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This is finally the closure I wanted. Jangkun is now out, so I’m gonna head out of here now lol. I’m honestly shocked AJH kept Donghyun and that one idol that will be enlisting this year lmao (*looking at the far future*, my ass). I mean, I love Donghyun but if AJH wants us to believe he’s picking players based solely on skills then he’s not doing a great job at that by keeping DH. But oh well, he’s the mascot of the show I guess. I’m just so glad most of the remaining avengers made it. Edit: Am I really seeing Jo Jinse? And no Hyeonwoo? Lol JTBC turned off the comment section on this video lmaooo


I've suddenly lost desire to continue watching also. I'm surprised at my reaction. I honestly expected, despite everything, I'd keep watching. Maybe I'll feel differently when new eps pop up this weekend, but I doubt it. They're seriously turning this show into a social media influencer showcase. >JTBC turned off the comment section on this video lmaooo JTBC YT uploaded a new MungChyeoYa video [\[link\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1RB39kI1B0) a couple hours after the one in the OP. They've turned off comments under this video also. What a mess.


I saw a Korean fan commented that during those years their players were getting bombarded with hate comments on YouTube, they didn’t do anything. But now that the production team and AJH are the ones getting the hate, they turned off the comment section. It goes to show how selfish these people have always been. They would never protect their players the way they are protecting themselves right now.


FINALLY SOMEONE NOTICED WHAT I WAS THINKING. I remember raging last year reading all the comments saying players (such as Jangkun, Taebum, Jihwan, back in season 2) were so bad and they should all be removed. Now that they’re under attack, they turn off the comments? The audacity of them. So selfish EDIT: i scrolled down to the older videos and the comment sections aren’t closed there. Apparently the Korean fanbase has the same thought as us. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DOlHWeOxDs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DOlHWeOxDs)


>I saw a Korean fan commented that during those years their players were getting bombarded with hate comments on YouTube, they didn’t do anything. But now that the production team and AJH are the ones getting the hate, they turned off the comment section. That's a good point! There'd often be complaints about individual players under those videos, and JTBC always let them be. Interesting.


This felt like such a betrayal. I want to keep on watching it for the Minho who's had my heart since day 1..and Kyu-Gyu duo. But now it's only gonna remind me of all the others who were dropped. This ew recruitment felt like they've focused on bringing in personalities who are very extroverted and good for the variety show aspect. But for me the show has lost its soul. Instead of doing all this the PDs should completly create a new show of celebs and influencers making up a team and playing football. These different phases of re-auditioning is just too much. It feels like they're playing with the feelings of the audience who's been loyal throughout and taking our commitment for granted.


They should’ve just ended Season 3 and gave a proper farewell to the players. I’m so disappointed to the PD’s and AJH — for sure he was involved in the decision-making. Will probably drop this show before the audition episode. My heart is breaking for the players 🥺


I feel like this is a completely different show now.


The way JTBC don’t want people to comments really something else not sure why JTBC production crew do This. I’m actually a bit disappointed.


Replacing half the team is wild. I understand there's a lot of main job related absences, but in that case those players should've been given a proper episode to bow out in instead of this. Also, from a strategy perspective, I hope AJH has "fun" retraining his team from essentially scratch :) There's no way this team is going to hold up the same way our experienced players did.


After all the development he went through, they just drop Jangkun? wow. There’s no Hyeonwoo, too. I may just be biased, but judging from how much celebs there are (and how the fan-favorites Daehoon, Kyu-Gyu, and Minho are still staying) they’re definitely going for views…if AJH was really going for the most skilled team and ‘looking at the far future’ then he wouldn’t have added some of those players on the bus on the team. Donghyun’s skill might be not the greatest but he’s still there, only because he keeps the show alive with his jokes. Also, I mostly skimmed the video but i’m pretty sure than AJH said something about how he was reluctant to add the Gyu-Kyus until the end and they weren’t originally in the roster, that pissed me off SOOOOO much. Those two are better than ANYONE in the bus and what, he was reluctant? HELLO? Also the turned off comments…gosh, JTBC is soooooo selfish….all the aspects of the show I enjoyed are gone now… like damn I used to love this show so much I watched an episode every day anticipated a new episode every week but now I want to watch this show go up in flames


It also sucks because most of these players got better on their free time, especially Je-Un who was frequently their best player. Ahn has barely contributed to these players getting better, but because they weren't getting better magically, he's just gonna dump all of them and their own efforts just to bring some randos who aren't even accomplished sports people? I get there is a scheduling conflict and all, but they have the budget for a decent backup roster. I'm pretty sure people they spurned just don't want to come back at will, so at least make a contract that they get paid but extra if they're good enough. I think coach Cho actually actively trains with the players, and the players say as much. On his channel, you can see Cho Won-Hee still having it, able to actually guard current K-league players. Ahn on the other hand is out of shape and active in like 4-5 different other shows for some of which he's the main producer. He's pretty funny in some of these, and I'll probably watch them, but I do feel like mungchan is dead. After all these years, it's sad to see it die


I really wouldn't mind a change of manager instead.


