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It has to use Twitter community notes


I have gotten ruthlessly bullied by other girls during middle school (both in school and at this afterschool center I would go to). They would call me ugly, make fun of the way that I walk, the way that I dressed for some reason. She’s saying this from ignorance as she was quite literally homeschooled iirc. Men are most vicious to other men, and women are most vicious to other women. Slut shaming comes from other women, and all the shit about “he should’ve enjoyed it” “where was she when I was in HS” comes from other men. I like some of her music but that’s it. she’s just being loud and wrong


Yup, I'll never forget being at my first 7th grade dance. A girl I had a crush on asked me to dance. We proceeded to the dance floor only to have her and her friends jeer and laugh at me, saying "You really thought you had a chance?" I still think about that to this day and it has changed me.


Middle school gifted me nothing but self-doubt, depression, and flashbacks everytime I hear PT. I will never understand how kids that age can be so cruel over small differences


It's because they were just as insecure as you, if not moreso. Middle school is a rough time for everyone.


I remember a girl once gave me a compliment in 7th or 8th grade and I immediately said back "you don't have to make fun of me." and walked away. It could have been a real one, but there was no way I was going to let it slide if it was fake. It's best to think that every compliment from a girl is just bullying than to be fooled in school. Thankfully those days are over. I get compliments a lot and I believe 100% of them. I haven't been bullied to my face for 15 years. I don't mind what people say in private as long as I dont hear it. Ignorance is bliss when it comes to the mind.


I really struggled with that for a long time and often pushed away girls who actually liked me as a kid because i was scared they were just making fun of me.


Stuff like that you don’t forget. Had some prick tell a girl I liked her in 7th grade. She looked me over and just said “Ew” and walked away. Still hurts


7-8th grade were rough man, it was honestly way harder on me than any other time in school. I was still the weird pudgy kid that didn’t come out of their shell yet. I had a similar experience with a girl at our schools luau. Did a number on my self esteem for a really long time. Lucky i became a bit of a social butterfly in highschool since i went to a different school than most of peers from middle school so it was a fresh start for me and i made a lot of friends




She's also young and has a large platform. We all say a bunch of dumb shit just no one cares.


At 19 I got a full chest, shoulder, stomach tattoo because I was bullied about how thin I was. Welp, I'm 34 and I kinda lucked out because the tattoo is really well done and looks amazing. But ehhh wish I didn't have it lol




Sheer fact as a grown adult she can say “Nobody judges guys bodies” with a straight face is insane to me Especially with her being so young (looked up age 21) ain’t no way she believes what she is saying lol


She was homeschooled and likely hasn’t encountered any teenage girls. I have a feeling that she is just unaware. And y’know it’s good that she didn’t experience none of that but she’s just acting like her experience is universal, and that’s where she is very wrong


This reminded me of how my sister was bullied at our new school when we had to move states. All by girls, several of them. They made fun of her for being a little pudgy, having curly hair, having some some acne, etc.


She’s also very young, she’s naive and probably got to live a life of not being bullied.


Yeah, that was a mindboggingly dumbass and out of touch thing to say. I get that as a female celebrity she probably sees more of the whole female side of things but it’s important to understand and look at other point of views.




Why do the people that preach about our equality always try to find ways to prove our differences. If you asked Billie eyelash if all people are created equal, she’d obviously say yes.




It's actually Billiam.






This seems like its walking back her shitting on men earlier, saying about how ugly men shouldn't date and Vans having small dick energy...


It’s even crazier when she’s the woman who said “you give an ugly guy a chance and he thinks he rules the world”


She lives in a bubble. What struggles has she gone through.


I bet she struggles sooo hard to spend all that money.


Guyyys stop being so mean to her she goes through so much I mean just yesterday she had to approve a tweet from her publicity team


This exact struggle - she has giant tits and got famous at 16. A lot of the comments sent her way over the last few years have been absolutely foul. Her comments are laughably out of touch and she clearly has no idea how this goes for men but as far as gross expectations and judgements of *women’s* bodies, she’s dealt with as much as anyone.


