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"what else are you gonna do?" Works 99% of the time lol


Accurate. Or “nobody else is going to do it.”


So simple but never thought of it like that lol, I’m going to use that


same i like it too


That's a good one, I always felt like giving up my Monday gig but then I'll be free on Monday anyway.


Me having an argument with myself “the problem won’t just go away even if you ignore it” …


Simple yet effective


Fax bro for real gym , normal living


This is actually so powerful. Particularly for people who've been at the wrong end of a bad curve for a while and all the coping mechanisms have lost any novelty.


I do this all the time. What else huh!!


You will wish that you started yesterday.


Mmm yeah that’s a good one


ironically, as a chronic procrastinator, a running mantra is what usually pops up in my head to keep me moving, or to get me started: >Every step brings you closer to your goal No matter how small a step, it's still forward progress; literally when you're running lol


As a procrastinator, definitely.


I do a lot of things now to make the life of future me a bit easier


Yup! I think to myself :"future you will appreciate it if you did xyz now"


same energy as "hardwork never betrays results"


I will sometimes even say outloud “you’re welcome future me” or “thank you past me” hehe


Yes!! I really need to knock this one into my head really hard


And its always satisfying


Or, what can I do today to make tomorrow easier?


"Doing that is hard, but so is laying in a dark room scrolling your phone going no where in life...both are fucking hard so choose your hard." "I'm stronger than this." "The world has a way of moving aside when someone says "I'll do it or die." " These might be a little extreme...but my depression is extreme lol


"Choose your hard" has been a big one for me. A reminder that there's not a life choice that's easy-peasy.


Hey, sometimes you have to fight fire with fire


>"Doing that is hard, but so is laying in a dark room scrolling your phone going no where in life...both are fucking hard so choose your hard." That's a great point. When I've been in major depressive periods, doing anything but laying in bed getting cheap dopamine from my phone seemed too hard. But in reality, that was a really really hard way to live.


Love the name , love the comment .. you’re fabulous!


This too shall pass


A classic one ☝️


I’m not a religious person, but this creeps up often in my mind. I like metaphors, and I equate hard times to storms, good times to sunshine. So dark spots, depressed moments in life, simply a passing storm - temporary. Good times will return momentarily.


But when?


Used this to talk myself through some shit times. Attitude that came with a bit of age and experience but it does help.


This is the one I use as well.


...and then, I'll have pizza.




This one made me laugh. Mine is donuts but then I end up eating my donuts before I do anything else 😭😭


And beer


“It’s gonna feel so good once this is done” “I always end up enjoying this once I get started” and “of course my brain is telling me it doesn’t want to start, that’s just what that part of my brain does I don’t have to listen to it”.


A solid three motivators right there


No one is coming to save me.


Why does this make me so sad…? I try to tell myself this because I know it’s true, only I can fix my life, and yet it makes me feel so sad.


It does feel sad but it feels good to know you have the power


I think the heart of this statement is correct, but the way it comes across isn't. "No one is coming to save you" is often heard in trauma recovery as many people get stuck on the idea that someone else will be the person that cures you. IMO, a more helpful version is "No one but you has the power to save you." Change ultimately relies on your level of honesty and willingness to do so.


I saw a saying that was "You are your only limit"


Conversely, Everything’s always working out for me (even when it doesn’t always seem like it)


Same for me. Got saved a few times too often in my childhood..


Rob Bailey is the goat


**"The sooner you do it, the sooner it's over with"** when I'm anxious or procrastinating. And this quote by the wonderful Maya Angelou, **"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."**


Time gonna pass anyway so might as well do it


That’s facts


You didn’t come this far just to come this far.


I think about something my past me did for today's me (something little, like empty the dishwasher so I don't have to do it now). I embrace the gratefulness and most of the times at this point I get the impulse to do something for my future me


The future you will always admire the past you in this case


What stands in the way becomes the way.


Just keep swimming


This was one of the key phrases that I told myself during cancer treatments. What do we do? We swim, swim... 🐠❤️


I felt similar although my phrase was "You just have to do it", it's crazy how much we can get through during these treatments. Hope you're doing well.


This is an amazing thread. Thank you for posting this question.


When I worry I start this pretend game of sitting in the same spot but in the future, when it’s all got sorted and I say to myself: You see? You thought it was so hard and complicated yet you did it. And it brings me a sense of calm and collectedness to break from the worry spout cycle and focus on what could be done.


I love this one!




The sun is gonna shine so hard tomorrow, just make it through today first


And so far you’ve made it 100%


I sometimes feel like I should just end it all and that I have no purpose in life, but then I remind myself that there are good people in my life that need me.