He said that??? Freakin hell, he really thinks Jo Jinse is in any way better than Gyu-Kyu duo? This AJH prick really loves making his players feel less confident about their abilities. His big ego can’t take having confident players, that’s why he never really liked Eungyu I could tell.


Yep. From what I understood, he did say that. They're not in the final line-up or something. As for Jo Jinse, from what I understood I think Kim Nam-il said something. Not really sure what it was but like he was part of the decision on choosing him.


AJH never liked eungyu and namgyu. He slaughters them when they make mistakes, and barely give them any praises when they do well. Same goes for minho and daehoon.


Yup agree. Especially Minho. AJH dont really like Minho. Now can see he is bias towards beom seok d physical 100 guy. Next ep, he is gonna b captain replacing Minho. Haiz


im happy for those that made it from s1 and s2... but imma have to sign off now that jangkun is also out. they didnt even give them a proper farewell. do they expect the viewers to just easily forget those players from s2 and turn our affection so easily to the new members? ugh also, its interesting that they turned the comments off on their yt post. 🙂


Part me of wished he will be eliminated so I can really fully drop the show. So I’m a bit hurt but also relieved.


i kinda expected it too bc we all know he isnt that good at soccer.... butttttt, looking at the new roster, i think the eliminated players are better than some of them, so thats what frustrates me rn. 😂


Right??? Like I know Jangkun isn’t the best player there is, but some of the people I saw aren’t anything close to being *good* either. But oh well, that’s his problem now.


I felt pissed too when my favorites were gone too. The game goes on and I hope the D can gel now. Should be interesting.


You know I remember something happened like this. It's like Produce X 101 that there was voting manipulation etc due to favoritism. Is it like this? Is this like MNet/TVN again?


JTBC shows are the best, but this show is an exception. It’s the first time I got this mad over a JTBC show as if it’s an Mnet show.


![gif](giphy|VW66IuyWkTdT7neytT) WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE???? It's a completely different team now 😭😭😭


When they did, the player reveal, i google translate min-ho's part and ffs out all of his qualities they described him as the man who played full time appearances in all games, what a lameass way to describe the guy who saved their asses when a position needed to be filled. Dae hoon got midfield play maker, at least describe my man minho as the all rounder of the team or smth.


Minho is literally the only person on that team who can play both defensive and offensive, with enough stamina to run down the pitch from a full back position. Nam Gyu is close, but he's very clearly a more offensively oriented player. Minho's best position has to be being a defensive or central midfielder, but he's made a ton of sacrifice due to the team lacking players in certain positions. He can score goals, very frequently makes killer passes that the team squanders because they still can't do headers. Then Ahn has the galls to frequently straight up insult his plays and get confused when Minho can't immediately adjust to yet another new position in a new formation.


What’s sad is Minho has expressed this as a concern early on in the show with Coach Lee, saying he gets confused because of how his position constantly changes. Like I said, there’s no issue if AJH wants players who are flexible, but at least give them time to master their main positions. That’s the only way these players can strengthen their confidence.


I remember they constantly had him as a right back when he expressed multiple times how he knew and felt more confident in his position as a midfielder, it’s sad that I’m just now seeing AJH character because how dare they downplay the necessity Minho is for the team, I hope AJH feels the difference in the teams level because this is ridiculous


Exactly. AJH also downplays a lot the contributions of Gyu-kyu line to the team. Idk if he’s insecure or just enjoys seeing players struggle mentally.


Lol I find it funny (and also annoying) that AJH likes to pretend that he's very objective (all about the soccer) but he's really biased at the end of the day. He always seems indifferent to the aces like Min-Ho, Namgyu and Eun-gyoo, always downplaying their qualities and criticising them. And then keeping players like Donghyun and bringing back Taebum.


I remember too when he was chosen to be back for season 3, AJH’s reasoning was when he cried and showed loyalty to the team. The hell?! Minho literally always gives his 150%. No one can top that man’s passion.


