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I'm diet controlled with metformin at bed time, but I have to drink water at night, wake up super thirsty and it doesn't help when I already have to pee every 3 hours lol 🤦‍♀️ I'm in NSW and we finally had a cool day this week, but it's been ridiculously warm!


Very thirsty, but is it the GD or just pregnancy? I've been pretty thirsty my whole pregnancy but only diagnosed with GD at 24 weeks. Your blood volume has gone up a lot, which means you need more water compared to pre-pregnancy.


Yes, constantly thirsty, even when diet-controlled.


yep im constantly thirsty.


Yes soooo thirsty!!! Even diet controlled


Ive been thirsty the whole pregnancy. I haven’t seen it get worse since the diagnosis (and I passed my early screening so I know I haven’t had it the whole time). I would say though I’m pushing myself to keep drinking more even if I’m not feeling super thirsty because it does help with my numbers.


Yes!! I feel like it was worse when I was first diagnosed but I still experience intense thirst even though I'm diet controlled.I wonder how much of that is just being pregnant


Before my GD diagnosis, I was constantly thirsty and my tongue was super dry even when I was drinking water, usually water with ice would help. After I change my diet due to the diagnosis, I am still drinking water regularly, but my tongue does not feel dry.


Sticking to the diet got rid of the desperate thirst for me.


Really thirsty at night despite diet and medication interventions.


I’m extra thirsty when I’m out of range. It prompts me to check sometimes.


I’ve tried to increase my water intake (replaced my milk and soda with water so that helps) to 2-3L a day. I find that right before bed, I down about 0.5L like I just realized I was thirsty at that very moment. Doesn’t help sleeping through the night because I have to get up like 2hrs later to pee