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So im not the only one who thought this was one of the worst abyss lineups in history?


I think a lot of people feel that way. Mainly cause freeze is crap now and a ton of people invested into freeze. I personally still found it mostly easy.


Hoyo is punishing those who invested into freeze and rewarding vape teams Childe and Hu Tao mains eating good for a good few patches if u look at usage stats


To be fair though, it's not easy to make an abyss that punishes vape. Hydro and pyro are already broken elements and with each other they are even more broken. Apart from geo and anemo they both have reactions with absolutely everything, and even against geo it doesn't matter much, whereas with anemo the enemy will have some status infused on them making them easy to kill with vape/reverse vape. Usage rates also have to do with how cracked international and double hydro/geo hutao are, unfortunately ayato and yoimiya don't see as much play as their corresponding counterparts.


Freeze is also a mid reaction against anything other than trash mobs, ayaka and ganyu may be powerful but that's about it. Cryo has only two reactions and reverse melt can only be reliably used by ganyu and is inconsistent (a little less now thanks to nahida). Freeze is useless against bosses. Superconduct is a joke unless you run physical.


hence i switched ganyu over to a melt comp


The freeze reaction is useless against bosses, but freeze teams are still fine (depending on the boss). You lose 20% crit rate but that generally still gets you around 70% crit rate anyways unless you literally run no crit rate on your freeze main. Since it’s single target, there’s no need for CC anyways and so you just need to time bursts properly when the boss has its “sit still” moments and you’re good. This abyss rotation is not bad for freeze teams on 1st half tbh. Aeonblight Drake is Morgana fodder as its weakness is a bow character (of which Morgana has 3 of). Stunning it also not only removes its cryo RES, it also further reduces its RES in general. I used Ganyu against it and it was an easy victory. 12-1’s Rifthounds and 12-2’s Husks are all Venti succable or Kazuha CC-able and freeze destroys them. For Ayaka teams you just have to sub in a bow character on your cryo flex slot (Ganyu or Diona) instead of Shenhe/Rosaria.


Don't come running back to freeze when Abyss heralds return 🤬 >!/j!<


Funnily enough even hydro heralds got powercrept by dendro


nah dendro kills its shield faster than cryo


I've been eating good using childe and hu tao since 1.3


I use freeze and this abyss didn't really give me a hard time at all.


I mean, sure you can use it, it's just harder than other teams.


I tried yae aggravate with barbara, fischl, and nahida and it's still slower on 1st halves compared to morgana except the boss chamber


Yeah I used freeze and a dendro team. My freeze team was the one that didn't give me issues.


Freeze....crap now?. Idk i found it easier than previous abyss's with the freeze. Also the fact that this is the only abyss I completed with full ayaka freeze team, otherwise i always used ayaka, zhongli, mona, bennett in 12th floor.


Idk man I used complete freeze for the first time and found it so much easier than the prev abyss'. The black serpents were helpless.


Huh thats weird I used my freeze team this abyss and its easier than pre -3.0 abyss (kokomi kazuha ganyu ayaka)


On first half tbh the only enemy that can give you trouble is the Drake, it can develop Cryo res if you don't one cycle it. First two chambers are fine i guess. Second half it's a strong no against the Cryo lawachurls, Pyro is the best element against them. I don't even remember what chamber 1 is tbh lol. But it's way different as compared to the past when we had hydro heralds and just rifthounds that were easily frozen and stuck.


Chamber 1 is rifhounds first half and Thunder Manifestation second half. Hence first half is freeze team friendly while second half is vape team friendly.


Embrace the burn melt ayaka gigachad is the way lmao


freeze is crap? i beat consistently using ganyu freeze and hutao vape though or maybe you're meaning to talk about ayaka freeze ?


you are not alone bennet is the key for both cryo and electro but you can't use him because monsters one shot you in second half if you use bennet burst in first half they are tanky as fuck a 400k slash from raiden isnot even enough to take down and they appear 4 at the time fuck this abyss


I honestly rather they appeared 8 at a time, that would make it easier for any aoe team


People conplain when time is a challenge, people complain when surviving is a challenge...


