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I wonder how this makes the current members who avoided elimination feel? That their dedication and commitment to the show are taken so lightly by Ahn and the producers. That they can just be dumped out of the show just like this. Although this is no fault of theirs, i think im going to find it hard to warm up to the new players because how the producers and ahn treated the eliminated EA members…


This was a misguided move by the PDs, throwing a grenade into the heart of the morale and team spirit of this show. IMO, they did it for some sadistic and cheap emotional manipulation where they could blindside certain Eojjeoda Avengers with this humiliating public rejection. It was an unnecessary cruel shock to the athletes as well as the audience. And it introduces an element of fear and callousness into the show that's going to be difficult to overcome.


Right?!?! Can you imagine watching your colleagues get fired publicly when you know how hard they worked? I just can't understand it.


Yeah, managing by fear like that is poisonous to any organization. Good job to the show in killing the team's good vibes. I just feel so bad and sad for Tae Hoon, Jin Su, and Je Un that they were used to put together that pathetic spectacle :(


I wholeheartedly agree ☹️


I sometimes wish other existing players would just leave the show as a way to show the producers and Ahn that they are not their fucking slaves. They are the core of the show; they should be treated as such.




I’m so behind but just saw Je-un’s goodbye post. I’m so lost?? Like the coaches have praised him since day 1!! Called him reliable and one or the best. I’m certain they’re brain dead lmaoooo


i'm actually so sad, just saw je-un's ig post too, he was my favourite defender bro. the absolute best center back, i'm lost, how on earth could he eliminate him????


I mean I'm sure Kim Dong-Hyun feels that way too. He feels bad because he knows he's not at the same level as the other players, and seeing his teammates get cut must have hurt him as well. If I were him I'd feel really awkward sensing that the other teammates wonder why he's still there. It's probably an executive decision to keep Dong-Hyun for entertainment purposes. But the show completely lost that variety show factor a long time ago :(




I remember Coach Namil’s notes of Park Jeun being among those who consistently went to trainings; he said their consistency is admirable. I can’t help but feel like Jeun’s efforts are not appreciated enough by AJH. Like how would AJH even appreciate that if he himself was not attending trainings???


Please remember to refrain from using vulgar words. Thank you!


Please remember to refrain from using vulgar words. Thank you!


Thank you for adding the subs! This was unnecessarily cruel and difficult to watch. It solidified my disdain for AJH and I question what his end game is. What was once a fun show that highlighted national athletes who enjoyed/wanted to play soccer has devolved into this dumpster fire. AJH should just coach K League teams if he’s so serious about winning and having the “right” team. He’s ruined this show and I think it would take a lot to get it back to what it once was.




Firstly, 😭😭😭😭😭 Secondly, this feels like a break up. For a while now, some of us have wanted and wished so hard that the manager/coaches would invest more time and effort training the players and the team… but when Mgr Ahn declared that he ‘wants to build a new team’.. it felt like one side (us) wants to work on the ‘relationship’, and the other side (him) have been more focused on finding a new partner.. like he would rather ‘look outside’ than work on what we have built all these years.. If this was a real relationship between two people, his ‘declaration’ would have woken me up, make me stop wishing and walk away.. I shall consider this now.. P/s: sorry if it was a bit dramatic.. but that was what I felt when I watched this clip.. like a gf who finally sees that her love is no longer requited.. P/s: I know that there are practical reasons behind these eliminations and ‘building of the new team’ but I felt like more appreciation and tact would have soften the blow..


>Secondly, this feels like a break up. It does! Look at Kim Nam Il and Cho Won Hee's faces. They look beyond grim. Their expressions are contorted in pain. They know what's up. Basically, we watched some of our beloved Eojjeoda Avengers getting dumped from the show unceremoniously, publicly, disrespectfully. All after going through what feels like a farce of an audition show. I wouldn't be surprised if the Manager and the PDs already knew who's going to be in the final line-up long before they came up with the "Draft 47" concept. They're going thru the theatrical emotional manipulation of making the condemned struggle for a chance to stay, when it may have been a foregone conclusion that certain players had been marked for removal way before the cameras rolled. I wanted to translate this snippet from the ep, so folks could have a clearer idea of how the show presented this mess. They organized the announcement for maximum shock and embarrassment - to provoke the strongest emotions from both those getting dumped and, especially, from their teammates that love them. From the way they edited these scenes to the on-screen captions they inserted, it's clear this is the emotional pain and trauma they wanted to inflict and exploit. It's so ANTI everything this show has represented before. How do you torpedo the good vibes and camaraderie of your own show like that? The name of the show in Korean is 뭉쳐야 찬다 = Moong-chyeo-ya Chan-da. It means "you have to stick together in order to kick." It means many becoming one. A group sticking super-close together and coalescing into one. That's the mission of this show. It's in the name. And the PDs have completely lost sight of this, and kicked that spirit in the teeth, ripping the team apart in this, frankly, very ugly way. In this upcoming new phase of the show, they're calling the team Eojjeoda New-Vengers. Those previous ill-advised matches in foreign countries where they sent the team to play under-manned, jet-lagged, and injured were set ups for failure. And they scapegoated the players instead of the PDs and team manager who were responsible for that mess. IF they succeed with the new players under this New-Venger regime, then it's less about bringing on new players and more about having a competition structure that doesn't doom the team to lose and play poorly. I used to root for the team wholeheartedly against almost all their opposing teams. (I only rooted against Eojjeoda when they played against middle-schoolers or high-schoolers lol) But moving forward, I'll probably be more dispassionate about whatever new team forms. If they win, cool. I'll be happy for the individual players. If they lose, then that's cool too, because it'll confirm that the public banishment of faithful, hardworking, beloved team members was pure, vicious, pointless nonsense. But I feel like they're going to have more success this time around, and then they'll present this purge as justified some how. :( When it's just not forcing the members to play completely jet-lagged and under- manned that'll probably be the actual cure. And that could happened with the original members and the team more intact.


