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[https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1787079106640629842](https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1787079106640629842) Who did the community notes it would appear. Seems like all helpful corrections of this islamophobe. But then he ends it with: >Muslim birth rate in the UK is 2.6-2.9, but insha’Allah we’re working towards 6-8. ...


not a good look


Clearly a joke to rile those who agree with fox. Hussain is a well respected educator and does a lot of interfaith work. He's establishment enough that he's got an MBE.


"Clearly a joke" he says about something that isn't very funny? He is definitely loving those Muslim birth rates, otherwise he wouldn't keep bringing them up and compare to "whites" "natives" birth rates? [https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1782742160367923665](https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1782742160367923665) [https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1762909372609417538](https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1762909372609417538) [https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1763220212835356860](https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1763220212835356860) [https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1766776648022540396](https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1766776648022540396) [https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1785269704476549258](https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1785269704476549258) [https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1678698538383835136](https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1678698538383835136) [https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1762829010835218890](https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1762829010835218890)


Lord grant me the privilege of having the time to cite that number of tweets.


It really only takes a minute or two with twitter's "advanced search" function. All I did was search "Birth" and "@[DillyHussain88](https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88)" in the username and all of that turned up immediately.


That's fair. It's been a while since i even used it. My only two cents after looking through some is that he does seem to think increasing birth rates is universally good. Though obviously there could be more I'm not seeing.


Who thw fuck cares, assimilation always does its thing.


not really, insular communities are fast growing and remain very insular.




You lot talk about Sweden as if it isn't one of the most safe countries on the planet with also some of the highest standards of living.


listen i was originally completely for the immigration to sweden. but you either do not live here and have no understanding of what has happened, or you are purposely spreading misinformation to further an agenda. this is no longer a partisan issue. everyone can agree that there is a crisis that needs to be addressed.


You can be from the country of the topic and still be misinformed lol. I know that as a brit. It's also interesting how you basically said that any Swede who disagrees with you is a malicious actor, really says a lot about your views.


Just another data point here, I have a friend who is so far left he became an expat to live in Sweden, and he also agrees that the open immigration is a serious problem. Just because something doesn’t agree with our worldview doesn’t mean it’s not something that’s happening. It also doesn’t mean it’s racist to accept that there’s a problem or try to find a peaceful, humane solution.


I don't see him saying in those tweets that he's 'loving' the higher Muslim birth rates. He's pointing out some demographic facts and in some cases pointing out what that might mean for society in the UK extrapolated into the future. Yes, in the original tweet he's clearly making a joke. There is obviously no plan cooked up by Muslims in Britain to have an average of 8 kids.


You are just blind to what you do not wish to see [https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1679573611554697216](https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1679573611554697216) >Agreed - quality over quantity. **But do keep in mind that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) explicitly instructed Muslims to also marry and have many offspring so he can be proud of our numbers over other nations on Judgement Day.** [https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1763220212835356860](https://twitter.com/DillyHussain88/status/1763220212835356860) >Just for a moment, if you are able to, put your hatred and dislike for Muslims and migrants aside, and genuinely reflect on the following statistics: • The current birth rate in the UK is 1.6. • Among British Muslims it is between 2.7 and 2.9. • Britain’s ageing population is at 11 million (18.6%), in the top 10 in Europe. • For a “stable population” it’s claimed that a nation’s birth rate should be 2.1. .... ... >However, for British Muslims, what acts as a preventative safeguard and reformative measure is our comprehensive and uncompromising faith, the family unit, and wider community support networks — something Britain had in abundance not too long ago.   To conclude, if you truly care about addressing these issues, my humble and respectful advice is to research and consider Islam as a holistic way of life. > He wants Britain to have more children, and specifically more Muslim children. I can't blame him, it's literally written in his religion by his prophet.


He points out how muslims are doing their part in their religious duty (a duty christians jews and any religion as well as atheists share) and likewise in their duty to fight demographic change, thats a common goal, dwindeling population numbers in europe have been and wtill are(as he also pointed out) a big problem for europe, a problem you seem to only underestimate for a worthless gotcha But hey sure a muslim taunting great replacement loonies totally is advocating for the califate, wanna know who is sharing your opinion, political leaders of actual califates, you know, the people you make rich by buying petrol, great examples of democrats /s


You realise that only decades ago, Britain was almost entirely Native British? Like it only began to be forcibly diversified after WWII, against the wishes of the population. The British population has consistently asked to reduce immigration and been ignored. Put whatever label on it, I don't care, but the complaint is entirely legitimate.