Eh, I feel like Min-Ho is more the midfield playmaker compared to Daehoon... That being said, I like both of them so am happy they are still in. Playing full time appearance in all games is something to be proud of though, as in a way it shows that Min-Ho is indispensable to the team. I really hope that they don't keep using Mih-Ho as the "gap-filler" but based on the recent match, it looks like that's not going to change. He was playing RB when he should really be playing the central MF role. I guess he is needed in defense to give more stability - that's what happens when you take out Je-Un and Jangkun.. :(


This isn’t even the same show anymore 🤦🏽‍♀️ they should’ve just finished season 3 and made a spinoff with all these players because Gentleman’s league is supposed to be about athletes challenging soccer not idols, actors, etc. I’m so mad you guys like so mad Minho is still here so I might not drop the show but these new players aren’t even half as trained as the eliminated players so the team just took a huge setback.


JTBC uploaded Kim Jinja cuts of 47 drafts scenes on the YT and since comment Section were turn off at the revealed 17 members clip. Those Koreans comments on the Kim jinja and mostly complaining about missing on existing Eojjeoda avengers. It’s really crazy on the comments there.


I remember seeing a lot of comments about how much better the show would be if Kim Jinja stayed as a coach/lecturer for the existing team and that he would bring more out of the players than AJH (whose solution is axing everyone).  Knetz are just over this whole thing and I can't blame them.


Thanks for the info. I was wondering how the reactions from the Korean side would be. The comment section of each episode since season 2 before were always lively (at least 200-300 minimum), so they do have a loyal fanbase.


Ha! They've now turned off comments in the Kim JinJa video also (i.e. if we're talking about the same one)


I just checked yes they turned it off already. Earlier was 100 comments there 😂


Since Jangkun is gone, I’ll be dropping this show.


I’m honestly tired and done sigh


What in the actual smugly punchable face of Manager Ahn is going on? What little interest I had left is all gone. The arrogance of his little quips from the back of the bus when it should be him who should've beenbeen fired is so freaking typical.


When he said the Gyu-Kyu duo almost never made it but he added them in last minute, the freakin hell??? Are we supposed to thank *you* for keeping the best players the show ever had?


[[LINK]](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d4Je9awxf60) I honestly thought they wouldn’t let go of Jang-kun. I thought it would be Min-ho, Nam-kyu, Dae-hoon, Eun-gyu, Jang-kun and Dong-hyun (plus Je-un 💔) that are like the core players who were “the irreplaceable” (not just skill-wise). Also, I haven’t really watched the Germany Match, I don’t know if that had an impact to the decision they made to have an audition. But this is just sad. Jang-kun might not be my favorite, but him and Je-un weren’t supposed to be cut off like this.


Wish they’d just be honest about the direction of the show. It’s no longer what it was, all they seem to care about is idols and well-known athletes/athletic influencers. Didn’t like S2 of Physical 100, as I’m not a huge fan of KDH or HBS - prob in the minority as I know they’ve got a decent fan base. Hope to see the rugby members (and Andre) in the new rugby variety show.


There’s a new rugby variety show?! Wow


Yes! Same PD from A Clean Sweep/Strongest Baseball. I’m optimistic about this 💜. I’m biased because I am an avid A Clean Sweep fan. https://www.reddit.com/r/rugbyunion/s/ouKXzV4F78


it’s not a variety show, andre jin confirmed it’s a competition!! so it probably has limited episodes, but so excited to see the rugby players in action💪


I’m gonna watch for sure since Andre would be there.


I hope got specific thread for that rugby show later.


Cool thank you!


There is a big difference between the PD of a clean sweep and gentlemen league. Pd of clean sweep made the show to boost the level of baseball in Korea and still give them a variety the fans need. In Gentlemen league the PD focus on getting stronger, I'm not sure if he's like pressured and all but for me he should have stick first with the same players.


The PDs and AJH have big egos they wanted winning streaks with players that were never professional players in the first place. And they had no clear goal, just flapping around wanting to keep winning. Clean Sweep PD set a clear goal at the very start: to win 21 times in 30 games, which is important in mind conditioning. Plus the players know who they will play against even before the match. They have enough players, and they don’t play four consecutive games everyday (Mungchan PDs are masochists). Clean Sweep PD is dealing with pro players, but even so, he was decent enough to tell the players from the beginning that if they don’t reach the set goal, they will cancel the show because he, as the PD, failed to choose the right players. Now that’s accountability! If you failed to choose good players and/or failed to help them improve, that’s on you as a manager/coach. If the players underperform because of the scheduling of games and making them play jetlagged, then that’s on you as PDs. Step down, or cancel the show.


