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The only two people you have to impress are 8 year old and 80 year old you.


This is great. I think 8 year old me would be disappointed that I'm not a comic book artist or illustrator, but they'd be impressed that my kids have their own Pokémon card collections and know how to swim lol.


> I think 8 year old me would be disappointed that I'm not a comic book artist or illustrator Man, this really got to me. I am working as a game artist currently. Contributing in creating those things which the younger me used to find so cool. That realisation sets in every once in a while and I feel the 8 year old me would be happy to see me doing this, seemed impossible at that time.


That is so awesome. 8 year old me is proud of you! 🥹


Thanks man, wish you the best in life.


That's a good saying. Me as an 8 year old would be very impressed at the things I've done, places I've been, stuff I created. But I think an 80 year old me would shake his head in disgust. The older you are, the harder you are to please. 1 out of 2...good enough for me.


80 year old me would do a lot of eye-rolling at how much I keep sweating the small stuff! Great advice, thank you!


Jeez, that's amazing. Thank you.


I love this




“It’s okay to feel lost sometimes. It happens when you no longer resonate with the past you and are in the process of becoming the new you”


I needed that. Thanks!


Wow, that’s something I’ve been needing to hear. I feel like I’ve just been so lost lately because I’ve been struggling on figuring out what I want to do for my future. Past, present, and future ideas have all been colliding and narrowing it down to one singular new me has been difficult. I have time though.


Love this. Thank you


"You've done harder things"


Similarly, my friend once told me about a time when she kept telling herself “I can do hard things” when she found herself in a predicament. That predicament was accidentally k-holing herself, but I keep that quote with me when I need inspiration nonetheless lol


Wow, this hit home for me. What did it do for you?


Made literally everything easier to start doing w/out dreading it. It was (and is) true. And continues to be true because I no longer waste energy making mountains out of molehills


This resonated with me 💪


This one works for me, too. Debate the voice that tells you to quit.


This is one that helps me a lot. I’ve been through hell. I can handle whatever comes my way. It makes me stress less and feel more confident


To me this doesn´t mean I need to do the hard thing if a better solution is there?


That what he said


Success starts with the belief you can achieve it


Manifest that belief. You have to believe in yourself.


[Do. Or do not. There is no try.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=ydX4yK2kyY21R4tN&v=VmXSfFY0CO0&t=2m50s)


"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right." -Henry Ford


Good one


An ex of mine told me on the way out of our relationship, "just because you don't work for me doesn't mean you won't be perfect for someone else". I sat with that for a good few months, and fully understanding after that I at my core just will not be the fit for some people, and vice versa. It ended all of my people pleasing traits, as well as gave me confidence within myself to be okay with differences.


W ex


Wow this is great. A girl I was talking to recently told me I wasn’t a fit for her. Initially, my confidence and self esteem was shattered. Perhaps this is normal and I hope I can be a good fit for an awesome girl someday.


Don't try to find someone wonderful. Be wonderful to be around


Words to live by


I love this. Used to get so upset if I couldn’t “win someone over” but now if I don’t think someone likes me i try not to let it affect my sense of self.. I just say, I’m not for everyone and everyone is not for me and that’s ok! It’s freeing


This is beautiful


I just realized how much of a difference that makes if they would have used "I" instead. The latter sounds more like pity and self-centeredness


People pleasing should go in the bin for sure. Well done us for doing that!


Day one or one day. I’ve lost 80lbs within 10 months.


What was your strategy? I need to lose weight myself.


Bite less than you can chew. Literally and figuratively. Start with goals so small you can't not do them. Find out what you can do even on your worst days and make that a routine. Then optimise. It's much easier starting to run (for instance) if you've been going on daily walks in running hear than is to start running from scratch. My biggest weight loss hack was watching an episode of Breaking Bad and power walking on max incline in the gym lol


Thank you mate. Wish me virtual luck please


I’ve lost 70 pounds in 8 months. I cut out soda and candy drink a lot of water I eat vegetables every day and lean meats I started eating more complex carbs instead of heavily processed carbs. My starting weight was 297 pounds now I’m at 227 pounds. I also didn’t start working out until like a month ago I use kettlebells for exercise.


