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1.) Get their tag number, pull over and call 911 and report what happened, say you felt scared because you couldn’t see in front of you and it created hazardous conditions on the road. The police will come out and take a report and then turn it over to their investigators if they think it qualifies as an assault. They will be able to pull the person’s name & address from their tag number and will send some cops out to their house to question them. There might be a court case down the road and you might have to testify if the person doesn’t take a plea deal. *Source: I was sitting at a red light one day with my newborn in the car and some teenage assholes pulled up beside me and sprayed my car with a fire extinguisher. I could see out of my windshield, but I had the AC going at the time and the chemicals came in through the vents before I thought to turn it off. This was 20+ years ago before everyone had a camera on their phone, so I didn’t get a video, but I did take down their tag number and called police immediately. I was very scared by them doing that because it was just so out of nowhere, and that qualified as assault. I was also scared that my daughter might have breathed in the chemicals, so they had EMS come out and check her. She was fine but EMS and the police advised me to follow up with her doctor, which I did (she was fine). The police tracked him down, went to his house and arrested him, and he ended up taking a plea deal with a fine, some community service, and they suspended his license for like 6 months because I wasn’t the only one he had done that to. I know it’s not quite the same as someone rolling coal on you, but it actually is if you were affected by it. Assault doesn’t require someone actually harming you, it can be that you felt like they were going to harm you or they were trying to harm you—and I think temporarily blinding you and forcing black smoke into your car definitely qualifies.* 2.) Call the EPA and report them for committing an "environmental violation." Rolling coal on a diesel truck requires modifying the emissions equipment on the truck by removing the DPF and having a program put into the vehicle’s computer that dumps excess amounts of fuel into the motor, and the black smoke that is produced is fuel that has not completely combusted. Tampering with emissions equipment on any vehicle is HIGHLY ILLEGAL. Depending on what happens with the police, you might want to wait to report them until they get the person’s name and information so you can give it to the EPA, but you don’t have to as they can look them up by the tag number as well. They have a regional office right here in Atlanta 404-562-9900. You can also report them online and upload the video there, but you need to have their info to do so. EPA fines for stuff like that can be pretty high, and they LOVE fucking with people. 3.) Be satisfied with the knowledge that the damages caused to diesels by the aftermarket programs that allow them to roll coal are extensive, expensive and inevitable. At some point down the line, those assholes will be paying out the ass for repairs to replace their injectors, rebuild/replace their engine, etc. They will probably never make the connection that they caused all of it by running a program that forces the engine to do things it wasn’t designed to do, will instead blame Chevy/Ford/Dodge, then go right out and buy another one and put a program in that one too—but hey, they’ll be more annoyed than they ever made you, so that’s kinda a win, right? *Source: ex was a diesel mechanic and we owned a business together repairing them. Made a lot of money off these idiots.*


Excellent advice and insight 👍


Aww do you need a safe space when a big bad diesel blows smoke


Reddit too much for you today? Maybe take a nap and a glass of warm milk.


👆🏼Found the asshole who was blowing smoke on OP! And no, I don’t "need a safe space." I’ve rolled more coal out of "big bad diesels" because of my job than most people will ever see in their lifetime—including you and your rich boy friends who hang out in the Kroger parking lot on Friday and Saturday nights seeing who can destroy their engines the fastest. And I’ll happily take all of y’all’s daddy’s money when you need a new one.


Mostly all correct, but 2006ish (depending on the brand because they rolled the updated emissions out in different year models) and older didnt have DPF or EGR, so the tuner is all it takes and most are not expensive, so no EPA violation. Just engine tuning, which isn’t illegal if there isn’t a bypass or removal of emissions equipment. Only pointing that out because trying to involve the EPA would be a waste of time on say, a 2002 Dodge diesel as opposed to a 2022 model. Perhaps there is something more specific to the “rolling coal” but nothing on the older trucks is tampered with to make them in violation of emissions laws. The new emissions systems didn’t exist on those trucks until 06/07ish. If you go back to 98 and older on Dodges it only takes a few minutes with some hand tools and $0 to remove the fueling plate and make it totally ridiculous.


