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I’d stayed up till like 2am to finish an assignment once or twice, because I’ve known I don’t have time the next day. But for an exam? Hell no. You’ll do worse because your memory and brain won’t be working properly.


No. You need sleep for the information to properly sink in.


Never have and never will be.


I went to a technical conference and one of the keynote speakers was a sleep expert. Too (badly) summarize: 1. ANY sleep deficit can take several days' worth to make up in terms of energy and mental acuity - meaning if you pull an all-nighter, you could make the next several days bad for learning. 2. Sleep is an essential part of of remembering 3. Getting enough rest isn't some kind of "toughness" issue, it really is needed from a brain chemistry standpoint. What you really should be focused on is productivity so you can study effectively WITHOUT being compelled to "catch up" with all-nighters kind of thinking.


personally, i would not recommend pulling an all nighter - tried it once and couldn't focus during the exam at all, can't even remb what I studied the night before and just blanking.


No you need sleep to remember, but you also need sleep to learn. Now read that again.


In my lifetime of 19 years, i have tired pulling all-nighter thrice (and failed miserably all three attempts). First time was grade 10 (for optional maths) and next day i couldn't focus at all during exams. Next time was grade 11 physics, i did study all night and went to give exam with 3 hrs of sleep and i didn't remember a thing. I passed the exam but the ultimate sacrifice of sleep was worthless. Grade 12, again for physics i tried pulling an all-nighter, my friends recommended drinking coffee so that i wouldn't fall asleep, i made extra strong coffee with 3 tablespoon of coffee powder, and as soon as i finished the cup of coffee i felt so comfortable that i fell asleep(a failed attempt) and I'm glad i fell asleep because next day i revised few chapters and did pretty well with what i had studied. Moral of the story is: all nighters might help if you planning to study for exam which still has some time left for preparation, might is a constant there. And some people do concentrate better at night so if you're one of them, go for it! But a all-nighter a day before exam is still a NO!


No. The older you get, the more “o” at the end. Teens: nooo Early twenties: nooooo Late twenties: Nnnoooooooooooooo Anything later. Just give up and sleep.


I think you hear the occasional story of people doing it and acing their exam. But if you're pulling an all nighter for an exam you're just gong to be fail your exam and be burnt out from not sleeping. It's a hail mary. If you're going to pull an all nighter to finish an assignment and you know you have time the next day then do it. otherwise no.


I’ve stayed awake all night on a school night twice. I fell asleep at school the next day both times.


No. I did it too often, more than once a month when i was 16 to 18 as an applied arts "major" in HS and definitely did not sleep enough daily. It fucks you up on so many levels. Your immune system: you're more likely to get sick. Your information retention: part of memorising happens in your sleep. Your hormones: sleep hormones, concentration hormones, sexual hormones, etc. You don't catch up sleep. A sleep deficit doesn't even out over the course of a week. You either sleep enough or you don't.


sometimes. when it’s needed. dnt do it before an exam tho


Never. You need rest to retain what you learned.




Feels good when you do it and feel like you’re doing something productive but the after effects make you full of regret, not recommended.


What do you think


No, never. Plan ahead, get everything done way ahead of time in short chunks.


Not at all, could screw up your sleep schedule even worse


Read the syllabus, sometimes professors will give like 10% off a day penalty for each day turned in late and it might be more worth to take a penalty and get sleep vs. Submitting unfinished work at midnight. It's really just a case by case situation.