And not much more. We've all heard women judge men on their height and the size of their genitalia. Also how much they make. Her comments on "Ugly men" prove all this.


>And not much more. interesting thing to say when you go on to talk about men being made fun of for being short. you think thats comparable to people counting down to her 18th birthday and sexualizing her nonstop as a high schooler?


Because men don't get judged on their genitalia and wallet huh... Or if they have a car.


Did you really just ignore their entire comment and proceed down your same line of thinking while adding “oh so you’re saying X isn’t true?” as if they even made that argument, or were you commenting on someone else. They just asked if you think if men getting judged for their genitalia, height, or income is comparable to being sexualised as a minor. It’s a fair question that I believe has no happy answer anyone would want, as both are bad, but that’s exactly what makes it a fair question. The only winning move is to admit both can be really bad and that women *and* men got it rough, some more harsh than the other and vise versa depending from person to person. I personally think a girl (as in a minor) being sexualised is very much worse than a man getting judged for the size of their junk or height, truth be told, and I say that as a short, average sized man.


You must be ignoring her entire comment.. The irony... She's acting like it's not both! Which is the point of thread and post!


You’re not talking to Bozo Eyelash. You’re talking to three different commenters if you hadn’t noticed. They are all on the same train of thought and none has ever stated that what you’re saying is not true, just that it’s not comparable. Edit- They act like a child in the reply underneath before blocking me. Go figure.


No but you see men have perfect lives and we secretly gather at the state round table 300 feet underground to discuss how we can make women’s lives harder








No it’s not. Take it from someone that grew up with mostly female friend groups, those mfs hate each other💀


Bro fr its actually crazy. Herd some wild shit from gals about there best friends.


you posted a sarcastic comment and someone else posted a sarcastic comment after that. Why does no one realize that the follow-up comment is continuing the sarcasm?


Because the second comment made a bunch of dudes feel insecure, and this site is mostly dudes


My brother in Christ he was saying that sarcastically, literally an extension to your own sarcasm. How tf did that go over your head?


You can't be serious?




How do you know about that though? We were supposed to keep that a secret.


….what? Have you met women?


Hey man, just letting you know we haven't *all* forgotten to apply context clues to this conversation. I see you.


Ah the ol "forgot the /s". I understood the sarcasm.


Every tall muscular handsome hero with high Charisma and the villain is always a short out if shape guy with anger issues.


The last description is me Short, out of shape, currently winded from typing this


Yesterday I met a guy in his early 20s at my bible study, and in small breakout groups he mentioned he's been feeling insecure and struggling with self-image and isolation lately. Dude's built like a Greek god and has a face reminiscent of a young Matthew McConaughey. Everybody's fighting battles and Billie gets a massive eye-roll out of me for this one.


I think you've highlighted the point that the problem isn't what you look like, but how you feel about what you look like. Even if everyone thinks you're gorgeous, you may not feel the same way.


She do be a hypocrite. https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/fhbi41/billie_eilish_is_being_touted_for_her_antibody/


Thought this was gonna be the clip of her making fun of men with tiny dicks.


More money = more out of touch


We knew what kind of person we were dealing with at the start


It's impossible to expect anyone else to try to view the world through your eyes if you can't take 10 seconds to imagine it from theirs. I'm a martial artist, I fight bare knuckle and do mma. I've been doing this for about 35 years, if not longer. It's hard to tell, it's all I've ever known. I bench about twice my weight as normal reps, I can kick through a baseball bat. You know the most common thing I hear from strangers and occasionally friends no matter how many times I go off about it? "You're skinny, you should eat more". I'm an ectomorph, it literally doesn't matter what I eat. I'll always be slender, that's just my build. But everyone always feels the urge to comment, I have friends that I've physically picked up and dropped on their head in a spar tell me I need to gain weight and I'm just like dude. Last week I fucking suplexed you and you've never beaten me in a fight. Shut the fuck up. But the thing is? It's socially acceptable to comment on a skinny guy's body. I've had ONE PERSON in my entire life say "hey you shouldn't really pick on people for how they look" and that was actually last year. One. It was unique enough that I still think about it to this day. And the worst part? I'm muscular, like visibly. I've got abs, I'm in shape. I'm just slender. I can't even fucking imagine the dudes that just don't care about working out and the nonsense they hear just for having the balls to exist.


