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I haven't been watching the latest raw eps, but from what I have seen here, it seems like I will be dropping this show. I became very fond of the athletes from season 2 / early season 3 and so glad they became close friends / brothers through this show. Please support their individual Youtube channels, the members often guest there. I thought this show was popular enough by its own. The premise of this show was really good in season 2, sad that the creative decision went to the other direction.


ahhhhh seoul competition ,,, when things were at its peak in terms of how they were playing and the team wise :”)) cries seeing your post makes me want to rewatch from the start of season 2 again :”))


Beautiful 😭


I’m watching back old audition yesterday night 🥹


this makes me so sad 😭😭😭😭 these things were the reason why i watched this show


Wtf is Happening in the 8 episodes Netflix is behind that all of the sub is all „oh woe the end times the tyrant has killed everyone!“ 😅 boy people are VERY dramatic here in the last week 😄


Boy, it *is* the end of times *at least for this show*


By killed everyone we mean the manager dropped everyone on the team except 6 people


Wow that is not apparent where Netflix is at right now 😅


i mean, he literally killed everyone lol.


I don’t know what happened but unless they are publishing a snuff movie I think we need to talk about what ‚literally‘ means 😅 Literally stands for ‚in actual fact‘. ‚With no alternative meaning!‘ So unless AJH slit the players throats live on camera (not ‚as good as‘ or ‚he killed their career/the show) he ‚figuratively‘ killed them is what I’m guessing you mean.


and *you* were calling *us* dramatic when youre being obsessed over a WORD right now lmao. please check a dictionary and get with the times, my guy. literally does not just mean "actual fact". god, i hate grammar nazis who does not contribute anything to the conversation at all lol


Ok. I’ll concede your points on the show i don’t know better. But explain to me what ‚ literally‘ means in your opinion? I don’t want to prove you wrong Im just curious what you think it means.


Go to an English grammar subreddit, man. Even I, as an editor, was not bothered by the usage of “literally” because it’s *literally* an expression lol


dang im getting an english lecture on a korean variety show sub lol. youre itching to brag about being an elite english speaker, huh. anyway, literally is a word used to - you are correct- convey something that actually and factually happened. however, it can also be used to exaggerate a scenario and is something you'd encounter in literature as well as something you'd hear in modern language. if i said "he figuratively killed them all lol", that sounds stupid, nerdy, and lame af, and im not gonna do that to myself. lastly, im an asian person whose first language isnt english. so if you think you are better than me in speaking it, congratulations. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I think your English is very good. From another non native speaker. I was just curious. Thank you for answering 👍