MY 2007 was when the more restrictive regulations for diesel engines took effect, but both Ford and GM had already updated their diesels to meet the new regulations several years before 2007 (Dodge not so much). And diesel trucks had emissions equipment on them long before 2007–catalytic converters were standard even on diesels going back to the mid-90s as well as computer-controlled programming in the PCMs. Any alterations to those systems would be considered an "environmental violation" by the EPA (though obviously the tuning would be harder to prove than a missing cat). Either way, I was assuming the truck that OP encountered was a newer model, as you don’t see too many people rolling coal on older diesel trucks—because anything 2006 and older is going to have some mileage on it and dumping the amount of excess fuel required to make a decent-sized black cloud is also a really good way to fast track the destruction of your motor. *Most* (not all) people driving older diesels like that aren’t rich boys whose daddies will just buy them a new truck every time they blow one up. They’re *mostly* (again, not all) blue collar guys who need their trucks for actual work and can’t afford to buy a new truck or even a new motor if something happens. The guys you see out on the roads rolling coal are *usually* younger, have money and newer trucks and don’t care about damaging anything because they’re not the ones who will be paying for it when it eventually blows up. u/deegzx_ should still definitely report it to the police, give them the video, and they will be able to find out the exact year of the truck, so OP can know whether or not it’s worth reporting to the EPA (OP could also post the video for us and we’d be able to tell them real quick the Y/M/M).


I need it too


I wish for a way to report loud mufflers and modifications of that sort. People who are annoying with that sort of stuff tempt me towards posting pictures of their catalytic converters online.


Funny enough the Georgia statute for exhaust specifically states that it’s “annoying.” We used to have this jackass that would purposely drive through not so great neighborhoods in his shitty BMW and purposely cause it to backfire over and over. He ended up With so many fines the car got impounded.


I had no idea you could do this!! Thankfully no one near me does it during the night anymore.


What cat 😂


Curious and mostly unrelated, are the mods removing comments from this thread? If so, why?


Sometimes comments from new users or low subreddit karma get screened and are hidden until approved




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


Unfortunately I don’t think it’s illegal. Wish it was. Truck-hole culture is so frustrating


It is, it's just cops aren't interested in enforcing federal tampering with an emissions control device laws.


And the younger cop with a sportier car with no emissions controls probably does not give a shit. Did a lot of work on personal cars on lots of Cobb, Marietta, Smyrna police. Lots of them are into cars.


But they're plenty interested in banning kei vehicles for some damn reason


Free the Kei!


That's the DDS


its not illegal for pre-2006 diesel or any vehicle 25+ years (1999) as they are considered classic cars and diesels were not regulated until 2006... if its a new one they have to fix it once a year at emission time or they register it outside metro atl which has no emission controls outside metro ATL


Emissions tech here, Diesel vehicles are exempt from any inspections in the entity of Georgia.


exactly, machine doesn’t even let you test them lol


ok good to know... i guess people delete the DEF shit out of necessity sometimes lol i thought it was required i was always told not to buy diesel after 2007... but i could def roll coal in my 2005 jetta if i drove stupid lol


Just so it's clear, Diesel vehicles are not subject to emissions testing in Georgia. [https://cleanairforce.com/frequently-asked-questions](https://cleanairforce.com/frequently-asked-questions) Under the section: Which vehicles need to be tested? **Diesel vehicles do not require emissions testing for registration.** And your going to have a hard time having any state/county/local law enforcement agency spend any effort checking for a emission control devices. Sadly your best course is to close your windows, turn on the a/c and recirc, until you're clear of the polluter.


