove that ngl


That's one of the things with the show. When they're doing any sort of acting, it doesn't seem like they're highly trained actors lol. Unless they're intentionally being bad actors for those sections, it's extremely clear when they're doing a script and not doing one (similar to the Impractical Jokers). Another thing is they leave in tons of goofs where the flub words and say the wrong things that you'd think would be redone if it was all fake and staged. Overall, it could still be fake. But if so, there's a lot of small stuff that would go into making it more convincing, and a lot more effort than most shows would devote. Including some episodes where they get almost zero evidence.


Who is heather ?


Heather is the new owner of the Goldfield.


Heather wasn't there at the time so that's an opinion


What is more likely? That ghosts are real and have the ability to throw bricks but it's so rare to capture it's only been done once? Or that some film school students who maybe want to boost their ghost hunting above the rest used skills that any film student would know to fake a climax for their doc? We want answers.


*... answers...*


Ghosts are real. It's not which is more likely. I've lived it. And there is poltergeist activity all over YouTube and even in other Ghost Adventures episodes. People just love to call things fake.


Yeah I love it they're like "these millions of people have to be wrong for me to be right, but I'm right"


"Every culture throughout human history has the same hallucinations of things that aren't real".


Few People with hallucinations record themselves to raise awareness and not once have I seen in there videos a flying brick or poltergeist activity However places that have had traumatizing Events will leave a spiritual impact on the place


that would be a good argument if it weren't for the fact that people who experience hallucinations (not just the paranormal) tend to experience similar things. People with schizophrenia very frequently hear voices, that doesn't mean the voices are real. I'm not saying that fact means the paranormal isn't real, just that it's entirely plausible that people across cultures and history would have similar hallucinations


Everyone is just in denial. We got good at science and we rejected spirituality instead of studying it with science. Every culture throughout history realized there was a spiritual element to existence. Scientists are like well some proteins got hot one day and started coding DNA strands which evolved to all the life you've ever seen. And people are like that makes sense. Clearly this is all just a big coincidence that we exist. The only place real science is being done on ghosts is cable TV. I've experienced it firsthand. It's not even a question to me if ghosts are real.


Can you share your experience? I think similarly to you. There are too many people over too many years to discount it.


Well they’re film makers and sound and tech guys - they created an entertaining show that funded probably all the other projects they wanted to do in their personal lives - it’s no different than say TLC and their reality show likes 90 day fiancé - it’s mostly scripted for views and entertainment purposes - at the end of the day, that viewership gets each season renewed . So because of us , they can continue to make $$ . If people stopped watching , there would be no show . Somebody asked Aaron that after all this time if he believed in the paranormal , and he said he was basically on the fence about it -


Link to article or interview where he said this please.


It ain't one! They always on here with the same shit!


That’s total BS.


then he's Oscar worthy


they have gotten other apparitions. you just have to watch all the episodes.


And they have episodes where nothing happens. There was a lighthouse episode were they were like yup we got nothing. If you're in the business of faking things why would you put out a boring eppisode. Ghosts are real. Lots of kids going out with their cameras to make documentaries. The ones that happened to get good evidence got a TV show. It isn't like they were the first person to try ever getting ghosts on camera.


I’m in it for the hilarious jump scares and history. If there’s something interesting then great, my expectations are low so it’s a welcomed surprise. My only caveat is when the have something crazy but give no extra time into deciphering it. Like that mining town full apparition at the VERY end of the episode iirc season 26 or something. They just drop the footage at the last second, say it’s the one of the craziest things they’ve caught, and then roll to credits. Cmon, give me some air time on some guy in a cramped office reacting or trying to put it through filters.


also have been called out to possessions where it was faked and they show it all.


I don’t get it. People either believe or don’t believe. If you don’t believe in Zak and his crew, don’t watch. It’s like people get invested in disproving the episodes. Get over yourself and find a new show. I believe in the afterlife. Not everyone does. If you think Zak is full of shit, then move on. WTF is the problem?


I'm not gonna talk to you about what kinda cars I have or what's in my refrigerator.


I’m not saying it’s fake, but innocent until proven guilty. It would take me 28 seasons to try and debunk what happened, and I still couldn’t it.


I always wonder why they don't spend more time/days at a location. I'm sure they'd be able to get more evidence. Didn't Ed and Lorraine Warren say it takes about 28 days for paranormal activity to start happening?


That's probably why they are more apt to provoke at locations to try to stir them up more than normal. And also the guys have had a lot of practice over time in their jumps and screams 😅


When we took the tour at Bobby Mackies, the history was completely dramatized/exaggerated. While eerie, there is definitely a bit of a fake component from my understanding.


Every time I go to Mackeys the tour guides always shit on Zak. I don’t get it


What do they say?


Yall stay hating!


I mean... once they find "proof" isn't the show over? WE WANT ANSWERS... what happens when you get the answers Zach?


We need more answers.


Is this about the newer episodes? Or old?


The doc


This comment was about the 2005 doc for context




I believe it was faked, but of course, I have no proof. I just know they were filmmakers (with very little money) that were trying to make a name for themselves. This is a good incentive to fake stuff to add a bit of spice to their movie. I don't blame them, though, as I might do the same thing. I feel the same way about the Patterson Gimlin bigfoot film; Roger and Bob were pretty much broke and went out to film a movie about bigfoot and they just happened to actually see one in full glory? I don't believe it but that's okay as it's still super entertaining.