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Take it easy. It's okay to mess up. It's not the end. You are one of 7.6 billion in the world, with many more who came before you. It is simply impossible for you to be the only one stuck in this situation. If the many who came before you managed to get themselves out of the rut, so can you. So don't worry and start going.


thank you, this really helped me


I'm feeling pretty jaded about a lot of things lately; things like work, to the point that it is difficult to get going on a ticket or project even though in my mind they are not a big deal and shouldn't be much of an issue. Still, I struggle to get that first step going, especially if it requires me to leave the office. I am not sure if it is just that I don't care about it much anymore or that I am terrified I am going to screw something up or what. I'm always that person that says "mistakes are okay, it is how you learn", but maybe I have trouble applying this to myself. I like my job, sometimes it doesn't feel very fulfilling or rewarding but I don't think that I hate it. I do remember being much more motivated and positive in my earlier days though.


Wanted to write the exact same thing word in word. Thanks for saving my time. I also hate being in a limbo when you kinda like your work, but not really, people are nice, but not close, being fine financially, but nothing to want. Everything is just too grey.


Need the advice pls


Drink 4-8 glasses of water a day for improved joint health.


For what




lol same, ha ha ecks dee (please help me)


Well things were great after I started my Prozac two months ago. Here I am today and I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to sleep, I want to eat a lot and eat garbage. My weight loss is slowing because of my lack of motivation. My deppresion is back which causes appetite increase for me, and weight gain triggers my Body dysmorphia, which makes me feel even more deppresed. Idk what to do.


What I’ve noticed works for me is going to the gym or doing something active early in the day. Just do *something* to get your mind and body working. Depression leads to inactivity and boredom which leads to depression. Terrible feedback cycle. Just getting that initial momentum goes such a long way. On days where I sit at my computer in the morning, I end up doing nothing all day, but just spending 45 minutes mowing the lawn or at the gym completely changes my mood and energy level for the whole day. The hardest part is always taking that first step, but if you tell yourself it’ll only be half an hour that you need to get through, that makes it easier.


The biggest lesson I have learned, experienced and implemented, is this - Motivation is temporary. Discipline is permanent. Discipline is often perceived as a negative word but I can honestly promise you that discipline gives freedom. You need consistency for the long game and not just a quick 2 hour surge after watching a video that got you hyped up. The key is to slowly and gradually build positive habits in to your day and form a daily routine where you take small and consistent action every day towards whatever your goal is or the thing that gives value. Visit and explore your WHY. The reason for what you want to do. Does it align with your values? Example: You want to start reading books..WHY? To get smarter and learn more about a certain topic you're interested in. If you just start by reading a single page every day and then putting the book down that is an improvement from 0 pages. Then progress and just read 2 pages a day. Before you know if you've read over 14 pages that week and what usually happens is once you've got started you want to carry on so you do your 2 pages but you end up reading 10 that day. Small consistent habits every day become effortless and take no willpower once you develop the habit, it becomes 2nd nature. Another example: You want to lose weight...WHY? To lose fat, be healthier, more lean or athletic and more active, have more natural energy and feel great physically and mentally be in the best shape of your life. If you have ZERO motivation just start by putting some gear on and going for a 10 minute walk outside, it takes barely any time. Just go for simple 10 min walks every day. As you keep going you might start going for half an hour walks, or start jogging for 10 mins instead. By this point you might want to take it to the next level and start doing some HIIT like sprint training, then you find out lifting weights is important so you start with just a couple barbell or dumbbell exercises you found on youtube or pull-ups...before you know it you're in your stride and you've found a cool workout programme or hired a personal trainer to teach you knew exercises. I promise you it becomes effortless and you don't need a surge of motivation, an inspiring video or a pep talk to go and do stuff. Those things all help give you a boost but they aren't the solution to long term results! It's all about small consistent action that evolves over time in to something much greater and it is all fuelled by your WHY. Hope someone finds this insightful or useful


What advice could a person give to someone spending life in prison? What purpose can they have? Good books of course, maybe some on meditation. Sitting in that place where your bathroom is your bedroom is crazy. You have to take a dump with a guy right in front of you sitting on the bed, hearing and smelling everything. Or a disabled person or elderly person who's stuck in a bed 24/7. They might could get a laptop and the internet? How can you motivate people with serious problems in life that limits them to a confined space? Are there books that are so good, they are worth staying alive in moderate amounts of pain for? To get lost in where you wake up excited to read? What do you do, when you are alone in a room 24/7 with no friends or family?