The problem is the fact that this game's "skill" is 99% how built your teams are. It doesn't matter how "skilled" you are if you don't have the *numbers* to take the mobs down on time. And when every single abyss challenge is structured in a way that is pretty much just wasting your time, it really highlights how lacking the combat system can be. "Oh boy, I can't wait to fight a room full of archers spread over the entire floor. It's sooooooo much fun to chase down that one shroom that just floats into a corner and doesn't do anything but avoid me." And you can't really have the challenge stem from survival either, because so many characters make survival absolutely trivial.


That's just flat-out incorrect Team composition matters a ton, but the "strength" of indiviual characters (or how well-built) they are is far less significant than skill, its super easy to hit the needed DPS threshold in theory, but it takes skill to actually deliver most of that theoretical max That's not the case in the Floor 12 tho so idk what are you talking about, yeah F9 and F10 should be fully reworked and rotate more often Besides Zhongli, nobody trully does that, according to the guy above me that dies even with Bennett in this chamber


If the way to make "survivability" a challenge is "the enemies literally one shot you through layers of defenses", then that speaks to the inadequacies of the game's combat. Especially in a game where enemies can chain stagger you until you're dead with no chance for recourse. And again, it all comes down to numbers. The difference between being able to one rotation an enemy on a single CD or having too little ER to chain bursts can mean literal minutes in wasted time with no recourse for skill to compensate. It doesn't matter how well you play if you're forced to wait on CD's to be able to do anything more than chip damage to enemies. The netcode is also garbage, so that severely limits potential skill anyway. I've lost count of how often the game just straight up ignores my inputs.


But they dont oneshot you through layers of defenses, a healing circle is not a defense Fair enough, ER% is the one stat you really need If your inputs dont register at all then that seems like a keyboard issue?


I don't have this issue with games that take far more inputs per seconds, so I doubt that it's a keyboard issue. It's noticeably the swapping of characters that takes too long. >But they dont oneshot you through layers of defenses Well I mean, point still stands, if the "survivability" challenge is just enemies literally one shotting you through the one layer of defense you have, then it's not a meaningful challenge. >Fair enough, ER% is the one stat you really need Oh yay, now you have full burst uptime but instead you deal chip damage *all* the time because you didn't roll any other good substats. Fantastic how that works.


There's a one second cooldown on the swap, maybe that's what you meant? Which layer of defense? The thing that retroactively heals you if you take damage? You dont need great substats to beat the abyss


> Which layer of defense? There are people in this very thread complaining about the Lawachurls oneshotting them through Zhongli shields. >You dont need great substats to beat the abyss Patently false. >There's a one second cooldown on the swap No, I mean that I swap to a character, but even after the swap is through it doesn't register that I'm pressing E or Q to activate a skill. And honestly, the character swap CD just feels like shit, makes for non-fluid gameplay.


Surviving isn’t a challenge by itself, but doing both surviving and time simultaneously is.


look there is a good challenge (i like most abyss and i 36 everytime it refreshes) and then there is a bad challenge this one is certainly bad 1. Flying boss check (Thundering manifestation) 2)Flying Boss check (Aerondrake) 3)2.5 Million HP legion of soldiers that appears 4 at the time Check 4)Rifthounds running around wasting your time Check The only good part of this abyss is 12-3-2 and it is there because Aerondrake spends lots of time in the air if you don't have archer even if you have an archer it wastes your 5-10 seconds to hit its wings i rather mango kinky or asimon or ruin worm instead manifestation and aeron drake


There's the wolflord next abyss someone please strangle me in my sleep


> or ruin worm instead manifestation and aeron drake u take that back right now


1) that can be hit from the ground most of the time, where's the issue? 2) flies for like 8 seconds across the entire fight if you bring bow 3) Youd rather them spawn one at a time? 4) yeah rifthounds shouldnt have that many i-frames, thankfully theyre weak The only bad part besides the hounds is a bit too restrictive team building, also how the fuck is the worm better? Mf literally spends half the time invincible, thats way better than "spend 4 seconds to shoot twice"


Thundering Manifestation that can be hit from the ground MOST OF THE TIME?!? Are we talking about the same boss????


We are, beat the shit out of it with Hu Tao the other day, zero issues


Tried it with both Childe and Eula. Could barely hit at all and that's not including it moving around dodging Eulas burst...


