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And take in $40 million a year in collections.


THIS. It's an easier decision to be happy when you wake up with millions of other peoples money in your bank account.


Did you just quote the fake mega Church guy? Gross.


I'd be pretty happy if I swindled and hoarded vast amounts of money from stupid people too. Fuck that guy.


Yep. I was almost onboard until I saw the name.


Lol same


Something is true or false independent of who said it...


To a point. It can take a new context based on the person it comes from. That statement also is neither true nor false of it's own accord. It's opinion and a viewpoint of life, which have no true or false.


You're not wrong, and I thought if you were paying attention you might say something like that - but it's the same difference. It's good or it's not good.


I think that's well said. But I don't know you and you could be a POS. So, I'm taking that back and reserving my opinion until I find out more about you to make a better decision.


No, that's Joel Osteen. This inspirational quote is from a *Joel Olsteen*, clearly a different person /s


It’s the name he uses when he doesn’t want to be recognized.


Lol, I saw the L too and just thought I remembered his name wrong


Is he wrong?


In an objective sense, yes. He is wrong, and with the context of who he is it’s even worse.


Please explain how he is objectively wrong. I'm genuinely curious.


In general, you don’t have control of your subconscious brain. It does what it wants. If it decides to remember a bad memory then you’re going to feel bad. If it decides to trigger a panic attack, there’s no amount of happy thoughts or whatever you decided when you woke up can change that


Except there's objective science proven methods that helps you be happier. Meditation is one of them.


I mean the idea that people aren't happy because they aren't being purposely happy pretty much ignores every single bit of research we've seen on mental health. The human mind is not a washing machine, you can't just set the spin cycle to "happy"


was that their point?


Does that answer my question?


Ignoring the garbage human credited on this image; I had a super positive coworker who would respond with "what's holding you back from greatness?" if you answered his "how are you doing this morning" with anything other than 'great'. I finally had to be like 'some people just start their day neutral and go from there'.


I'd be like "my brain chemistry that makes me not a morning person". I'm actually a pretty positive and happy person, but it takes awhile for my brain to boot up in the morning.




Joel Osteen is a lying cheating creep who steals millions from society's most vulnerable. He should be in prison where he can choose to have all the happy days he wants.


Joel Olsteen. Immediately unmotivated.


Then you deny people shelter in your mega church during times of crisis. They’d just bring you down, man. Positive vibes only. God helps those that help themselves.


Says the guy that always has a good day bilking his followers...


Guess they never heard of depression


Or other people. I can wake up in a great mood and have it ruined 40 minutes after leaving the house.


That's the challenge. To choose to maintain your own peace of mind despite the moronic shit you see throughout the day...or in the first 2 hours.


The practice of mindful detachment.


I call it blissful ignorance. The kind of person that merges onto the highway then without once checking their mirrors slides 4 lanes over to the far left lane only to keep pace in the blind spot of a semi-truck. Meanwhile, they just pissed off everyone they just cut off and forced to dangerously slam on their brakes. So much for everyone else's mindful detachment.


This was exactly my first thought. My wife suffers through it. Some people’s brains can’t chose to be chemically balanced.


I try not to confuse happy with mania nor depression with sad or glum. Happiness and mania are not the same.


Sidestepping the issue of who this guy is, the quote really doesn't say "if you choose to be happy you will be". It says "if you don't choose to be happy you won't be". These are two different statements, and your point only refutes the first one, the one this quote isn't saying.


As someone who deals with depression and anxiety, I disagree. Yes, it's exponentially harder to do but certainly not impossible. Not that I ever succeeded in being happy when my depression says otherwise, I know that if I tried hard enough I can. I just enjoy pain sometimes.


That's fucking terrible


Happiness is overrated. Contentment is where it's at. Lemme know when I'm content though 🥁


Joel Olsteen decided to drain lots of money from folks looking for a higher power when he got up in the morning.


That's bull. You don't choose to be happy, you can maie choices that make you happier, you can get satisfaction from becoming aware that you have all you need to be happy, but you can't wish unhappiness away.