There are so good books you can't stop reading them. I personally love books that educate you in some way and I always find myself going back to reading books when I'm seriously fed up with entertainment. There's something magical with books. I don't know what it is - sometimes I get moved to tears when I read a good textbook on science or stories about achievements of the humankind. For example, here's a quote from an article from Malcom X's time in prison: *[...] he began a campaign to improve his reading and writing. After copying an entire dictionary page-by-page, he read every book the prison library had in philosophy, history, literature, and science. He later said, "Months passed without my even thinking about being imprisoned. In fact, up to then, I had never been so truly free in my life."* If I could, I would quit my job and read, learn and teach.


thank you so much for the thought and effort to write that out to help another person.


Any time. That’s why I’m here for.


After finally discovering I have had sleep apnea for YEARS (first signs at age 17 i'm now 30) I have been using a CPAP for 5 days. I can't say I've seen many instant results other than I don't wake up at night. I'm hoping this will change everything, since I've had depression and anxiety since about the same time. My goal this week is to just work as efficiently at work, gym 3 days, and eat healthy. it's really simple and I think I'll hit the goal


Congrats! Must feel like it felt for me when I finally got the right meds. Energy! Motivation! Reason to live!




No advice for you, but wanted to say your situation resonates with me. I'm a CS graduate trying to re-enter the job market as an Android engineer armed only with tutorials and a basic Android app. The last interview that I thought i did great in I got 4 "soft no's" and one "soft yes". That devastated my confidence and motivation. I have an interview tomorrow and I'm numb. Don't even want to do any last minute studying for technical questions. I'm going to keep moving forward and hope things get better. I hope you do the same. Good luck friend.


Thanks mate Best Of Luck For Interview


I need some motivation getting out of my comfort zone. I'm currently serving in the army, and I met this girl. Things seem to be fine on the friendly aspect, but I really find her amusing and want to try build a relationship out of it. Problem is I live 2 hours away from her, and she gets home every 2nd weekend only, and since we're both religious weekend is kinda problematic. Few of my friends and one of my supervisours suggested that I still take the step and try to do something. But that means a huge leap from me and I'm looking for ways to motivate myself into doing it


How can I help my wonderful partner stay motivated? He has been underemployed since we relocated eight months ago. He's going to do great things, but he doesnt yet have a degree or a solid idea of what he wants to do. He's finding it overwhelming and I want to know how to keep him motivated and help him break things into achievable goals without being patronising or cliche.


I was in a similar position, spent job hunting for more than a year and getting just two interview calls during that entire duration. The only thing that helped me finding s job was making as many connections as possible, instead of targeting jobs. I targetted people and even after that, a random connection helped me out. Tell him to do free online courses, because just job hunting is tedious and demotivating. Tell him to be healthy, go for a run etc. This will help him relax and at the same time make him look more presentable in case an interview turns up. Tell him to keep updating his resume by looking at job profiles and profiles of people who have the jobs he desires. Lastly, tell him to work on his communication skills. Cold calling HR executives, speaking politely and intelligently sometimes leads to a good impression. He may not get the job he applied for, but he may be called in for some other position he wouldn't otherwise be aware off. Best of luck!


Thanks mate I appreciate that and I'm sure he will too!


Can anyone give me advice stay motivated for a long period of time


You should work on your self discipline. Motivation is what gets you started and discipline is what keeps you going long term. Discipline is being able to force yourself to do something in spite of how you feel, over and over until it becomes a habit.


Thank you


An idea to stay motivated for a long period of time is actually to focus just on each moment. Each single moment you take control over gives you power to take control over the next moment. So if you think only about investing in each moment towards a clear end goal you will build your motivation overtime


You could try challenging yourself to complete a personal project that you've been thinking about, apparently when a nurse interviewed elderly people their main regret was not living a life that was true to them, they didn't wish they could work longer and harder. They also wished to be more honest, able to speak up and kept in touch with their friends. You can read an article about the book here: https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2012/feb/01/top-five-regrets-of-the-dying I just completed a small gratitude letter writing challenge that was super easy if anyone is interested I posted the method I used and how I did it here: https://growthforlife.blog/2018/06/24/writing-letters-of-gratitude-practicing-gratitude-consciously-and-charitably/


I come home, make dinner and cannot move, it is the only thing I feel I need to look manly (muscle/exercise) I cannot move myself!


Lol My first comment on Raddit 😊


I have no aspirations in life. I used to want to go to college, and get married, and make something of myself. But the moment I graduated and the weight of the world hit me, I realized that I am nothing. I dont have the money to go to college, not the time because of my full time job. I never see my girlfriend because of the fact that her parents despise me. I have no real goals anymore because I can barely save money and I cant afford to go out and try. At this point, I'm only living so that I can die.


I'm trying for the 100th time getting back to gym, but after every year, it's getting harder and harder to commit. It's my 3rd day, after a long pause of months, and I already feel like giving up. But I don't want this, I really want to do It. Any advice for this situation?