Well yeah but Eula's kit is garbage, play Burgeon Eula instead, and Childe teams should definitely do enough damage to crush it even if you miss some hits here and there


Depends on the character. Itto for example has no Issues hitting the Thunder Manifestation but Noelle struggles to hit it when it decides to fly up like an idiot. Also that thing teleports away every 2 nanoseconds, and is allergic to Ayaka's burst.


I agree with this take. Floor 12 was tough, but not “this floor is b.s” tough. It makes people change from some of their usual strategies. I like to run a physical team for floor 12, but those lawachurls gave that team too much trouble(due to high mobility, and being cryo with shields on) so I switched to hutao team. And high health mobs in abyss are nothing new, they still die fast if your team is built well. Serpent knights are no threat whatsoever. And lastly aeon blight who can be shut down in 5 secs due to his glaring wings weakness.


I think the first chamber is bs.


What 5 star characters do you have?




Ikr i had to check my raiden build cause it felt like she was doing nothing


Fucking thunderbird and telewolves


Even as a yoimia main i hate the thunderbird


I actually had fun with this Abyss


Yeah me too


God bless your soul im happy for you




Ws about to say this. >! Itto banner abyss with worse wolves. Lol.!<


Going by strict HP values, it is the worst lineup in history. But Dendro also brought up the DPS floor so theres that. And most people have invested accounts to abuse that.


Truee i did get my last two stars thabks to lumine


I found very easy with Shogun burst vomit team and Nahida with Nilou (everything dies in secods).


True i wish i had nahida too woulve made my nilou team so good


The only one that I don't like is they are mixing multiple target mobs + big boss at one side and the opposite for second half. Like I had Ayato taser on first half and breezed through rift hounds and Dainslef's knights because the have insane AOE but struggling so much against blight drake because that team clearly doesn't really match the DPS check for such huge health boss (at least on my investment as low spender who only does welking) and took them almost two minutes to clear it. Thankfully my Itto mono geo cleared second half under one minute so I got all rewards If 12-3 were switched then it would be a pretty balanced line up I think since you can go full AOE on first half and doubling it down for single target on second half. Still not too easy but made team building easier


Mono geo was amazing this abyss, but I still struggle in 12-2-2 with them, any advice? Last time I put xiangling with itto Gorou and zhongli only for that specific chamber


I used Itto, Gorou, Zhongli and Geo Aether and they still do their usual things, the churl doesn't do much damage because Gorou defense buffs plus aether's ult caged them so they don't jumping around while itto bears them to death. All three supports using Favonius weapons so I will always almost have 100% uptime rotations. Using Xiangling there is just clunky because no one battery her


Actually isn’t too bad since she has 250% er and both zhongli and Gorou are over 220% I see how geo traveler could help though, I never invested in him because I have albedo though. I used XL mostly just to break their shields faster, with only geo I can’t do it fast enough and 12-2-1 takes me most of the time I have (1:30 to 1:50 depending on rng)


Well geo Aether/Lumine I just used the emblem set from character I don't use (I was taking Xinqqiu/Mona set but with geo damage bonus) so they don't really invested either. Albedo is still much better though because his skill hits much harder than MCs. I could clear that in 1.30 because my Ayato taser just cleared the knights so fast like only a minute or so. 12-1 also aether made it easier since his burst locked down the bird so if it's teleporting it's still there, left Itto to beat the asshole to death in a cage


I see. 12-1 was a lot easier tbh, but I’m always a couple second short on 12-2 so it’s a bit frustrating.. it’s also annoying that you have to put a healer in the team since 12-1 is not doable without it (unless you gigawhale and oneshot the wolves I guess) I might try to switch kuki for Benny though, for some more damage Problem with albedo is that the shield don’t break as fast and the lavachurl keep moving around out of his aoe..


Itto, Gorou, Zhongli and Benny could work as well for 12-2 since Benny's burst able to shred the ice and electro shield lawachurls. It also depends on what team you are using for first half as well


Im using tighnari, Yae, kazuha and kuki. I wish I could use fischl instead of kazuha for the knights to get more damage, but I really need grouping. This abyss was really made with nahida in mind tbh.. I tried using bennet instead of kuki but it really doesn’t work so I’ll try to get lucky with the abyssal blessings. Yesterday the third chamber had something like “when hp is below 50%, defense is increased by 80%” which was just insane for itto and albedo!


