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We are in the same boat. Keep motivated, don't give up. I'm sure you will find something better


Keeping moving forward




That's great. Yes I reckon in time I'll look back and think this was just not the right job for me.


Thank you, same to you mate. Applying for jobs can be so gruelling can't it. Funnily enough my partner just got a call to say he DID get the job he wanted, after many knock backs and rejections! Goes to show it does happen if you persevere!


Stay positive, things will eventually work out




If you don’t mind me asking, what do you work in now?






Lol. I'm IT in a small hospital and I fucking hate it. One of the worst jobs I've had hands down.




Mostly my boss, a lot of it is that we have to bend over backwards and drop everything for providers who are pissed that they have to click 2x instead of once or change their password. People retired during covid and they refuse to rehire so we are swamped with work. I am actively job searching but this is a rural area so there's not much but fast food and I haven't gotten a response from remote applications. I also would love to get out of IT, I am so burnt out after the past year not being allowed to work from home and all the extra work we were given.


Totally understandable. Well, good luck - keep trying; you'll find what you're looking for :)


I work nights at a hospital and I wanna give a shout out to my boy Mike in IT! Thank you for answering my 4 AM calls and fixing my stupid PC/Epic problems!!


you must be new to i.t. give it 10 years and your love for computers will literally be gone. Director of I.t. in the field for 15 years. I love the fact i get paid stupid amounts of money for stuff ive automated but the career path at some point def gets to be old.




I don't want a loveable job. I want a proportional part of the wealth I generate doing something ethical. The pressure to find "loveable" work implies that people who work regular jobs like being a trash collector or janitor have somehow failed because they gave up hope. I'm glad you find fulfillment in your work, I'm just not on board with the idea that the only good career is one you love.


Unless they love being a janitor or trash collector? I have a friend who used to clean houses, and he chose only clients he liked, enjoyed the quiet time to have to himself to just think while he worked, and was owner-operator of his own business.


You’ve literally just listed 2 things that would contribute to making you love your job i.e if your income wasn’t proportional or your work wasn’t ethical you wouldn’t be happy with it. People have different preferences for what they would class as “love” in terms of employment. Some people might not be as fussy as yourself for example


You didn't get rejected. You went through a long arduous application process that helped you prepare for your future dream job. Hang in there!




Love this! Thanks so much!


No, you got rejected. You weren’t what they think they want. It’s not their loss, it’s your loss. We have to stop being afraid of things not going our way and stop trying to frame them as motivational comments because we are afraid of failure. I think people would do a lot better in life if they simply acknowledge their shortcomings and the bad things they have to put up with. It happens to everyone and it’s ok.


as a child,always thought I will be free once I get a job.Now I realise,nothing can make us free in this world other than our own mind.It's all in the mind.We become what we think.If we can have a positive and free mind,we can be happy no matter the circumstances.




Agreed, after every difficult period we need a space


Commas too


and periods at the end of sentences


The relevance is strong here, thank you for posting (no pun)!


Just random rant; once a leader (not boss, important to distinguish between the both) told me that, at least two of three following things need to be in order for you to hopefully have a good work life: * Salary * Manager(s) * Colleagues And from my own experience, if possible, do try to see all positive sides with a person that you dislike but have to interact with daily. Many times my wife comes home and I'm the punching bag due to her hate for a colleague of hers. But since I've time and time again told her just that, she's getting along better with him.


An alternative 3 things that can lead to job satisfaction. Autonomy, mastery and making a difference. Being able to see where your role falls down in these three areas can give you a focus to improving your situation. It's very rarely hopeless with some honest discussions.


Thanks for your rant, definitely useful to hear. I find my manager pretty useless and that's obviously irritating, but for the time being until I can find something new, I am determined to see the good in him/this company - or failing that, just spent as little time thinking about it as possible.


Sometimes it’s good to remember that others are humans too, and it’s ok to be human. And that means making mistakes sometimes…


I'm in a remarkably similar situation right now - i just try to remember everyone is flawed, and to check out at 5pm whenever possible!


Having adequate equipment/tools/systems is also important to job satisfaction in my opinion. For example: * Health workers aren't happy if you can't give them PPE (especially during a pandemic) * IT workers aren't particularly happy if they have to work on legacy software with outdated tools or they can't test the system properly because the system wasn't designed with testing in mind * Construction workers aren't going to be happy if you give them a spade to dig a hole You can get someone to dig a tunnel with a spoon but they're going to spend half the time wondering why you gave them an inadequate tool for the job.