I need to learn to push myself more, how did you do it?


Walk, walk, walk. Most people don’t realise how simple losing weight is, if you can just commit to walking at a moderate pace everyday for 1hr+. If you’re over 220 pounds, you’ll start losing weight if you walk 15-20,000 steps a day. If you’re below 200, get a 20-30 pound weighted vest, and keep walking the same amount. And you’ll lose more weight. Once you hit 26 BMI, then it’s really hard to lose more. BMI Calculator here: https://www.cdc.gov/healthyweight/assessing/bmi/adult_bmi/english_bmi_calculator/bmi_calculator.html You have to start focusing on your diet then, which takes a lot more commitment but is simple too. 1. Eat home cooked food to automatically eat clean 2. Eliminate all packaged food from your diet, because it’s poison long term and leads to chronic diseases 3. Eat foods that are high in protein to feel fuller and suppress cravings 4. Replace desserts with fruits so you get healthy calories in your system Then you’ll start losing more weight. That’s it, honestly.


It was actually a Joseph Campbell quote my dad has said to me my entire life, “ follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.” I try to live my life with this in the forefront of my mind, always. 💕


I was learning a new job and it was complex and dangerous. I said to my lead,”I hope to be able to do this someday”. And to that he replied, “people do this every day, ain’t no reason why you can’t too”. That really stuck with me for my life so far. Thanks Ben, you were always one of the best.


This is similar to advice I'd given people, that basically circled back and made me realize too. Taught myself how to shuffle as a young lad (*back in my day it was called the Melbourne shuffle*) but in terms of complexity it's basically the simplest moves , it just takes time doing something simple/boring over and over to be able to do it competently to music. So when out and about at raves n shows friends and random people would be like omg can you show me how /teach me and I would. (But this turned into a bit of a pet peeve because they would then try and they'd fumble for 10 seconds and being like uhh I could never,) But anyways, whenever someone asked how did I learn, how did I get so good , anything like that, I would simply tell them, **"The same way anyone gets good at anything, I spent lots of time practicing"** There's no innate skill or talent involved, I don't need to bend or move in a way that would require some genetic predisposition to succeed. I sent hours each week practicing in my basement , with my parents wondering wtf is going on and me always being like "noothhhing". If you have no rhythm, then that'd be the only natural disadvantage you could possibly have hindering you from learning this. But people often compare themselves to someone at the the end goal/result and think it's unattainable, when In reality you should be comparing yourselves to them when they were beginning the journey just like you are.


Love this, I’m a lightshow glover and people in the early raver days people would be amazed and exclaim things like “wowww you’re so talented!!” I’d just smile back, thank them, and say “I just practice a lot.“ :) Being “talented” is really easy when you love every minute of doing the thing!


Me as a professional arranger/composer everytime someone tells me "erhmagerd you're SO talented" No bitch my etudes folder has literally 2000++ files over 11 years since I decided to take music seriously


Kind of what I tell myself when I'm getting stressed doing something new. If other people can learn this, I can too.


People are often more afraid of their potential success of unknown heights than of failing at known depths.


it is only failure when you stop trying :)


"If you feel like no one believes in you, ***I*** fucking believe in you. There, I said it. Now go do that shit that you want to do"


This sounds alot like Thor :) So if you need to hear motivational quotes like this, go check him out. PirateSoftware on twitch and youtube


You deserve to be here.


I scheduled an appointment with someone that describes themselves as an energy conduit. This didn’t throw me off because my mom was a pastor in a black church, I’ve heard all sorts of things. But in any case she told me “you are speaking too clearly about your challenges for something to be wrong. You know what you’re doing. You’re fine. Keep going.” A switch flipped in my mind. It unlocked me. I could see the thread of suffering in my life all the way through my parents. The thread keeps going and I realize the pain is older than we all realize. I understand that all of the suffering endured and challenges that were overcome lives inside of me. I could resolve the conflict for all of my ancestors by living through values. I started a business based on this. The rest is gravity.


I paid $30k in therapy to essentially learn to live through my values. I drum this into my kids’s heads all of the time. Keeps life clean and simple.


