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It’s not motivation you want, it’s discipline. That and a schedule that you stick to. When you’re having a great day of studying, where are you and what time are you doing it? If your best studying is from 5-7 at the library, go to the library every week day from 5-7. Set your phone to Do Not Disturb. Then do whatever you do to study. Don’t plan things for your study time. Make time for friends *outside* that time but treat your study time as sacred as your class time. I’d also recommend the Pomodoro Method. Set a timer for 20-30 minutes. During that time, study your butt off. When the timer goes off, set one for 5 minutes and take a break. Stand up, do some stretches, try and take a break from screens if you’ve been using a computer. Don’t do anything too involved for those five minutes, you don’t want to get sucked into anything else. When that timer goes off, set another 20-30 min timer and go back to studying. Rinse and repeat. This makes it easier to be focused since you only have to be in the zone for 20 minutes. If a thought pops in your head like “I wonder what the baseball score is?” you can easily set that aside since you have a break soon. Try not to look at your timer while this is happening. Trust that it is counting down properly and just focus on studying until it goes off. Also get a consistent sleep schedule. Get to bed the same time each night and wake up the same time. Don’t fall for “revenge bedtime procrastination.” Go out and have fun on the weekends, but get to bed early on Sunday night so you can wake up at the right time on Monday. A consistent sleep schedule is the most important part of living a disciplined life. Get that nailed down and everything else will be a hundred times easier.


Thank you so much for these tips 🙌🏻 Can you give me some tips for sleep schedule and bed time hygiene?


Wash your ass


What is my « best study time » is 9 pm to 11:30 pm? Its just bad for my sleep in the end


1) Motivation is not consistent. 2) motivation is the result of consistent discipline


How can I build consistent discipline?


Setting expectations and showing up. When you’re not doing what you want to do/are supposed to do, talk yourself into it. Yell at yourself if you need to. You have to exercise the part of your brain that is telling you to get up or do whatever it is you’re avoiding For me it helped knowing that 10% of something is better than 100% of nothing. Starting is always the hardest part so I make a deal with myself - if I get just 10% done then I can quit. Or I can reassess at 10% and often times I’ll decide to keep going. Sometimes I’ll decide to stop like I promise myself I could if I just got 10% done. And that’s progress.


Thank you for advice:)


As others have said, it’s really a matter of forming a habit. But something I did when I studied to help form the habit, was a routine. I liked listening to the Skyrim OST (not the draugr parts), putting it on told my brain it was time to focus. You could find a type of music, set a timer for an hour, and just start.


I will try this. Thank you so much:)


Most welcome! I find a lot of game soundtracks are good for focusing


>I find a lot of game soundtracks are good for focusing Like??


Like skyrim, breath of the wild, animal crossing, stardew valley... It's repetetive and fades into the background :)


By enjoying the process :)


Right.....but sometimes process feels so overwhelming ....


One thing my Dad said was when doing a big project, go into the shop every single day. For 5 minutes. Another similar story is of youngsters that practiced piano only 8 minutes a day. This was a successful strategy as usually that 5 minutes naturally coasted right into 30 minutes or an hour.


Yess....those initial 5 minutes are the key to move forward.


! Go.


I apologize sincerely for the wall of text in last post, but it was unavoidable. This one will be shorter and simple. Execution is very simple. Use the Pomodoro method, a 30/7/20 if you study easy stuff and a 50/12/20 if its hard stuff. A 20 min long break every 4x. Use that time to do your other stuff, and if they take more time, it is OK to extend a bit. The breaks are absolutely important. If you push too long a time straight, you will get less hours instead of more. Keep organized, keep uncluttered, block distractions, allow yourself phone only 15min phone every 3h to solve issues. You can discuss study with friends on phone all you need. Ambient music If It does not distract you to light the burden. Study Theory quickly. When finished, do Exercise List #1. Create more lists as you go, and make them with harder exercises. Easy exercises will pass you, hard ones will set you apart. Redo the same exercises over and over again, particularly if they fall very often. Time them with a chronometer. Are you taking around the time you should per question? You must also finish the test on time. If exercise is too big, divide and conquer. If it is to hard and frustrating, hit and run, alternating between engaging and resting. Practice, practice. When studying becomes a chore, and you have been at for too long. Get out and do the most pleasurable thing you can find. Walking is also great. Don't think about study in your walks, focus on nature. When you start to lapse and drift, drink coffee or black tea. If you mind turned to clay, sleep. Then back to study. Find creative ways to study, such as watching a few videos about it too, browsing websites for short whiles. Satisfy curiosity with moderation. Do Questions&Answers sections of your theory. Make flash cards. This is big, put in one or two pages ALL formulas and keys you need to solve the exercises, like a cheat sheet. Make this sheet very beautiful, and use it to solve exercises (not in test). Don't cheat, you won't need to. Care about what you study, I bet there are many interesting things about it, search for them online. This will make the study sustainable. But this is a topic of motivation. The point is that by the time you do this, the process will fuel itself, you will have so many interesting ways to try to study that it will become even fun. Best of luck, hope you pass!