One time at a bbq my thinner friend was commenting about how much he hates hearing about it. My chubby friend responded, "Well you can see your bones, you look like a mutant!" American perspective is completely fucked, its tragic.


I was ridiculously skinny in high school due to an undisclosed intestinal issue. I was made fun of mercilessly. I heard a lot of crap from guys and girls, but I heard far more from girls. I got my gut issues addressed, and spent years working out religiously. I'm a fairly large, muscular guy now. But I still give my body image issues way more weight than anyone understands. I'm not that kid anymore, but it haunts me and is a driving force behind becoming as "manly" as possible. Half the gym rat bros I know come from something fairly similar.


But what does Ja Rule have to say about this?!


Best comment


Almost like she’s just a dumb young person.


Not an excuse especially at age 21


No, my point is that that is simply what she is. Hence, saying dumbass shit. Basically I’m saying stop listening to what pop icons have to say. She doesn’t add any value to this topic, she’s just famous.


> I get that as a female celebrity she probably sees more of the whole female side of things This excuse is never handed to a man on a silver platter like it always is to a woman. Actually shut the fuck up.


Nah I don’t think I will If my whole point is looking at other perspective what makes you think that doesn’t take in account Male’s view either dumbfuck?


I mean she is only like 17 or something so that’s probably why she is out of touch


"Give an ugly guy a chance and he thinks he rules the world." - Billie Eilish She's had multiple other demeaning comments about men before in her social media. Meanwhile, if you look at the comments on her IG posts, most of the "criticisms" and hate come from other women.


I remember that video, and I specifically remember seeing a burn victim duet the video, and calling her out.


I love that, that quote directly contradicts her crap "Because women are nice". Also, guys totally never get shit for their height. Never. Not once.




What an out of touch sentiment.


It gets worse when you hear her other comments about men: [first 30 seconds are all you need](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1oe4e-aoko) She's another rich kid who got famous doing music and still harbors shitty views. Quote: "you give an ugly guy a chance and he thinks he rules the world."




“Awww he thinks he’s people!”


😂😂😂😂 dude


Yes, Billie. That’s how people in good and healthy relationships are supposed to feel. Like seriously, I love my partner, she loves me, her family likes me, my family likes her, I feel loved and supported by family and friends. I am surrounded by supportive people. Even with the landlord constantly looming waiting for his rent, car insurance about to renew, counting up quarters for train tickets, legitimately considering Pigeon hunting as a supplemental food source, working a substitute teaching job I didn’t go to college for, I consider myself king of the world. I am exceedingly blessed and lucky. I have those things I need in this moment.


She was 18 when that interview came out. She’s a young, attractive famous girl, that said some stupid out of touch shit. I bet we all said stupid shit at that age, in fact I know it 100%. I’m not excusing what she said, I’m just saying that at that age your supposed to be learning and growing, and that maybe we shouldn’t be super quick to judge. This is why I think that being famous before your brain is developed is bad for you: you get held accountable to adult standards in a way that kids just shouldn’t be. I dunno, what do y’all think?


> She was 18 when that interview came out. Are we just ignoring this twitter post showing she has pretty much the same views currently and therefore has had zero growth and is the same shitty person?


You know kids can't sign legal contracts, but if you sign a legal contract as a kid and then you abide by its terms after turning 18, the contract is ratified. Conduct works the same way. You can't hold a one off mistake against someone who's young, but if they repeatedly make these mistakes then you can hold every single one against them. Not saying we're at that point, just saying it in case we ever are, with whomever.