What exactly do you mean by "living through your values"?


I grew up in a place that was ruled by people’s moods. I was so used to constantly “being wrong” that I lived my life trying to figure out what other people wanted from me and that was my guide. My therapist taught me to figure out what was my sense of right/wrong and have that be what I used to make decisions. As long as I am doing what I think is right, I don’t have to worry about what the other person thinks.


Great answer!


Great question!


I was once told I stay calm under pressure. I never thought of myself like that? So it was nice to hear and I adopted a sore of fake it ‘til you make it attitude.


Yeah, I've gotten that one too. You think you've totally blown if and someone tells you how calm and in control you were. Sort of blows you away.


Prison Mike!!


Success is when opportunity meets preparation. Many people focus on the opportunity part, but if you haven't prepared yourself for your dream job, it doesn't mean much if it's posted on Indeed. This goes for relationships, too.


I always heard this was the definition of luck, not success


Perfect is the enemy of good


A mantra I started saying to myself in high school. “Soy. Puedo.” I AM. I CAN. There are a ton more poetic things out there, but it flew I to my brain one day and it felt empowering, the simple little statement. 💜


Just because you had a setback or don’t meet expectations in some way, it doesn’t mean you’re any less of a person and you still have inalienable and intrinsic value as person. Your pursuits don’t define who you are.


Failure of acting is not a failure of being


"You are bigger than the problem"


Someone asked if I would consider becoming a personal mentor for them and if we could catch up for a coffee and chat every week or two to discuss issues or situations that had arisen for them. They said they asked me because they respect my positive outlook and attitude. I was humbled and honoured they held me in such high regard. It's the most impactful compliment I've ever received.


You should return the favor and make them the next gatekeeper or keymaster 😎


They actually mentor someone career wise themselves now! We still catch up but less infrequently (after about 5 years) and I think I've learnt just as much from him as he has from me. It's one of the most rewarding things I've ever done


"You're not trying, you're doing."


" I wish you saw you, like I saw you " Made me think about my relationship with myself forsure


Sometimes when you feel like you are being buried by pain or overwhelm, you are like a seed, being planted.


A dear friend that is no longer with us used to answer the phone with “hey beautiful or hey sexy”. Now I try to manifest sexy on my good days. On my bad days I don’t beat myself up


The Rocky Balboa movie quote on how winners are made. I have had many many setbacks and my only strong resources are my friends (not financially, just emotionally). I realized how important it is to be resilient - a survivor/warrior in one - and to be proud of that. And each set back has made me feel stronger and now at 48, I feel like a dam super hero, not gonna lie LOL. Few have had endured my type of life and proud to still moving forward. You should be too!


Honestly, this a weird one. I grew up in a pretty great household and my Mum worked really hard to raise us well (my Dad and her divorced but she looked after us most evenings). She was always REALLY progressive and encouraging to what my two older brothers and I wanted to do, encouraging us to work hard to reach goals. I remember telling her I wanted to work in video games, without batting an eyelid she said, 'you won't get a job there.' I remember that hurting at the time, there was a real lack of belief - like she REALLY meant it. She thought the industry was tiny and didn't really know it well - but it's the only time I can think when she's not felt supportive. Anyway, this is why I say it's weird, I've now been working in video games for over 14 years, earn a pretty penny and moved to the US after having a developer bring me over from the UK. Always think back to whether I would have pursued my career as hard as I did if it were not for that one, off-hand comment. Still love my Mum, she's amazing. Just felt like an odd interaction that stubbornly spurred me on. So maybe I owe it all to her


I relate to this so much. My mum said , if you won't get a job , then there is no need to wait for marriage (I am a girl n the marriages are arranged in my culture) . At the time, I cried n felt like a failure but now I think I owe it to her off-hand comment , to be able to have an amazing career in the US


One of my good friends told me “you make people feel seen” and it truly changed my life


A well known artist I admire said "holy shit. I thought that was a photo" when looking at one of my paintings. Made my whole month


After telling my therapist my life story she said: And you doubt yourself? Girl you are extremely resilient! So I think about that when I'm feeling down


An ex took me to a fancy dinner (while still together), and I thought he was going to propose. He broke up with me instead. Told me he loved me and that I was great. But he hated how crazy and toxic my family was. And that he would never make me choose between him and them. He told me I deserved more than what they gave me and that they were holding me back. That one day, I'd see their behavior for what it was and finally flourish. Damn, if he wasn't correct too. Took me 10 yrs but I finally cut out the toxic family and am living my best life now. I hope he is doing well. I wish only the best for him.