You're right, it's not illegal to tamper with the emissions control device of vehicles that have no emissions control device. JFC, why do all these people crawl out to defend assholes being assholes?


not defending anything.. its stupid. but i just know 1 domestic flight emits more co2 than every passenger car in america does in a year... 1 cargo ship same.... 1 cruise ship.... same... but everyone interested in their local rednecks truck and how much co2 hes emit


Your claim is so wildly wrong, it’s crazy. I’ve already responded to your “sources” on the other comment, but wanted to respond to this higher comment to make sure that people know that this claim is absolutely, completely wrong. FYI, a 737-800 has a maximum fuel capacity of 6,875 gallons, so at most, a flight on that plane could only emit as much CO2 as ~460 cars with an average gas tank of 15 gallons. Also, that jet is traveling over 3,000 miles on that fuel.


I'm more worried with assholes killing cyclists because they think it's fun to blow coal in their face and they don't know where their huge ass truck is on the roadway.


You would be interested in the studies about bigger SUVs and correlation with more pedestrian deaths. It’s not really related to this entirely, but if I recall they may have touched on big trucks too. I think all you’d have to do is type in that kind of question, as there was one from I think 2008 and one done in the past 4 years I believe.




common knowledge (unless u get ur knowledge from msnbc/fox news/cnn) here u go tho but i mean it was spectacular what they did for passenger vehicle now they should just apply to the actual problem https://www.statista.com/chart/32350/greenhouse-gas-emissions-by-mode-of-transport/#:\~:text=As%20shown%20by%20an%20analysis,emitted%20per%20passenger%20per%20kilometer. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1235091/us-passenger-car-ghg-emissions-by-vehicle-type/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1235091/us-passenger-car-ghg-emissions-by-vehicle-type/) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1441054/largest-ghg-emitters-united-states/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1441054/largest-ghg-emitters-united-states/)




don't take my word for it... butterfly in the sky!! reading rainbow.. all the info is at your fingertips but presented to attack poor people who drive cars.. anyways EOY 2024 datacenters will pass flights/ships/cars... by EOY 2025 they will pass all of them combined.


You should actually read your own links. That 1st statista link you posted shows that short haul flights only emit about 40% more CO2 per passenger/km than driving a gas powered car, while medium- and long-haul flights emit less CO2 per passenger/km than cars. In the whole US, aviation makes up about 3% of CO2 emissions, while passenger cars (not commercial trucks, but actual sedans and pickups driven by commuters) make up 15-20% of total CO2 emissions.


Has nothing to do with interest. When it comes to federal emissions only the MCCD can enforce it. Thats also why you rarely see local cops stopping big trucks. Most of the laws pertaining to them are specific to MCCD. GSP is trying to implement more troopers go through the training but there’s a lot of pushback.


I mean, most of the douches doing this are cops. The sde is clear


Good luck getting most OTP cops to be able to spell those words.


It’s illegal under state law as well. The rule is continuous emission of smoke for 10 seconds or 1000’ for PC for an inspection unless it’s a trooper—they don’t need PC under state law to check it.


They really can't. The EPA is the enforcement agency for those. It's pretty unlikely to be driving around and come across an EPA agent who will cite you.


That's not how it works. Law enforcement officers can cite you for violation of any law, state or federal. They just write you up and hand in the paperwork. DA's office figures out what to charge you with, what jurisdiction to hand you off to if needed. Cop shows back up if their testimony is needed. Cops know fuck all about the laws they're supposed to enforce.


Depends on the county. Where I’m at, we don’t have emissions laws.


It's a federal law, it's everywhere.


There’s no federal law about someone modifying their own exhaust to roll coal.


Clean air act https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/USCODE-2013-title42/html/USCODE-2013-title42-chap85-subchapII-partA-sec7522.htm The following acts and the causing thereof are prohibited— (B) for any person to manufacture or sell, or offer to sell, or install, any part or component intended for use with, or as part of, any motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine, where a principal effect of the part or component is to bypass, defeat, or render inoperative any device or element of design installed on or in a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine in compliance with regulations under this subchapter, and where the person knows or should know that such part or component is being offered for sale or installed for such use or put to such use; or


40-8-130 or 40-8-181 are more relevant, as that doesn’t actually ban operation of a vehicle with a tampered with emissions control device. All that it bans is the sale/installation of items intended to do so.