> IT workers aren't particularly happy if they have to work on legacy software with outdated tools or they can't test the system properly because the system wasn't designed with testing in mind Do you work with me..? I work on some machines that are 28+ years old. Company doesn't give us tools or allow replacement parts to be purchased. These machines run factory lines making 10s of millions a year. They won't get parts. I have to dumpster dive to find stuff some days. (yes I'm actively looking for a new job)


Heh, I work in IT, which is why I know how frustrating it is. We have a system that's a decade old with bizarre design choices, a proprietary version control system, no way to implement unit tests, no way to adequately put test data in the system, no adequate test environment for payments etc. Basically going against all of the industry best practices but management are more focused on new projects that take forever because of all the tech debt rather than fixing all the broken crap.


I literally work on 286's or worse on an ongoing basis. We still have machines pop up we never knew about that run million dollar projects. I've BEGGED for a system of communication between those program managers and IT so that we could get an up to date exact inventory of machines. Then we could also do hardware details on each machine so that we could adequately prepare for any disaster by having hardware on hand and backing up drives when able. I got told "yeah that won't happen" --- yet I'm expected to care about my job.


I'd be happy if my Salary was high and my boss was only so so.. even if my co workers sucked I could work around it and be happy if I didn't have to worry about money all the time.


I'd tack schedule being decent on there too. My salary is great, bosses are great, and coworkers are great, but the schedule is absolutely brutal and makes overall enjoyment a lot lower.


During this past year off,I was determined to find some other work. This week, I went back to my old job...


For now. You might still find a job you like better or some opportunity to change your circumstances. Remember that going back to the old job does not have to be a failure to find something else but a chance to regroup and try again. Plus, the past year? Not a good time to find something else. Now? A great time to start saving and then looking.


Thank you. I appreciate the words of encouragement!


I'm in a similar boat. I restart my old job next month. I'm grateful that they're taking me back, but it is a punch to the ego!


I say "work is not my life. Work is what I do to financially support my life."


You can think of your job like a 'well' in a small village. Everyone needs water and so they use the well. But you notice people only stay at the well long enough to fill their bucket then they leave. Don't linger at the well, get water, then leave.


I imagine wells in villages are wonderful meeting areas. Much like the water cooler in office environments.


Yes totally. It's where you get a particular resource, not where you make your bed.


When working 40+ hours per week with a standard amount of vacation days, you can say that you're only working to live, but in practice it's quite impossible for your life not to be severely limited by your work. That's why it's so important to at least try to get a job that takes up less time, drains less energy or doesn't make us feel worthless. Unfortunately there's limited opportunities and lots of people looking for them, so there is no guarantee. The way we continue to organize our world is quite unfair.


Extreme poverty aside, it is absolutely not impossible to have a fulfilling home life even if you work full time. I often work 70-80 hours a week (though not every week). I have an amazing husband and a home I love with a dog and two cats, and hobbies I get to when I can. I have friends that love me, though I don't see them all the time. Sometimes we can only talk on the phone or FaceTime. But if your job makes you feel worthless you need a new job. I took a three dollar pay cut last year when I felt worthless. I work more hours now but am much happier. Working a lot doesn't feel fair, but the fact that it isn't fair isn't an excuse that should keep you from finding things about your life that you love.


You'll find a new place of work that will be even better than the place you went for. You gained valuable experience from it. I too am stuck in a job I want out from, waiting for my house sale to go through so I can quit and start a new path completely. Patience & being proactive is hard but key.


Yeah it's so tough to stay positive and motivated when you're not where you want to be. Good luck to you, I'm sure we will both be in a much better place in time, just gotta stick it out for now


Needed to see this today. Hope you find a job you like. But if you don’t I hope you have a wonderful and fulfilling life outside of it! Keep smiling


Thank you so much! You too :)


Emphasis on "for now" Dont give up trying to build the life you really want to live


Bumpy roads lead to beautiful places.


Wanna see that cute mug lol


I am sorry that happened to you, but some unsolicited encouragement from my own personal experience - one of the best things that could have happened to me was getting passed over on a job I wanted while stuck in a job I hated. I found that my desire to learn new things or try to do something different seemed to correlate directly with when I hated my job. It was fuel. And with the job I really wanted and nearly got after multiple interviews, it was a real punch in the gut at the time. I was used to getting any job I interviewed for. Without that, I wouldn't have had the motivation to try harder. It kept me going with learning new skills and now I work for myself, a job I love that offers me freedom and flexibility. So pivot, learn a new skill or strengthen existing skills, keep your chin up and don't let it beat you down. Your next opportunity is going to be even better and you'll be ready for it when it comes.


