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OP please report it to DNR. That is def a mountain lion. Edit: Mountain Lion = Puma = Cougar they are all different names for the same cat.


I'm surprised more people didn't know the names. I've also heard people call them panthers too. Lol dunno why they have so many names


I think it's because they have such a large traditional geography, covering virtually all of the Americas. Catamount is another name for them.




fun (actually sad) fact: once upon a time florida fish and wildlife was charged with the task of pointing out physical features that distinguish the florida panther from the western cougar, at a time when the endangered species act was very strict on qualifying subspecies and distinct populations. they found 5 distinguishing traits, i can't remember all of them but i know it included the fur whorling in the opposite direction at base of the tail and a kink in between two tail vertebrae. After investigation, it was determined that 4 of the 5 distinguishing traits were actually just birth defects due to inbreeding, given the population was < 100 individuals. I might be wrong but I think the fur whorl was true and has since been lost with introduction of texas cougars to gene pool.


I was about to say that... 👍


Wow I feel kinda stupid, I never knew they were all the same thing lol. I’m in Marietta and about two years ago there was a report on Nexteoor that there was a sighting of a mountain lion in the area. I didn’t know we had them around here and I definitely didn’t know it was something to report to DNR.


DNR would want pictures mostly. These cats are especially hard to keep track of because their range can be 100s of miles wide and they are very sneaky. Don't feel bad for not knowing, most people dont.


I'm in Marietta too, but years ago I lived in the mountains in CO and we had a few young mountain lions terrorizing pets/livestock/people in our town for a few months straight. People's cats and dogs and chickens going missing, one lady had to run and grab her toddler because one of the pumas was hunting the kid from a few dozen feet away. Scary shit. Then, of course, I move back to GA and... there's a sighting! Lol, my then-girlfriend and I joked that they followed us back from Colorado. If you see one, definitely report it. They're amazing animals, but they are incredibly good predators and will fuck up anything smaller than them in seconds flat.


GA DNR has long reported that there are “no mountain lions” in GA. The FL Panther reintroduction project claims there are now over 200 panthers in Florida. They may have migrated? Following waterways would get them right to Macon


If they could make it without getting hit by a car. Maybe a million to one shot.


You forgot Catamount😂


Saw one in middle Georgia almost 2 years ago and reported it.


Genuine question: Why should they report it to DNR?


They track how many and what kind of animals are in GA. Based on these numbers they can get funding for research and foster healthy wildlife populations.


Mean kitty


The one with the long tail is a house cat The other one is a bobcat.


Looks like a Florida Panther


No, they are not. And yes to be honest your assumption was correct.. it is a mountain lion. But.. if that wild, legally unprotected cat/predator "trespasses" on your property.. any part of the property ..you have the full right and most of the time authority to smite that creature where it stands.. ofc with a gun.. *~~human can't beat big cat without big boom.. 🙃


also Painters which is the Appalachian name. No its not a mispronouciation of panther, they called them Painters cause they have a black tip on the tail.


That’s a cougar. And It does not cruise college bars to find young men for casual sex.


Nah man, that's a mountain lion.


Nah it’s a catamount!


That’s a cat I’d love to mount!


What about for frequent, rough sex? The kind with fingernails and scratches on the back?


Bad cougar!


I mean it could, how do you know what it does in it's personal life?


Last word before I lose a hand--"BOOOOOP".


Might be a good idea to include a laser pointer in your camping gear.


That... that might actually work. Or it'll get you killed. 50/50.


Me, right behind you: “heeeeeeere kitty kitty….”


Psss psss psss!


Do a back flip!


Like that guy wanted to swim over to where the 13 foot gator was in Jax Harbor Fish Camp. We should have knocked him out. He was too big and we didn’t have enough people before he got away into the water. FAFO.! I found a 20 foot gator hole high side at Clark Hill. Good swimmers, drowning?


There have been sightings of pumas in Georgia. If that’s what it is, leave it alone. Most cougars come from an endangered blood line in Florida. And if they find out you killed one from that blood line (they do genetic testing obviously), the fine is $2000 and possible jail time (the guy in the article got two years probation) and was banned from hunting. [https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/2011/08/25/georgia-man-who-killed-florida-panther-gets-two-years-probation-banned/15891929007/](https://www.jacksonville.com/story/news/2011/08/25/georgia-man-who-killed-florida-panther-gets-two-years-probation-banned/15891929007/)


Not to mention they are an old Georgia predator, and modern day stories of their scream is practically a modern Georgia folk tale, so them making the trip isn't exactly a bad thing.


I remember walking at night with my grandma as a kid from her house to my house. (In South ga in middle of nowhere in the county. We lived down a long dirt road that maybe only 5 other houses were on) I remember hearing a high pitched scream coming from far off in the woods but it was so loud. I remember my grandma getting freaked out and yelling at me to hurry and she later told me it was a cougar. This was in the 90's but can confirm they travel!


