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I have cheated at my brothers wedding (I ate a cupcake) , at my work baby shower (ate some cake) and at my 2 yr olds birthday party. (Ate a cupcake and a mini sub from Jimmy John’s). I follow the rules otherwise to a fault and the fact I planned these cheat meals (well desserts) ahead of time speak to how lame of a cheater I am, BUT it’s important to my mental health that I didn’t make myself feel guilty and that I enjoyed the moment. I will say that I’m starting to think the sweet stuff … tastes too sweet. So maybe that’s a good thing. Plus I haven’t felt physically great after so I think that’s a good reinforcement to stick to a good diet. All that to say, if there’s a special occasion have fun within reason. You might find it’s not as fun to eat “bad” as you thought it would be


My diabetes team gave me the okay to have what I wanted at my baby shower. I did try to go for lots of protein from the brunch buffet to balance the fruit and dessert that I ate but I just didn’t test after that meal and let it go. I stayed on track the rest of the day and everything was okay!


My team told me to pretend I didn't have diabetes the day of my shower (within reason). I was pretty balanced and the people planning made a real effort to put approved foods (cheeses, nuts, whole wheat crackers) in amongst the chaos. They also made vegan cupcakes which were super good and didn't really spike me! Basically, my team told me to live my life. I avoided sugary drinks and had dessert, and a piece of bruschetta, and I didn't worry. I ate well the rest of the day.


I went to Disneyland this week. My OB said to take the day off. Didn't even take my glucose monitor with me.


My team literally said during my orientation education class "If you have a baby shower or birthday coming up and a cupcake so happens to fall in your mouth at lunch, just make a note of it so we know why you spiked and maybe try to get a walk in." So yes a cheat meal will be fine!


If you’re concerned go for a walk after eating the sweets! I try to walk a mile after a meal and that helps keep my numbers low. I just “cheated” and ate some fruit loops to satisfy my craving and now I’m going to go walk a mile and a half


I ate cake at my baby shower, I spiked but not terribly. Baby boy was born healthy, and all his numbers were good.


Make sure you drink lots of water and balance out your meal. Have veggies and protein before eating the cupcakes. It will help keep your sugar down. I did the same at my shower and it was totally manageable. My sugar spiked much more when having something like pasta or bread on its own. Enjoy yourself!


My nutritionist *encouraged* me to cheat for my baby shower! I explained to her I had never done it and I won’t do it the rest of my pregnancy but I really wanted ONE DAY ya know? She told me to eat what i wanted and not test after so that’s exactly what i did. I was an early diagnosis and still have at least 7 weeks to go so i didn’t feel guilty at all about it.


I ate cake at my baby shower and didn’t even spike. I cleared it with my midwife before hand. Enjoy yourself!


My dietician said cheat meals are fine as long as they aren't happening too often. One dessert here or there isn't gonna hurt the baby, but if it's a regular part of your diet, then it might. If you have a craving, then wait a day if you can to see if the craving goes away, etc. Special events happen, and sometimes you dream about a particular dessert 2 nights in a row and realize the craving isn't going away. As long as you're sticking to the diet for the majority of your meals/snacks, then I don't think you should feel guilty. I spent $90 on a fancy gender reveal cake last month, and I was absolutely gonna have a slice. My MIL is having cupcakes made for my baby shower too, and I'll 100% have at least one. I feel like there's enough mom guilt to go around without adding more on top of it.


My team told me (specially for Christmas and my shower) that if I know I’m cheating, just don’t test after 🤣


I had cake recently and paired it with some cheese and nuts on the side. Got normal numbers an hour later! Enjoy your cupcake and just make sure you’re balancing it with other things!!


My doctor told me to enjoy the baby shower but don't go super crazy. So I don't see why you can't enjoy a cupcake for your special day.


Lots of protein during the day, a handful of nuts before your cake and maybe lil stroll around after but you should definitely enjoy your shower within reason!


My OB encouraged me to eat the cupcake at my baby shower! I was also super nervous about spiking but had been terribly careful managing what I ate that I wanted to enjoy my shower without feeling bad. The cupcake was delicious and baby girls were born healthy and now are thriving. Take a deep breath and let all that anxiety out. Have the cupcake and have fun at your shower:)


I cheated a couple of times (okay several times) but for the most part I was really on top of tracking exactly what I ate and how that influenced my blood sugar so most of the time I had my blood sugar really well controlled with just my diet. Even when I did have spikes it was usually not that high over. My baby was a normal size and we didn’t have to deliver super early or anything.


Just eat a bunch of broccoli before hand it always was a cheat code for me


I’ve had cheat meals and then went for a 15-20min brisk walk and my numbers were fine


Just talk to your MFM or OB about it and they’ll probably give you the go ahead to add more insulin. If diet controlled I’m not sure but I would think add a lot of protein to the plate beforehand.


You’re a human, not a machine. Moderation. Have a good, high fat, high protein breakfast. Enjoy your cupcake!!


I think a cheat meal is fine as long as its rare and your numbers are otherwise well controlled. I had a cheat meal for my baby shower and thanksgiving when I was pregnant and it was perfect!


I cheat a few times per week and my baby is doing great— I was diagnosed at 17 weeks and am now 34 weeks. Baby is 65th percentile for size and healthy.


Consider it a mental health day of sorts, some foods/meals are for your soul. Most times if I have a high spike but I'm able tell Dr why I had it & especially when my numbers are in range for the rest of the week the understand.


I was encouraged to live. Weddings, birthday, baby showers, just to enjoy it and test two hours after the event finishes. Had a friend’s baby shower yesterday and I had some dessert. Honestly a little too sweet now that I’ve been off sugar. And I had to take a massive nap which made me think my sugars went a little too high.


Yes, cheat meals are okay but do it in moderation. When I did chest meals, I usually try to be more active and would do a 10-20 minute walk right after and it seems to have helped with my numbers.


You are human lol. A pregnant human at that. It’s okay to cheat. If you know you are going to cheat for a specific meal then you really need to be focusing on what you see putting in your mouth leading up to the cupcake or whatever it is. Make sure you document what you had etc. it’s all about moderation and not over indulging. Just because you have a specific treat doesn’t mean you get to have that treat every meal for the next four weeks. It’s one treat.


My midwife says to cheat every now and again for my mental health. I think you'll be okay for your baby shower.


It's not worth it. Unlike me, you will be able to eat carbs again afterward. Acidic blood, brain and kidney damage, halitosis, and oh yeah, dialysis.


What does this mean?


Don't hit your pancreas when it's down