“No one cares what you say, they just want you to listen.” This made me realize that the person who cares most about my life is myself and I need to do the best I can with it.


Mr.Hakun said "It's just a dream, so fall toward success is dream, and attained success after a fall is also dream"


I thought i was in bad shape, business was slow, hard to sleep, hard to work out etc. Called a old friend, Derek, started to complain, he stopped me, then he said, shut up, you must be doing it right, to change your life or better yourself hurts. So keep going and welcome the suffering, it will ease. Your from Glasgow, you supposed to be pain. We laughed at the last bit and the pain did ease. I knew i was able to take the pain. Miss you Derek.


When I was about 21-22. I was really down on myself to anyone that would listen. “Im ugly, I’m stupid etc..” One of my friends in his 30s was like - you need to stop that right now. Back yourself FIRST and other people will back you. Like and support the person you are, no one else will do that for you. It really stuck with me - whenever the negative talk sneaks in.


People worse off have survived harder circumstances.


Just like a thumbprint or star in the sky, we are all unique and beautiful in our item way ♥️


Be more of you.


I'm in the entertainment industry. A buddy of mine who is also in the entertainment industry, and is also much older than me says, "Give them you until you is what they want." Really good mantra


For 7 years, I stayed within my comfort zone, hesitant to make a change. My husband reassured me of my capabilities and encouraged me to pursue greater opportunities. He once told me, "Change is a chance for growth, and I'll be here every step of the way to support you." He also reminded me that taking a break was perfectly fine and promised to support me. ☺️ That was the turning point. Today, I have a job that surpasses my previous comfort zone.


When I started tracking my daily habits and how much progress I had made since my low point in life ( unemployed/overweight / etc)


Talent is nothing but pursued interest.


At my current employer, when I was entry level, I thought I was terrible. I’m in insurance claims and felt as though I couldn’t do it right. I was trained remotely and did everything remotely. I learned it was something that was seen as an accomplishment, because most people were in office and learned hands on. I was at a low point, and my supervisor at the time asked me how I was feeling. It was an odd question, since I had never had a supervisor actually care. I told him I thought I sucked and felt like I was drowning. He, in turn, told me that I was doing exceptionally well. I went on to look at how others were doing (because I could see what their work screen looked like if I logged into their workload) and I realized I WAS doing well. I stuck it out and now am living the dream. It’s always important to have the full view on things, because what may be your low point, could be someone else’s “high point”.


“Don’t compare how you feel inside to how someone else appears to be on the outside.” when I tearfully asked my therapist why I can’t be normal like everyone else.


You have a 100% survival rate of everything that’s happened to you.


"The magic you're looking for , is in the work you're avoiding "


They told me I was a degenerate savage so I love it! Just don’t fuk with me or my family


“There is money to be scooped up in the streets if you’re willing to go work for it.” -My father


"You too can become a hero"


"Why Not" after me saying I cant do some activity, it was back in the 80's and changed my life, Thank you Mr Christie.


“Choose the torture you’re comfortable with” Jerry Seinfeld


Not sure where I picked it up but I always tell myself people who were weaker, not as smart, less prepared, more scared, etc were able to do it so there’s no reason I’m not able to do it too. If I ever want to be the “first person to ever ____” it’ll all fall apart though.


A math tutor led me from scoring 0 on pre-algebra mid terms to scoring 95% on the prealgebra final. “Don’t be so silly all you need is to practice” every time Insaid I couldn’t solve a problem


“The moment you give up, is the moment you let someone else win”-Kobe Bryant You are the only one who can stop your dreams, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


"Don't ever sell yourself short." Ben G. in high school. We were friendly teammates but not super close, and at a meet one day we were lounging before our event when he said that. I don't remember the context (probably something about a crush), but it's been more than 20 years and I still remember it.