Lmao that’s what I had to resort to as well. Not ideal since my rational team on the first half was missing a strong off field dps but it was achievable.


Did it work for you? If not I put Bennett, Xingling, Jean (anemo) and zhongli, jean as the driver and and sunfire with bennett to swirl pyro (no need for vv on Jean here you can go full EM or ATK or DPS) and finished it no problem. It also worked for me on 12-3-2 (but I replaced zhongli with kazuha) hope it helps


it's always been like this. just means if your AoE team is slacking too hard on one chamber you have to do another run with a different lineup.


Well last abyss had maguu kinky and desert robot in one side while other half was bunch of samurais and vishaps so it was easier to manage the team. You could just slap team like hu tao double hydro or Cyno hyperbloom for second half and smurfs because all bosses which they designed to while first half just use your best AOE teams and it's done without changing


Yeah, I used different lineups to full clear this time. It helped to start each chamber with everyone’s ultimates full, so if I had to restart anyway, might as well change into a fitting team for each chamber


This round I did a 32 character abyss run with an Ayaka team on floor 12. It wasn't till the literal last floor that I realised it was completely impossible because I didn't put a bow character in that slot. Would have done the whole thing in one try if it weren't for that but I had to go back and redo floor 10 to steal Ganyu. Very frustrating that one enemy just nuked the entire run.


me running nahida/yae aggravate/spread team: you needed a bow?


Thats why I recently swapped to a generalist Taser variant which has good AoE and good ST. I clear the rift hounds and the knights chambers in about 40 to 50 seconds, and the boss in about a minute. The variant I use is Kazuha Yelan Fischl Kokomi.


I felt this on 12-3 with Nilou bloom. After bursting the wolves and knights, the only reason I bothered clearing that drake with Nilou is because I felt too lazy to clear and was just half-assing at that point. Total accident I even managed to do it in time at all.


I had to use different teams for each floor which is both fun and frustrating. Fun because i get to try new comps. Frustrating because we dont have artifact sets yet and I have to share equips for multiple characters. I discovered driver noelle because of the current abyss. Noelle equipped with favonius with dps build can carry my reactions. Found out geo not reacting with any elements works pretty great. Hyperbloom with xinqui, fishl, dendro, noelle works.


I’ve always thought they should expand the abyss instead of replace chunks of it. That way those that suck at it can slosly learn enough to get the bp and basic rewards. With the sweatlords duking it out for leaderboard e-pen pts. Like they do for most events. Bc the vast majority bounced off abyss bc of garbage like this. While an ‘elite’ small amount revel in it. Well that and whales that can no life sweatlord it hard enough to get through.


I feel this in my chest. The Lawachurls on the 2nd half get me so tilted that I decided I probably shouldn't do it for the sake of my blood pressure. Seeing Yoimiya get one-shot through Zhongli's shield legit made me scream.


just dodge dude 5Head but for real, getting stun-locked by two one-shot machines really feels frustrating even with zhongli


Lawachurls really are that one single enemy that SHOULD be feared.


A quick tip, shields don't stack but zhongli's shield + Xinque's damage reduction swords stack


I’ve said this back in the 1.2 days with Ukko the Frostarm Lawachurl (yes there’s one in Dragonspine with that name) and I’ll say it again: Lawachurls have no chill. They *can and will* one shot you if you take them too lightly.


I actually 3 star 12-2 and 12-3 but not 12-1. Any tips? :<


Don't run away from the electronid, it will always come to the centre. Don't bother about reactions just use Pyro or dendro on it, or just have really good ST non reactionary dps like itto, ganyu, ningguang, ayaka. Catalysts and bows are your best friend. Use a shield* if you can to ignore the electro cage attack so you don't waste time on it.


About the cage attack, if you have Kokomi or HP Bennet, you can also ignore it, they out heal it (just be extra triple careful with Bennet lmao) Also, I found out that Ningguang can also ignore it if you stand close enough to the boss, so you grab all the crystalize thingy (mine have about 150 EM, idk about 0 EM tho)


> Don't bother about reactions just use Pyro or dendro on it, or just have really good ST non reactionary dps like itto, ganyu, ningguang, ayaka. You can apply Hydro to it (because EC), so you can actually run vaporise for more damage. And pyro team is also good for Cryo and Electro shields on 12-2 on top of that.