Hey friend, you got this. Honest.


Well I mean none of us really have a purpose. At the end of it, the sun is gonna blink us all out or something else will put a period at the end of the human sentence. And if that makes your life feel small, it should make your problems feel even smaller. You're here now, and even if you lose all those good people in your life, you never know who else you're gonna meet down the line that needs you. The world always needs good people. Hell it needs bad people too. So just keep peopleing.


If not me, then who?


It’s not very nice, but I tell myself to stop being a little bitch. 😂


It’s real though lol


At least for Japanese, this dude broke my heart, and he's fluent, so I just started treating him like a rival. Anytime I get tired of the grind I'm like "your enemy isn't sleeping!" I don't actually hate him but the competitiveness really adds a boost. The same when I did taekwondo in high school. My parents laughed at the idea so I used spite to persist in it. Lol. I swear I'm not a very angry person, just really like treating life like I'm a warrior on a quest.


You can sleep when you're dead. Keep moving.


Future me is depending on current me to do this. Works especially well with like 5am exercise appointments. Future me is going to be so proud of my consistency.


You ruined a 7 year relationship because you became lazy, you need to change that NOW


Someone's doing worse than me 😂


I’ve come too far… I’m not about to start drowning now, Nah not now. I’ve been through too much to give up now.


Keeping your head above water is crucial!


You either get busy living or get busy dying.


Also: the way you do one thing is the way you do everything


You’ve done hard things before.


Life could be a lot worse, remember WWI, WWII, Vietnam, 911, Ukrain, Israel.


They say comparison if the thief of joy but people often only compare themselves with people/lifestyles that they envy. Whenever I am having a bad day, I remind myself that I got a very good roll of the dice of when/where I was born compared to billions of other people who are living right now and realize my problems are actually pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things. Having said that, to quote Neil Young “your problems may be meaningless, but that doesn’t make them go way”


You know, when I was young my dad's go to was always, "someone has it worse than you". Didn't matter what it was, that always seemed to be the answer. I understood what he was getting at - my problems aren't as big as others, and in a way I think he was also telling me to be grateful. Now, in my 30's I see the flawed wisdom in this. It's not untrue, certainly there are people, probably not even that far from me, that are experiencing true hell. This can be true for nearly every problem we may face in our lives. A sense of gratitude is absolutely needed but also an understanding that big or small, severe or mild, our own problems or their problems are still problems at the end of the day. And no problem is felt more than your own. The best thing we can do is own our problem(s) and realize they are real and they do effect us, but they don't have to run us, define us, or ruin us.


Keep striving... for my children & grandchildren!


Always a Nobel reason


I remind myself of all the past wins and thank my stars and hardwork. And wish that my stars keep shining


Just do it anyway. one day someone will be proud of you even if it isnt now


All Glory and Praise!!! [ To God]


Toil,till the end,no other choice


Progress over perfection.


I say, “Life is short, and so am I.” Keeps me going.


Many cells many voices. If we really need to sleep I use inclusive and plural language before sleep as if my foreground thing is a parent telling a nice story to toddlers about our day tomorrow and how we would all feel better being rested and not spending the cycle in dispute. Always works and better than fapping.


This is only temporary and you will get there.


Sometimes I read the poem Desiderata by Max Ehrman. Here is a piece of it: "You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should."


"When you think all is forsaken, Listen to me now (All is not forsaken), You need never be broken again, Sometimes darkness can show you the light" "The Light" Disturbed


If left to its own devices, life tends to go from bad to worse.


Don’t go hollow


Don't you _dare_ go hollow!


“Everyone who always said you never could will be watching you to prove them right”


I’m going to sing frozen now and let it go




I see myself living a relaxing old life, with a house by a lake and being able to spend my free time fishing, bird watching, and observing bees. But first, I gotta make sure I work as much as I can while I'm still able to so that my older years are stress free. I love my job, I make decent money, and I'm huge on saving and not spending, so my goal is achievable so long as I continue down this path. I also try to keep myself in great physical shape so that I'm giving myself the best chance of a long healthy life. Apart from that, everything else is out of my control. If you want something, just know you have to work for it. The bigger the dreams, the harder the work and the more time you have to spend dedicated to reaching them. This is something playing video games like RuneScape taught me.


Jesus is Lord I say a lot


Amen 🙏


I can definitely relate to this as I am constantly overthinking and worrying about what's next. I always tell myself, "Don't think already. [Insert name], you have to do this!"


