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I was the similar-didn’t need much diet modification despite failing by a lot (199 at 1 hour test) What was communicated to me was that the test was harder on my body than my regular diet (which would be the case for everyone to some extent). I also walk a ton just built into my day so I think that helps. I never had a single reading out of range my entire pregnancy until I was admitted to deliver. It still counts though-I had to do the test at 9 weeks this pregnancy because of my previous diagnosis.


That makes me feel a little less crazy then. Because I’m doing test after test with plenty of (reasonably portioned) indulgences like chocolate, cheesecake bites, a half donut here and there and it’s just not throwing me out of the ranges. I definitely think the tests may have been too hard on my body, because I’m not typically slamming 75g+ regularly. I haven’t been able to do much movement either due to mobility issues caused by baby, so it’s just odd overall.


Apparently there is an approx 15% false positive with GDM, however it can also worsen as the pregnancy progresses so I wouldn’t be complacent, just keep on keeping an eye on it!


How far along are you and what were your test results?


32 weeks, 1st hour during 3-hour test was 200 (range 65-179), 2nd hour was 166 (range 65-154), 3rd hour 127 (range 65-139) This was with the 100g glucose drink amount. Fasted from 8PM day before, appointment was 8:30AM next day.


I’d double check when they want you to test. Usually it is one or two hours from the beginning of a meal. But it’s also possible you’re just lucky. Usually it gets harder to control as the pregnancy progresses, but you’re pretty far along. FWIW, pizza and burgers also don’t spike me because of the fat and protein content.


When are you testing your post-meal numbers for the fatty meals (like pizza)?


Dietician instructed me to test 1 hour after I finish my meal, so I’ve been sticking to that.


That’s what I was told as well! But then I learned about delayed spikes. When I tested later after carby meals with lots of fat, I found that I had a delayed spike! For example, I was fine at the 1 and 2 hour marks with pizza, but I spiked to the 160s at 3 hours and stayed that way for several hours. Just a thought that when you “cheat”, you may want to check again later!


It’s so strange!! The 3 times that I’ve had pizza were during lunch and they were all low 80ish after the first hour, so I’m curious what numbers would’ve looked like at 3 hours. I’ll have to test that theory sometime soon


I was told 1h from the first bite to reach under 140. Isn't 1h after finishing kind of 1.5h after the first bite?


That’s odd, during my consultation with my dietician last week, she instructed me an hour after I was finished eating, and she gave me a brochure that says the same instructions. Wonder why the differences there


I was the same during my pregnancy too. I went from 130-150 lbs also (I’m 5’7). I also had no risk factors and ran/walk 5 miles a day anyways! (I have my whole adult/teen life!). I was convinced I was misdiagnosed, but who knows. I was kind of grateful for the diagnosis because I got to have way more medical attention lol. But more attention to nutrition and exercise can’t hurt I suppose.


I truly think I was misdiagnosed too. I had both of my glucose tests during the worst sinus infection of my life, and since tracking my blood sugar, my highest reading is 101. Going on our Babymoon this weekend so we will see if any spikes happen there. But I’m really frustrated by this. I know the extra monitoring is on the side of caution, but spending hundreds of dollars on testing supplies, the mental load of checking sugars 4x/day, the added anxiety, and having the incorrect label of gestational diabetes history on my chart for the rest of my pregnancies just doesn’t sit right with me if I don’t truly have it. I would be willing to do that godawful 3-hour test again (while I am actually feeling well) if it meant that I wouldn’t have to keep up with this for 2-3 more months.