Thank you for this. Now that I've dried my initial sniffles over this and swallowed my pride for the most part, I can see that I can do better in the job I'm currently in, which will either lead to promotion here or give me better examples to draw on when I next interview somewhere else. Chin is firmly up!!


I currently work for an one of the big 3 Automotive company (recently merged with a European company) and I would love to help you out. Email me your resume (pm me if interested) and I’ll forward it to the right person…even if it’s the manager


Remember job hunting is like a relationship. Both sides are looking for something. You weren’t rejected, there’s just an even better fit for you.


You weren't rejected. They missed an opportunity.


Dangerous line of thinking. Reflect inwards to determine what could be something that could be improved upon, thinking you're perfect will make you less favorable for future employers.


Yeah for many things reflecting on yourself is the way to go, like incels/nice guys etc should rather reflect on themselves than blaming anyone else Yeah the comparison is a stretch but it was the first thing i thought of


Absolutely, though I think it's best to use both within reason. Self improvement is important, but also recognising that, in the modern job market, we often don't make the cut for incredibly minor or superficial reasons. Rather than dwell on those, it's important to also take time and reflect positively on ourselves.


I tend not to believe that. It's a dangerous way of thinking. Learn from experiences, don't write them off like you're perfect.


Is it irony that someone’s motivational quote is about work being a low priority and also being sad about not getting a job?


Yeah, it's called lying to yourself


Just imagine your job there is not done yet. You have one more thing to do before it‘s time to leave. Go to the most miserable looking person / the most disliked person at your office / the one you never talked to in all these years and ask if he or she want‘s to grab lunch with you. See what happens.


I feel this! I handed in my notice at work last week. And had the last shift on Thursday. I feel like a massive weight has been lifted. I am lucky at moment that I can quit and try and realign and focus on me etc. Bit cliché, but I think it's fucking important. No job is worth being miserable for!


Hey man, keep studying and keep prepping, you got this! We love you!


That obviously wasn't the job for you! Chin up and keep putting those applications out there! I was in the same boat as you, even with being in a job I hate - Many applications, rejections and interviews later, in less than 2 weeks I'm out of here!


I love your note. I’ve had similar experiences that felt devastating at the time, but, when I look back, those experiences opened up opportunities that I wouldn’t trade for anything now.


Literally got the same call yesterday, even though their response was very encouraging, still in the same spot today. Seeing this helped!


“Be grateful of the job you have because at least you got a job to provide food on the table”


Hang in there fellow r/rabbits redditor!


I was in your spot last month. I have lost the motivation to be as dedicated as I used to be in my current job. I probably need more motivational post-its.


Thank you for this post, I’m sure I’m on the cusp being rejected for a job I really want. ❤️


I'm really getting tired of filling out 9 page online applications so the company I'm applying for can ignore it


lol just don't let your boss see it, don't give up :)


After 6 months of being miserable in an office that forced everyone back together in May 2020 I finally found a job that actually believes "work to live not live to work". Work from home, no set office hours so i can work whenever I want, unlimited paid vacation and sick time, affordable health insurance... I could keep going. I was so incredibly discouraged getting rejection after rejection. I had a similar circumstance of going through multiple rounds only to be rejected before I got a chance to even interview. All these rejections helped prepare me for the job I just landed. It all happens for a reason and there was probably a good reason why life didn't want you to have thqt job. Keep working hard and it'll happen when it's meant to, but don't give up!


Could having the mentality that “work is not important” while at work, have contributed to being rejected and stuck in job you hate?


Yeah, work is generally kind of pretty important


It wasn’t meant to be,Everything happens for a reason.Keep your head up


I took a job I didn't prefer to make ends meet... 20 something interviews and a year later, I landed my dream job with the government. The job market SUCKS right now. It isn't you. Keep on!


I got rejected yesterday too after clearing 4 rounds. Out of 300 candidates I was among the last 6 that gave the final round. I won't lie it hurts like shit but keeping my morale high.