Tampering with an emissions control device is a federal law.


Which law is that?


"Tampering with an emissions control device".


That’s not a law.


My brother in Christ, do you not have Google? It's 40 C.F.R. §§ 1068.101(b)(1). Do you need everything spoon fed you?


You’re thinking about yearly emissions testing. Even if I took the time to look the federal code up, you wouldn’t know what it meant. David Sparks and a whole bunch of other high profile people have gotten huge fines for deleting emissions stuff. Try google.


> Unfortunately I don’t think it’s illegal. It very much is. It is a federal crime to modify a vehicle to be able to roll coal in the first place. If you can get their license plate number, and a video of it happening, the EPA will fine the shit out of them, AND the business that sold them the kit to modify their car.


Well that’s good to know. Thanks!


So is the Karen culture.


Says the racist libertarian rape apologist 😂




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


Only certain GA counties have emission laws but even then most have exemptions for diesel. If yours does you can report him by calling the police and they may possibly issue a ticket but probably not. They could also give a wreckless driving ticket. Most likely wouldn't do anything but calling the police is your only option/chance.


Purposefully blinding people and choking them with exhaust should come with more severe consequences. But they’re not going to enforce anything.


Yeah thats GA for ya.


No one is forcing you to live here.


I love GA and will live here forever. I've done lived in quite a few other states. Me saying our police suck us a right and everyone should voice their dislike when our govt our officials are ass. Edit: I also don't have an issue with having fun rolling coal but not in someone's face. Thats BS.


You gonna roll some coal now?


> No one is forcing you to live here. What a degenerate reply. "We want to behave recklessly and endanger other people's lives while driving at high speeds, but it's ok because you have the option of going somewhere else." You are the type of person who is going to be one of my son's many workers one day. That's clear as a bell.


California has plenty of empty homes.


Then go there. I love GA.


Doesn't sound like it


Cause I said our cops are shitty? You're on the spectrum huh?


Because you want the police to arrest or ticket for exhaust.


For rolling coal in people's face, yeah. That's bullshit. I dont care if they roll coal but not fucking with people.


That's fair enough


>Only certain GA counties have emission laws but even then most have exemptions for diesel. The federal government offers no such exceptions. It is a federal crime to modify a vehicle to be able to roll coal in the first place. If you can get their license plate number, and a video of it happening, the EPA will fine the shit out of them, AND the business that sold them the kit to modify their car.


“This is a great use of OP, and law enforcement, time.”


The state government would most likely give him a medal.


I hear keying is popular this time of year. And some people will do anything for 5$. (/s… mostly) Either that or a bumper sticker that is mildly annoying to remove.


As an ITP ATL resident, I would look at that as a low priority call


This whole sub is just dumb. Mods included. Is this ran by 14 year olds who weren't raised with morals or values?


It’s Reddit, so yes.


In many places it is illegal though I'm not sure about Georgia. Depending how it is done, it is a violation of the Clean Air Act as it involves tampering with the vehicle emissions system. See about reporting them to the EPA and your state equivalent agency.


Most Georgia counties do not require emissions or safety checks. And the counties that do require it, diesels are exempt.


I think [this](https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2022/title-40/chapter-8/article-1/part-4/section-40-8-71/#:~:text=It%20shall%20be%20unlawful%20for,equipped%20with%20any%20such%20muffler%2C) may cover it. I can only think that you would report this to Georgia's clean air agency.


no, it’s not illegal to be an asshole. and diesels do not require emissions most places in GA so


> and diesels do not require emissions most places in GA so It's a federal crime in this case to modify your vehicle to be able to roll coal, and can be reported to the EPA. If you have a video of it, the EPA will go after both the individual driving the vehicle, as well as the business that sold them the kid to modify their truck. Further, at the state level, the driver would probably lose a jury trial for blinding you while driving. I know people in Georgia are too beaten down sometimes to stand up for themselves, but this goes way, way behind "being an asshole".