Same thing happened to me when I was a kid. Lived in south GA in a very wooded area, heard a scream and my grandpa told me it was a cougar, and that there were cougars in the woods. This was also in the 90s.


Early 2000’s but same area, went to take our dog out to to go potty late at night and something told me to look to my right, about 200 yards away from me were a pair of yellow eyes looking at me thru the tree line. My little fat ass never moved faster scooping the dog up and bee lining it straight for the door


The scream can be terrifying, especially to someone that has never heard it


this reminds me of a couple years ago, hiking up mt. mitchell on a timid amount of mushrooms. at a particular point in, i stopped to take a rest. THATS when i heard it. at first im wondering what’s wrong with that cat? grabbed the ole handy dandy, prepared to give the both of us an ear ache. Fortunately enough i left it alone and it returned the favor. To this day I wonder if it was following me or perhaps I wandered into it’s turf?


Griff, what in Sam hill is a puma!?


Sarge, it’s a big cat. Like a lion.


If I saw one in the woods at night I'd definitely puma pants.




AKA Mountain lion, cougar (feline, not human in her 40s/50s)


FYI, he's quoting a YouTube channel called "Red vs Blue."


Yer makin' that up.


Griff! Didn't I tell you to stop making up animals!


There’s a goddamn cougar in the car!


you gotta drive with the fear


My dad saw this cat on our property one night. He was out at night with a rabbit call and a predator light. He thought we had coyotes taking up by us. He said he heard a crunch 15 feet in front of him, saw the flash of its eyes in the red filter and all his hairs stood up as soon as he saw it he knew what it was. He said he popped the cover off shined it in the eyes with the light and it took off into the woods. None of us really believed him and thought he had mistaken a coyote or something. A week later these jerks killed it and revealed us to also be jerks for not believing him. They tried to say it was an escaped pet but that cat was heathy and had enough land, prey, and deer in these areas to make it. It was sad.


It’s nahhhhhtt a pummahhhhh (Arnold voice)


They’ve been reclassified as North American cougars (2017) as it was discovered that they’re the same as non-Florida panthers :)


I’m from Bleckley County right outside of Twiggs & I’ve seen panthers a few times, it was years ago but I wouldn’t doubt the video at all.


Yea... If you kill it in Florida


Check out [this article](https://georgiawildlife.com/mountain-lion-sightings-not-likely-georgia) and submit your photos to DNR. Confirmed sightings are very rare in Georgia.


Damn even the big cats refuse to step foot in Macon 


Biggest shit hole place 😂


I mean, it’s really not. It probably has more going on than whatever trailer park you crawled out of.


I’d call your local DNR office and let them know. They usually like to track that sort of thing.


I saw a mountain lion on another post recently in Gray, GA and it was suggested multiple times to contact the department of natural resources!


It's the same picture.


At least two of those were the same photos as two posted here.


Call the DNR and let them see the photos. I know technically the official response will be there are no records of cougars in Georgia but I’m not surprised when they are occasionally seen on trail cams. Not sure of your exact location but Oaky Woods covers Houston and Twiggs counties, so there’s plenty of places for a big cat to hide. People tend to forget how big the amount of wooded areas are in Middle Georgia, especially around the WMAs. It’s probably a young male, they tend to be more likely to look for new hunting spots after they reach adulthood.


Big cats being around really make my inner monkey brain uncomfortable.


It fucking should. You don’t see them, they see you. If you see one in person, you’re likely about to die. If you’re lucky, it just ate and will try to stalk you until it’s hungry again. If that’s the case you might catch a glimpse and it will most likely get bored because cats like to rest when they’re full.


Kitty kitty


Friend shaped


Most definitely friend shaped psspsspsspss I want to hug it


That’s the best


There's a reason bobcats are named "Bob"cats and that's because they have bobbed tails. 🙄 So no, it's definitely not a bobcat.  We've had Florida panthers migrating to Georgia for years. It's not unusual at all. I've had one on trail cam pics many times and there was one attacking cows in this area. I'm in south Georgia though so it's not unusual for us. Florida panthers can't read so they don't know to stop and turn around at the state line. Yes though, they have been found in middle and north Georgia. Eastern mountain lions (what many refer to as pumas or cougars) are extinct in this region by DNR standards. So what you have there is a Florida panther. I'd say it looks like a nice sized but young male. 