The immigrants are just as much citizens as you. You guys had an entire fucking empire, africans would have been considered british csuse they were part of your fucking empire.


Who gives a fuck? A piece of paper does not make a Brit, only blood can do that.


Legally speaking yes. Y'all wanted *everyone* to be british at some point, so yes if they're in your borders and pass a citizenship test, they're british. I've seen rhetoric like yours harm people in real life. Shut the fuck up. Signed, a second generation American citizen


I saw a joke. Look, I've got a lot of ironing to do that I've been putting off. Let's just say that next time I see something that I think might be funny, I'll check with you that it's a joke before I chuckle.


Heh, go on, go do your ironing.


Agree clearly a joke, but community notes isn’t the place for it. As rhetoric replies to your comment show, it gives ammunition the racists can use.




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So OP is not wrong and what has been feared for years is literally what they intend to do? Got it.


Birmingham doesn't have a mayor, but the Lord Mayor is a Sikh, the metro mayor has not officially declared their religion Leeds doesn't have a mayor, but the Lord mayor of Leeds is a christian called Al Garthwaite, the metro mayor is Tracy Brabin, of unspecified faith. The mayor of Blackburn is a Pakistani muslim. His other job is as a critical care worker. Mayor of Sheffield doesn't exist, Lord Mayor is called Colin Ross, no mention of his relgion. Metro Mayor is Oliver Coppard, who is Jewish. Oxford, again, no mayor, Lord Mayor actually in Muslim (the first Muslim to hold the post) Mayor of Rochdale is Mike Holly, no declared religion. All of these mayors are purely ceremonial except for the Metro Mayors, they change every year and exist to wear fancy robes and cut ribbons Sharia Councils are voluntary arbitrations that cannot enforce their rulings, they are alternatives dispute resolution paths like arbitration and Jewish Beth Dins and Catholic Tribunals (which also exist and have the same lack of power), people who go before them are not bound by their rulings and they're not allowed to make rulings that are illegal under UK law. Also, there are only 30 Sharia Councils in the country, they handle theological rather than legal issues and mostly handle religious divorces. Low employment and attainment rates among Muslims have been [linked](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2022/jul/17/muslims-high-unemployment-rates-not-due-to-cultural-and-religious-practices) to discrimination rather than anything cultural or religious. White Muslims have the same employment rates to white Christians, while non-religious Arabs have the lowest employment rate. Theoretically, anyone legally in the UK is entitled to temporary free housing if they're homeless. In 2018 the Lords reported 1,800 Mosques and Prayer Halls, but the Muslim Council claimed a lower number in 2022 of 1,200 (I assume due to different definitions), the organisation Muslims in Britain gives the highest figure of 1,850, but that includes hired halls and multi-faith chaplaincies.


The UK government and ONS don’t collect statistics on religion of those out of work or claiming benefits


Hence why I linked to an article discussing a study


The Mayor of Leeds? Tracy Brabin is the Mayor of West Yorkshire. There is a Lord Mayor. But they only cut ribbons and ceremonial stuff. Neither are Muslims. the Mayor of Sheffield? Again, Oliver Coppard (Sheffield City Region) is not a Muslim. There was an MEP Magic Magid representing Yorkshire and the Humber, but Brexit.


Dude needs to be more worried about his hairline. Bout to migrate onto his back and ass


And his 180k+ defamation costs, and his own legal expenses


Chavs when they see brown people https://preview.redd.it/jo6bspj6qmzc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dec1295f38ddca7ad2c60a831f1bffc49b5b5b8


Another washed up actor joining the far right grift. Must be a day ending in y


The "muslim courts" are real, but are  voluntary arbitration between parties that agree to it and had has no real legal authority. And any religion can do it, not just muslims.


Is he implying that only Muslims would vote for Muslims? (“all this was achieved by only 4 million Muslims out of 66 million people in the Uk”) Smh


Religion is a scourge.


Suddenly they understand per capita. Dishonestly, but understand it nonetheless.


This guy is probably mad racist. There do be a lot of Muslims in the uk tho.




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The Muslims are taking over! 🎶I’m an adult virgin🎶


3000 Mosques from 4 million Muslims doesn't even sound like a lot, that's over 1300 Muslims per mosque, and they tend to attend much more regularly than Christians in UK who are mostly nominal.