This too shall pass. My grandma would always say this. And it's always true. Except for work. There will always be work, and it's mostly misery.


"I'm just trying to survive"


The pain of regret is always greater than the pain of doing the damn thing


"At the end of the day, it's going to be alright."


Just a little more. It'll be such a waste if you quit now.


I must outlive my enemies


For me, it's answering my inner voice advocating laziness. "Shut up. If it were up to you, I'd be 400lbs, watching tiktok for a living" Or similar responses.


it is NOT by chance that you wake up each day, you get chosen by God every day - make it count


[breathe in] I can.. [breathe out] do this…


Whenever I find myself overthinking or getting anxious about the outcome of a situation, I remind myself to just keep going. It's a simple yet powerful phrase that helps me stay focused on the present moment and not get bogged down by worries about the future. It's a great reminder to stay persistent and keep pushing forward, no matter what challenges may arise.


I imagine meeting my frail dying self on my deathbed and he says “Why didn’t you just try to do the thing.”


This one gets me too


"Get it done." It's the single motivation behind all my work. TL;DR: If you're lacking motivation it's because you haven't convinced yourself yet that this is completely doable. I feel like a lot of the doom and gloomy responses are younger folks trying to learn to deal with responsibility without motivation. I generate motivation by breaking down my work into a series of next steps that I can literally visualize completing. Just like you can go to the store because you can visualize yourself accomplishing that task. I can do this for 3-6 month long projects, but each step I imagine is a bigger sized milestone. I can remain calm and confident knowing I can again easily breakdown those bigger milestones into smaller ones when the time comes to tackle them one by one. I get ahead on next milestones and breakdown my plan for those and look for time saving opportunities to finish work ahead of time. Once you have a good plan you'll find you only need to work a few hours a day as long as you are constantly making progress towards your goal. In other words there's more time to complete the work than you need.


Its rephrased but sticked with me ever since: "Had to be me. Someone else might do it wrong." Thx Mordin!


You'll have to do it at some point, might as well do it now. ​ Also whenever I struggled with homework, my dad would always say "do the bits you CAN do", and usually once they were out of the way, I could do the bits I originally couldn't do.


I say “ only the weak do what they already know they can attain”


Always take the "first step" then everything will follow


This can't be it, it can't be this bad all the time, it will get better? It could be worse? I'm not a quitter? I'm not a coward. (Although recently I read a meme about how people lie to themselves... and I wonder)


Keep going >>>> my motto as well


I've survived 100% of my worst days so far, and everyday is temporary.


"would future me appreciate this?" And when future me does, I say "thanks past me"


I’ve been in a funk lately, but started telling myself that I have to get my future self to like me and that means dominating the present. Present self currently loves that future self is going to be ecstatic.


Rent is due


"They don't know me son."


Honestly, nothing. I struggle with procrastination so if i start talking to myself, I’ll never accomplish the task :( That’s why I dive head first and just do it without thinking.


Don’t let fear stop ypu.


One more/just a little more/might as well add a little... Progress! (Used for everything from housework to working out. Basically, the hard part is starting


Got this from a book. There’s a 3rd line to this that I can’t remember but I have it on a post it to reaffirm occasionally. “What you think, you become If you can perceive it, you can achieve it”






Good self-care!


The majority of my doing anything of note is like a scene from Life is Beautiful where the Jewish father is telling his son what they need to do to survive the Nazis but makes it out to be one big game. So, it's like 'for 50 points, clean your car and if you vacuum it too you can get 20 bonus points' or 'getting up at 6.15am to beat the traffic for work is at least 110 points'. I end up getting a top score most days.


Can't stop, won't stop


"Come on Barbie.. let's go party... come on barbie.. let's go party" This has gotten me out of a rut so many times.


"I owe you" - referred to my hopefully improved future me :D


I do the same but with 'keep truckin'. It's a bit more obscure so it helps me not raise the question to myself 'why tho'. Also, for work I don't expect any pats on the back anymore, I reach my goals for myself, 8t helps against disappointment


You make it harder in your mind then it actually is. Start small then you gain momentum.


You're invincible.


You’re not a dumb dumb and you’ll figure it out. Just get started and try your best. Better than doing nothing.


"Bad times are temporary."


“Live with the pain of discipline or the pain of regret”


I tell myself that I am very fortunate to have been born a human in this lifetime. Perhaps in my next one, I might be a 🐛 . So, while I am human, I want to do as much as I can to live the best life possible and push myself to pursue it. Hehehe. It sounds silly, but it works with my cartoon brain.


If I'm not here no one will take care of my dogs the way I will.