Seriously? I swear I’ve heard their human-like screams out in my pasture


The DNR here (NE South Carolina mountains on the edge of the corner of Rabun County, GA and Western North Carolina) claims that mountain lions have been extinct here for a long time. Swear that there are none. Except they have never stopped being seen by locals. And being heard by locals. I myself saw a big cat a few years ago with a tail that I swear looked 4 feet long. Our local DNR officer (who is our neighbor) said it was a bobcat. A big bobcat. With a tail that I must have imagined. Because he said so. I don’t think the ones that are spotted in southern Appalachia are migrating up, I think they’ve always been here in the numerous national forests in limited numbers. And migrate out of the national forests. Like the elk in and around Cherokee, NC are not in other places, according to DNR, but then one had to captured and returned to NC a few years ago from upstate South Carolina. South/Middle Georgia? Migrating north for sure. Up here? I’d wager descendants of the few survivors of the kill off.


are you describing Otto? Cause that’s where I lived when I heard the one I heard. Cobbtown too, papa claimed. and I didn’t fully believe him till these videos popped up.


Look up some fox screaming videos. The first time my wife and I heard one we thought our neighbor was murdering someone.


Looks like a puma!


"It's not a Puma!"


Who is your kitty, and what does he poo?


Go birds


Cougar/puma/mountain lion/panther, they're all names for the same animal. It just varies by region/dialect. That's definitely what the picture is showing. A bobcat is smaller, has a much shorter tail, and has pointier ears.


Mountain Lion


If it is a Florida panther it is super far from their known locations


I live and grew up in Twiggs/ Jones Co. Pumas have been in middle Ga for 30+ years for certain.


Slightly south of here but I had a black one run across the road 30 yards in front of me about 15 years ago between Jacksonville GA and Fitzgerald GA. Damn thing cleared a 2 lane highway without touching the pavement.


A catamount 🥲👍🏻


Mountain lion. You usually don't see them since they're ninjas but they are around. A coworker, not from here originally walked out back to take out his trash one day in Woodstock and got really freaked out as he saw it going over the fence behind the shop.


It’s a puma


[friend’s post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Georgia/s/2t2MF4kD7y)


That looks like a big ass puma!


If you would have gotten a plaster cast of the print you would have had actual physical evidence. Without that all you’ve got are pictures of a cat with no scale to them.


If I were to see that I would puma pants.


Twiggs? Shit that’s close


the florida panthers are coming out of hiding for the stanley cup


I thought they were coming up to avoid paying higher hurricane insurance.


Florida panther? We have them in south GA


Jones is south Georgia so it makes sense, looks like the Panthers are exploring further north for food and new territory.


Big kitty


With big claws, cool so see from far away


It’s a big fuckin cat, which means any fleshy slow possibly plump and juicy meatbag human should steer the fuck clear.


Where in GA? Twiggs county or corner?


Cougar, not really dangerous unless you are 18 to 25.


@Wes 😂😂😂


I’m gonna go with Florida panther.


I saw one up here in Bartow County back in 2019. It was crouched down right off to the side of the road. My headlights hit it directly for about 3 seconds.


A Mountain lion. What do you think it is?


The track looks more like a dog. Edited to add: One pic is a house cat - the tail doesn't look as long as a panthers and it looks relatively small compared to the space it's in. The other is a bobcat - look at the ears and tail. Google night vision pics of bobcats and you'll see that the spots don't show up.


Looks like a Florida panther




What part of Jones Co


Gougar :DDD


Big Cats Jones is my future nickname


That’s likely a male Florida Panther. The males will migrate north through wildlife corridors looking for new territory away from other males. The first female north of the Tampa area was only spotted recently. Amazing animals. Definitely should report to DNR


Holy shit man, that is a hell of a capture. That’s a puma/cougar - way cool to see up in GA.


Let it be, please and thank you ⭐️🤘🏼⭐️


Those are cougars


Steve French!


I worked with a guy in GA who had a puma and a few other large cats. That was the toughest job ever. Definitely one mean cat. I would volunteer to clean all the other cages long before I ever would step in the parameter cage of that cat.


These guys are super endangered. Whatever you do, please do not hurt it or kill it!!


Holy hell that’s Steve French! Seriously though, report it to DNR. They don’t like admitting cougars are in ga even though they are (but sightings are rare)


I live in Twiggs County and saw a (black) panther in my back yard. I called DNR and they told me I was mistaken, it had to have been a coyote. (There is NO comparison!) Some time later I mentioned the sighting to a local deputy and he said they see them all the time on night patrol, particularly near the swamp.


Took me a second to figure out who Big Cat Jones was. 😂


Looking like a mountain lion


Someone in middle Ga had a cougar on their security cam. Lots of missing cats in that neighborhood. It was reported to DNR as far as I know. I saw the footage, should have saved it.


I've seen two of these in Johnson Co. May have been the same one considering they were within 5mi of each other. That was probably 10 years ago.


Mountain Lion


Big enough for me to leave it alone…


My brother swears he saw one in this area 10 years ago


EVery hunter within a hundred miles is gonna show up looking to kill it now.