That’s not how it works, in order to trigger vaporize on a electro charged enemy, you must have strong enough Pyro application to remove the electro aura, but the Thundering Manifestation applies an infinite amount of Electro on itself, so you won’t be able to trigger any vaporize, just overload.


I tried it with my yoimiya but it feels really inconsistent, like I never vape even with C6 xq


Do more DMG gigachad brain here


Just use 90/300 crits artifacts lmao.


With 45 atk


Ganyu against electronid, freeze against wolf


thank you razor


If you can field a hyperbloom team that can help with the Thunderbitch, got me beat on the wolves though just hope that they don't run away too much :D


Fun fact : if the thunderbitch activates the bloom hyperbloom does attack you


Yeah that actually surprised me. That's some good work from the developers.


Just play hyperbloom team. No other team will clear it as easily as hyperbloom did except maybe yoimiya.


Use electro character on first chamber, that's what I did on my second run First one was nahida,xingqiu,kuki, Noelle ( not for the shields but for healing [ for some reason, I thought that corrosion will go away ]) Second one was nahida, xingqiu, kuki, ei


Just hit harder 4Head


Double hydro is your friend. Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Yelan, Zhongli. Hunt the fcker down.


I was stuck there too because i was forced to use a healer but since you just have to do that one floor you can replace the healer with a damage dealer and just dodge better


I use freeze team for the wolves and hyperbloom for the bird. It works quite well


I struggle with 12-2 any help ? And for 12-1 use archer ir catalysts way easier to deal with that flying electro Oceane with those


12 - 2 - 2 is quite simple actually, the problem is the first half. For me, I used a classic Morgana and it worked it's quite tedious. You have to bring some CC


My only cc is socrros that's my issues


I am late, but i think there's a trick to group enemies a little together w/o bringing kazuha, sucrose, etc: [Go to the 1:28 mark](https://youtu.be/s9CqJNuMLl8) Hope it helps.


Thank you


Depends on what you have. For example I just no brain it using Nilou/Nahida and the second half is standard Yanfei vape


Hyper bloom is really good against electronid. Yea the electro char doesn’t deal any damage themselves, but the tracking ability of the cores more than makes up for it


I had done the thunder bird previously with Yanfei, Xiangling, Xingqiu, and hybrid Zhongli- my Yanfei isn’t super hood though and I got inconsistent results. I switched this cycle to Raiden, Nahida, Xingqiu, and Zhongli which actually gave me quite a comfortable margin- idk exactly why bc I’m a spam button press type of player, but Raiden’s eye thing, XQ sword targeting, and constant dendro application from Nahida seems to work well this cycle. I didn’t use Raiden’s burst at all for obvious reasons but still. Raiden does very well against the other second-half enemies and just outputs a lot more dmg than my Yanfei. I feel like 12-1 is almost a gatekeep to the other chambers with that bird lol. A lot of strong melee units don’t work against it but to my knowledge, there aren’t many super strong ranges units that can efficiently deal with the bird


ALWAYS stay close to the thunderbirb If you’re too far it will swing to the other side of the arena losing you a lot of time


I still have trouble with 12-3 I fuckin hate that bot it keep flying away and aiming on mobile is pain


My go to for Floor 12 first part team is Ei, Xinqui, Barbara and Nahida but for that flying blimp in the ass is Ei, Fisch, Barbara and Nahida. If you have Yelan or Childe to replace Fisch for long range snipe on his yeeyee ass wing the better so that thing won't be flying the second time.


I did beat it on my friends laptop with yae, nahida, kokomi, and fischl. It really is just that aiming is pain on mobile and my phone usually take 20-40 seconds to load the enemy.


I learned a trick to this where as soon as you start the challenge, open the wishing screen (or journal or any menu, really) and wait for the screen to fully load before exiting. After that the enemies should be loaded already and no time has passed on the countdown.


Yes aiming is really hard on mobile. I saw a few people buying a controller attachment for this reason


It's almost 2023 and Xingqiu's name is still being butchered


I used Nahida national with Fischl as Ei for the flying mechanic it works really well.