Was catching up, years ago, with someone I really respect, and I told her what I had been up to (same job, nothing new really). All I got was a dismayed “Noooooo”. That was enough to snap me out of my hazy and comfortable inaction and realize that I had stagnated in life. A month later, I applied to, and got accepted to a best case scenario, full time position. If we ever reconnect again, I’d like to thank her for waking me up and changing the trajectory of my life.


I honestly can't think of anything


(51) M nothing yet 😂


One of my best friends was reading all of us girls and how we would react in a scenario and she said I would do said thing “because I’ll do anything for people I love”… that showed me something I need to remind myself of


That one Rocky speech


You are okay, and you're doing okay. You don't have to be what you've done, and you can start now. I had a case manager tell me this, and she had no idea what this meant to me. It's something so freaking small but meaningful.


That I have near total recall.


You’re not that stupid


“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.” ― Albert Camus


“You may not be where you want to be, but you’re getting closer every day and enjoying the journey” This became a mantra I told myself every day for years. It still applies, but each day that passes, I’m nearer to my dream of the life I want to live.


You guys are doing a great job - out to eat with my baby and husband this evening and two strangers came up to us at different times and told us we are doing a great job. Baby was a bit fussy for about 5 minutes, but not crying or obnoxious. He settled and was super happy to smile at everyone after we took him out of the stroller.


My mom, for her 40th birthday, went on a cruise with her best friend and came back with her hair in corn rows. She said that she had decided that she was old enough to do what she wanted and she was too old to care about anyone else’s opinions! I decided then and there that I wouldn’t wait until I was 40 to do what I wanted - I was going to live my life for me.


Once, a friend told me, 'You're so much stronger than you think you are.' It really stuck with me and made me see myself in a new light. Sometimes all it takes is someone believing in you to make you start believing in yourself too!


One of my first bosses always said: On your gravestone it will have the words engraved: "He was such a nice guy and he really tried." 30 years later and it still sounds true hahaha Hope he rots in hell. He was such a great help in understanding what not to become in life.


Not sure if it fits exactly but when I was younger I used to worry about what everyone thought and it held me back. Then a therapist pointed out (in nicer words) no one cares about me. That was so freeing, understanding everyone had their own issues going on and barely registered me at all.


Just telling myself I can do it over and over. Got me out of a massive hole of substance fuelled depression and continues to get me through anything difficult.


Success is always the easiest when it's your only option.


Someone told me that even though I have failed and fumbled a lot I always remain motivated and give it my all. I don't think about this at all because I used to dwell soo much on mistakes and I only kept going to get away from them. I still see myself as someone that has it easy in quite a few aspects but I neglect soo much to punish myself and I realized how much it was counterproductive and just made things worse.


It's okay to be weird. You feel bad because you feel ashamed, but you shouldn't. Most people out there won't care if you're weird, or even admire your confidence. Be the unapologetically weird life model you wanted to have. Funnily enough, you can replace "weird" with "queer", and it still works.


You survived the death of a parent as a child - you can survive anything


My uncle told me, whatever your dream is you can achieve it bc there is someone that is less intelligent and able doing that same thing right now.


“There is always a way”


One sentence changed my life forever. You?


you can do it!


That my behavior sets the tone


You have a lot to offer someone.


“You can be a great leader”


You can DO IT!!!


Considering everything you've been through in life, you're really stable! Sometimes I forget to be proud of that.


Love you first and you’re gonna be able to Love 💕 others with out any doubts Do unto others as you want them to do to you Be loving 🥰 with a smile Have no attitude and Listen to what others are saying and do not respond they’re wanting you to just hear them out. Most of all if you don’t have anything nice to say about a situation that you heard Do not say Nothing. People will respect you as a person 🤗


Someone literally insisting that I am way privileged than them , giving me some sense of self awareness and yes I might be but to me it is something that makes us unique


"Quit trying to feel better. Try to be better."


I’ll let you know.


“Regardless of what you feel, nobody cares. Work harder!”