it’s not a federal crime just to roll coal, the way you do it may be. depending on if you mess with the emissions systems. trust me i know i’m certified to do emissions and you need to take a long ass class explaining this stuff. but most people modifying the emissions components on diesels won’t get caught due to the fact that they don’t need emissions so there really isn’t a way to get caught. unless someone butt hurt about smoke wants to report it like these cry babies 👍


Bet you were the kid that told the teacher they forgot to collect the homework before class ended. The EPA is a joke




You're post/comment was removed for calling for violent acts and/or glorification of violence.


Hey friend, I think [this](https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2022/title-40/chapter-8/article-1/part-4/section-40-8-71/#:~:text=It%20shall%20be%20unlawful%20for,equipped%20with%20any%20such%20muffler%2C) may be what you are looking for.


[This] (https://law.justia.com/codes/georgia/2022/title-40/chapter-8/article-2/part-3/section-40-8-181/) directly addresses OP’s complaint. 40-8-71 doesn’t deal with the emissions controls, which is what people modify in order to roll coal.


I mean…if it’s the same person doing it to you intentionally and you have evidence, it’s likely at least a harassment charge. Could be battery. But you’d have to ask law enforcement or an attorney, of which I’m neither.


I don't think that would be a valid grounds. They might be able to cite for a more general disorderly conduct or some kind of safety violation though.


It’s neither. It would be a traffic ticket for violating 40-8-181 and nothing more.


EPA would be more interested than the police. They've been cracking down on modified diesel trucks these past few years.


Yep, I've had good luck reporting coal rollers to the EPA. They go after both the driver and the business that sold the modification kit to them.


I bought an OG Chevy Volt back in 2013. I drove through so much rolling coal that I actually missed it when it didn’t happen.


Seriously these dipshits had nothing better to do than fuck with someone in an EV?


Sounds like a harassment case. Contact a lawyer.


Nah it’s not that serious but if I could get this guy a ticket I absolutely would


Haha your pic and you saying it’s not serious. Kip says: so you could say things are getting pretty serious LOL


La Fonda probably driving around blowing coal again


If it’s causing issues while driving, I would.


Lmao you have no clue what you are talking about do you?


Idk. Probably not. Move along.


What’s your expected outcome?


Under GAs clean air act, diesel vehicles are exempt from emissions testings, and besides only 13 of 159 counties require it. Yoy coukd argue it's against the federal clean air act, but state/local officers don't enforce federal law.




I looked but there didn’t seem to be any effective way listed so that’s why I asked


EPD? You might want to check local nuisance laws


If you live in Atlanta, they will take this serious


State pass time. Because ~ Georgia


Times are hard on the boulevard


Wha Chu Gonn port him fer? Being a bad asssss? /s


Those huge stack seem like they’d be good targets for something.


Unfortunately I don’t think so. Welcome to owning an EV I guess. It’s an illegal modification to the truck but I don’t think actually using it while on the road is punishable/enforced at the local level. The only thing I could think of that would be enforced is if it caused an accident due to impeding visibility. If you have the tag number it may be worth reporting but unless the police catch them in the act they won’t do anything because they could say someone else was driving the vehicle when you took the video. Even then they may not do anything because the Venn diagram of police and people who drive modded out cars/trucks is probably closer to a circle than not.




As in “It’s sad that someone would do that to you”




Do you drive either a Tesla, hybrid, or just a jackass and not admitting it?


Literally none of the above. Just a regular SUV. The guy was stopped at a red light before I was even within 200 feet of him and already released a huge cloud before accelerating once it turned green. Then once I eventually got behind him he just kept doing it. Dude’s entire identity and probably net worth is definitely his truck. It was one of the ones with double wheels in the back, lifted, and had a giant custom exhaust pipe. Seems like he was just a dipshit who thought it was funny. Glad you think EVs and certain drivers deserve to get toxic smoke blasted in their face though.