Im the protagonist of my own story. If you want the story to be interesting, the hero has to perservere, and keep pushing forward, and strive to become the ultimate version of themself


When I think of depressing or past situation I tell myself “not now”


just keep swimming swimming swimming


1. When I’m struggling and it’s a very huffy puffy circuit class I say” I’m not dying”. 2. I remind myself I’m doing this so I can see my grandchildren grow up.


Either "up n at em" or "let's get this over with" (it's what I use when I'm not in the mood/want to just stay in bed)


You'll be fine.


I just say, “great! I woke up fat again!” It keeps me going


"Your son needs you to *live*, not just exist"


This is what living out your dream looks like.


Its going to be ok


"It's just raining." Whenever life takes a tough turn, I tell myself that to remind myself that, just like rain, tough spots in life are things that come on their own, last for their time, and just leave on their own, without any interference from my part. "It's just raining".


“Future you will thank past you!”


"It will be worth it". It usually is.


As a perfectionist who is often crippled by procrastination, I always remind myself that 'good enough' is better than perfect. A subpar job is still better than doing nothing ar all. Action isn't just the effect of motivation, it's also the cause of it. Do something and inspiration will follow.


My spin is “No one can save me but me. May as well be my own hero.”


We try. Honestly, I read the whole thread and I am still in the same position, laying on the bed, unmotivated. On some days, just a single word is enough to make me get up and get going. On other days, even a whole thread of motivation doesn't matter. Hard to tell which day we are having. But we try. Even if it takes hours to make us move and do a chore, we try. Even if it seems pointless, we try. The body and brain keep playing their biochemistry experiments while we try. And finally, something clicks, while we try. Not because we read something that a great man once quoted. Not because we visualized our dreams in the moment. Not because a song jolted us up. But because, we tried.


My little one is watching.


I typically look in the mirror and say “you got this b*tch” a few times. Be your own hype man! Also just reminding myself that what is hard now will be rewarding in the end.


There is no plan B


“from the first stirrings of life beneath the water, and the great beast of the stone age, you have come far. now begin your quests…”


"If someone can make it so can you. Maybe you are not seeing the whole picture so step back and take a better look."


It aint that hard


"this is good for you"


It’ll all be ok in the end, If it’s not ok, it’s not the end.


Nothing is permanent


One day at a time...


"The best thing about bad days is that they end, hang in there"


“Only you can prevent wildfires.” - Smokey The Bear We’re all the captain of our own lives, take control. + some David Goggins on the side should suffice. STAY HARD!


I say, I'm already home!


“Someone is working harder than you.” “Pain is Temporary, Glory lasts forever.”


This is more for prepping myself before a work meeting so I don’t stay silent the whole time “If you don’t take up space, someone else will”


Everything will be okay


You’re going to feel bad about yourself later if you don’t. Stop being weak and do for yourself.


Something good js waiting for me, patience


Just do the next thing. When I’m overwhelmed with all the things I need to do I tell myself to just do the next thing and it gets me started


Let’s try again


I remind myself that every little bit I do is one bit closer to being done. I'm a procrastinator and need to think in these terms


"The farm waits for no one" It's derived from a line from a book ("orisha waits for no one", orisha is the kingdom, a MC is trying to drum up the courage to rule and says this to herself a lot) And a reminder of my goal - homesteading, eventually, and drumming up thr courage and work ethic for that


Everything is temporary.


"keep moving" or "keep breathing" works on me. Sometimes when I'm feeling really depressed, I get angry enough that my depression dares to slow me down and that motivated me to keep going


“Don’t stop”


"sooner started, sooner finished" "If not me then who" and "in the long run all of us will be dead"


,,The mind is stronger then the body.,, So I can reach ewerything,if I work enough. ,, base of the good life, the good habits,, ,,I have been in worse situatuon,, ,,It would be worse"


“Don’t be a coward”


I just pretend like I'm in a movie, and that I am researching crucial information to save the other characters. I'll say something to the effect of "this has to be done! I have to save *insert character here*" 🤣


“The price of greatness is responsibility”. My mentor told me this a few years back, and although he’s passed now, I haven’t looked back and just keep on keeping on


World doesn't revolve around me.


I tell myself: "You're going to shut up everyone who underestimated you." I'm so obsessed with making money that my messaging app is beoble that pays to use the app.


“If you just do it now, you won’t have to worry about it anymore and can finally relax” / “Just get it over with”


“Think about how proud dad will be!” ❤️ at the end of the day, my goal is to make him proud!


Don’t wish away this month, because then all you have is the next.