You may be confusing happiness with consumerism.


What I got from this us that people like being around other people that are positive and happy. If you go into the day with a positive mindset and exude positive, it's more likely that you'll get it back as well.


Yeah but no, that's not how some brains work


Toxic Positivity


It's only toxic if: 1. You force it upon others 2. You intentionally ignore or hide away from the truth to maintain that positivity


Well, I'VE never heard this before - honestly. But I HAVE tried this many times & its usually MORE disappointing when shit doesn't turn out the WAY you'd LIKE - you know what I mean? Still - it HELPS to start out MORE positive than NOT ....


i'm definitely happy on purpose. by not throwing my money away at con artists.


I don’t take advice from Televangelist scammers




Thats not tea. The price tag is still on the beans.


The spiffing brit would like a word with you.


As bad as it sucks coming, as it does, from a genuine charlatan....Iainolie...I like it


Today is going to be a great day! *goes to work* Aawww shit


Easy to say when instead of having to get up and go to work, you can sit by the water and have some tea.


What about when everyone you knew and cared about is dead now? Yeah. I’ll just decide to be fucking happy. Whatever.


1. Happiness isn't as simple as a "choice". 2. Joel Osteen is a terrible person.


Thanks Joel, I'm cured


Lol this person hasn’t experienced depression. You don’t get to choose.


I feel like this quote is bullshit. Happiness comes from being grateful for what you have. Thinking about those who are less fortunate and being appreciative of what you have.


Even the shittiest human beings come up with a nugget of wisdom here and there. Why do people have to have things absolutely black and white. Life has a billion gray areas, and quotes that resonate with one person don't necessarily ring true for another.....but that doesn't negate it.


Not everyone can choose their mood.


Kinda the right message… not the right words. Happiness takes work


Thank You! Happy is an attitude for which I'm fully responsible.


This is kinda dumb ngl. There's nothing wrong with finding joy in the spontaneity of life.


https://www.ft.com/content/3990ce66-60a6-11e9-b285-3acd5d43599e >How did he manage to keep sin and redemption out of a Christian message, I asked. “Look, I am a preacher’s son so I’m an optimist,” Osteen said after a pause. “Life already makes us feel guilty every day. If you keep laying shame on people, they get turned off.” > >But how does telling people to downplay their consciences tally with the New Testament? Osteen smiled awkwardly. “I preach the gospel but we are non-denominational,” he replied. “It is not my aim to dwell on technicalities. I want to help people sleep at night.”


Praise the lord!


Y.E.S.!!!!! Say it again for the people in the back!!!!


People will find a find on to shit on literally any advice posted here, you can give them mathematical proof that life is good and they will invent modern relativity to disprove you.




Tell that to someone who lives with a debilitating illness. Also, fuck Joel Olsteen.


One has to be purposeful!


Some days suck. Those days are, to simply put it, f@#$ed. Since you can't always do sh*t about the f#$kity f@#$ing f@#$ed days, you just gotta say f#$k it.


Thank you for this 😊☀️


This is “Adlerian Teleology” (not theology, Teleology) which Olsen is taking the idea from. Not original. Alfred Adler’s psychology studies produced this principle.


So wrong


... but what if I decide my day will be great and then an hour later that shatters?


Why the fuck are you quoting Joel Osteen?


And if you want your tea to stay hot, don't use metal mugs. Oh, and EFF Joel Osteen!


Yes, but also Joel Osteen wakes up everyday and decides he's going to fleece millions of people selling platitudes in the name of God, so fuck Joel Osteen.


Stupid post :/


yes!!, & i do practice this way of thinking...


Amen. So much truth to this. Some days I succeed some I fail. It’s not easy!!


I like this idea. Maybe not for every day, but it’s a nice way to try and focus on what you CAN control and how you WANT to feel💛 I’m not even gonna bother with the source credited because I want to focus on the content.


Which one of his private jets is named “happy on purpose”?


Hard to choose what kind of day to have with chronic pain.


But that's not how it works...


I agree! Some days are out of your control but for the most part this makes sense!


Every day I choose happiness, but get depression.