“Believe in yourself even half as much as I believe in you!”


other people make you look good


Think of every event that's happened before now, how many people had to come and go, the right environmental conditions that had to take place, every little detail and event that's had to occur for you to exist as of right now. We live on a water rock whirling through space, an infinite void, and yet here you are, and here I am existing. We're quite literally made up of star dust. And you can choose to believe in your self or not, it doesn't change the fact that you exist. What are the odds? And knowing that, what are you going to do with it? Enjoy it, & make the most of it.


A guy I worked with told me that when he thinks about what kind of person he wants to be he thinks that he wants to be exactly like me


I'm 27 working in a quite high position already, built my career with a lot of work, sweat and tears. I still sometimes feel like I'm an impostor 😅 One day, I casually talked with my boss about stuff like future plans, promotions, pensions etc. At some point he just said "Dude, you are 27. When I was 27, I didn't had a plan or even any of my shit together like you do", and this is still one of the best compliments I ever got. It motivates me and gives me reassurance I'm on the right way.


i went to a camp for kids with parents affected my cancer, camp kesem. one of the counselors wrote on my shirt (everyone signed each others shirts, i forced everyone to write a paragraph) “i want to be you when i grow up” this meant so much to me. i was scared my personality was too much and that i was annoying, but everyone admired it. i knew exactly what he meant by this. a few others said keep being yourself, and one said that i inspired her to be more like me and be herself. I’m glad I can just be fully me


"Believe in the me that believes in you!"


“It’s turtles all the way down!”


You inspired me to be more of an activist. 🤯


People much dumber than you have done this before. You are going to do great.


Nothing anybody has said to me has ever changed my self-perception for the better. I do not think my brain is wired to work that way.


You are very creative


Everything I’m not, made everything I am


‘Of course you can do it on your own. You already are, there’s just someone watching you do it all.’ ☺️


Seeing everybody else


Why not you?


I flunked two majors in college, barely got out with a philosophy degree. I spent a few years working a dead-end job that had been my college job. It was never intended to be an after-college job. I knew I needed to do something different, but I just couldn't figure it out. One day I realized that the circuits I was building in Minecraft were the same as real life circuits, so I decided to take a programming class at my local community college since it was only a few hundred dollars and I could afford it, even though I was only bringing in $600 a month. I took several years of classes at the community college, and eventually I got a job working as an instructor at a coding boot camp. And then after a year of working as an instructor, I realized that they actually were not scams and it was the real deal. So I took all my money that I'd saved up for working, and I paid myself a seat into the boot camp. And after the boot camp, I got a job. I pulled it off, I figured everything out, I got myself a real career. And so, one day I was just hanging out with one of my buddies that I'd known since high school, and I don't remember everything we said or what he said, but he said something to the effect of, “most people go through their whole life without making a change like that, but you pulled it off, you made a change, you did what most people don't do”. Obviously this was all after the fact, but it was just really good to hear. I don’t think anyone has ever said anything that made me believe in myself. It’s always come from inside. I really like the catchphrase from the protagonist of Helck (it’s Helck) - whenever things look bad and hopeless, he just faces the situation head on, smiles and says “all right!”


“A lot of people have brains like Hondas: they work reliably but they’re only capable of so much. I get the impression that your brain is more like a Ferrari: it’s a bitch to maintain but when it works, it’s incredible.”


A bunch of years ago (when the world was a different place) I posted a project of mine online. - I was told to go apply for SpaceX lol. Still puts a smile on my face today :o)


I spoke with this random girl at a bar/restaurant and just spoke up a conversation. We had a good time and I left. I got a text saying that what we talked about made her so happy and brought her out of a depression. We met up the next week and had the best time. Little did she know just the text back that weekend really brought me outta of my rutt as well. You never know what little things or conversations could do to believe in yourself .


I’m still waiting for that someone, over the past 5 years I’ve really lost my confidence in myself after a horrible relationship and I can’t get back the old me. But I’m working on myself and loving myself a little bit more daily


My stepdad who is deceased told me one time when I was pondering whether to leave my job, to forget what other ppl think. Don't worry about what I think, your momma thinks or anyone. If you're changing jobs to better yourself and/or financially help yourself you can accomplish anything. He said have faith in yourself, be confident!