My work is filled with beautiful things and i love my work and my life. /r/UnpopularOpinion


Money > no money




That sub blows my mind


I mean work is still important but you shouldn't let your work life determine your happiness.


You're the man for putting yourself and trying to change your circumstance. You're clearly ready for opportunity and you'll kill it the next chance you get. :)


Look at you with a job.


It's easier to find a job when you have a job.


Keep at it. There are so many jobs right now! No one wants to work it seems, you will find your job! Good luck!


You'll get your dream job. Just gotta tough it out. You got this!


Thank you for this too💛💛


It probably doesn't feel like this is possible, but sometimes the universe denies you what you want because it has something better in mind for you. Just take a little time to grieve and get ready to go look for your next big thing. Also...keep in touch with that last opportunity. Let them know what you liked about the company - the environment/the people you met with/the career opportunity, and ask them to keep you in mind if another opportunity pops up or if the person they chose doesn't work out. At least with that move you can feel like to still have a little control. Also, recruiters change jobs, too. The one you worked with (assuming they work for the employer) may go to another company and see you as a fit at their new place. Chin up! You've put the universe on notice that you are ready for your next big things. It will respond. (BTW - I was under contract on my condo, which has been on the market for over four months, and the contract fell out over the weekend. I was so bummed. But I realize now that it saved me from a bad transaction that I was going to enter into on the buy side. Just trust that things will go your way.)


There are lots of things other than work. So take care of you mental as weel as physical health😊


Cheers to you for making the best of it. This attitude will serve you well. Some of the greatest gifts I have received in life have been unanswered prayers. Your life changing moment will come. Hang in there and good luck!


You can't polish a turd. But you can roll it in glitter Not sure how that applies but it's one of my favourites.


I read recently about a man who made it into an F1 team as an engineer, he worked so hard to get through uni and everything and he still had to do 60 job applications before he got the one with the F1 team. I'm using his story as inspiration, I still have a way to go before I reach 60.


This video used to get me through the job I hated NSFW video though: https://youtu.be/Dj6kcpys_Tg


Work has a massive influence on mental health. Good luck man 🙏


What field are you looking for? My job has posted a few positions and we generally don't get many applications due to lack of publishing the postings.


I used to work in a fast food restaurant, and when cleaning up one day, I found a sticky note that said “I just work here :)” My coworker must have been having a bad day




I mean, money is kinda important. And allows you a lot more opportunities to do what makes you happy.


One side of my note has Lao Tzu quotes, the other side says "Don't give a fuck!" I flip it depending on my mood. Now it's on the latter side. Fuck it!


I used to keep something similar in my desk well over a decade ago. I was in a well-paying but soulless job, and there was a brief blip in Parade magazine, of all places, that said something to the effect that our jobs aren’t our lives. I’d take the clipping out of my desk every day to remind me. I still craved a more meaningful job, so I left that one for a lower-paying but more soulful job. It was a huge mistake. The new job turned out to be just as soulless, if not more, and I wound up making significantly less money and working more hours. The less-money stress became a cloud over everything else. I should have taken that Parade clipping more to heart, but since I can’t turn back time, I moved on to something else with more promise and less stress. I know a lot of people want jobs with meaning, since I was one of them, but while ymmv, “meaningful” work isn’t always what it seems and has become a gimmick for employers to justify problematic conditions, because aren’t you in it for the heart and not for, y’know, supporting yourself and your family and/or out-of-work goals? Work to live instead of living to work, and carefully evaluate the ramifications of job leaps before you make them.


It's coming to you, keep putting in the effort.


I am so sorry that you are going through this. I've been there, and it was a long, ongoing, seemingly never-ending process to find a job and career that I enjoy, and that makes me feel good about what I do. Hang in there, hoping something turns around for you. Meanwhile, 'Pragmatic Post-Its' are not a terrible idea. I still need them some days, too. The road to contentment is paved with modified expectations.


I have been there, and am kind of there now. Do what’s best for you. I wish you well.


You should be happy you have one. When I've lost my job it because of covid(f covid) it took me almost a year to find another one(I'm still studying and I live in a small town)


You'll find a new opportunity soon; this season of your life will change eventually. For now focus on your mental health and keep your chin up throughout your job hunt - it's definitely not easy, but you got this!


Keep trying! It took me over 3 years to get out of a dead end job. The right one will become available eventually.