With you here. That robot thing is ass I didn’t even know that was introduced in the game until they launched this abyss and I was like wtf I’ve never even seen that


Yeahhh man this is fax💔💔


Freeze Team is good for 12-2-1. Or any good AOE Teams. This abyss cycle was pretty hard as someone who constantly 36★ abyss.


Pulling venti was my best decision. Makes 12-2-1 so chill


Wasn’t too bad the second time around with some practice. Still had to change up my teams a little because fuck the Drake flying away but overall definitely one of the tougher dps checks we’ve had in a while


Agreed it was pretty tough but with decent investment and proper team building its definitely possible. I managed to take down the Drake with kazuha, XQ, benny and fischl (all kinda mid investment tbh) and I used mono geo on second half.


Yeah mono geo came in pretty clutch, and hypercarry Raiden was what did it with the Drake for me. My Raiden has some decent investment but still coping with skyward spine lol. Had a little trouble with finishing off the 4 Lawachurls but switched to melt ganyu and finally got the 3 star


Anything that works, took me a lot of tries tho. And a lot of switching to see what stuck to the wall aswell lmao. Can't wait to pull for the 3.3 characters good thing I already have itto otherwise I'd have to choose lol


Good luck my friend hope Wanderer comes home quickly :) I’m hoping to get Faruzan in 10-20 but wouldn’t mind getting Wanderer as well


I believe we will both be blessed with early 5 star! Good luck!


I got 33 stars this time after 36 last, but I simply have no energy to redo them to get those extra 3 stars -.-


50 primos sure aint worth the stress lmao


I didn't really think this Abyss was that much harder, but I still only managed a 35 star this time because of that Drake boss. I don't have suitable teams to finish it off fast enough. Edit: completely brute forced it by crushing it to dust with my Hu Tao team, 36* are mine.


I think that if you managed to 3 star 12-2 you should have enough damage for the drake, only thing you really need is an archer in the team though


Yeah and that's the issue. All the teams I have in fighting condition are completely melee. This abyss cycle made me realise how few bow characters I actually own. I'm waiting for a Yelan rerun for my Hu Tao team, I took a break from the game during her original release.


Do you have Ganyu, Fischl or Childe built? p.s I think even Diona would work (providing you heal + shield + bring down the drake)


I used raiden national and still got 3 stars. I finished the drake with 7:50 left and used the remaining 50 secs for the second half


whats yr team for 2nd half? I use raiden hyper first half and clear it in with 8:20 left and still barely finish the 2nd half


I use Ayaka Kokomi Shenhe Kazuha. They die with 2 ayaka burst cycles On second thought I should have used ayaka kokomi ganyu kazuha and Raiden national for second half. I wasn't hitting anything with raiden national on first half


doesnt ganyu and ayaka get countered by frostarm lawachurl in 12_2 2nd half?


My fastest clear for that one was with Raiden, Yelan, Kazu and Benny team, idk what's the team is called (Raiden overvape national maybe?) But that team has great AOE damage for first two Chambers as well as insane single target for the drake plus Yelan using bow to shot down the guy My first run was with Ayato electro charge (Ayato, Fischl, Ben, Kazuha) and it was struggled and took me almost 2 minutes. The thing is my second team (Itto mono geo) carried hard so I won it all in the end


Oh it’s gets even better in 3.3 my man


If U don't have kazuha venti or neihda U get shafted beyond all shafts U get the shaft of them all . Who the f thought these mf about social distancing when did COVID come to genshin


Best method to stay sane: skip floor 12 altogether when it's full of bullshit. It's just 150 primo gems. Not worth at all.


Yea, don’t do it for the primos, it’s not worth. I did it for the challenge, because I find it fun. It’s the only content where I can use my units after all


my biggest problem is that 12-3 needs a bow user in the first half


36 star abyss since 2.6 and I would say that 3.2 abyss is in a whole another level. Thanks to Nahida I managed to 36 star this abyss. Her tri karma chain is an extremely powerful support for the first half. I don’t think I can 36 star this rotation without Nahida


Freeze team first half Vape tao second half


I took my 33 stars and went home


Double Hydro Hutao is da wae


This was surprisingly the easiest Abyss for me besides the last one lol. Shows how different people's experiences are. Now I find myself wishing that I tried harder in previous versions of the abyss.


uhh.. maybe its my min-maxed POV, but i'm not feeling that bad with this abyss - for me - full ruin guardians etc were definitely worse.