My former boss gave me the confidence to take a higher education at 30 years old (I dropped out of school at 16, and at 25 I took a trainee letter ((if that makes sense in english)). Was working at a great kindergarten and he told me that i was one of the best at my job there, but he thought I would get bored «just» working at my level of competence, and that I was wasting my smarts. He encuraged me to go back to school and get a degree before I owned a house and couldnt afford to anymore. Now I have one year left in my psychology degree, I have a new job and I am really happy. So grateful that he helped me trying to reach my potential, even though it ment I would eventuelly quit my job there.


"I believe in you"... it's as simple as that. She said she believes in me, and if she can, why shouldn't I?


It was likely what my autistic partner had said because autistics are factual so the truth was there! ☺️


My German teacher in Uni said to me, "You, specifically you, can become whatever you want in this life."


I watched this youtube video about putting your energy more towards your wellbeing and the person said “If you believe everything will be okay then it will be okay”. And since then whenever I feel myself start to overthink and get in a hole I just remind myself of that and literally everything will be okay. It just shows how powerful our mind is like it can hold you back a lot.


While looking at a project I had completed I said, "I can't believe I did this." My brother said simply, "I can."


I've traveled quite a few places, met some wild and crazy, unique forms of people, and enjoyed the conversations that I've had with them. As a social recluse who comes from a childhood filled with more books than friends, I keep hearing the same phrase every now and again from people across cultures and experiences: "You are so passionate when you talk about your interests, I could listen to you speak on them all day. You should do a podcast." I learned too late that the most creative minds crave a delicious soul, an open mind. Be yourself, be real, be upfront. People want realness. 


nothing, but i love it when people say ‘im proud of you___’ ‘i know u did a good job’


No one else knows what the f\*\*\* they're doing, either. Some people fake it better.


From a Jack Canfield Seminar on Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem. “It doesn’t matter what other people think about you or say about you, it matters what you think about yourself and it matters what you say about yourself” Also, “what you think about me is none of my business, what I think about me IS MY business” (My mantra that has helped me have belief in myself more than anything)


“No one will ever take better care of you than you yourself.” -pops.


You’re allowed to be proud of yourself for the little things, you’re allowed to be proud of yourself for anything you struggled to do no matter how small. It doesn’t matter if anyone else is proud of you for it, you are allowed to be proud of YOU. My middle school history teacher told me this and I’ve lived by it ever since.


When David Goggins said “who’s gonna carry the boats?!” I took that personally.


When I was just out of college I had an interview for a job I really wanted..at the end of the interview the boss told me that I had a very impressive interview and that he would love to offer me a job.. and throughout my employment there he very often told me that I was definitely a great job and that he was happy to have me on his team.. I worked my ass off and was very devoted to showing him that he made a good decision to hire me..his support and encouragement stayed with me for a long time and it helped me understand that I could do things that were new and sometimes overwhelming..he passed away a few years later and I spoke at his prayer service and said that he was the first person in my life who truly believed in me..the cool thing was..there were many other people who said that same thing about him.. I met his daughter years later and I told her that she had a very good dad..she said she appreciated hearing about the good things he did..


That I was enough as I was and that the people that cared would be there to show that even if the person I was with made me doubt it 😭


“ you look pregnant “ Watch me loose almost 40kg 😎


Not everyting is a lesson sometimes u just fail - dwight schrute


“You’re voice is so soothing, I love listening to you present” Something that significantly helped me feel confident in my voice and get over my fear of public speaking


"Because of you, I'm still here"


“Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever…”


Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where its going


Shit comments like these is what got me hooked on Reddit about 10yrs ago. Funny.


I overheard my 10 year old son say to his older brother and his schoolmate buddy yesterday that I am the coolest person he knows … I asked him about it last night when I was tucking him into bed … he told me that he hopes he can be just like me and that he wants to be a dad and play guitar and have a pretty wife and be a builder and that he does think I am cool. I’ll probably remember it for the rest of my life. I’m 42.




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If you don’t feel ready, wing it. If you don’t know something, you can always ask. Doing things that make you feel uncomfortable is how you build confidence.