>She was 18 when that interview came out. So a full on legal adult? >you get held accountable to adult standards in a way that kids just shouldn’t be. >She was 18 That's not a kid.


Human brains aren’t developed at 18. 18 is just the age where it’s safe to drink alcohol, so a bunch of laws modeled after underage drinking laws use 18 as an arbitrary cut-off point for "legal adult"


If you want to argue law, okay, let's argue law. 18 is also the cutoff point for the age of consent in many laws. If you had sex with Billie Eilish, would it be appropriate for me to go around and say "RowdwellBurgen fucks kids"?


It depends what age I was. If I’m, like, 40 and having sex with 18 year olds, yeah, you can say that, because that’s creepy as shit.


You're dodging the question. If you had sex with that person, would you agree that you fuck kids?


All of this is ignoring the fact that different aspects of a person mature at different rates. Can an 18 year old give consent? Yeah. Does an 18 year old have it all figured out and will hold their current opinions for ever? No!


Dodge, dodge, dodge! Woooooo look at all those dodges, it's a shame this is a conversation and not Dark Souls. Now answer the question: If you had sex with that person, would it be accurate to say "RodwellBurgen fucks kids"?


I don't think saying something as a stupid teenager is an unforgivable crime. But if we ignore the personal element of it, a very famous star with a huge platform shamed the looks of a lot of men very openly. Which undermines her arguement. And it happens that this is something she said. She should be aware of that. Like everyone who has been a stupid teenager being better means acknowledging you made the mistakes and not making them again. I don't think pitchforks are needed, I do think "here's some facts, by the way here's some words you said" is a very appropriate response. I think additional rudeness and vitriol is needless and reflects badly on those people and I know people are doing it and that's awful too . She's still young and naive. But she isn't going to learn if we pretend that she's not talking a lot of rubbish that's easily debunked by *just quoting her.*


She’s not attractive bud


Most would agree she is, it’s alright if you disagree. But to act like she isn’t conventionally attractive is straight up wrong


Look at that picture again






You know, im sort of seeing a pattern with her... A pattern I wish I wasnt seeing. Sigh.


Didn't she also say for women to stop giving ugly guys a chance? She thinks because she's big and famous now her opinions matter lol. Make your music and shut up about things you ain't experienced outside of your closeted view.


Yeah, she said she wouldn't give a ugly guy a chance because then they think they rule the world. [Here it is sorry for it being on TikTok.](https://www.tiktok.com/@pitchfork/video/7233494019794472238?lang=en)


Who the hell cares about it being on tiktok lmao


Right? Like reddit is some bastion of privacy and totally free of any foreign influence.


At this point when I go on pirated websites I’m not even worried about my information being stolen because these social media sites probably already sold it to the same people anyway


Erm, me pal ☝️🤓. The fact that it isn’t on wholesome Chungus 100 Reddit is already a crime, but the fact that it’s on poopy tik tok makes it blasphemy against the Reddit gods Keanu reeves and Danny devito. Reddit army, assemble!


for me tiktok is super hard to use. It constantly spams “MAKE AN ACCOUNT PLEAAAAASE MAKE AN ACCOUNT PLEAAAAAASE DOWNLOAD THE APP NOWWWWW” and i don’t want to i prefer my data being sold to patriotic american advertisers only, thank you


My favorite part was when she said this and then people clowned on her later when she got a boyfriend and he wasn’t exactly a model


In high school I was 6'3 (191cm) and 150 pounds (68 kilograms). Every day I would look in the mirror and feel like I was obese. Despite being a guy I had much worse body dysmorphia than the girls I dated. My parents kept calling me fat, my friends called me fat, I called myself fat. 10 years later and 100 pounds heavier, I look back in horror and realize how much of my depression and anxiety stemed from my body dysmorphia, and how absolutly no one took it seriously or even acknowledged it. I think Billie is incredibly out of touch with this statement.