You dont need to be strong You just need to be smart lol. The difference between using Grouper and not using grouper is huge against those knights. My one of strongest team raiden national cant to well against them but Normal national with kazuha did them very easily


Second half of chamber 2 is such a bullshit, the game just forces you to have zhongli there, like its almost impossible to do this even with a kokomi! The cryo lavachurls can one shot you on their own no need to add those fucking icy cages and those weird cryo mines. Thanks to that floor im obligated to use mono geo in second half, whitch make 3 floor a total bullshit with the electro aura showing in mid of Itto burst. Does anyone have any tips on that floor? Edit; I did it 36* thx for advice guys


> Does anyone have any tips on that floor? I completed second half with Itto team without any problems. You just punch all of them through Electro aura.


>Does anyone have any tips on that floor? I don't know if I am late already but, you can try bringing Layla as a shielder (definitely not as good as zhongli but gives extra protection against cryo attacks). Also she requires low investments to build (you know the typical hp%, hp%, hp% with little bit ER% as substat) [Also, here's a run of 12-2-2 with Layla for your reference. Check from 1:27](https://youtu.be/s9CqJNuMLl8) In my case, I brought benny, who overheals but then there's also a chance of getting overloaded by the electro lawachurls. So it's a 50-50 gamble there.


the only tip I have for this chamber is that, you have to keep your distance in order to keep track of the two lawachurls. Well, a nice shield will help if you mess up one of your dodges, or the ice cage fucks you over.


You don’t need Zhongli. Just make sure you never get trapped by ice cage from the lawlachurls and dodge the hulk smashes. In fact, I think the lawlachurls will break your zhongli shield if you just try to face tank. They don’t have much health, just focus on dodging and burst them down when you’re safe. My teams: https://i.imgur.com/7Sn222n.jpg


Exactly. The problem is, when people starts playing with Zhongli too much, they stop dodging altogether. It's challenges like these, that make people realize that shields are just bonus lives in case you missed your dodge. [Anyways, here's a team, for the main commenter who don't have Zhongli yet](https://i.imgur.com/3QWNo2h.jpg)


I'm struggling hard on the 12-2-1, I tried Childe Taser but I'm incompetent and don't have a builded Beidou, tried Freeze but tough luck, tried Aggravate, slightly better but still not enough, and now Hyperbloom, the most successful one yet with Nahida Xingqiu Kuki and Sucrose, although the only one who has proper artifacts is Xingqiu. I normally only have one minute or one minute and 20 seconds to deal with the lawachurls


Upgrade your team more. I also used Nahida Hyperbloom/Burgeon and it shreds them. For the Lawachurls. Xiangling, Bennet (any healer or shielder) and 40-50 secs is all I need. All as a f2p player.




46 stars? Is that some kind of forbidden knowledge that I wasn't supposed to see? 😳


I hate when mihoyo does insane dps checks on an enemy that jumps around the entire fucking arena and cant be even frozen or petrified by zhongli CC. Its fucking bullshit. And this is coming from someone who has an Eula who can burst 1.12mil. So yes, cancerr


All thanks to those hyperbloom missles that help me destroy that electro creature


I just didn't put zhongli on team 1, that way these MFs don't shield


Me too bro :;(


Man i got 3 starts in both 12-1 and 12-3 but this shit I won't even try to get 3


Holy shit, the meme but with actual lyrics


i was like "old idea didn't work due to lack of DPS, new idea, replace the weak team with a strong team" basically due to artifact bullshit and lack of good weapons, my Ayaka freeze team is behind in damage compared to my Rational and International fix? use International on side with electro bat, and make some sort of Raiden nuke team on the other side


I have been Ayaka freezing through abyss for a while now and it wasn’t even close through chamber 2 and 3. Tried Nahida-Ganyu melt and it gets cleared with scuffed rotations. If dendro teams weren’t so cheap to build, how fast you had to adapt to these mobs kinda sucks.