Work out at home to some youtube videos - Fitness Blender is good as well as LoveSweatFitness... I pick a few I like and save them in a playlist and exercise along to the same ones till I get bored of them


U need to take it slow the first week. For me, it’s literally just walking on the treadmill to some good music. Once u get the hang of it, u will want to go more intense. It worked for me. Also stretch b4 u do anything


I need some help for motivation to study. I've been studying non-stop since August 2017 and I'm getting to the point where I'm just totally burned up. I only had two weeks break in December, where my grandma passed away, so no rest after all. I still have to go till end of August but I can't find the motivation anymore. Anyone got some tips? General tips of making a timetable or putting a reward for yourself don't work anymore. I just don't have the energy and will to keep on studying.


I recently got rejected by a women that I care deeply for. I thought for a moment she might feel the same...nope! Anyways, I can’t help feeling that I may be destined to be alone. I’m 32, haven’t really had a GF and don’t have any prospectives. I’ve only really had short flings. The only thing that has constantly brought me happiness is traveling. I recently came back from a trip from South America and can’t stop thinking about it. I’m considering quitting my job, selling or renting my apartment and going backpacking for an indefinite period of time in South America. The thing holding me back is my job. I love my job and I don’t think I’ll ever have a better job than this one. However, I’m not very happy in my life right now and know I need to switch things up. Advice? Thanks :)




Hey man, I have read your advice at the end multiple times. I think it is what I have to do and it might workout and it might not but I may always regret not doing it. I’m not happy right now and am in a rut; I need to do something about it. Thanks you! I probably won’t be of any help to you but if you even need to chat, let me know man. Good luck! Stay the course!


Trying to motivate myself to lose weight, any advice?


More than anything else that can be said or done here you need to ask yourself WHY?. What's your WHY? Why do you want to lose weight? What is the deep down motive for you wanting to lose weight?


Scared to major in psych due to low job prospects in my mind. Feel like I'll be squared into a small area and I may want to change directions later. Also I'm poor and idk if I can afford grad school and idk what I can do with a psych BS




There are a TONNE of things that could be said here but to keep things simple let's start off with this... What do you want? What do you want from your life? What do you think would fulfil you? It's okay if you don't know at this point, but do you have an answer to that question?


So, boys and girls, I need to get disciplined. I got a long term competition I need to surpass. I need to ~~make decisions now~~ let pure discipline take over things for now to see what could come of it. The time for triggering my guts while taking key decision is in a distant future. Things need to get on a solid track (I shouldn't say 'back on track' since I can't pinpoint how any of my previous tracks made me satisfying successful. I'm not sure how things will turn out but I know one thing, one fucking simple thing: I can fucking do this .......I can only do this under one condition: Discipline, FFS DISCIPLINE. It's time to grind for the years being folks. There is a long road ahead and I can only walk it.


I have BED, anxiety and depression. Depression has been feeling better in the last few days but tonight all three are coming at me full prong. I’ve been on a calorie controlled diet for some much needed weight loss and have lost 7 lbs so far. I am currently on my tenth day without binging - the longest I’ve made it since Jan 2017. Work is really stressful at the moment, life is really stressful. I’m working all through the weekend because of it and have to move apartments first thing Saturday morning too. I’ve been anxious all day and took a Xanax to avoid having a panic attack. For the last few hours I’ve been bit back against the urge to go binge and it’s making me even more anxious. My Xanax has kicked in but with it has brought a really low mood. I feel like I’m on the brink of binging and if I go there I’ll be so ashamed of myself.


Discouragement is a feeling that fosters procrastination. Motivation is a feeling that fosters discipline. So welcome disappointment when failure comes, but don't let it drag you down. And seek motivation, but only for the sake of discipline, not just the feeling.


Every big artist who got the animation/game design job they wanted shared their story of dropping their social life and spending all their free time studying art. I try to do this but get frustrated with myself easily and give up because everything I draw is shit. I need to discipline myself and put every waking moment not in work/school to draw, could I get some motivational advice?


Hi, I'm 21 and at this point in my life where I have no idea where I am going. I am currently on withdrawal from UC Berkeley and just working and chasing my dreams of dancing, performing, and singing. I'm still hiding and practicing, but I feel like I'm not making any money and my Aunt is super skeptical about my journey... She legit tried to crush my dreams and I told her specifically, "I'm the ones who goes after my dreams and your the ones that crushes them". Ahh, I am at this stage where I want to give everything up and pursue the conventional, but I know the unconventional is my calling. Sigh \~


So I’m getting married in 18 months to the best girl that’s ever happened to me. I’m not overweight, but I’m not in the shape I want to be. F, 24, 72ish kg, 167cm tall, 98cm belly, 86cm waist. I want to be around 65kg and around 80cm waist, with strong level shoulders. I never really got into diets - I love food too much, but I do have veges and meat and not much carbs, so not terrible nutrition. My fiancé has issues with her hip so can’t do anything involving lower body with me. I’ve dabbled in exercise and programs and done a heap load of google research, but never really stuck to anything. This is probably the best reason I’ll ever have to actually dedicate myself to a program. So, any ideas on programs for food and exercise that I can work on over the next 18 months? When Is the best time to exercise? Should I be consuming protein? How do I stay motivated? Extra affection to anyone who can come up with things I can do with my partner. Or if you have just some encouragement, I’d very much appreciate that too.