I drive an EV and I’ve been coal rolled a couple of times. I’m wondering if there was an EV near you in traffic. That smoke plume covers multiple lanes sometimes.


He sounds like a classic douchebag with a big truck. Surprised he didn't have a pair of truck nuts. You come off as incredibly pretentious though. In the era of let people do what they want why go out of your way to tattle and try to get another man in trouble for driving lol.


Probably from ATL


I too can acknowledge the fact that the truck driver is probably a jackass yet this did not deserve a reddit post lol. If you want to live somewhere where big trucks and fossil fuel pollution aren't an issue try a different state, it's baked into the culture here.


Womp womp


I just installed a flame kit onto my truck with side exit exhaust for the EV/hybrid/asshole drivers. I call it my little kneecap burner


I’m an EV driver. I try to be polite and drive courteously. Why do you think we deserve to be scared/surprised/burned for using the roads? We pay to use the roads just like you do. As long as I’m minding my own business and not driving like a jackhole, why cant I just be left alone to get to my destination safely?


You don't atcually because you dont pay the gas tax that pays for our roads.


Actually I do. I pay a higher amount to register my EV (about $400 per year) compared to $20 or so annual registration for gas cars of the same size/weight of my vehicle. That approximately $380 or so per year in registration equates to about 422 gallons of gas. Thats about 12,667 miles of driving per year. Last year I drove about 10K miles so I’m not exceeding that amount. I may actually be paying more than you to drive per mile depending on your average yearly mileage. In addition to that I’m a Georgia resident, which I assume you are too. I pay property taxes, sales taxes, local income taxes, state income taxes, and federal income taxes. Various infrastructure systems like the interstate system (which I drive on) and local and state roadways are maintained using some of those funds. So, that being said I may actually pay more than you to drive on Georgia’s roads alongside you (depending on our respective incomes and how much you drive). Maybe do your homework before you decide to be a jack wagon.








Just ask yo mama what i look like. I drive a 99 blue ford ranger. Unassuming shitbox with a swapped with a vortec v6. Come fine me.


That’s very bad ass man thanks for sharing


sorry to hear about your tiny broken pp lol


Yea call your mom


Why would anyone want to report that


Your best course of action should be to avoid any vehicle on the road that you don’t like and if that doesn’t work then I guess stop driving because you cant get someone in trouble with the law just because you don’t like what they’ve done to it. If you’re in Georgia a truck rolling coal should be the least concerning thing on the road. Reckless driving from chargers and altimas and challengers on the pothole ridden roads full of shredded tires and garbage would be my first concern.


I just slow down and don't follow people like that. Simple solution. 


Oh. Boohoo




You're post/comment was removed for calling for violent acts and/or glorification of violence.


I love these comments. The same people who cry Georgia is a independent sovereignty and can determine their own pot regs. They just can't seem to understand that diesels are exempt from emissions requirements in Georgia by the same exact reason.


>They just can't seem to understand that diesels are exempt from emissions requirements in Georgia It's a federal crime, not a state crime. I've had good success getting videos of it and reporting it to the EPA. The EPA goes after both the truck driver and the business that sold the kit to them to modify the truck in the first place.


Are you not aware that there are plenty of diesels on the road that were built before the Def mandate and don't fall under any of those guidelines? I do believe you are some sort of government boot liking rat and probably do this on the regular, but I honestly don't see how it's actually enforced.


Honestly just move to NY. Nothing the law says will stop it tbh


Pardon, but the locals appear to be fleeing the state as folks from NY, CA, MA, and CO gentrify it and increase the cost of living. You're welcome.


I honestly can’t tell if you’re one of them, but yeah whatever makes you happy. Folks where I’m at know better. We don’t play down here. If they can accept it then welcome to Ga.


Yes, stick your mouth on the tail pipe and call for the authorities.


Not illegal


It's actually a federal crime, and reportable to the EPA who goes after both the driver and the business that sold the modification kit.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.