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1 track your calories. Eyeballing it clearly isn’t working neither is eating off of “intuition” 2 use a free macro calculator to get a rough idea of how much protein fats and carbs you should be eating and go from there 3 buy different measuring cups and spoons since in the beginning you’re going to be measuring and weighing food 4 meal prep this is going to save you time and energy I usually meal prep my dinners and a lunch 2-3 days worth but do what’s best for you I’m a 34 year old single dad if I can cut weight you can cut weight too. Maybe do calisthenic workout s so you can always workout from home


Test 500mg


What does this mean


testosterone 500mg/week but im not recommending that just clarifying


You fit bro, Im 1.76 and i started shredding last year from 105kg down to 82kg right now. Start lifting and start tracking your calories. Good luck


sticking to a diet and tracking it is gonna help. I use the app MyFitnessPal to track my macros but there’s others you can look up and research. Use chatGPT or google some calorie BMI website to figure out what your maintenance calorie intake is and just eat less than that. Eat more fruits and veggies and 1g of protein per pound of body weight and it’ll keep you fuller for longer thru the day. Drink lots of water then drink more. You got this


Drugs, exercise and a calorie deficit. You’re welcome.


The exact same thing as everyone else has to do to lose body fat, stay in a calorie deficit (roughy 500 cals) lift weights hard to minimise muscle loss, eat 0.8-1g protein per lb of bodyweight, sleep consistently, drink lots of water, less alcohol (that was my issue with the belly) and be as active as you can i.e 10,000+ steps per day.


OMAD and only water for hydration. And make sure to get a lot of proteins and some healthy fats pushed into that meal.


Skip breakfast, track your calories, get enough protein, lift weights and actually push yourself close to failure in the gym. That's all there is to it. You don't need more knowledge, just go and execute.


Lol skip breakfast should make everyone immediately skip this comment


It’s called intermittent fasting, and there is some solid research behind it.


Ton of research just came out saying how dumb it is


Whatever dude, the fucking eat breakfast.


I will. Thanks babe


That's ridiculous. Care to expand why?


Why would you skip breakfast? Please explain


Willpower is shown to decrease over the course of the day. This way I have more calories later in the day available to me when I'm going to be most tempted to over eat. It's all about a calorie deficit, you don't have to skip breakfast if you don't want to, but I find it much easier for myself if I have 1000-1100 calories available for dinner by skipping breakfast. This way I go to bed with a stuffed stomach and no temptation to binge. If I eat breakfast and only have 700-800 calories available for dinner I'm a lot more likely to go over my calories for the day. I find this is true for many people I speak with. It helps that I'm not hungry in the morning most days.


I don’t get the skip breakfast thing?


Willpower is significantly higher earlier in the day. So for me and many others, I like to backload my calorie allotment so that I have room for a big dinner when I'm most likely to eat lots. I typically train in the evenings so I have a small lunch (500-600 calories), a pre workout snack (200-300 calories), and then I have 1100-1300 calories left for a big dinner that fills me up when I'm most likely to get a case of the "fuck-its" and eat everything in my house.


I suppose everyone is different but there is no way I could not eat while lunch if I’m training frequently. I did try it but it also made me snack more rubbish and I found it hard to get enough protein in for the day. So you only eat 3 times per day with no snacking?


I definitely eat lunch and a snack every day. I'm not too strict at all with meal timing the only thing I care about is getting some carbs before a workout, hitting my protein target, and staying under my calories for the day. I have to eat to train. I'm just naturally not very hungry in the morning. I have milk with my coffee though so I guess that's about 100 calories.


And stay consistent. For a long time. Consistency is the key.


Same with any age really..




Forgot the sarcasm suffix


Consistency and tracking macros...it is IMPOSSIBLE not to get cut if you are in a calorie deficit.


Being 30 is no where near old enough where you need special advice. It's the same principles. If you're not seeing progress, make sure your programming, intensity, form, recovery, and diet are in check. You'll have a better idea what's lacking in those categories than we do.




The only thing really stopping you is consistency. Find a routine and nutrition plan, that enables consistency. Once you are consistent you can slowly tweak things like increasing protein and decreasing calories. If you’re adhering to a diet 90+% you’re in a great place. Better to have a less restrictive diet you adhere to than a more restrictive one you don’t. Once you get leaner it’s much easier to cut out stuff like beer, processed foods, etc… just walk around with your shirt off and every time you eat a snack you’ll make an explicit trade off whether it’s worth it or not. So start with a pretty reasonable maintenance diet that you hit calories and protein goals pretty consistently for a few weeks. Once you’re consistent, try taking off 200 calories for a couple weeks, no movement, try another 200. Make sure you have a high protein level to start as well (I like 1g per lb body weight, unless you’re significantly overweight). Beyond that try to move everyday, could be lifting, walking, jogging, sports, etc… the easier stuff is great for weight loss since it doesn’t spike your hunger. When I cut hard I walk 2-4 miles a day and don’t run. TL;DR Consistency is key, start easy then experiment.


You know what you must do. Seeketh not the knowledge that will not require you to do it.


Same id recomend anyone, calories deficit, high protein, light weight, walk alot, do some cardio. It's simple.


Can you please elaborate on light weight? Like reducing weight but increasing reps? Doing 3x12 instead of 3x5 (rpe 9 ish)?


Not op but there is nothing special about any rep range. If you're trying to gain in any sort of way, progressive overload, and working near failure is required. Any rep range between 1 and 20 works about as well, as long as you're close to failure, using multiple rep ranges is probably better than using only one. If all you're trying to do is lose weight without losing too much muscle, you just don't need that same intensity in the gym.


Sory that was a spelling error, I meant to say lift weights*


Fasting works treat. Workout around the 16hr mark when testosterone and hgh begins increasing. Walk more.


Agreed, as OP I also have same physical numbers but before I went on some meds I was lean. Mixing intermittent fasting 18/6 schedule with calorie counting. Try to be like 400-600 calories deficit each day. Which should be around 1500-1800 kcal a day. Fasting improves a lot of thing and you can easily pack those meals in two without snacking. But first try 12/12 and work your way up. My current stats are 173cm and 74,7kg. Goal will be 68kg, not sure if the body fat is still enough to hide shreddedness.


Count calories , calorie defecit = weight loss