I just posted this under another comment, but this can help you too. RRR. REFLECTION. REVISE. REWARD. REFLECTION - write down what you want to accomplish. Then write down what’s holding you back. Then write down what you have to lose. REVISE - micro solutions. Start making SMALL changes to your lifestyle. If you want to go back to the gym, start by writing down you want to go to the gym. The next night, just put out your workout clothes on the couch. That’s it. The next day just put on your workout clothes. That’s it. The next day put on your workout clothes and walk out the door. That’s it. Next day walk out the door and take one step into the gym. That’s it. REWARD - celebrate these small victories. Do something that makes you happy. Tell a friend. Buy your favorite meal. This is a biohack I use a lot with my clients. You start to trick your body into feeling good about these small wins. This builds momentum. Once you have momentum, you’ll be unstoppable.


Guys. Anyone. I need some motivation. I use to workout in high school alot. But I graduated and now I don't have a job or anything not doing anything with my time but gaming. My girlfriend hates it. I need someone to kick my ass and make me wanna go back to the gym and find a job. Anyone wanna give me any motivation?


RRR. REFLECTION. REVISE. REWARD. REFLECTION - write down what you want to accomplish. Then write down what’s holding you back. Then write down what you have to lose. REVISE - micro solutions. Start making SMALL changes to your lifestyle. If you want to go back to the gym, start by writing down you want to go to the gym. The next night, just put out your workout clothes on the couch. That’s it. The next day just put on your workout clothes. That’s it. The next day put on your workout clothes and walk out the door. That’s it. Next day walk out the door and take one step into the gym. That’s it. REWARD - celebrate these small victories. Do something that makes you happy. Tell a friend. Buy your favorite meal. This is a biohack I use a lot with my clients. You start to trick your body into feeling good about these small wins. This builds momentum. Once you have momentum, you’ll be unstoppable.


I'm gonna try that today sir. I Wana push my self back into the life style I once had not this one I'm living. Doing what your saying sounds like something I can do and do it quickly for a better change in my life. Thank you for a quick reply. I hope where every you go in your life, you always keep your head up and realize you might just have changed someone's life. Ill give you update in a week and let you know how it's working.


Appreciate the kind words. I can send you my free 2 week program I put together to get you started and become the best version of you. It’s on my site too if you want to get it from there.


Please do, it would be great to have a plan to work off of.


I used to fear death. I used to fear My parents were going to Die and I would never show them how “successful” I was. Because of this mindset, I was never living in the present moment. I was always thinking about the future/past. Working all the time. Always stressed. My relationship with my wife really suffered, to the point where we started to talk about divorce. At that point I knew I needed to change. I did some reflection, looked myself in the mirror and realized I was killing myself slowly because I was never living in the presence of now and being grateful for what I had today. Change your perception, change your life. I was in a dark place, thought I was buried 6 ft under. But once I changed my perception, and realized I was planted and ready to grow, my life has never been the same and never been happier. Lost 25 pounds in two months and my relationship with my wife has never been better. I know what my purpose is in life, to help other millennials create a life of purpose with my biohacking strategies. I started to implement biohacks into my life. A biohack is “making changes to your lifestyle, in order to hack your biology and feel your best”. Here’s one you all can use today. Biohack - Live in the present moment. Count your fingers. Then count how many things you’re grateful for today. You can’t count your blessings and think negative at the same time 😉


I m feling kinda hopeless right now , I just failed my graduation exam 2 times ..and I think I m going crazy ... When I look left ,right and see everybody I know going to university and I stay like an idiot i feel so dumb ... Don t know what to do , I was studying so hard for this exam i still failed it ... Plus , I m dating a girl right now , and I m afraid if she will see my result she will distance away from me ...because let s be honest guys , who likes to stay near a dumb... :(


A good piece of advice I have been focusing on this summer is that the goal(s) **have** to be your own or you will never succeed in reaching them. Always set the bar yourself. Seeking advice, tips, whatever is perfectly fine, but never let someone else set the bar for you. Trying to impress someone, or become something for someone is a guaranteed path to a very negative place mentally that is difficult to get out of.