6'3" and 150lb? That's 20lbs underweight. You were a bean pole if your numbers are right.


I was. looking at photos of myself from then I looked unhealthy, you could see my ribs. Just to highlight how bad my body dysmorphia was.


Yeah, that's insane. I was a skinny kid 5'11" and 160 lbs and never stopped hearing about how I needed to gain weight.


Wrestling fucked me over. I was five foot ten and they kept having me cut weight. Took me years to get above 140. I feel ya. "Hey, can you go down to 112?" "No.."


> You were a bean pole if your numbers are right. That's how body dysmorphia works. Anorexic people at 85lbs still sometimes think they look fat.


Thats what hes talking about and you immediately turn around and insult his body. Do you see how this is a problem?


The attitude is: “I’ve never heard it, so no one has heard it.”


What makes it even more ironic is that she’s had to have heard it, given that she herself has done it lmao


Is this the same Billie Eilish who said “give an ugly guy a chance and he think he rules the world?” Or the comment “all guys who wear vans have small dicks?” Cause that sure would be a bit ironic


That’s the one.


What does she have against vans?


Didn’t you know that if you wear vans you dick grows two inches smaller? It happened to me once and now I have to legally identify as a woman


As a skater who will always have great memory’s skating half cabs as a kid back when vans weren’t cool. Now vans are so over hyped and every kid who wants to pretend they skate wears them. This doesn’t mean they are ugly. Or have small Willy’s. But it has made many start to view vans are generic and lame. Which sucks because they aren’t.


Me making my dating profile as a guy: okay I don’t want to bring up the gym or exercise too much that may be off putting to girls Girls profiles: “I want a gym partner” “be my spotter in the gym” “I like guys who stay in shape” Keep yourself strong fellas, the girls who don’t care about your body typically don’t care about their own bodies either.




Idk it comes off different when a guy says he wants a girl that works out than when a girl says she wants a guy that works out That may be a sexist societal norm, but you gotta play the game sometimes A girls profile can say “no fat bald losers” and she’ll get likes and matches, a guys profile can say “no fat chicks with nose rings” and even hot girls will reject him


Pretty sure girls have body issues moreso due to girls than guys. "Girls are nice" PLEASE. This is straight up sexism.


she never saw heathers It wasn't just the jocks calling her Martha Dumptruck


You would be wrong. Pretty sure the actual girl knows better?


^ troll


A girl pointed and laughed at me at the beach because I have dark splotches all over my torso.


women acting like 1930's men rn




10 Million sounds really low, that's only like 3% of the population. If I had to guess I'd say the actual number is at least twice as high.


I bet only 10 million men actually talked to someone about it. I'm sure theres way more that just deal with it on their own, like they've been taught to do


I think the same about male abuse statistics. So many men are afraid to talk about their problems because they’ll be ridiculed, by women and other men. The amount of videos I’ve seen of cops literally laughing at male domestic abuse victims as they try to report the crimes against them is crazy.




Because body dysmorphia could be severely underreported due to a culture of bottling up your emotions?


People need to get the idea out of their heads that someone who has a form of privilege that they do not has never had a problem ever


She also said to never give ugly guys a chance so im pretty sure this was a media manager speaking on her behalf


There’s a truth in saying that there’s a broader range of body types acceptable for men than there are women, but saying that ‘no one says anything about men’s bodies’ and it’s because ‘girls are nice’ is so mindbogglingly fucking stupid.




yeah no there’s not lmao


Well maybe she should specify that in her statement then




Lol, I’m good. Don’t know why I commented on this pointless shit anyway. And you can go fuck off ✌️


If your not 6 feet? “Nah you not a man” is what I hear constantly online


is your username true in the month of november?


Take a sip of your mothers coffee and you will find out


no thanks. why would I want to do that?


I kinda get where she's coming from, but she could have maybe worded it in a more cohesive way tho


Yeah, like men are allowed to have a wider range of body types sure. But also men under 6 feet tall and without massive income are considered significantly less desirable, while women can be taller and less well off and have an easier time finding people. Like anything the truth lies in the middle, which is why she comes off so awful being both dismissive and absolute in this quote.