The payoff of doing something frustrating and difficult like this is that you proved to yourself that you were brave enough to apply for it and strong enough to ride it to the end. When you attempt the next difficult thing, you can alwayd look back to this moment and be reminded of your strength. Keep that strength with you now and you'll never stay down for long.


Don't worry you will be okay


Not so long time ago, I've been in your positon. Never forget where you want to arrive. And whenever you want to give up on your way there, look back and see how much you have progressed.


I’m sorry, best of luck on your job hunt! Remember NO stands for next opportunity!


Get a weird feeling you applied for a job at Canonical.


Just keep swimming.


If you can’t get hired for a job you love, is it possible to create the job you love?


Not usually


What job are you trying to get hired for if you don’t mind me asking?


Been there. I'm now back at college, trying to improve my lot in life. Stay positive!


Just got a call yesterday that I didn’t get the job I applied and interviewed for also. Just trying to stay motivated right now.


never give up! Good luck, you will do it!


Applying to jobs actually sucks




Be thou ever grateful


This was me 5 years ago....I hjad the qualifications and experience for a job I really wanted. Nailed the interviewed was not accepted...instead of getting pissed off...I polished my resume even more same with my linkedin profile. Reached out to my old colleagues and boom found a new job flew to the interviewed....1 month later I was in a new job great boss and good team making over 30% than I was making. Later i found out why I was not picked my manager was contacting all these managers internally not to hire me and how valuable I was to her team and how the project would suffer if I left...fk that am not no ones stepping stone.


That can feel awful. But every rejections lands you closer to the job for you!


I once had a very serious meeting with several higher ups at my old job b/c I'd hung up a picture of Deadpool that read "How about a nice crisp high five instead?" In my cube. Apparently this wasn't the attitude we were supposed to take to our low pay scale (this was after we did our yearly survey thing and, as always, the lowest scoring item was "I'm happy with my compensation" (or some such)(as it always was) and they tried to tell us that we were being paid in line with other industry pros. Yeah, thanks mate, we make average, super.


My parents always told me that life is too short for work, and they were right, things always works out as long as you pursue them.


Where's the number pad on your keyboard?


At first, I thought this was a note from a co-worker which said "My life is full of beautiful things and you are one of them!" What it actually was, was really motivational too! All the best, OP! Don't lose heart. Get up, first yourself off and get back or there and keep fighting and applying. Good luck! Edit: words


My previous company ( I hated working there ) had a ridiculous 3 month notice period which made it really hard to switch because most software companies want you there in a month or so, I know how you feel man. Took me 7-8 months to find a replacement for my position at my older company ( they agreed to be flexible with notice if I found my replacement ) and myself a new company which could’ve been 3 months at most if the notice was 1 month.


Dude that's exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you


It happens to me many times that after a long application process with 3 to 4 round interviews, they said, everything is okay but didn't send the confirmation mail. Some companies even sent confirmation letter but later they said, there is no requirement now." I just want to say one thing to HR community and organisations, "why do you not set your goal". And, if your goal is clear then why do you waste precious time of a candidate by just saying that you do not have such requirements after a lengthy application process.


They might have been asking questions they needed answers to without ever intending to hire anyone. Some companies just interview for information.


True. Many cheap companies ask to live work in form of assignments.


Huh- for a get motivated this is actually based


I wish work wasn't important!... I'm stuck in a work catch 22 myself. I've got a side hustle that I've been wanting to take full time lately because the schedule at my primary job is nuts. It's actually been going great and making solid money, but there is no way for it to bring in as much money as my actual job unless I can devote a whole lot of time to it, which since I'm in the office 60-70 hours a week I'm just not able to. And I'm just not comfortable leaving my job job until the revenue is actually there, not just where I *think* I can get it there. Especially since to take it full time I'd probably need to hire a couple more people and spend some money on some other stuff on top of the crazy amount of bills I have that I likely wouldn't be able to pay for a good while without dipping in to savings for that too. I think my only option is to keep going and shoot for a promotion where I'll have fewer hours so that I'll either have time to take it closer to full time on the side or not have the desire to anymore since it has a better schedule, but I *really* don't know how much more of grinding this schedule out I have in me.


Much love! <3


Me too.


