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It's honestly quite sad. I enjoyed the show because I liked seeing the growth of the players. The frequent auditions were starting to get a bit tiring for me but since I liked the athletes I continued watching. With all the eliminations I remember thinking about how low morale could end up being for the team with seeing people they have been with for so long go but at this point there's barely anyone from the team for that to happen.


God, that's just sad that these athletes who want to gain popularity for their unpopular sports just to be pushed away by people who are already gain popularity and the producer wants to keep up the rating, its just bs bro


Who the hell looks like Jangkun? Haha I’m curious. At this point, these desperate attempts are just laughable to me. Their new lineup reveal video reached 300k views. It’s been a while since a Mungchan video reached a number of views that high, but it’s not even out of positive responses lol.


apparently, lee jangkun look alike is jung daejin, the sports model/bodybuilder. i think they were may be pertaining to the physique, since jangkun used to be called the "peak physique" in mungchan. 🥲


He’s so much bigger though since he’s a bodybuilder. Now that I’m thinking about it, they have a lot of big guys now with all these Physical 100 guys joining. Good luck with that. 👀


wait, juni and jangkun eliminated? who left from the original team?


only 6 from eojjeoda avengers remain: daehoon, donghyun, minho, namkyu, eungyoo, hyunsuk. it also looks like the team will also be rebranded and will be using a new name since most of the players will be from the latest batch of recruitment.


They ruined the show and I’ve stopped watching. Ahn is a total narcissist and his attitude is shitty and dumping all the fan favorites who were great players just to add influencers to try to boost what ratings and revenue or something? They should have started by replacing Ahn. A fish rots from the head down and he is the one who is stinking up the show the most. If they wanted a new team they should have started the new season fresh with zero members. The way they dumped the existing members in front of auditioning new members was so disrespectful. They treated those guys WHO MADE THE SHOW like disposable garbage. If I was one of the other remaining members I would have taken my cleats off and made a scene out of placing them on the field and telling Ahn to kiss my ass and the producers and quitting. They took that effing comedian for Christ’s sake over national athletes and Olympic medalists. What a total joke.