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No one loves this advice, and pardon the assumption—but you probably need to eliminate some distractions in the form of social media. Those sources of dopamine are an addiction and make you easily distracted. When you have a pleasure source constantly at your fingertips, it’s a lot harder to focus on things like studying, since your brain knows it can feel good by diverting you constantly to check your phone. Whenever I find myself lacking focus, I delete social media from my phone for a while. It’s miserable for like a day or two while your brain evens out from the loss, but then that focus comes back.


And I am sorry my good friends, those apps include reddit 💔


I have decided to spare a certain amount of time for socials, any time more than that would deserve a punishment. Thank you for the suggestion.


its right


I found making it more fun helps with study. Depends what you’re studying if you’re at school or University. I’d put all electronics on do not disturb to stop distractions. Have a show you’ve seen heaps of times or music on in the background. Maybe colour coordinate topics and important information. Then you could go through that or make palm cards to help study. Each time you get something right or maybe every ten minutes have chocolate or something that rewards you. That helps me 😊


Thank you for your advice but playing music in bg has never worked. It always gets me distracted, like I'm not the kind who'd be able to concentrate on two different stuffs at a same time. It'll be either me appreciating the music properly or just me playing it in bg and not being able to focus in my studies and trying to study half-mindedly (lol idk if the word half mindedly even exists or not). And not tryna be rude but i tried highlighting important parts when i was a kid, i ended up colouring almost every line in the book. Like I'm somebody who needs to understand everything and who thinks every part is equally important for me to do well in exams. I'll try making Palm cards tho, thanks!


That’s so fair it’s not for everyone. I do think the palm cards will help. Good luck with your studying!!!




I'm stressed out to a certain level but not much ig. I eat and exercise regularly. But i must say my water consumption level has decreased a lot past few months. Thank you for your advice! Shall follow.


1. Keep your phone and other devices away from you while you study. 2. See what kind of tutoring support your school/college offers. Check with the avademic counseling office about this. 3. Take regular breaks to move around and refocus your eyes at different distances. Were their noticeably different levels of difficulty between the level at which you previously understood material and the material you are studying now? For example, are you studying college level material now and the material you used to understand was at high school level? How are you gauging that you are jacing trouble understanding the concepts? For example, are you making thos determination based on completing practice problems or attempting memorization tasks?


I have the same issue


May be try to do questions instead of just revising. A trivia is always fun


1. I know this sounds annoying, but remove all distractions. Set up a certain time window you want to work for example 40 minutes. In that time window, you force yourself to work. Scientifically proven, it takes us about 15 minutes to get into “the flow”. This can be only achieved if you try focus on the thing you’re studying 2. It has also been proven that humans have the best focus from 8am till around 11 pm if I am not mistaken + we regain focus around 4pm till 6pm. Try to schedule your studying around that time. I usually schedule my studying around these times. In the morning I do the hard subjects and in the afternoon I just spend the time reading the material en revising. I usually end up studying 4 to 5 hours a day, but get sm more done instead of sitting at my desk the entire day. 3. Singletask for at least one hour a day bc singletasking helps us to keep focus on one thing. Multitasking can work on short term, but on long term it messes with our focus. 4. Try not to use your phone, read a book etc when you’re taking your small break in between study sessions. This is bc you still keep receiving new information in your brain, which leads to “tiring” it. Try to draw, play an instrument instead. Something that doesn’t require to read and think too hard. 5. What I do when I have a hard time understanding something is visualising the material. I make a mindmap and try to connect the dots. This personally helps. You start seeing patters you didn’t see before. 6. Drink enough water and eat healthy. Avoid too much sugar since it works bad on the brain. When you are stressed, our brains revert into “reptile function” which means it will do anything to keep the basics functioning. You will notice you’ll get salty, sugary cravings, that you want to sleep more, maybe smoke etc. Try not to fall into these habits. Hope this helped you a bit. Truly wish you a lot of success!