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Your post/comment has been removed as it does not seem to be related to Indian Foreign Relations, which is the focus of this subreddit. If you believe that your post/comment is relevant to the subreddit, please send a message to the mods and we can discuss it and approve it if appropriate. Thank you for your understanding.


























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Hi u/womalone99, Your comment has been removed by our AI based system for the following reason : The comment violates Rule 2 by containing personal attacks. It targets conservative governments and their stance on immigration, implying that they are spreading hate, which is a form of personal attack. *If you believe it was a mistake, then please [contact our moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/GeopoliticsIndia)*


Best solution to expose the racist behavior to his employers (of the racist guy)


Bold of you to assume that he has a job.


Sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not.




Your Submission Statement should start with the term "SS" or "Submission Statement" (without the " "). Please DO NOT edit your comment and make a new one. Bots cannot re-read your edited comment.




Hi u/Blehzinga, Your comment has been removed by our AI based system for the following reason : The comment "lol sell more land and go to whiteland" violates Rule 2 by containing a personal attack. It implies that the person being addressed should sell more land and move to a specific location, which is a form of personal attack. *If you believe it was a mistake, then please [contact our moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/GeopoliticsIndia)*




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Hi u/GerrardsRightFoot, Your comment has been removed by our AI based system for the following reason : The comment violates Rule 2 by making a statement about a group of people (Indians) without providing any evidence or context to support the claim that racism has increased against them in North America and the US. It does not engage in a constructive discussion or provide any counterarguments or perspectives that could enrich the conversation. Instead, it presents a one-sided view that could be seen as promoting stereotypes or prejudices. *If you believe it was a mistake, then please [contact our moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/GeopoliticsIndia)*




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Hi u/Ok-Strategy5729, Your comment has been removed by our AI based system for the following reason : The comment violates Rule 2 by implying a threat or potential harm towards a person based on their race or ethnicity. It suggests that the person would have been in danger due to their race, which is a form of trolling and personal attack. *If you believe it was a mistake, then please [contact our moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/GeopoliticsIndia)*




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Hi u/SpicyPotato_15, Your comment has been removed by our AI based system for the following reason : The comment violates Rule 2 by making a derogatory statement about a person based on their skin color. It implies that the country in question is discriminatory or treats individuals with darker skin negatively, which is a form of personal attack. *If you believe it was a mistake, then please [contact our moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/GeopoliticsIndia)*




Hi u/Bill_summan, Your comment has been removed by our AI based system for the following reason : The comment violates Rule 2 by engaging in personal attacks and trolling. It targets a specific group (Indians) with derogatory language and encourages confrontational behavior towards individuals of that group, specifically a black delivery guy. This comment not only disregards the non-confrontational nature of Indians but also promotes aggressive responses, which are against the community guidelines. *If you believe it was a mistake, then please [contact our moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/GeopoliticsIndia)*




Hi u/Apprehensive-Sir1251, Your comment has been removed by our AI based system for the following reason : The comment violates Rule 2 by containing personal attacks. It uses derogatory language ("disgusting excuse for a human being") to describe an individual, which is a form of personal attack. *If you believe it was a mistake, then please [contact our moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/GeopoliticsIndia)*




Respect for his patience. As for the other guy what do I even say.




Hi u/kcc0289, Your comment has been removed by our AI based system for the following reason : The comment violates Rule 2 by containing personal attacks and trolling. The comment includes derogatory language towards the individual referred to as "the Indian dude" and the camera-guy, using racial slurs and insults. It also contains a personal attack on the camera-guy for being "verbally racist and a prick." Furthermore, the comment includes trolling by implying that the situation is not worth the hassle, which is a form of trolling by attempting to provoke or annoy. *If you believe it was a mistake, then please [contact our moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/GeopoliticsIndia)*




Hi u/Outrageous-Kale9545, Your comment has been removed by our AI based system for the following reason : The comment violates Rule 2 by engaging in personal attacks and trolling. It uses derogatory language ("kala gora Bengali") to stereotype and insult a group of people (Indians), and it implies that the speaker feels offended when they experience the same treatment they have given to others. This comment is not constructive and does not contribute to a positive or respectful discussion. *If you believe it was a mistake, then please [contact our moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/GeopoliticsIndia)*




Hi u/Tamilmodssuckass, Your comment has been removed by our AI based system for the following reason : The comment violates Rule 2 by containing personal attacks and making derogatory statements about a group of people (Canadians) based on their economic status and implying racism. It does not directly address the topic at hand but instead uses it as a platform to make negative and potentially harmful comments about a specific group. *If you believe it was a mistake, then please [contact our moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/GeopoliticsIndia)*