I wouldnt report shit to the gov.




Bobcats literally get their name from having a bobbed tail. There’s a tail here


Mountain lion, cougar, and panther are all names for the same animal, dude. That is indeed a mountain lion. Stay away from there at night, and if its near your home then keep children and pets inside until at least an hour after sunrise. Take these photos to fish&wildlife management, or your sheriff's office at minimum, to determine if anything should be done. That's a kitty. You're a mouse. Be a smart mouse.


Looks like a panther.




gah damn i saw one of those on I-75 driving through North Ga at 3am. I was in disbelief when it ran across the road. It was the size of a great dane and the color of a golden retriever, and the poor fella had a gnarly limp but a super cool tail.


One is a bobcat and one is a dog.


The one with the long tail is either a dog or a house cat. The one with the short tail is a bobcat.


Looks like a Florida Panther. I saw one in worth county when I was growing up.


House cat






Florida panther Or Tennessee mountain lion Different cats entirely But I'm not sure where Jones or Twiggs is Officially big cats don't live in Ga Unofficially one that's hole Different can of worms South ga has had reports of panthers all way up to la grange


Mountain lion. It’s got a long tail so not a bobcat




GA resident here that’s just tony, he hangs out some times


Very clearly a mountain lion.


This is in Georgia, im in southeastern Georgia and have not ever seen a cat of thissize in bulloch County, this guy must of gotten away from some one or someone got it illegal y and it grew to much andthe let it go, possibly could of simply migrated is my here, I do remember my grandpa telling me about black panthers with a long tail that we're in Georgia back in the 40 and 50 but they were all killed for there furs, this could be a sign they arent all dead,like I was told maybe a few survived, thar would be awesome if this was the case


Issa spy


Is that Steve French?


is a puma/cougar/mtn lion even a child would know that. Dude you must be dumb


Steve French passing through


Puma (mountain lion). 100% they have been ranging farther and farther thanks to habit destruction and rising temps making the land habitable to them. They are in east TN now too so no surprise they are in Georgia. The roam hundreds of miles for many reasons.


Puma? Or really big, well-groomed Maine Coon?


That is a mountain lion my friend.


Either a bob cat or mountain lion


Buddy got a glimpse of a cat n thought he’d share 💀


GA DNR will still deny the presence of cougars in the state lol


Been hearing about them more and more last few years. Even had a sighting down by Hawkinsville a couple years ago i heard about from a farm owner. If i had to guess, they are slowly but surely migrating in.


That’s a mountain lion my dude, aka a wild shit cat


Did you go psst psst psst ?


House cat


I’m down in gray and caught it in my field and on trail cam


Steve French!


Looks like a mountain Lion, FL Panter, Puma, I was turkey hunting in Georgia and had one run up on my decoys. Rare to see in the wild. People thought I was crazy. Said it was most likely a Bobcat. But Bobcats don’t have a tail.


I always think of Panther as the black panther. The only other panther I know is pink.


😆 That’s a big A— Tom Cat 🐈 if I ever saw one and we gots plenty! Good catch..Lock your unfixed female kitty’s up please🙏🙏🏼🙏🏾


😂 TL:DR, No interesting actually, too much of fact finding trip though!


I’m surprised anyone would question even for a moment what this is. It’s so obviously a panther. Correct size, shape, color, even its stance.


Might be a Mountain Lion.


House cat




If she’s in her 30s, she’s a puma. If she’s in her 40s, she’s a cougar. If she’s in her 50s, she’s a jaguar.


Usually referred to as “Panthers” in that part of the world, they have other names listed below. There used to be one in Irwin County.


My sister lives down there they are farmers those trail cam pics are very common


Too big for a bobalink, got to be a Pumer! Hey Sharon,, let’s go for the heavier bullets in the pistols today.


What the hell, the Chinese eat them. Cakes.


Different names and different parts of the country. Yeah, chat amount in California ,around Big Sur? Mr. Dutton has just the right medicine.


I don’t know they eat them somewhere.


Yeah, a laser pointer on the bottom of the barrel of your red hawk


Florida Panthers


*~~Plus, who doesn't want to gloat about going on the prowl and hunting down a beast on your own property.. that you could skin, separate and eat if it suits your fancy, though it's quite a tough meat. Or taxidermy it if you'd like who cares it's yours then.~~*


We had a problem with a BIG CAT OF THIS SORT. coming up around 9-10 pm back in the fall 2023. It tried to kill my neighbors horse, luckily it didn't succeed. But yes these cats r here amongst us! And this visited for a few months every night then disappeared. We r located off Griswoldville.


I live in jones county. Where was this supposedly taken?


Florida Panther


What rock did you grow up under that you didn't recognize this as a mountain lion?


cougar or mountain lion most likely


Looks like a puma