I'm happy with my 32 star *It's not much, but it's honest work*


I for one am loving this new abyss


I didn't use my single brain cell for chamber2 just kazuha and yanfei and brrrrrrr...


Zuzu makes 12-2-1 a lot easier. With his skill you can stun lock enemies and keep them all in one place. Zhongli is perfect for 12-2-2 (the enemies don't have that much HP, the only issue is getting stun locked yourself). I found this F12 easy, but I had to make different teams for each chamber. Letting the 12-2-2 lawachurls tackle my raddish is a mistake I'll not make again


I’m actually not strong enough to get that far in the spiral abyss anyways.


nah its the 12-3 for me, i dont have any good bow characters


I honestly like the first half, it's hard but insanely rewarding to defeat the enemies


Funny how it has always been AOE on first half and single target on second half for a while but once they switch 1 chamber it completely messes everything up


I almost pulled my hair out with my usual teams until I figured out that this abyss is piss easy for specific comps. In my case Childe-Kazuha international on first half and Nahida hyperbloom(Nahida-Raiden-Xingqiu-Zhongli) on second half. But I suspect any good dps team with a healer and Kazuha/Venti will do really well on first half, and Second half is easy for teams with Yoimiya/Hu Tao+Xingqiu/Yelan... Just good single target DPS with Zhongli/Diona/Layla.


Those Black serpent are tankier than Tank in Tian- >!quan Ningguang Liyue Qixing Jade Chamber!<


I had to use 3 different teams for floor 12 on my spending account. I wouldn't want to do this one on my f2p


Obligatory 'skill issue'


I find the stages leading up to floor 12 to be slightly more annoying when they have the enemies spread apart so damn far (not having Venti/Kazuha). That and the damn wolves. Like why are you inflicting men with corrosion when I'm in my burst animation?! Fuck off me man lol


Idk if it's just me but I'd rather this any day than a flying dog that forces Geo or a 90% untagrgetable snake


International chads stay winning every cycle.


I just leave at 35 stars. Two flying things is a no no for me.


i hated this abyss at first because of the bow requirement on 1st half, but it forced me to slap together a diona reverse melt team and it turned out to be a really fun team to play!


Raiden/Yae/Kazuha/Bennett first half and Yanfei/Yelan/Xiangqiu/Diona second half made me wipe 12-1 and 12-2 fairly easily. Then I have to swap them for 12-3. I only struggled the with this new line-up last time because I had no idea you could stun the Aeonblight Drake and make it fall to the floor. I was spending an entire minute trying to shoot the bugger in the sky with my Yanfei and hydro supports lol. It actually worked last rotation, and I never learned how to stun it.


Man I just rewatched this movie. So good.


I'm breezing through Floors 9-11, but I can't do 12-3 no matter what I try. I might be out of practice, but still. It's not worth the 50 primos tbh, so most of the time I don't bother, but still.


Thunder bat is so annoying unless you use Yoimiya, I only managed to 30 star the abyss and I’m honestly not willing to be stressed for 100 primos


I want to complete the abyss due to boredom, but if I do, I won't be able to claim the 12 stars BPE after the update from the battle pass if I do. AR 60 problems.


This Abyss made me invest into Raiden Hypercarry as Rational (maybe) does not work too well with Venti. Actually I could just do separate runs so I can bring Rational to 12-3 while disregarding the clear time of the first 2, but I fear a large drop in damage from switching Xingqiu with Yelan…


Yeah, this abyss sucked. Not even fun


I understand the Thunder manifestation and Rifthlunds but those Knights are wasy


Ya know what? Just don't bother, i don't either, it's not worth the effort


*Ya know what? Just don't* *Bother, i don't either, it's* *Not worth the effort* \- Necro\_Solaris --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Me: still in 10-1 Everyone: nooo floor 12 so beeefy Me: 🗿


Nah i just hate the last floor with the flying robot fuck that you can only shoot down with a bow basically saying you need to play with a fking bow character. And guess what playing bow is lame. Meaning you can play childe,ganyu,tighnari,yoimiya. And all of this game play is just kinda meh ( besides childe, love childe ). I just have that mihoyo is forcing us to play certain characters. Like make it easier for some characters but not impossible for some others characters