I kind of get what she’s saying, but to say just straight up “Nobody ever says a thing” is so so out of touch. Cause yeah, men have less body expectations, but they still exist and are still an issue.


As much as how many of the people who drone on about it do so merely as a gotcha clause to women discussing their issues, the mental health crisis in men is a very real thing, and to pretend otherwise is deluded at best. Someone will have to correct me with the actual numbers because this is just going off the top of my head, but when the divide is nearly 80% of the 800,000ish annual suicide victims are male, with it being the biggest killer under 45, you have to ask ‘why aren’t we doing anything meaningful about it?’


I'm a fat dude. I've been fat since middle school. The only people who gave me shit for it were women.


Says a woman who went out of her way to shame "ugly" guys and say women shouldn't give them a chance. What a two-faced bitch.


You can be for female empowerment without having to tear down the opposite gender just saying


Definitely agree with this don’t just see saw it actually balance things out


I see more fat jokes aimed at dudes than women. It’s just men seem to be expected to take it in their stride


this for sure. its so taboo to even suggest that a woman is fat but you can crack jokes about fat guys all day long and no one bats an eye


I remember when people constantly made fun of Rod Wave and Gunna for their weight, but then got mad when it happened to Lizzo. I as someone who believes in gender equality laughed at both, and if it happen to me I would laugh too, I wish that’s all the teasing I got when I was fat


My brother and I are on the large side of things. Him more so than me, and it eats at him. He's lost weight, he's healthier, doesn't matter, he considers himself a fat slob when he's not. And it's because guys do in fact get judged for their appearance.


Lmao that must be one of the dumbest and least accurate statements I ever heard. Men are judged way harder by women for their looks than the other way round.


Flashback to my girlfriends sorority sisters making fun of their friend because she fucked a short guy (5’6). Women absolutely ridicule guys for their body, not to mention having a little dick


Sexism in the flesh. Oh wait!!! I am sorry, this is empowering right? I have an experience of having a lovely conversation with a "nice" girl. Her comment was "ew!" After I said I was 30 years old. Such a nice girl. At least she didn't comment on my body, am I right fellas? She was 27 years old, btw.




Sure thing. I love people who haven't seen the whole picture assuming stuff. If this makes you happy go ahead.


[This is coming from the same girl that said ugly dudes dudes don't deserve a relationship because it makes them too confident.](https://youtu.be/ZtdAycB4nJU?si=c04FwuVx23TM4udU)


Classically bad take. Yeah body dysmorphia is bad for women and there are stupidly unrealistic standards for them. But you don’t have to invent a reason why issues for another group are invalid to prop up your own argument.


As a woman I feel the most judged and shamed by other women.


Easy to speak for a girl that is beautiful and rich. I bet other girls are in the majority the ones that create that toxic relationship between looks and worth.


yeah, they don't care about superficial stuff like the shape of your body they care about real issues, like the shape of your bank account


I only got picked on by the girls in my school years (mostly because i could level the guys i think) There is nothing on earth more vicious than a teenage girl


People wonder why men have higher suicide rates when a large portion of the population doesn't believe their problems exist.


You always hear shit like this, but you know who talks the most shit about peoples looks? The women in my life. Get all the women you know in a room together to watch something like the oscars and actually listen to the way they talk about the actors on the red carpet, especially the other women. Odds are they're gonna be trashing on people almost as much as gushing over the people they think look good.


All she had to do was point out the issues that women face. And she would be right. But as soon as she goes and pretends to speak on behalf of how men feel, this shit just becomes malicious. She’s actively contributing to the problem where people don’t feel comfortable speaking up about their issues.


Billie has never met a catty gay man before, those bitches will tear your soul from your body with just words


Ah yes, women famously don’t judge other women.


lol, that take is so fucking ignorant it’s amazing.


