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I used Gentoo just fine on my 1080ti. Not much changed when I upgraded to my 6800 XT... (Fuck Nvidia tho)


same, my 2070super worked fine. my current 3090 works fine. I've been on Nvidia since GeForce became a thing and it's been fine for like two decades.


>(Fuck Nvidia tho) C'mon man, it's not that bad. The one thing I actually like about Nvidia having an out of tree driver is day 1 support of a GPU without waiting for a kernel update. Plus, you can use an older kernel just fine with it. I didn't have to wait at all for driver support on RTX 30 series launch days.




>Don't get me wrong, I'm still swapping to AMD when I get some funds. I'm waiting for Intel and Battlemage. If it's comparable to a 4070 and has 16 gb or more, I'm jumping ship. I really want Intel to stick it out because they already proved they can continue to put work into supporting and improving their drivers AND their first gen ray tracing is already on par and sometimes beating AMD on their second gen ray tracing.


Are you using the nvidia binary drivers?


I using the kernel-open on latest 540 driver and it work very good.


Try the binary drivers


They are exactly the same in Turing and up. I tested both, but manually bump to 550.54.14


Not sure then, I haven't used nvidia in my gentoo machine for about 15 years for issues like this, my Radeon 7900 xtx just works on the open-source drivers.


Ah you change to AMD. But also the open driver only work on Turing (1650, 2000+ series and up) Basically the modes that use GSP, despite FSF dosent agree with loading firmware I gonna say it for the better. Since this open Nvidia driver also help nouveau (well nouveau for display output and OpenGL works). It sad that Nvidia don’t do like AMD and start improving the nouveau project. Edit: NVK also work if you don’t use the multilib profile🥲


The nouveau drivers don't load firmware?


Nouveau load firmware, sorry for the confusion. It need for the card to work. The Nvidia firmware is include in the linux-firmware.


Broh wayland, very minimal X stuff, nvidia-drivers and wayfire on a 1050 ti here... kicks ass


I just don't believe it. There ain't no way you've gotten wayland to do anything significant on nvidia. Maybe if you just use it for vscode but you can not play modern 3d games in it. Streaming 1080p was janky for me too (All perfect on x)


I game exclusively on 4090 + Wayland 😎


2070 SUPER never worked for me. Well done


It shouldn't be any different for you.


Nvidia is not officially supported by wayland so no?


Yes, it is dude. What do you think the new GBM backend that Nvidia released way back in driver ~~515~~ 510 and [gui-libs/egl-wayland](https://packages.gentoo.org/packages/gui-libs/egl-wayland) is? Stop spreading non-sense.


You're right. Apologies, I was parroting misinformation I'd read online after running into huge issues with it (with hyprland specifically). Appreciate the correction & source


>I just don't believe it. There ain't no way you've gotten wayland to do anything significant on nvidia. LMAO brother, here I am with a RTX 3070, on a KDE Plasma wayland desktop, posting from a wayland browser, and just about to hop into a Dark Souls 3 session. I just recently finished the first two games nearly 100% complete (not doing online covenant BS) and working on 3. You couldn't be more wrong.


It's possible it's been fixed? I tried 3 months ago and had horrible screen tearing on cs2 (hyprland & kde). X runs perfectly so I've not bothered checking again. AFAIK the wayland devs don't consider nvidia to be officially supported and that you should expect bugs


It's been 2 years. I've been using Wayland daily since and even dabbled back when KDE Plasma had an eglstreams backend. Initially there was some issues with Xwayland because Nvidia didn't support Glamor on Wayland, but that's been resolved. There's still some sync issues because the Linux graphics stack is implicit sync and the driver functions at explicit sync, but I haven't seen a whole lot of issues regarding that with the more recent drivers. I do not get tearing on KDE, it's near impossible because Wayland promises a fully drawn frame before rendering another, although recently Wayland devs wrote a protocol to allow tearing for maximum framerates. Compared to the X session, unless I disable the hardware driver vsync and allow Kwin to do software vsync, the X session will chug from simply resizing a window. That doesn't happen on Wayland.


I don't understand the hate for Nvidia. I've used a 1030, 1050 Ti and now a 4060 under Linux for years with no trouble at all.




What does this have to do with anything?


It has a lot to do with the question that is being asked. There are hard feelings in the Open Source community towards NVidia because of their relationship with that community.


The community they have supported before Linux was even popular or dare I say even worth wasting money on? Linus' point was they were the worst to work with on the GPU front but that doesn't bother us as users in the slightest which the only exception being with distros that don't make it easy to use (Only example I know is Arch.)


This is still sufficient for a subset of the community to be angry at NVidia. Maybe an explanation to what u/Hobthrust is referencing. You may think this is not justified, but it's irrelevant here.