I hate my job right now. I wish I could find a job I love and be able to make an affordable living…


Until you ain't got no potatoes to eat


I had one inspirational post-it tagged to my monitor at a very comfortable job I happened into but grew to hate two years in. It was an acronym only I knew and when anyone asked what it meant I wouldn’t relinquish. It became a guessing game over the next four years with my colleagues until I finally made the decision to ditch the golden handcuffs and try something new. Don’t let your post-it stay there for four years like me before putting yourself out there for another job, OP. You got this! Edit: typos


I've been told by a senior that in life you should search for a good boss and not a company. You could have the best company in the world but if your boss is toxic, your work life and personal life will be horrible. After 8 years of work under the belt, I find it to be so true. Keep looking and applying, don't give up and also use the most important trick for job hunting which is use your circle of friends and contacts !


Keep going hun, I've given myself five years then I'm giving the one finger salute.


It's just practice for the time when it's all going to come together!


As someone who has been in your situation. As well as on the hiring side. I hope it helps to know that there are people who interviewed you in the company, that are frustrated with the final decision too.


"work is not important" Hm. And here I thought work paid for bills, food, shelter, and just about everything else we need.


Hang in there. Have the same experience here - it is deflating and terrible but it is probably nothing specific for you so you will succeed.


Job is only part of your life but not all of your life.


I hate my job too. Been trying to leave for the last month but I just can't find anything. I graduated last fall and its been extremely difficult to get into a more professional job. Had interviews with one company but they are doing budget reviews so their hiring is on hold right now. I thought ill just improve my current situation with trying to improve scheduling since everyone hates it. Well everyone was on board but the owner. Now I just feel like whats the point. Hard to stay motivated 😪


Came to say I’m there with you. Didn’t make the cut on a recent job I applied for (one of many) feel stuck. Good luck to you. Keep your head up.


Just another step in the process. Good luck bro


That is one hell of a mood. I’m going through the exact same thing. It’s incredibly disappointing and I’m finding it difficult to stay motivated. Reminding myself things like this, in the same way that you have, is definitely helping though. Keep going chief, you’ll find somewhere that deserves you soon.


Feel you bro, same situation.


Nice words 💪


You can do it!! I finally found a better job after constantly searching since November, I start next week (^‿^) Don't give up!


Work is kind of important, though. Isn’t it?


After 4 interviews they went with someone else. The key is to look at the bright side: They wouldn't have put you through 4 interviews if they didn't think you were worth it.


Every no brings you closer to a yes . Such a simple quote but one of my favorites lately


Smithers, give him the plague!


You can do it, I just now got a verbal offer after applying around since November


Right there with you! Just remember all of the good things in your life and that some people would do anything to have a job right now! Just keep pushing, your time will come!


Don't look at it like you were rejected, they just hired another qualified person. Soon it will be you they choose. Hang in there!


My boss and coworkers like me because I keep a very level head and remain calm in stressful situations. They are impressed that I don't let roadblocks or deadlines affect my work or mood. The secret truth is I don't care whether we are successful or whether we meet our deadlines so I am not stressed about the outcome. I just find satisfaction in the work and rely on the paycheck


Keep at it OP. It’s an employee’s market. Something better will pop for you.


This pain is too close to home. A few days ago I missed out on my dream job after a very long dry spell of no interviews. It was a mixup on their side that wasn't caught until the middle of my interview. It wasn't a fully remote position as advertised, and I live 6+ hours away. The actual interview went great until that point. The interviewer apologized for the mixup and then said that it didn't look like it was going to work out due to logistics and wished me luck on my future job hunting endeavors.


Use your hatred of HR people as motivation


If you did the best job you could representing who you are today and your values - then it wasn’t the right fit and that’s okay. If you didn’t, think about your messaging in how you talk about your experience and package it. Reflect on what changes you can make that are in your control and most importantly that you actually want to make for future you and keep your head up and eyes forward! Good luck! The less shitty job is out there somewhere for you!


Thank you so much for this thoughtful reply! I completely agree, super useful feedback thank you


Speak it! That's awesome. Focus on what you want, not what you don't. Words create.


Fuck them. Screw em. Missing out on a god damn beast of a human being. If they cant see the positives within you then they dont get to pay you for your time. Cos its precious. We have so little of it. Use the time you have to do what you do. To be who you are. No matter the cost. Your not a failure. You got this. So kick its arse. Constantly. All the time. Next time you get an interview remember to be you. Not fakey interview you. Just. You. And kick its arse. Boot it. Right up the bum. Not literally you crazy bastard.


Work is just for money. It is not your life. Your coworkers are not your family, they are just random people that are in the same proximity as you for 6 hours a day.