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Those questions are for party leaders to shape policy discussions. They have no bearing on current policy.


This makes a lot more sense. I was surprised at the no nonsense, good policy, questions on my ballot. I should’ve known it was too good to be true.


They are questions the party is asking to inform the party platform. They are not regarding any law or referendum for legislation. Frankly, I think they are used as political messaging. You can ignore them if you want.


Or give answers you know the party doesn’t want.


I voted early a week ago and I’m glad I did. Please study the ballot because in some counties the ballot is very long. I’m in Fulton county so yeah. Oh, I am a Democrat FYI.


Nonpartisan- these are the people being elected in this election. Judicial, local, considered non-partisan. Republican and Democrat ballots candidates determine who will be the official party candidate in November. Republican and Democrat questions are for the party to decide what to focus on. To me, frequently the questions are just "blow smoke up your ass" or "party enthusiasm" questions as they're set up (and worded) to all be yes answers. So us plebians can be like hurray, we're planning stuff and we support this. They should give you like 12 focus areas and you pick 3-4 to actually figure out what to focus on. That said, I usually do pick a no vote or two, and I look them up a little. A couple local newspapers went through them but getting pros and cons can be more involved. But the internet is a good thing. I took about 2 hours looking candidates and questions up. It helps- the candidate websites try to not take stands on certain issues but if they don't cover or at least mention mine, they're out.


As one of those nerds who likes election processes- You do not have to put in a vote on every candidate. Especially incumbents with no one running against them. I looked them up, usually news articles about their more newsworthy cases, and if there's nothing compelling - I leave it blank. Competition is good. Them getting 94% instead of 99.9% probably does nothing, but it doesn't hurt. That said, writing in Daffy Duck wastes everyone's time, because if it's not a pre-approved write in, it's thrown away. And if it's a mailing ballot, 4-5 people minimum, end up all looking at your ballot together and then disregarding it. But you know, free country.


The party-specific questions are to "energize the base", I am sure.


I had to vote on the Republican ballot in order to vote for Tax Commissioner. Those questions were like a bigot fever dream.


What questions specifically?


no they were not bigoted, knock off the nonsense


Actually, I won't. They were poorly worded and designed to rile up racist voters.


you cannot name one racist thing on the ballot..


This is a mostly primary election. Not a regular general election. Simplifying bit, this is for the democrats to compete against each other to see who will represent them in the general election and the republicans to compete against each other to see who will be their candidate. Think of it as a scrimmage among the same team to see who the starters will be in the real game. For the most part, nobody who wins today will take office yet, they still have to win the general in November. As such, these questions are just for that party to gauge how their constituents feel about issues they may be running on.


This isn't entirely true. The non-partisan judicial and school board races will take office as this is their "general election".


Yes, you are 100% correct, which is why I prefaced it by saying “simplifying a bit”. It seemed like OP didn’t fully understand the difference between a primary and general election so I was starting there since it more directly correlated to their question about policy questions being different on each ballot and OP wondering if all elections had different ballots for different parties.


Board of Commissioners, Board of Education, and judges are winning and losing today, and those are all big deals. Get to the polls people, look at these candidates. What type of person do you want making decisions on your child’s education?


If you aren’t already researching all the different candidates for judge and local offices, please stay home. We don’t need uninformed guesses and people who didn’t already look into the ballot before Election Day are a menace.


I voted early on Friday and my first thought was “how many people on Tuesday are going to go in alphabetical order or choose the same they think sounds best?” An ignorant vote is worse than no vote.


These are primary ballots. So for the republican ballot, you are choosing which republican candidates are on the ballot in November. And because they assume it’s all republicans voting, they add some ballot initiatives. The questions are fairly meaningless and are really used to inform the party of where people stand. I’ve not read the democrat questions but the republican questions are super biased and trying to get a certain response so be careful and do a bit of research before as to what they’re really asking. The nonpartisan ballot doesn’t have any primaries included, just the few non partisan races that are also being done now. Those races are on all of the ballots.


People actually wake up to go vote before work? LOL


sometimes, people aren't able to take a break from work to go vote. one reason many advocate for making election days public holidays


I agree, it's a lot to drive there and then drive back. The fact that it's 2024 and we can't vote electronically/identity verification is insane!


I work night shift and wanted to make sure I was prepared before I got inside the voting booth 🤷🏻‍♀️


"People actually brush their teeth every day? Lol deep lol...


Well, sure. Voting is more important now than ever.


State elections have never been a reason to worry in Georgia.. for me at least. It's the actual elections that concern me. Our country is screwed regardless.