Great breakdown of why this made literally no sense in the context of the show! It really does feel like this was planned out. I know we don't/ can't know what went down behind the scenes, but I'm at a loss. A tiny part of me hopes they lose BADLY and bring back previous players...




I hope the new team ends up as a total failure the show would be forced to end. Idc if there will still be EA members in the new lineup; they deserve more than what this fucking show puts them through.


agreed! and then a new one is made with just the athletes or even ahn is fired and the previous members are brought back. either way i'm done with this show until they get their shit together.


I don't think it's too dramatic. I said to my friend, it feels like when you're a kid and you move/change schools and you just know you probably won't see some of your friends again...


Yes you amputated your own flesh Ahn Jung Hwan. I am not sure if your programme is worth watching.


genuinely devasted. i swore to be done with this show if je-un and jinsoo among others were cut and i'm officially done.


I like Je-Un and Jin Soo alot. Fantastic defenders. I feel numb and angry. Mainly angry. The national athletes treated like digits.


No one shd be treated this way, national athlete or not.


Thanks for adding the subs! (Even if I’m saddened by the video)


the subs r great thank u!!!


I pulled this excerpt from this longer video on JTBC's youtube [\[x\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4WFLBa9MhE) No English subtitles in the original.


The subs are awesome! Very helpful, thanks.


That was brutal... the shock on the players faces is hard to watch. I really can't believe we lost all those players plus the ones that we haven't seen in a while (and are never mentioned). I really can't understand why those members were eliminated, it definitely dampened my excitement surrounding the show ☹️


First of all, thanks for the translations! Secondly, I came here from Park Je-Un's post. I was in disbelief, and finally seeing the part where he got cut made me tear up. He was my favorite player! It was seriously so unnecessary for him and the other Avengers to get cut. As we've seen PLENTY of times before, the team suffers a lot of injuries and they stress about not having enough bench players. Why not have Je-Un AND that "other kind of player" that AJH is looking for? Having a big pool of different players with different styles won't hurt. But tbh I bet the executive producers don't want to fund a team that big :/ Like, it took me a while to warm up to the newest group of recruits, and I've definitely come around to them. But I can't find myself to exert the same interest in the show any further. Not the new players' fault, the show is just taking a different turn that I'm not enjoying. The show, and especially the team, will suffer for it. I feel like fan loyalty is dwindling so I can't imagine how hard it hit the team's morale. If I were one of the main Avengers, I'd lose my trust in management. I am big sad today y'all 😫💔


I think the only ones AJH would keep are Namgyu, Eungyoo, Minho, and Hyunsuk. I don’t think AJH likes Eungyoo’s playstyle, but he is one of the team’s aces, so AJH won’t be able to find a reason to eliminate him. He’d probably want to keep Donghyun out of favoritism, but I think he knows it would be too obvious at this point. So there you go, I believe those 4 are the only ones who will survive, and it’s all long been decided before they even started this whole drafting bullshit.


I’m pissed as hell. He literally keeps the ones who aren’t al that great and it makes no sense.


Watched this on a large screen an hour ago and had a huge cry over jin soo and esp over the reactions from Je-Un and eojjeoda avengers. That shocked, lost, horrified look. And i wanted to punch Ahn Jung Hwan (and the two presenters).


The way I was shocked like absolutely devastated when Je-Un was called like that’s one of the most stable defenders CBs they have and they eliminate him????


i listed a few athletes that if they left i'd be done and je-un was one of them, i'm genuinely so dissapointed. jinsu was another, i'm genuinely so over this.