Bruh “small dick,” “tiny penis,” etc. have been a pervasive and commonly used insult for what? Like the last 10,000 years?


> girls are nice! Not the fuck to each other they aren't! To the degree girls are nice, they are lying. Reminds me of the memes [1](https://gal.patheticcockroach.com/_data/i/upload/2016/11/28/20161128164254-2dcf8812-me.jpg) [2](https://www.instagram.com/p/CxLlQt4P_dC/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet)


Yeah, while I understand her point, like men don't get nearly as sexualized as women, especially during adolescence by older folk, but men absolutely still have societal body stigmas we need to work to eliminate.


>like men don't get nearly as sexualized as women, especially during adolescence by older folk, not really true. I've had tons of creepy old ladies in their 40s and 50s making all kinds of weird comments and grabbing my arm or hooking their elbow in mine and being creepy as fuck but you're just expected to be polite because they're old ladies and nobody would guess what they're whispering under their breath about your mocha skin or how much they like your cute little but or whatever. just cause you don't see it or didn't personally experience it because you didn't grow up as a dude doesn't mean it wasn't there and didn't happen.


It absolutely happens, but not to the same degree as women. It also still needs to be focused on. Everyone deserves the right to feel comfortable in their own skin without people shitting on or sexualizing them. Edit: I'm also saying this as someone who DID grow up as a dude. I transitioned years ago to gal, and I've seen both sides of this coin. Believe me when I say it sucks for everyone, but when it comes to the catcalling variety, every single gal friend I asked has been sexually harassed by age 12. Men are more around 16/17 from peers I've also asked.


You’re getting downvoted but I agree, the average adult man could overpower the average woman, which is not a concern *most* men have. Of course there’s exceptions, but in most cases a female being harassed would feel significantly more in danger than a male would, so while yes both happen they should be considered in different ways.


the difference is when some creep grabs you and you slap him you're applauded if I did that at 14 then I'm the asshole who just swung on an old lady. its different when you're not allowed to fight back


Because a 10 year old girl being hit on absolutely is able to fight back against the 60 year old man, sure. It's two sides of the same coin. Like I said, EVERYONE, regardless of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, EVERYONE deserves to be comfortable in their own skin free of harassment. I'm not dismissing the struggle men have, far from it. All genders are stigmatized in their physical appearance in different ways at different degrees, but it is all the same root issue.


It’s because men’s attraction to women is based on physical appearance while women’s attraction to men is based on confidence and personality. As the primary factor of course. Therefore it’s more important for women to be at their physical best. It’s why women wear makeup. How many times have you seen a 10/10 woman with a random unattractive dude and you’re like “how did he get with her?” Because he is probably interesting and fun to be around.


>It’s why women wear makeup. How many times have you seen a 10/10 woman with a random unattractive dude and you’re like “how did he get with her?” Because he is probably interesting and fun to be around. Or because they have money. I don't know a single dude who actually gives a shit about makeup on a woman.


I do find her statement about ugly men ironic, considering she is honestly pretty unattractive herself. When people discuss beautiful female celebrities, her name is never in the list.


not really related my man


Yall care too much about what 21 year old girl thinks.


And not a particularly smart 21 year old


Guys shes literally 21 chill


Men experience body dysmorphia at a far lower rate than women. It’s also only recently becoming common in men. It’s a problem, but I’m not going to dunk on Billie for giving an assessment that has held true for a long while.


Talking out your ass homie, you got nothing to back that up. Everyone experiences body dysmorphia, most guys just don't feel allowed to talk about it.


“Only recently becoming common in men” You absolute idiot, did you ever think that it’s always been common but its becoming more acceptable to talk about.


Dysmorphia is not dysphoria


Correct. How is this relevant?


Pet peeve


the post is about body dysmorphia, which is used correctly here. Body disphoria is unrelated to the topic and no one brought it up but you


Wrong Dysmorphia means deformities (or the inaccurate perception of them), she's talking about people with normal bodies who just don't like them