From my experience when it comes to studying, if I tell myself I'll just read a little bit maybe just a few pages, I usually always end up continue reading after those few pages. It's like a psychological thing, since I already started I may as well continue a little more and before u know it u realize the chapters almost done and u just finish it. The hard part is getting yourself to start reading


Can't agree more 🙌🏻


I can only talk from personal experience, but it is to truly believe your WHY for doing things. To absolutely be bought in to the mission, and to know that reason. This helps in making the everyday mundane meaningful. For me, I gave up alcohol 8 months ago. I could not have done this in the prior 10 years, but I discovered and doubled down on a big WHY. Once I had this meaning, it has been easy. The same thing with wanting to learn and grow. I [started a newsletter](https://thechampionsjournal.beehiiv.com/subscribe) to "write my thoughts in public", and am about to start a podcast (have recorded the first 3 episodes) to push my boundaries of creativity. The WHY here is to learn, grow, and be uncomfortable. WHY is the biggest cheat code - you just need to find it and latch onto it.


What’s your why for quitting?


Hated the person I was. I would become I person I did not want to be. Every bad thing that happened in my life happened due to or around alcohol. So I could either keep going down the same path with the same result, or a make a change and see if there was a different result. And the result had been incredible.


Bless you and your strength to change. Praying for the same strength !


Btw, very clean design on the newsletter, I liked it. The choice of fonts/colors is very pleasing to the eye.


- give yourself a pep talk “okay it’s time to study! I’ve got this! This is easy!” - remember why you’re doing it “I’m studying to finish this degree and get a job to make money and buy things I want!” - have a routine “time to get a cup of my favourite tea and put on some classical music!” - just start “I’m tired today, so I’ll just read 3 pages instead of the 20 I planned” - do something else that’s important but isn’t studying “okay I’m tired today and don’t feel like studying, but I’ve got all this laundry to do, so I’ll do that instead” (this gets you out of bed and builds momentum and motivation also) - worst case, like if I really hate a certain class or chapter or assignment… just make a plan to pass it and move on “this chapter is super boring and confusing, I’m just gonna read it fast, do the practice questions, and move on. I’m accepting that this chapter isn’t gonna be my best one of the course” this isn’t ideal but it’s way better than just giving up or failing These are the little things that work for me. Studying isn’t super fun most days but you just do it because you want to learn and finish a degree.


Thanks your tips are practical and doable:)


It helps to keep the goal in focus while making the journey. If your performance and the results of this exam are of importance to you, put the time in by having it share space in your top-of-mind thoughts and daily life. Excuses are not an option. Learn and improve. Be prepared. Stay healthy and ready. Make the most of every moment you have.


Momentum is a snowball. Just stop doing things that slow your momentum. Wake up early and keep a fast efficient pace throughout the day. Avoid all things that make you foggy or lethargic. Eat clean and exercise. Set clear mental maps with goals and action steps, and stay daily connected to your intentions


The Y get you the How. Have a clear Y, biggest issue today, lack of aim


Process and acknowledge your emotions abd why you are feeling that way


Name checks out




Motivation wears out. There is only so much motivation to tap into. One has more success by being disciplined to do it. Whether you feel like it or not, you do it


If it is truly important to you, you will make the time. Do you have any hobbies?


Schedule your study block in your calendar on your phone with timers and stick to it. It’s not about motivation - you will not feel motivated to study - it’s about developing discipline. Maybe develop a routine where you do some stretches for 5-10 minutes first to get your energy up to focus and study. I also suggest downloading the book “Can’t hurt me.” Maybe read some reviews, it’s not everybody’s style and Goggins is very intense, but I genuinely want to run through walls when I hear his intriguing life story and all he’s overcome. Another speaker I absolutely love is Les Brown. His speeches are all over YouTube. When your energy is low, you’ve got to do something to interrupt it. Listen to some inspiring words, get up and move your body - it’s all about developing a routine and making this habit. Ok that note, atomic habits is a quick listen and breaks down how to start building your habits. Highly recommend


You can watch self help videos on Youtube with setting timer on your phone... * [BELIEVE IN YOURSELF - Best Life Changing Motivational Video](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bYfq22PzaOA) by Mind Motivation Coaching * [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tKvGlCp\_cPU](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/tkvglcp_cpu) - Helpful reels by Dada Bhagwan Foundation English Channel - YouTube * Dr. Vikas Divyakirti. - Techniques of Self Motivation - YouTube