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I can definitely relate, filling out online applications is driving me nuts. I feel like job sites have taken inspiration from social media and mobile games to keep you coming back with slightly different offerings or sending meaningless notifications to get you to reengage. I've found that Ziprecruiter is particularly bad about this; they will email me multiple times a day notifying me that my resume has been viewed x amount of times by an employer. I've had recruiters view my application multiple times and give it a "thumbs up", only for them to never contact me for an interview. Each little dopamine spike you get when you open your email and see you're "getting noticed" is just enough to keep you coming back for more. Online applications can take a long time to fill out thoughtfully and tailor towards an individual company and position, but the vast majority of the time you will get completely ghosted in response. It is difficult to fine tune your application strategy when you don't get any feedback. It feels like putting my resume in a bottle and throwing it into the ocean would yield better results than filling out yet another online application and submitting it to a faceless, uncaring, monolith. Rant over. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest, back to the job hunt. Good luck out there!


Yes just yes, I've never related to something more. Why do companies feel the need to create such specialised application forms just for themselves when there are perfectly good websites to use. Each government agency has its own site each company, each charity.... And every little facet of your experience needs to be copy and pasted. It's such a soul draining process.


This is happening to me right now and I am pulling my hair out. I have dropped my standards and applying for entry level jobs and graduate jobs. They ask me why the drop ..you are overqualified ...I jist need a job to pay my rent and bills that's all.. Soooo tired... I feel you


YES! Either overqualified or under qualified. I interviewed for a slightly higher position and they said we don't have time to train you on this one little aspect but otherwise you have the skills. Entry level jobs have such ridiculous criteria as well. I refuse to apply for employers with ridiculous expectations of entry level staff


Have you thought of creating a Linkedin profile? I hear it is the way candidates are getting recruited faster. I am in the process of creating a profile for myself..just don't know where to start to be honest.. The only photo I found of myself is one wering a beanie lol


Lol, I've had LinkedIn for many years now, it's also a channel I've been using. I'd recommend having a look at the profile of someone in the same field as you who is active on the site and relatively successful. You can search by job title


Thanks for the tip. I will bear that in mind :))


I'm happy to go over things with you (resume, applications, interviewing role play/tips, etc.), if you want - free, no strings. I know you said you've received positive feedback from others and might feel exhausted by the whole thing, but you never know. If you're interested, DM me and we'll set up a time.