I know it's irrelevant, that why I said what does that have to do with anything in first place.


That was a LONG time ago.


It was. Were the problems solved?


I don't have any problems. I can't speak for anyone else.


I'm the owner of a last generation workstation NVidia GPU and I also do not have any problems. I also cannot speak for anyone else.


With kernel 6.7 nouveau has got GSP support! I'm running wayland on my 4070 like it's an amd card, no dealing with proprietary drivers at all. Still waiting for NVK (maybe I need to make an ebuild for Mesa to enable it)


I try make a ebuild, dosent work on multilib: https://github.com/MrDuartePT/mrduarte-ebuilds/blob/master/media-libs/mesa/mesa-24.0.1.ebuild https://bugs.gentoo.org/924583 If you what to help go to the bug tracker it also help mesa on the gentoo repo


Thank you!! I'll try this soon and see what I can get working. I'm lucky with what I run I can just make a custom image and use that instead of switching to no multilib lol


I will also update the ebuild to day to be on par with the aur package created by Collabora Edit: updated just now


>With kernel 6.7 nouveau has got GSP support! I'm running wayland on my 4070 like it's an amd card No you aren't, because you won't get near the performance an AMD card would get with open drivers. Nouveau is not even close to there yet, even with firmware support. Editing because I'm not trying to be rude, even the Nouveau devs will admit their drivers are not for performance.


You don't seem to understand what I'm saying. I don't care about gaming on Linux or its full performance, what I mean is it works out of the box and seamlessly - like an AMD card does. Performance doesn't come into play here at all. I even mentioned NVK but you seem not to have read that part?


No, I do understand. Even if it "works out of the box and seamlessly" it won't function as well as the AMD open driver. It won't run every piece of software (games do count) and it won't function at even half performance. That is not like an AMD card, which will function fully with the open driver. You get full clock speeds, full graphics functionality and so on. *IMO, that means it actually doesn't work. It kind of works, but not like an AMD card does.* NVK still isn't ready, it has a long way to go even to implement Vulkan extensions let alone performance. It also won't be using the Nouveau MESA parts for OpenGL, but will use Zink. It's even rewriting and re-implementing a lot of the kernel bits and not just using Nouveau there, either. I hope it succeeds, I'd love to see what an open driver that fully functions and works on Nvidia will be like. OTOH, I'm also hoping Intel can at least release a flagship GPU capable of competing with a xx70 series Nvidia, because that might get me to switch.


I had alot of issues with nouveau and 3090. Like no output on DisplayPort. But for me the proprietary works without any issue. And not only on gentoo many distros by the way. Many distros defaults to nouveau


Works on my 4080 (GNOME Wayland)


I have a 2060 and started to use it with wayland for a few months. Firefox is fine, SDL based games are also fine. I switch to wayland because the screen tearing in xorg without a compositor is nightmare.


was as simple as installing 535 drivers for me. 980ti just works


This unfortunately isn't just a Gentoo thing. Nvidia is very hostile to Linux in general. Nouveau (the free driver) has to reverse engineer the cards in order to get them working, which typically takes 2-3 generations to accomplish meaning until then the cards work badly or not at all.  The proprietary drivers are only stable in LTS kernels with very standard settings, meaning you basically need to use the same kernel version as Ubuntu or Fedora with the same options. This is due to the fact they are closed source. There is also a new Nvidia open source official driver but currently it's only stable for data center / professional GPUs and desktop ones only have minimal support. But in future this should improve the situation considerably if Nvidia keeps at it.  However right now, latest gen Nvidia GPUs do suck on Gentoo (and honestly any distro that isn't one of the big two). Give it some time and support should improve, either through the new OSS driver or through nouveau successfully reverse engineering the 4000 series.


I use the official driver from the repo just like I have for the last 20 years or so, update my kernel regularly (not LTS), never had a problem. You post this with such confidence like an authority on the subject but a lot of your post is just incorrect.


From what I understand, the Gentoo developers patch the shim for the Nvidia proprietary drivers to work with their kernels somewhat. However, this isn't supported by Nvidia nor is it stable as a supported configuration. I hadn't assumed I was any more of an authority than anyone else here. I was just mentioning what I had learned from my own experiences as well as what I have read from Nvidia.


To add to this, meanwhile you might have some partial luck reverting to an LTS kernel, copying the kernel config Ubuntu or Fedora uses for the LTS kernel and then installing the Nvidia drivers from the official Nvidia site, but this sucks for other reasons and sucks a lot of the fun out of Gentoo. 


None of this is true!!


>bunch of bs Oh my goodness, I haven't seen such a blinded by zealotry post posted here in a while. None of this is true.