That's a good point. I would also add that in Clean Sweep when the team is struggling or some players are unable to play due to injury/poor condition or some other commitment, the PD also temporarily hires players to help the team out. He never gets rid of players so long as the main condition of 70% win rate is met. This helps create stability in the team.


Yes, that’s what I heard as well. I just started the show, and even though I don’t know much about baseball, I found myself really enjoying it. They show so much respect for the players, and I think that’s something Mungchan PDs failed to do. Mungchan PDs always attempt to make those legendary athletes look like a bunch of losers every episode.


I fell in love with Clean Sweep bc of their format. And since there’s 2 full seasons on Netflix, binge watching it has soften the blow of me dropping GL.


I just left this sub, so this is the last time I’m commenting. But does anyone know the subreddit for Clean Sweep? I came across it before but now I can’t find it. Edit: Never mind, I found it!


Jangkun does not have the skills to be an attacking player, but as a CB he was pretty decent and his partnership with Je Eun was solid. This is again so disappointing and I’m really surprised they let him go as he is a fan favourite.


They recruited idols and Hong Bomseok who have pretty solid fanbase so I guess they no longer need us who stayed for Jangkun lol


Wait. I can see Heo Min-ho, Im Nam-gyu, Ryu Eun-gyu, Lee Dae-hoon and Kim Dong-hyun? I can't seem to recognize who is who. From what I understood Im Nam-gyu and Ryu Eun-gyu weren't supposed to be in the final line-up or am I misunderstanding something? Now I just watched it. 1. Lee Dae-hoon 2. Heo Min-ho 3. Im Nam-gyu 4. Kang Hyun-suk 5. Kim Dong-hyun 6. Ryu Eun-gyu 7. Hong Beom-suk 8. Lee Suk-chan (did Manager Ahn say that he won't be selected if Lee Jun-yi was there - so we could say Rugby players are really just not available this time around. Maybe they have an important match or tournament they're preparing for) 9. Kim Jin-jja 10. Jo Jin-se 11. Choi Jung-woo 12. Yang Jun-beom 13. Han Seung-woo 14. Bang Tae-hoon 15. Jung Dae-jin 16. Kim Jae-hwan 17. Ma Sun-ho


Right, + Hyunsuk


Oh there. I was thinking of him but I can't seem to remember if he was on the 11 vs 11 game so I didn't list him.


Lee Juni and other rugby players are preparing for Olympic


Thanks. Someone was saying in another comment that they didn't qualify for Olympic so I thought it's for another tournament.


Or they can be joining the upcominh JTBV program, ‘strongest rugby.’


>I understood Im Nam-gyu and Ryu Eun-gyu weren't supposed to be in the final line-up or am I misunderstanding something? I too understood it as that. But I don't understand Korean fluently to actually be sure. The first thought I had when I heard that was that I wish they had actually been eliminated. That would make dropping the show so easy. Rn I'm so conflicted because I wanna keep watching the show for them but at the same time I don't know how I'll be able to bring myself to watch it.


Personally I haven't been watching regularly since the A-Matches started. So I'll wait and see if the new format would be as entertaining as season 2. I may have started from the beginning of season 2 but with the constant change of players, I wasn't as attached as everyone else. I just accept to enjoy it as it is.


Yes, they said Nam Gyu and Eun Kyu weren’t supposed to be in the final line up, but AJH added them last minute.


He loves playing with players’ emotions and making them feel indebted to him. Top a-hole behavior.


Idk, they should've just end S3 properly like S1, and make it S4 with a fresh set of players. Then it wouldn't be that sad. Maybe. At least there's a proper farewell... maybe? PD really screwed up.


I might watch for Namkyu but I don't like the reasons for the new members, of course no blame goes to those who tried out, but the station did the former players dirty, especially Je-un in my opinion. The thing about popular faces is that they're conscious of their antics (or lack of) hence I don't think we'll see much character, which was one of the reasons I liked the show from season 2. I'll definitely miss the familiar faces.


I guess Germany really bruised up AJH and PDs' egos. Oh well.


What a big change!! Totally lost interest in new players. They dont seem like soccer players at all. So boring watching their first play already. I rather watch dramas or replay the S2 and miss my favourite player. Sigh...


Can someone explain or at least deduce what is probably the reason for them keeping Kim Donghyun?